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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 960x917, npcfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11448757 No.11448757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

just saw this meme on facebook
your meme is dead now faggots

>> No.11448773

said no men ever except fathers and sand niggers

>> No.11448782


>> No.11448784

It was forced and cringy from the start....the boomer meme now that was a good meme

>> No.11448785

What is it like to be so easily offended?

>> No.11448809

Im not
This doesnt belong on /biz/

>> No.11448811

this meme was made on biz you faggot

>> No.11448815

>"men should stop objectifying women. It's degrading, because we are more than just meat".
>"we should be able to show as much skin as we want and be positive about our bodies and show them off".

Pick one already please

>> No.11448824

The npc meme got taken over by twatter within a week or so. Worst meme 2018


>> No.11448827

Easy on the sips

>> No.11448860

Nobody really cares the best way is just to ignore shit you don't like and report things that really needs to be reported. Its off topic and not /pol/.

Doubt hard since /pol/ has been talking about NPC and NPC theory since 2015

>> No.11448956

True, cant believe Uganda Knuckles and eating Tide pods was surpassed.

>> No.11449013

not only does this meme suck but it is introducing wojak to facebook normies

>> No.11449042

They are the same joke

>> No.11449045

I think those issues tie in together. Women feel uncomfortable wearing skimpy clothes because we perv, and its easy to judge that they are skanks and treat them as such even if its passively. If we werent such horn dogs then women wouldnt feel as uncomfortable I guess. But stronk independent woman shouldnt care and wear whatever they want either way.

>> No.11449052

>introducing wojak to facebook normies
I have some bad news for you.

>> No.11449058 [DELETED] 


>> No.11449071

THIS. now THAT was a meme *sips coffee*

>> No.11449077

the only ones who do not see the genius in this meme are the actual NPCs (regardless of political ideaology)
it's one of the best memes of all time

>> No.11449104

that is not wojak...

>> No.11449128

Depends how its used tbph. Much funnier when used on a philosophical level instead of identity politics or as a replacement for argumentation.

>> No.11449136

100% agree

>> No.11449186

The NPC meme was doomed since the beggining. Most humans enjoy the idea that they are able to think outside the box, but actualy they don't. That's why they like this meme, it express their delusion

>> No.11449212

this.this whole 'hurr liberals are npcs' really takes away from the truth of it. all normies are npcs.

>> No.11449271
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 30vboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep, boomer and pepe are actually good, this NPC is cringy teenager shit.

>> No.11449303

ive seen boomer on facebook too
your memes are not safe

>> No.11449306

Only Muslim men say shit like this. What a weird scenario

>> No.11449311

Imbeciles love memes, and most normies are imbeciles

>> No.11449337
File: 85 KB, 1000x1348, 1538944935440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest thing is that the boomer meme was literally a brainchild of Monster Energy Drink, a company that's big in Isreal.

The NPC meme was rapid, but based on some psychologytoday.com post from who knows how far back and a call-out of the subhumans which don't subvocalize nor have a conscience

>> No.11449363
File: 54 KB, 601x601, 6wtXvCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facebook truly is for retards

>> No.11449568

They would also get pissed when men didn't look at them. They don't wear short shorts in sub zero weather because its comfortable.

>> No.11450755

Monster did not start boomers. Monsters and sip and that first sip of the day started on /fit/. Boomer started on /biz/ and then they merged.

>> No.11450765

>except fathers
So only 99.999999999999% of people who have ever existed? What a bunch of retards.