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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 221 KB, 1122x930, FeminismRedpill24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11446295 No.11446295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In a strictly transactional and business sense?

>> No.11446312

women used to get the best deals, then they became whores, and thots through jewish social media apps like tinder, pos, okcupid, facebook, instagram, etc... now they want to go back.

>> No.11446318

Are you fucking kiddin me family?

Being a housewife is the best NEET job in history

>> No.11446351

shut up racist

>> No.11446502

we need sex robots

>> No.11446518

Whats the bedsheet part about? Why does that matter

>> No.11446561
File: 62 KB, 480x700, child support.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have it way too easy. Know many women like pic related. Women are like a government worker union milking tax payer dry

>> No.11446572

the value of women has been sliding down pretty rapidly these days, which puts the minority that have not devalued themselves at a pretty high price

>> No.11446593

if you fell for that bait tweet you truly are fucking hopeless

>> No.11446594

take ya makeup off bitch and stop shaving ya legs
you ugly as fuck

>> No.11446616

whether it's bait or not is irrelevant. There are many such cases just like it irl regardless.

>> No.11446631

No they get a good deal. They are also protected in many ways if the relationship goes bad. Men, on average, risk the most from a "business sense".

>> No.11446637

Owning nice towels and bed sheets is a sign you are a real adult. The fact you dont know this leads me to believe you are underage or a helpless virgin loser.

>> No.11446645

this desu. I'm a trad dude. my wife and I were both virgins before eachother. I had thots chasing me and she had all sorts of guys chasing her. I know other guys or girls dating/married to trainwrecks and it's just sad.

>> No.11446670

Men are a bad deal for woman too. Modern life is an extremely bad deal all round and unicorns meeting unicorns is so god damn frustrating.

>> No.11446687

implying everywhere in the world is the same as in burgerland

>> No.11446696

>Being a housewife is the best NEET job in history

my wife loves it and literally laughs on the daily about how pathetic the lives of other women are with their rat racing and their cat fighting

she's chill just doing the laundry, cooking dinner, playing games, watching youtube, looking after younglings

>> No.11446703

I want to kill myself, but if I do that I can't make anyone suffer.

>> No.11446705

how come everyone on /biz/ somehow is married to a virgin waifu? where are you finding these girls? All I see around me are roasts

>> No.11446706 [DELETED] 
File: 349 KB, 439x716, 15141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11446719

In your 20's that's a good thing for us men. Bad for us in our 30's and beyond

>> No.11446730


>doesn’t own bedsheets

Is this really how low the standards are for women? Kek

>> No.11446737

How do I short women

>> No.11446741

Yeah but most people on 4chan are American so my post is true for most users.

>> No.11446750

I am not American.

>> No.11446753

you have made it. Congrats brother

>> No.11446818

I am not American.

>> No.11446832

I am not American.

>> No.11446845

I am not Americuck

>> No.11446860

Your wife is cheating on you while you're at work. All stay at home mothers do this.

>> No.11446861

This is the biggest LARP board on 4chan

>> No.11446869

Child support is tax free too.

>> No.11446876

At school nigga you have to invest early.

>> No.11446896

my gf was virginal (until i took it). We met in high school, when she was a sophomore. You gotta go young, or settle for a real religious one if you're older.

>> No.11446898

Legit. All women have to do is get pregnant by a guy with a good job and they're set for 18 years.

>> No.11446913

I fucking new it see the post above you. Got me a high school sweat heart too.

>> No.11446929

as if work girls are more faithful? they're always flirting with their coworkers

>> No.11446930

>el americano

>> No.11446958

They exist anon, they're rare but still out there.

>> No.11446976

lies. You probably come from a broken household and are projecting your preconceptions onto others. This is why you can't find good women.

>> No.11446979

this but unironically

>> No.11447009

My wife's best friend is single, cute, into video games, traditional, and virginal. The catch is, she barely goes out in public at all, let alone to bars etc.

The good women exist. A lot of them are just invisible because they tend to hide.

What you see in the world are thots, because thots are the ones that put themselves out in the world.

>> No.11447024

33 year old wizard checking in; I’m saving myself for my future wife and also don’t imbibe or “go out”; your post gives me hope.

>> No.11447027

I noticed the same, anon. They hide.

>> No.11447056
File: 1.01 MB, 500x375, tinderThot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can trundle your fat ass down to the local bus stop and listen to all sorts of wazoo shit crazy people screech, then go home and tell your step dad all about how crazy people say wazoo shit. if he loves you he should tell you not to go there or repeat the things you heard. tweeter is no different.

>> No.11447084

All married women cheat. Literally all. Only an idiot would get married.

>> No.11447107

>being this much of an insecure cuck

Low value males are truly pathetic

>> No.11447115


>> No.11447133

Your wife sucks Chad's cock.

>> No.11447142

I’m single you dumb fuck

We get it you’re a cuck now shut the fuck up retard

>> No.11447259


heh... i'm cool you should put us in touch if she is in philadelphia area USA

>> No.11447274
File: 403 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181018-204933_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11447292

>cant touch a woman even if it saves her life

>> No.11447404


This 100%, all the fags going on about modern women are retards who live their lives through social media and think everyone is like the thots on there. Same for retards who think everyone is now a SJW or leftist. Go into the real world and no one believes that crap, /pol/ has been hoodwinked to think the world is way worse than it is.

There are hot virgin girls everywhere and you can only find them in real life.

That said, anyone who marries a woman is a fucking retard. Virgin or slut, all women are a bad investment and I am staying single for life.

>> No.11447420

>wanting to save strangers' lives
Why would you do this?

>> No.11447440

Yes, because I am chad

>> No.11447443

The cruel nature of shut-ins looking for shut-ins. Is there really a way to help these kinds of girls out?

>> No.11447459


>> No.11447481

I made the mistake of knocking up a thot years ago. As soon as the little shit is 18 I won't be missing 30% of my income a month for the "whore tax".

Hurry up 9 years.

>> No.11447512

chrstian university. 1/5 aren't tainted.

>> No.11447605

They can go ahead and unionized, but the jobs will go oversees

>> No.11447626


>> No.11447709

thanks god i'm gay and don't have to deal with this shit

>> No.11447725


Imagine not exclusively fucking whores and having to pay 30% of your income for 18 years just because you wanted the prestige of having "chased" and caught a woman.

I hope it was worth it faggot.

>> No.11447817

Let me know if you figure out something.

>> No.11448222

>Your wife is cheating on you while you're at work. All stay at home mothers do this.
I work from home as a programmer


>> No.11448233

>B-but I bet she sneaks out the back and f-fucks the neighbor!!

>> No.11448290

When all you have to bring to the table is sex, don't be surprised when you can't keep a partner.

>> No.11448317

This is clearly bait but jfc if you get hooked for $800/month by a broad that looks like this actually kill yourself. It's better than 18 years of $800/mo. jfc look at that landwhales fucking legs jfc i'm sick

>> No.11448378

>tfw 27
>refuse to even consider girls my age
>just want a 20-24 year old
In process of getting/fit/ but idk where to even find them. Dating apps are garbage. My friends(26) gf(27) gets so buttfrustrated every time I mention this. He even suggests girls my age-30s are 'better' cuz they're more mature/settled down. What a cuck

>> No.11449006

>my wife is a brainlet cow
>the boomer dream
Fuck this life for real.

>> No.11449182
File: 878 KB, 1674x922, 1516412925533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. you and yourself 30 years from now

>> No.11449204

This site is nippon, anon.
No onions yankee btw ;)

>> No.11449215
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give away sex for free.
>Men don't want to commit.


>> No.11449226

No, he's right. She plays games, watch youtube. Probably use jewbook and kikender too..

Supposing he isn't lying of course

>> No.11449228

Why do girls always end up having pink ID's on /biz/? Rofl. It's like 4chan already knows...

>> No.11449258

>yfw Im a dude
I just dont want a brainlet wife who's only ambition in life is to be a pathetic NEET sitting at home all day leeching my shit. Fuck that noise. I'll either bang bitches forever or find the unicorn with some ambition.

>> No.11449265

Yeah he does sound like a cuck lol. I'm 26 and with someone who is 24. She's a fucking feminist and it's kinda annoying desu. SHe's super "Independent" and wants to do her own thing all the time.

She's extremley liberal and hates being told any kind of command or suggestion. She doesn't even want to be helped with basic shit like taking care of her when she's sick.

Her excuse is "i'm not a child". Like fuck. She's super annoying sometimes. I'm waiting till I find a girl more subservient to me that's a bit younger.

I'm trying to find a good job that gets me 100k a year. Currently studying CS. Once I get that i'll find some 20-22 year old latina that stands by her man and only for her man.

Right now this girl is jewish, feminist, super into gay rights and transgenders, completely independent doesn't even like to spend much time wants to go out with her slutty girl friends and hang out with a multitude of people both dudes and girls. Super annoying.

I just stick around coz she's a good bang. But in reality I'm pretty sure it won't last unless the bitch changes her ways. Which you know won't happen

>> No.11449302

He's right

I remember the days I slayed the poon

>> No.11449944

I thought bedsheets were necessary for sleeping on any bed. I now know there are people in this world without bedsheets. Learn something new e'r day.

>> No.11449949

sexist pig

>> No.11449973

you'll be sorely disappointed anon. girls your age or younger have grown up being indoctrinated with these ideas. It's basically not possible to find a girl with those values unless she comes from very particular places.

>> No.11449986

If she swallows stay with her, otherwise fuck that

>> No.11449987


you need to leave, roastie

>> No.11449995

stupid bitch

>> No.11450004


based, well done anon.

>> No.11450008

no one needs you anymore roastie. Sorry babe but your not going to take half my stuff. How sad; I know.

>> No.11450196

You're a woman. Wanna know how i know?

>> No.11450199

If she's swallow, she's a whore unworthy of marriage. Marry women who respect themselves ffs

>> No.11450250


I’m 28 dating a 22 year old. It’s pretty cool. But when I was 27 dating a 21 year old my Mom thought it was a little weird. (Same girl)

>> No.11450385

>Crying over a non-Chad
Non-chads are literally lower than animals for them. where did she get those examples? Thinking some kind of book or movie.

>> No.11450432
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>i'm like wow

>> No.11450513

Go back to plebbit

>> No.11450559

Used to know a bitch which was exactly like your gf. Every one of her relationships failed hardcore. She has many male "friends" and doesn't want any relationships at all.
Me too lol

>> No.11450563

Enjoy your skanks

>> No.11450584

What's the deal about bedsheets ? Does owning some makes me superior ?

>> No.11450625

Gay/Lesbians profit from causing gender tension and converting heteros to degeneracy.
Example, 90% of /r9k/ threads is about how great traps/"husbandos" are.

>> No.11450668

We have a variation of this thread every day and this particular one is of especially low quality.

>> No.11450684
File: 102 KB, 778x253, Wordiness-Calvin-and-Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exponentially worse looking than her

>> No.11450728

Your wife is cheating on you while she's at "work". All career women do this.