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11451306 No.11451306 [Reply] [Original]

>muh lightning network

>> No.11451474
File: 244 KB, 1529x830, bcashisnotbitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11451756

Seriously though - Lightning is such a cringe "solution"

>> No.11451822

everyone knows that as lightning network grows it'll be harder and harder to analyze the topography
this is part of its privacy features but muh hub and spoke retarded can't understand this

>> No.11451831

I dont understand how this is bad. Bcash shills are buthurt because they dont have lightning

>> No.11451833

bitcoin core doesn't even have a lighting network wallet
some people might work on both, but lightning has 3 major repos working on it within bolt specifications

>> No.11451849

late adopters like you are cringe

>> No.11451855

what's funny is cashies will say hey we're the longer chain without saying they rigged their chain with EDA and baiscally printed 100k bcash for the miners by abusing the EDA like 5+ times

>> No.11451870

>cringing about things that are not cringy
The absolute state of biz

>> No.11451879


>> No.11451885

So many triggered corecucks in here lmao

>> No.11451913

So many teenagers in here salty that they missed the real bitcoin

>> No.11451919


>> No.11451951

what's cringe is the "core cucks" are fucking rich and you're an altcoin poorfag

>> No.11451956

I want my blockchain so big, only the NSA can run a node. unlimited onchain TX

>> No.11451964

I can feel the corecuck salt here, LMAO.

>> No.11451969

What am I supposed to be seeing that is notable here?

>> No.11451980

Long time core cuck here from 2012 rich af and trading the BTC-bch pair to accumulate more bch, eventually going all in stay mad

>> No.11451985


>> No.11451991
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>> No.11452002
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long time core cuck here from 2012 rich af and trading the BTC-bch pair to accumulate more bch, eventually going all in stay mad
I hope you cashed out enough so you don't kill yourself lol

>> No.11452043

My bank account is full and comfy, so are my stablecoin holdings. I’m comfy thanks for your concern though

>> No.11452065

ok buddy enjoy trusting unregulated stable coins, exchanges, and banks with your "wealth"

>> No.11452069



>> No.11452073

what happens if a mimblewimble coin comes a long and eats both bch and btc lunch. core and cash cucks rekt. best to just stay vigilant and not become too biased .

>> No.11452084

everyone knows that as lighting network grows itl get more cripple and crippled because it doesn't solve the routing problem but bcore sheeple can't understand this.

>> No.11452086

you mean grin?
you need to be online and connected to the sender/receiver to create the mw transaction
not to mention grin has dogecoin's distribution schedule

>> No.11452091

Stay mad

>> No.11452108

oh the routing problem meme
I'd rather have 2nd layers being actively developed than shills pushing for megablocks and ruining the entire project

>> No.11452132

I'd rather have a next gen coin than anything starting with "Bitcoin ..."

>> No.11452141

honestly i don't know shit about it. but yeah was just reading about grin last night and I remember some smart people in the past talking like mimble wimble was very promising. shitty if you have to always be online to use it though , reading about the distrubtion and how mw works more rn.

>> No.11452149

because you missed your chance to own some buddy
you're a poor moonkid who doesn't realize the genius of bitcoin's creation
so go buy some premined crap or developer owned PoS and shill it here everyday until you lose your mind

>> No.11452157

yeah grin is cool I'm going to play with it when it's launched
if it can figure out the need to be online it'll be a lot more useful
maybe a MW sidechain would be cool and better than lightning network but idk the specifics on how it would work

>> No.11452194
File: 40 KB, 500x500, Lil Windex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil Windex - Bitcoin Ca$h (OFFICIAL VIDEO)


>> No.11453267


>> No.11453356

But Segwit broke the chain so Bitcoin Cash is now Bitcoin.
Segwit Coin is a Banker store of wealth product now.

>> No.11453433

Im pretty sure you dont need to be online for mw transactions.
What it cant do is scripting so no LNs, atomic swaps, channels, rsk

>> No.11453636
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>> No.11453652
File: 5 KB, 473x454, questioning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The meme cycles are going faster. We went from funny to reddit within a couple days

>> No.11453698

its not a meme.

second layer solutions are bad for the value of underlying asset. it brings in possibiility for cheating, fraud and inflation.

>> No.11453819

cool thanks for the info I'm still learning about that
that's not possible when it's pegged to the mainchain in a multisig wallet
if it's an exchange that controls the keys sure it could be fraud but not in lighting

>> No.11454562

Lightning is brilliant. Monero is awesome and chainlink is the catalyst

>> No.11454725

This is so sad. Cashies are really trying hard to stay relevant