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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11462452 No.11462452 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11462464
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>> No.11462501
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Trillions of dollars will flow through the Stellar network,

>> No.11462527

There's no existing digital asset that can handle that volume. I read this as meaning that IBM or someone else at the top will create some absolutely massive volume stablecoin to mediate the exchanges. The fact that bagholders seem to think that global banks will push trillions through the XLM token is more sad than funny.

>> No.11462534

XTL is unironically better with a smaller cap and is mineable, also literally sends money instantly, and can also not be traced. It's like it's better or something.

>> No.11462537
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Just went allin whit all I ahd 2.4 btc


>> No.11462569

Dam. How is this not ripple basically

>> No.11462579


Large transactions only
High XLM values only

>> No.11462630
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>> No.11462661

IBM has been created in 1911. It has seen other market crashes.
Now kys faggot.

>> No.11462672

Only 40k lumens(some bought recently), should I just fuck my shit up and end it f.am?

>> No.11462684

hold on tight, coinbase soon.

>> No.11462743


>> No.11462881
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Ripple=for proffit

Stelalr got broader usecases as tokenized ecconomy, assets on chain and so on.

Stelalr got inflation built in

Oh one more thing sweet bonus when ripple moons stelalr moons because based Jed dumps his bags on them

>> No.11462893
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Dude i got only 60K xlm now hope its enough

>> No.11462903
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>> No.11463008

IBM confirmed retards. Re-creating the solution Ripple abandoned 3 years ago without learning any of the lessons.

>> No.11463108

The hype is real.

>> No.11463127
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we are all early adopters confirmed, BUY BUY BUY

>> No.11463276

They did not mention Stellar Lumen...

>> No.11463322

why stellar? this video is about ibm

>> No.11463500

https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/solutions/world-wire ctrl f, type stellar, then go buy as much stellar as you can afford

>> No.11463547

i can afford 350k xlm but not too sure how it would increase in value from ibm using their protocol

>> No.11463595

To use the SCP you have to use the native asset. Lumens in this case

>> No.11463609
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1usd EoY
ez g(8-t)+ns
ty /biz/

>> No.11463615

Ez millionaire decision

>> No.11463630

also https://careers.ibm.com/ShowJob/Id/312093/Financial-Blockchain-Engineer/

XLM is the rail

>> No.11463644


>> No.11463655

i see a prominent link logos but zero rockets

>> No.11463680
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ill stick with XRP the standard.

>> No.11463712

heres hoping

>> No.11463731

for you retards who still dont get it:
stellar spent all year designing lightning for high value institutions and governments who want private payment rails that interact seamlessly with things like world wire
those rails require twice the max transferred value in "staked" xlm
the value of an xlm can be looked at now in three ways:

value of high volume private secure payment rails for governments and large banks
as a total network value for a universal asset liquidity layer that allows even illiquid assets access to a global, auto-routing liquidity layer
as the utility value of 100000 transactions (current cost of xlms); also realize that the 100000 number is set by sdf- what happens when most of the worlds simple fiscal traffic is dependent on xlm and ibm infrastructure, will the transaction/lumen rate go up or down?


>> No.11463752
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>> No.11463799

Could someone explain this to a brainlet. Isn´t this what Swift is trying to accomplish with Chainlink? Or are there any differences? And also, how will Stellar or IBM get off chain data?

>> No.11463849
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you idiots. this has chainlink written all over it.

>> No.11463851

>Based on trust and decentralization
>We fully vet each participating institution

Bravo, another permissionned meme network.

>> No.11463868

swift is providing api access and data via chainlink for highly complex, recurring and deterministic contracts
think fees in the 10s to 10000s of dollars per contract
ibm is plugging their existing network which already handles 75% of bank activity into xlm and using xlm for value transfer and routing
think a private individual transferring a few hundred dollars to their family in another country whenever they have it

the former is for b2b high value complex transactions where the entities have low trust for one another

the latter is for high frequency transfer of user set amounts of value where everyone basically trusts each other and the actions arent dependent on external data like interest rates, asset prices etc.

>> No.11463872

Before Ripple had xCurrent, xRapid, and xVia, their solution was to have banks issue IOU's (like stablecoins) on the XRP Ledger and settle every transaction on ledger. XRP could also be used as a bridge. This is identical to Worldwire on Stellar.

Here's an article referring to this older solution. It gets posted as fud because people don't understand the context.


>In an interview with Reuters, Schwartz argued that despite the fact that banks acknowledge blockchain technology’s potential in reducing transaction times and costs, the technology is still not scalable and not private enough to be implemented by banks on a global scale.

>Marcus Treacher, senior VP of Ripple customer success, said the firm had launched a project to offer banks “classic” blockchain-powered payments. However, the banks rejected the initiative, citing that one cannot just put “the whole world on a blockchain.”

>> No.11463898

this is exactly why the entire development focus of the fastest, cheapest network has been lightning for the last year
this is why xrp is meaningless and will die
this is why xlm is setting up to be the fiscal backbone of worldwide banking for the next 50 years

>> No.11463906

What does lightning have to do with this?

>> No.11463922

Static channels. Private channels for more discrete transactions.

See >>11463731

XLM’s development for this entire year was focused on LN integration with a Q4 release. And in this case they are on schedule

>> No.11463951

Why is it taking them so long to copy/paste? XRP has had payment channels implemented for over a year and a half.

I hope it's not actually related in any way to the broken bitcoin LN.

>> No.11464117

i know this if faggot tier bait, but for those that dont get it:
tech doesnt matter in crypto
network effect is everything
xrp is great tech run by scumbags everyone hates
and its being killed by its maker
xlm is the pet of the most trusted name in tech
tech means nothing in crypto
network effect is everything

>> No.11464251


>> No.11464533

>tech doesnt matter in crypto
>network effect is everything
Try again. Network effect is worthless if your tech is DOA.

>xrp is great tech run by scumbags everyone hates
Only anarchists and people invested in cryptos other than XRP hate Ripple. The banks and FI's who actually matter don't share that opinion.

>xlm is the pet of the most trusted name in tech
Not sure who you're talking about because that's definitely not IBM.

>> No.11464642

>no youre wrong!
>my opinion matters!
thank you for sharing

>> No.11464738

im curious how this would affect IBM stock price as well. i take it the goal would be to replace the current bank transfer protocol, no idea what this does to cash flow

>> No.11464768

if ibm becomes synonymous with enterprise integration of blockchain tech for the f500 ibm stock will do well
it seems that is their play for the next 3-5 years

>> No.11464819

Next week with sibos should be big

>> No.11464827

/biz/ retards will sell the news and move into meme shitcoins like LINK and miss the most guranteed 100x in crypto with XLM

>> No.11464874

Stellar is too big for biz retards to have an effect.Wlll likley pump off it like ripple did a few weeks back.This isnt 2017 anymore, big money is in stellar, not just 4chan neets. biz has no effect on the top 10 coins.

>> No.11464912

Based Jed has literally billions of xrp he's dumping
Top kek