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11447672 No.11447672 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized this will be worth more than BTC

>> No.11447683


>> No.11447686

i hope you remembered to swallow.

>> No.11447696

yea I'll admit I don't own any but look at the OBV for link compared to other shitcoins and I can see that this is going to moon if there is ever another bullrun or alt season.

>> No.11447837

Nah, I really doubt it. It's my main hold though. I seriously hope it changes my life for the better.

>> No.11447844
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>> No.11447863

>Nah, I really doubt it.

You don't understand what you're holding.
I hope for your sake you don't sell early or swing trade.

>> No.11447864
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How will I even go about cashing out my billions after the end of the year?

>> No.11447868

i just realised you're an idiot

>> No.11447873

How did you come up with this realization.

>> No.11447890

If you buy Chainlink before you have a substantial bag of BTC & ETH, you deserve to live under a bridge, sucking dick for a happy meal.

>> No.11447901
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>"If someone could solve the oracle problem, it would be worth more than Crypto itself..."


around 1 hr 24 min

>> No.11447927

omg i have the same bra richard does. my haircut looks better though.

>> No.11447932

Everyone listen to the transvestite in the orange shirt

>> No.11447967
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>> No.11447989
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>small testicles detected

>> No.11447996
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welcome op i dont know what you saw or read to have come to that conclusion, its a good feeling, very distinct its like it 'clicks' and youre eyes widen to how massive this could potentionally be if it all works. Im sure the number of us that understand have certainly had their own moment of realization. Thats the bond we hold. Im all in everything i got.

>> No.11448034

lmao he thinks chainlink is shit b/c of sybil attacks.

>> No.11448146

someone refute this

>> No.11448165

read the whitepapet fucking idiot

>> No.11448167

>thinking there's a refutation of cybil attacks

Sorry anon, unironically zero solution to that. One of the reasons it's still a shitcoin =/

>> No.11448169
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>> No.11448174

just bought 100 as suicide insurance what am I in for

>> No.11448182

>Link stack is holding strong AGAIN
>BTC is shitting the bed again

>> No.11448197

> what are sgx enclaves
> what are reputation and certification services as outlined in page 32 of the whitepaper
Link is still garbage though 1000 suicides eoy

>> No.11448199

A life of regret

>> No.11448247
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>> No.11448280

Please explain why it’s garbage then, or are you just 3D fudding?

>> No.11448309


>please buy my shitbags that already mooned

xrp will kill them both soon anyway

>> No.11448347

Why won't Sergey just buy a new shirt already?

>> No.11448434

Why do I have to explain this to brainlets?
Sybil is like the one thing they have managed to overcome from my previous response, probably by accident. The problem is that it is still a poorly coded piece of shit run by literal who and amateur hour coders and no one important knows it exists. Ari Juels adds a footnote to their whitepaper and now all of a sudden it's a great project? No. Just no. Even people with suicide insurance stacks are retarded. Link will be worth somewhere between dog shit and a pile of garbage eventually - pathetic.

>> No.11448450
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>> No.11448529

Fuck off Astro

>> No.11448662

The fud comes off as so panicked these days.

>> No.11448689

Ok but how much does dogshit cost and how big of a pile of garbage are we talking?

>> No.11448802
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It will. It's the God Protocol after all.

>> No.11448842

The market cap of gold is like 10 trillion (what BTC is going after)

The derivatives market is 4 quadrillion. If chain link captures a percent of that, that's 40 trillion

So if they actually pull it off...then yeah there's a good chance it should be worth more than Bitcoin

It's a big if though and there are a lot of scaleability issues that no one even knows how to solve yet. Doubt it will happen frankly, if it does won't happen for another 10 years at least

>> No.11448867

why does Astro put so much effort into this forum? is it just so he can read his name when others mention it?

>> No.11448900
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>Posts nick
>ID is Nik


>> No.11449075

wowzers kek its not like I didnt think i was going to absolutely and unequivocally make it or anything

>> No.11449112
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>> No.11449285

>imagine complaining about a real shot at being a billionaire in 10 years

>> No.11449292

By 2020, Eth price will be measured in sergeys.

>> No.11449343

No it's always been Rory's

>> No.11449494

Richard Heart is shit but hes right in that instance.

>> No.11449856

Soo over a hundred billion for the nework then?

>> No.11449888

Ethereum is just a database. Chainlink will give these databases meaning

>> No.11449896
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How can chainlink an erc 20 token ever be valued higher than the blockchain it runs on?

>> No.11449961

Vintage fud, noice

>> No.11450010

How can the cargo of a ship be worth more than the oil used to propel the ship?

>> No.11450020

"Ethereum is just a database"

t. Brainlet

>> No.11450028

I'm so tired of hodling anons. Someone please tell me we're almost there. Please, just someone give me some hope.

>> No.11450041

We're not.

If you can't hodl for another 5 years you were never destined to make it

>> No.11450046

Baggies who think this have a fundamental misunderstanding of their beloved utility token.

>> No.11450050
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b.. but the ethereum fags didn't have to hodl that long

>> No.11450064

Not really. Just delusional hope that all the scaling and security problems will be solved any time soon, which is unlikely

>> No.11450065

>he wants to be in the forever nolinker pink wojacks screenshots
Anon their are better ways to never a mark in life

>> No.11450072

They got lucky. Ethereum mooned due to the ICO craze, not real adoption of smart contracts or killer dapps, which is why most people bought.

If we moon it will have to be due to adoption

>> No.11450088

Shit you are starting to make me think I need to dump all my other shitcoins and only hold link, is Link will the other fucking decent thing to hold apart from eth and btc?
t. Only 50% of my portfolio is link

>> No.11450089

It's unironically the most bullish obv divergence in history

>> No.11450258
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Im leaving this here, HOLD STRONG brothers. Keep the IRON HANDs until we moon

>> No.11450263


Can you post a pic showing this for a brainlet please?

>> No.11450272
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That man himself

>> No.11450278
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.11450287
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team money belly

>> No.11450403

Sybil attacks get BTFO by collateral. The only way you could do this is without random node selection and launching an attack against your own contracts.

>> No.11450431

> poorly coder piece of shit

>> No.11450454

Candy Crush ($8bil) is worth more than Android ($2bil)

>> No.11450473

There will be a pump though due to making dapps useful and people creating chainlink related dapps/adapters/smartcontracts also hype
At the moment we are in the stealth face of oracles or early investors
I prognose first adaptation for smartcontracts by 21/22 so link is at least a 2-3years hold and major adaptation by 25

>> No.11450511

Yeah this.

The link token itself is the entire reason why Sybil attacks are no longer possible: you need to actually lay down money to create a node, you can just spam them Willy nilly

Richard heart is a fucking retard. The link token itself is the solution, which is why 1000 eoy

>> No.11450515


>> No.11450530
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Don’t own any crypto now but the Link hype has gotten the better of me. I bought a large sum of BTC in its infancy but swung trade for negligible profit and it keeps me up at night how much I fucked up by not holding onto it. I don’t want to make that mistake twice. If I buy Link, should I go all in? As in drop hundreds of dollars into it?

>> No.11450570

You're trying too hard, Rakesh Ivanovich.

>> No.11450604

if the network is actually used, it will be worth more than the entire of crypto

>> No.11450660

why would it be used? You realize that sergey has 30 mil and only hired 3 devs right? How do you not know that this is a scam?

If he really was planning on delivering he would've hired 20 devs and it would be done already and they would be working on user adoption.

Link is a scam cashgrab my dude. They're just delaying for years so they don't go to jail.

It's been 1 year and they have nothing. Any big company can get 20 devs together and recreate their code in 1 month and steal 100% of marketshare.

>> No.11450675

>Candy Crush ($8bil) is worth more than Android ($2bil)

>> No.11450701

>bought large sum of btc early on
>should I invest hundreds?

Yes you should and I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.11450735

>should I go all in? As in drop hundred of dollars into it?

>> No.11450744

I completely agree with this statement 100%

>> No.11450775

What was the name of the recent hackathon project (that I think got second place) that allowed people to buy shares for other people overseas?

>> No.11450791

it's better for chainlink fattie

>> No.11450800

don`t they need to hurry up? because cripple is starting to run the show i guess

>> No.11450819

nvm found it

>> No.11450917

> not understanding the dog-shit and pile of garbage reference
Holy fuck there are so many newfags on this board now

>> No.11450941
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>> No.11450982

>all in
Anon I think you have bigger problems than crypto

>> No.11451013


>> No.11451141

>I prognose first adaptation for smartcontracts by 21/22

Capgemini expect first adoptions by 2020, chainlink will need to moon speculatively first after many annoiuncements so 100-200x is possible for 2019 and then slowly adoption to 500x and more, but what do we know right.

>> No.11451219
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How lonely are you?

>> No.11451289

>Not understanding a shitpost on 4chan
Holy fuck how new actually are you, you fucking faggot. Ofcourse i know that reference was about your mom fudding ethereum back in the day when I asked how much 16000 ETH would be. Fucking twat.