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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11454888 No.11454888 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the fud?

People accumulating before constantinople?

>> No.11454913

hodling to Istanbul

>> No.11454933

It got delayed, faggot. This coin is fucking dead

>> No.11454940

Just think there is groups of people buying EOS instead of ETH by the thousands of dollars right now. Literally why poor people will never make it. B-but eth is $200 and EOS is $5 LMAO. They fell for the cant scale meme

>> No.11454955

What FUD? Constantinople got delayed in today's dev call until end of January 2019.

>> No.11455032
File: 128 KB, 1515x593, Screenshot_2018-10-19_15-18-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum is going extinct.

>> No.11455060

fucking cryptoboomers still investing in ETH, lmao

>> No.11455082

it's ok all the useful ETH dapps can migrate over to rootstock
I hope all your bags ain't too heavy

>> No.11455226

the fud is fucking real

constantinople delayed til 2019
constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019constantinople delayed til 2019

>> No.11455322

Is this crap ever going live?

>> No.11455361

eth will lose 80% of its value... its a shitcoin... like a chink coin.. but whites scam better

>> No.11455652
File: 9 KB, 250x196, 1512470591518s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yes and I hope it gets delayed more in 2019 this is literally my second chance¸, fucking sold at 50$ last time and btc maximalisam got betetr of me, now i know space and people working in I finally see full picture
>Perfect time to stack up fud is ath, icos runned out of eth to sell
>Everyone who knows anything about space is eth bullish (including ehm...binance and coinbase counting on it for they future infrastructure)
>Fags who think eos is next the shit gonna get rekt so hard, eth got like all big players onboard+all coders, and for rest of competition I dont know (cardano got impresive git and code by any messure for rest have no idea)

>no abillity to zoom out and be patient or see blessing this is is why most retards using tweeter, telegram and biz to shill and pump wont make it

Selling mooning alts to 200$ eth for 14 days now


This everything will scale whit time its not "can it anymore" but "when" +if eth fails crypto dies (maybe not bitcoin as speculative asset and bitmex toy).

Biz will cry how they missed eth second time in year remember this fren

>> No.11455739

>Ethereum is going extinct.
Transactions last 24h 587,562
Active Addresses last 24h 340,671

>> No.11455798

This means more time to accumulate

>> No.11455844
File: 100 KB, 1370x335, Screenshot_2018-10-19_16-32-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the entire Ethereum blockchain has fewer transactions in the past 24 hours than one single EOS dapp.

>> No.11455915

a couple million transactions per day is pathetic for a centralized platform

>> No.11455918

>1305 users
>1.2M feeless transactions
solid adoption
why don't you buy bitshares instead, it's clearly undervalued :)

>> No.11455946

>21 nodes verify a random number generator
What are EOS fags gonna use next to shill?

>> No.11455967
File: 54 KB, 514x334, eosprediction8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious salt. Keeping moving those goal posts

>> No.11455986

nobody is moving goal posts, stop posting screenshots of your own post.
right now eos is collapsing due to cpu shortage which is fucking hilarious. There are problems inherent in dpos, but eos is fucked up in so many other ways

>> No.11456014
File: 138 KB, 1820x895, kjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its just that people realize that ETH has no future.

>> No.11456029
File: 25 KB, 548x157, EOSfud3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is moving goal posts
Sure they are.

>right now eos is collapsing due to cpu shortage
imagine being this completely delusional. this is a "problem" that every other blockchain would kill to have.

>> No.11456053

>this is a "problem" that every other blockchain would kill to have.
you mean collapsing while having less daily users than bitcoin, all the while running on 21 servers in datacenters?

>It takes an outrageous amount of EOS to make a dApp run. The EOS Knight example is a good one : if you want to spam the game even during blocktwitter’s activity, you need 500 EOS x $5 = $2500.
>Now let’s think long-term and imagine the future we all want to live in, where the blockchain is 100 times more used, a token is $100 and there are companies with 1 million tokens staked for their own use (blocktwitter represents “only” 50K). Here you go : it now takes 1000000 x $100 = $100M to enjoy EOS Knights. One hundred freaking million. A whoping 10% improvement in BP’s hardware won’t help you, selling your house won’t help you, and even sidechains won’t help you at this point.


>> No.11456076
File: 144 KB, 765x794, Screenshot_2018-10-19_16-53-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ethereum bags must be killing you inside.

>> No.11456104

that site proves that eos transaction count is worthless because bitshares is worthless. That 'avi' metric tells which coins is the most 'undervalued'. Bitshares, steem, scr (?), only then eos.

Also that btc activity is fake
transactions last 24 hours 254,158
I have no idea where they got that 600k number

>> No.11456114
File: 134 KB, 1495x891, Screenshot_2018-10-19_16-55-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had flipped your Ethereum for EOS in February like I told you to, you could have increased your stack by 3x. It was a fool proof trade and the only people who didn't make it are the ones who believed the reddit FUD.

>> No.11456120

it had nothing to do with eos, ethereum scrapped hybrid casper which was priced in.

>> No.11456132
File: 889 KB, 1080x1101, cryptochangedecaug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has nothing to do with EOS
EOS is the best performing top 100 coin of 2018
pick one

>> No.11456164

that only shows that eos didn't fall below average ico price, good job I guess? very few projects do.
if hybrid pos wasn't scrapped ethereum would flip bitcoin due to 80% reduction in inflation. What eos did or not is irrelevant.

>> No.11456191

more than 1mln ether coins on 15/20 wallets were moved to binance, if you are on mex be prepared to short eth in case of a btc dump.
the proof is in the telegram channel that i can give if you leave me your contact.
personally i dont think we will dump now, but i expect next week to be red, also the movement of all this eth means someone is expecting a dump on the market...

>> No.11456193

ZRX outperformed EOS from 31.12.17 up to date, and I'm pretty sure others have too since your pretty chart does only show top 20 instead of top 100.

>> No.11456226

post the proof here

>> No.11456241
File: 150 KB, 1890x588, eosethereumprediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute cope. I just want you to know that I don't troll you mETHeads because I think I'm going to change your mind. You are the NPC's of crypto; the democrats of the blockchain. I just do it so that I can collect screenshots for future lulz

>> No.11456384

8 posts by this ID, you go to any ETH post in archives and you will see a blatant EOS shill talking about how superior EOS is, if you are going to shill at least use a VPN next time.

>> No.11456467

give me your telegram ill send you the channel

>> No.11456755

Delay != dead
These kind of precautions, taken despite the risk of decreasing the price, are exactly what makes me confident in ETH.

Also, I intended this thread to be a space where we could have a serious discussion, why are people mentioning Eos?

>> No.11456880

Just a largely worthless coin in comparison to practically all others out there.

>> No.11456909

Ethereum has achieved a legacy status just like Litecoin.

People might not be using it because of outdated tech right now, but at long term, 5 years, it's safe to say the price will increase to at least 1k

>> No.11456979

> useless

Just one example cause on my phone : https://www.businessinsider.com.au/ethereum-blockchain-bond-issue-world-bank-cba-2018-8

ETH has it failures, but useless, come on

>> No.11456988

Meant worthless