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File: 117 KB, 510x587, Rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11444211 No.11444211 [Reply] [Original]

>Install windows update
>Computer won't start
>No restoration points
>No flash images
>Documents with private key words on same computer

Keeping crypto on my computer was a mistake

>> No.11444220
File: 219 KB, 1100x750, __alice_margatroid_flandre_scarlet_kirisame_marisa_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_kitsuneno_denpachi__6ec62f45604fe8f3e0670736d6ab48f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will teach you to make backups.

>> No.11444227
File: 293 KB, 640x480, 1537132362574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that will teach you to use linux

>> No.11444236

windows sucks.... when i have 1,3k euro to spend ill buy the cheapest macbook... so fucking tired of pajeet windows, and their communist updates

>> No.11444243

Take that drive and hook it up to a Linux machine. Use testdisk to recover files in bulk, hopefully your pkeys will be among them.

>> No.11444244

Why didn't you print out your key or save it on to a external drive?

>> No.11444256

You can open a drive on a different computer, brainlet.

>> No.11444283

why the fuck do people still use windows

download ubuntu you dumb fuck and use it for everything that absolutely doesn't require you to use windows. windows is such a ridiculous piece of shit i have no idea why anyone would ever use it.

>> No.11444291


If it's just the windows that's fucked up and not the drive itself you didn't lose shit bro.

>> No.11444304

I just started using ubuntu. I was actually surprised at how well it operates, like crypto, I thought it had meme functionality. How wrong I was in both cases.

>> No.11444319

This, OP is retarded or something.

LOL Ubuntu, I can't even simply install a program from a file, I have Truecrypt 7.1a and all the commands on the Internet that show you how to install a program from a file doesn't work, if you can't simply double click shit and install it then fuck that system.

>> No.11444348

.anon.... you never took the 5 minutes of your life to physically write down and safely store your Private Key ? jesus you all are blowing my mind

>> No.11444393

enjoy your forced updates, viruses, and crashes then you brainlet. I ditched windows a decade ago and haven't had a crash since then.

My wife is Korean and has to use windows to make online purchases (they're cucked with ActiveX) and I get furious whenever I haveto use that peice of shit. Literally pajeet tier OS.

>> No.11444494

I have both - Windows, and a Macbook Pro. Both are just as capable of crashing and losing all your shit. You need to fucking back up computers, no matter what OS it is. Not backing up is just fucking retarded.

I have one of those Western Digital networked drives that just backs up all of my shit automatically, and the real important shit is backed up to thumb drives weekly. Takes 5 minutes. If you're not doing that, you deserve what's gonna happen. Thumb drives and backup solutions are cheap, stupid.

But you keep thinking Macs are foolproof. Start paying attention - they're turning into pure shit since Jobs died, because that faggot who runs Apple now only cares about cell fucking phones.

>> No.11444516

I can't run the software I need for my job in Ubuntu, that's why. So shut the fuck up, greybeard. I don't have the time nor interest in fucking around with kernels and compiling shit.

>> No.11444547

take it as an expensive lesson learned and move on with life. buy more crypto, this time write out your private key. if you're really paranoid about having the key in your own room/house, seal it up in an envelope and give it to a trusted family member for safe keeping.

I'm 32, live in my own condo, gave my private key to my 58 year old mother to store for me. It's in an unmarked enelope with no indication of what its for, and my mom (nor any other relatives living with her) have any idea what cryptocurrency even is or how to use a private key.

Good luck anon

>> No.11444569
File: 35 KB, 415x470, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still using Windows

>> No.11444584
File: 335 KB, 1806x1740, 1533893005004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11444589

The need for backups is what you learn just 5 minutes too late.

>> No.11444621

This is what livecd/usb Linux is for.

Then, make those fucking backups

>> No.11444664

you know it's pretty easy to completely disable them.... right?

>> No.11444667

That’s why you write down your backup keys

>> No.11444772

>not writing your keys down on paper.
Just put the drive in another PC and read the files from it, easy shit. Next time don't shut it off while its updating.
>muh Linux
Have fun spending hours installing a simple program, or not being able to boot because of changing graphics settings. As a programmer Linux feels very incomplete and gay.

>> No.11444791

> keeping crypto on my computer was a mistake
thre's no crypto on your computer you tard.

>> No.11445369

1 download Ubuntu & burn on cd
2 boot Ubuntu live CD
3 rescue wallet
4 remove Windows and start using Ubuntu permanently

>> No.11445373

be your own bank they said
crypto is the future they said

>> No.11445394

how to install program:
1: open software center
2: type in name of program
3: click install
1: rightclick a .deb file
2: give it execute permission
3: execute .deb file
fucking brainlet, this is why you're in crypto and don't have a real job

>> No.11445878

thats why you keep backups anon.
i keep my private keys on an encrypted jump drive in a fake book on a large book shelf.
i never let anyone go in that room of my house.
its locked all the time. the whole room is a safe.

quick way around this is to just load up the HDD as a slave drive on another computer (etc) and just pull the files that way.

>> No.11445980

windows lmao, that's a waste of perfectly good digits, faggot

go on a simple linux like ubuntu next time

>> No.11445992

No problem, just restore from backup

>> No.11445998

have fun being a complete retard bill gates cocksucker, bill appreciates faggots like you and he'll make sure you'll die last in the great depopulation

jk he probably hates you more than anything for being so dumb and you'll get depopulated first