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File: 43 KB, 911x891, Fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11446716 No.11446716 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11446724

It's nick szabo

>> No.11446729

satoshi is a ai from the future unironically

>> No.11446734

sergoshi nazamoto

>> No.11446756


He dead bro he just dead...unfortunately. Would've been nice to get some comments from him.

>> No.11446766

Im Satoshi y'all
Ask me 1 question

>> No.11446767

true i believe this but why did they come back?
but also if so who actually started the ai in the first place
if the ai is on the blockchain and the blockchain is the ai that time traveled who was first?

>> No.11446802
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 6u5h56h45y54y45h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number 68.
Why have you never moved any coin or signed a message to tell us anything? It was funny at first but now it is not. Just tell us something. Why?

>> No.11446830

It's either one of these, or it's a group of people who operate in secrecy. There are many factors that point to it being nick, but it wouldn't of been hard to intentionally make it seem that way if ~they~ didn't want anyone to know who they were. That, or AI yeah pretty much.

We'll find out something eventually, either the truth or highly distorted truth. There is only one very simple way to prove you're nakamoto

>> No.11446831

Ur mum :^)

>> No.11446927
File: 249 KB, 1024x768, 1-ZcII6h8JU_8opL6e73bYzQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll find out in the TV movie

>> No.11446940

It can really only be a few things given the gigantic value of his btc holdings
>he dead before it went up heaps in 2017
>the person (or people) who made it was already extremely rich, who wouldn’t cash in on that?
>the NSA made it
>extreme idealist (autist) who doesn’t care about money

I don’t see any other likely situations

>> No.11447018

How would AI even do that over 10 years ago. It's not even that advanced today.

>> No.11447029

It was Finney and Szabo, and maybe a few other cypherpunk randos

>> No.11447051

Satoshi is just the nickname for a government run group that created it all. Mostly CIA, NSA, ect...

>> No.11447076

Based And Redpilled

>> No.11447096

It was a demon setting the stage for a one world currency as foretold in the Bible book of Revelations.

>> No.11447106

Could it have been that gay Cicadda meme?

>> No.11447117
File: 71 KB, 634x636, 1539861386096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

November will see SV

>> No.11447130

This is almost certainly true

>> No.11447203

Satoshi is Nick Szabo but Finney and Nick are both co-owners of the satoshi wallet via multi-sig with a 10 year lock expiring sometime in 2019. there is also a possibility that all the people that were involved in the development have part of the key to that wallet.

>> No.11447302

Or he/she/it lost the key

>> No.11447322

I thought about that but it seems incredibly unlikely as the person (people?) who created would know better

>> No.11447334

Also, an idealist, rich guy or NSA would perhaps not have gone radio silent when the whole world is listening, so I'm betting on dead, lost key or both.

>> No.11447368

Perhaps couldn't have expected this even in his wildest dreams and threw away the key with an old computer when bitcoin still wasn't worth a thing, simply content enough about the fact that he had made such a big impact.

>> No.11447405
File: 21 KB, 788x699, 1536191519165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was unironically kind of what i was referring to. Probably wasn't the 3301 group, but probably related, if i had to make an assumption.

>> No.11447417
File: 295 KB, 900x600, nick-szabo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's obvious that it's him.

He's insanely based as well. Supports Trump and Western civilization, completely anti-sjw, pro-guns and a whole bunch of other things.

He's literally /ourguy/.

>> No.11447423


We do, he's cryo-preserved at the moment

>> No.11447474
File: 596 KB, 720x1480, 082DFAD1-9E0F-4B79-A0B9-2FE55EF52A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.11447615

I think he's an accelerationist (Nick Land) with a bit of archeofuturism (Guillaume Faye) on top. But minds like Nick's can't really be put in a box and rarely adhere to an ideology.

>> No.11447629

This, it’s clear to anyone that sergey is satoshi. Him having a cat on his telegram pic, satoshi wanting an animal as BTC mascot. The initials. Having smart contract.com as a domain before bitcoins white paper. The creator of IOTA claiming sergey is satoshi. And sergeys constant aurora of anonymitity.

>> No.11447640

Its either Szabo or Finney. I'm inclined to believe Finney though just because of the way Satoshi talked reminds me of him more. The name Satoshi is also based off of his neighbor and he stopped posting frequently around the time Finneys ALS got worse and his last post was shortly before he died.

That combined with the million coins and Satoshi saying "Lost coins are a gift to everyone" makes me think it is him and his coins were essentially lost with his death and a gift to everyone.

>> No.11447659


saddest img I’ve ever seen :(
why would you post this

>> No.11447690
File: 75 KB, 822x1080, 1NickSzabo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11447707

Sergoshi Nazomoto

>> No.11447756

That would be the greatest happening... maybe ever

>> No.11447855

Nuzzlemy Sakandballzyo

>> No.11447871

Dis be true, he died on the first bull run, his bitcoin 4eva forget..

>> No.11447883
File: 29 KB, 300x250, QTNRyfmZXB-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 4get pic

>> No.11447940

and nobody speaks about recent (summer '18) publications on nakamotofamilyfoundation.com (site is deleted now)
and about book he's releasing this january
jeez what a shithole this place is

>> No.11448397
File: 194 KB, 554x403, b5b1a4951e7498c821dfbd2d935c658b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Dave Kleiman (R.I.P.).