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11450840 No.11450840 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a chad by a lot of girls standards. It’s not a perpetually happy life. Women just want to use you for children, marriage, or for class. Many men don’t feel comfortable around chads so it’s not easy making friends. Strangers get intimidated by my size, but luckily I’m not so tall.I constantly need to be nice and patient. And I always have to watch myself and not fall for whores. Seriously, I can’t believe you guys think women are the holy grail and that all these thots are worth sharing your time. You would be very lucky to find one good woman who sees you more than just something to show her friends and family. Stop comparing yourselves to others. Stop trying to be someone you’re not. Stop worshiping other people and take care of yourself. For real, just learn to love yourself and improve your weaknesses. You found your way to /biz/ so you’re probably not that retarded. You will always be a miserable fuck if you don’t improve and value yourself with the utmost compassion and also if you don’t buy link cause Sergey is taking us to the empyrean.

>> No.11450847
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> my sides

>> No.11450852

3/10 larp

>> No.11450859

>Women just want to use you for children, marriage, or for class.
It's true, read The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar.

>> No.11450916

Nah. The one good thing is my looks help me get work. That’s about it, and also I dodge a lot of belittlement. But aloneness forever looms.

Thanks anon

>> No.11450938
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>You found your way to /biz/ so you’re probably not that retarded.

>> No.11450968
File: 133 KB, 1024x686, 156C9F23-A3B2-433B-909E-F87C4D1CC112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real sages browse /x/

>> No.11451057


to this >>11450859
think about for a second and you shouldget that on your own.
A man is providing children, social status and security.
A woman don't love you for who you are, they love you for what you can provide.
> she will love you never as much as you love her

Some faggots will now jump in and REEEE at me for being a woman hating pig but there is no woman hate in my post.
It is just how it is and todays men are forced to not know that.
Denying biology and nature instinct is a sure way to a fucked up life.
It is sad that this has become a "redpill". Back in the days fathers and grandfathers raised their offspring the proper way. Today they get pushed off with 3 years to get raised by the public and femnazi teachers.

and while I am at it:
feminism, sexual liberation and forcing women into labor and politics are the biggest mistakes done
(everything forced by the same group of people, inb4 back to pol, 5 min google and you can track it down, newfags do your research and learn it plz)

>> No.11451698

Bump, no additional comments?

>> No.11451738

Well fuck you man. I can't even get a woman to want to use me. A human being can't survive isolated. Every day if my life is pointless and adding up to nothing but I have to go through it anyway. Can't even legally kms because the government has cucked me on that too

>> No.11451770
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Get fit and stop being so ugly/boring then, it's actually really easy.

>> No.11451783

yeah, you best not kys cause you might get in trouble from the gov

>> No.11451789

No it's not. I'm boring as shit. There's no changing that. I get extreme social anxiety and don't even know how to talk to a woman. All because I have nothing to even talk about.

>> No.11451814

> I get extreme social anxiety and don't even know how to talk to a woman. All because I have nothing to even talk about.
guess what tons of people (me included) were in that position

You can
A) cry like a little bitch and blame the world
B) get some shit done. Baby steps, one at a time. There won't be a big change after a week or a month, after a year or two you will be a different person.

>> No.11451830

>there's no changing that

See, you've already given up. Might aswell kill yourself then, at least then you wouldn't bother people by being such a weak-minded loser.

>> No.11451889

I'm trying. I went from lazy pot smoking neet to wagie with an ok job. I don't even know how to improve beyond that. I don't know where to go to meet women and improve social shit.

>> No.11451922
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Step one
Do not do anything to get/impress woman.
You do stuff, you improve for yourself first and not for some woman.
Get happy with yourself, start to liek yourself and be happy with yourself when you are alone.
Do not work towards to get validation from other people especially woman.
Tell your story over at /sig/ and try to get some input there.

No Anon is left behind!

>> No.11451933

everything you say is factually correct.

>> No.11451948

am I really too stupid to cross board post?
Here is the /sig/ thread:

>> No.11452118


>You found your way to /biz/ so you’re probably not that retarded

Haha good one op

>> No.11452776

Could definetly agree on the difficulty of making friends from a cold start. Usually people are not comfortable around me until I take initiative to get to know them better:p