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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 682x400, hydroponics-lights-for-growing-plants-marijuana-hydroponic-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11439375 No.11439375 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't grow and sell weed.
I only have 2 words for you: STAY POOR

>> No.11439540

Thats 5 faggot

>> No.11439588

Reverse image search.
Bro you couldn't grow a pimple in your face if you tried don't grown bud bud.

>> No.11439615

>posting images of YOUR farm on the internet
novice detected

>> No.11439621

What do i need?

>> No.11439625

its illegal here

>> No.11439636

seeds, a lamp for vegetative phase, a lamp for flower, a dark place, a fan to get the heat out of your growroom, soil and water

>> No.11439961


>pretending to be retarded.


>> No.11439966

>not being able to count
the absolute state of drug ingesting degenerates

>> No.11440035

I realize you're probably in it to meme, but if not:

Please indulge me, costs, business model, distribution partners, seed supply, startup price, where and how to make the proper greenhouse.

>> No.11440058


what is that fan for?

>> No.11440211

Keeping air circulation to inhibit mold and fungal development.

>> No.11440478

it is also great way how to push dirt from air onto sticky buds

>> No.11441271

kys weeb

>> No.11441317

>not binging cocaine and whisky
>not doing lines of hookers' titties
Not going to make it.

>> No.11441376

>growing indoor pot trying to compete with all the legalized states that are growing 1000’s of pounds every 2-3 months and shipping it to non legal states.....
Do you even know what market saturation is? With Canada just legalizing it we will see prices plummet, the price on a pound of fire indoor has already dropped 1K the past 2 years, who knows where it will be in another year. There’s still a few years to make money selling it but growing and selling? Unless you are running a farm cranking out 250+ pounds a year you are wasting your time. Best bet is to find a Cali/ coloroda connect and have them send you stuff or find someone with a connect like that and buy from them and sell to college kids/ 18+ crowd.

>> No.11441828

My father is in the process of building a cannabis cultivation facility. Projected production is 14000 lb/week (dry).

>> No.11441837

what is a filter system?

>> No.11441846

what sttate?

>> No.11441863
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i'm too poor for that lifestyle

>> No.11441864

Won't say, but I can tell you that the only ones who survive in this market are the ones who can produce the highest quality bud and MIPs, at below $350/lb. If you cannot beat that, then you might make money for 1-3 years, but you will go under eventually.

>> No.11441872

reported to admins, interpol, police, FBI and trumps office

>> No.11441892

O noes!!

>> No.11442265

Oregon Anon here that worked the industry doing security transport of cannabis and cash. There is a massive correction in the industry right now. Last year the state LEGALLY produced over 1million lbs of cannabis, but only 300,000 were consumed. 1/8ths are going for $5 in some areas. Washington and Colorado are going through the same thing. Any state that is going fully recreational will experience the same thing. If you want to make money, establish yourself before full legalization, work it for 6-8 months during the peak of hype, and then sell to a bigger operation if you can. Otherwise don't do flower, be a "value added producer" by processing it in to something else.

>> No.11442276

and a fucking huge charcoal filter with fan or you will be busted during the first flower

>> No.11442291

it's why most growers in Oregon are switching to hemp (CBD) instead. that is legal everywhere and much less labor intensive to grow

>> No.11442314

Yup - I think the biggest request we had on deliveries was AC/DC which is a 50/50 THC/CBD strain. All these growers are of the mindset that they need to produce the most potent THC packed bud they can because they're stoners, and all their friends are stoners. The reality is that they are scaring away born again smokers who haven't hit a bong since 1999, and strains were shit compared to the stuff now. These new smokers get SUPER baked and then are scared off from cannabis. Growers are shooting themselves in the foot that way. Kind of like brewers and their IPA's

>> No.11442325
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How do I get a job in weed? I am in socal and know how to grow

>> No.11442350

damn, i would like to try some 50% THC bud for science. but you're right, man. sometimes less is more

>> No.11442363
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>tfw want to grow weed really bad, dont even care to smoke it just like growing it
>tfw bought a grow tent and all the supplies
>tfw parents find the tent and ask about it
>its for tomatos h-haha
>freak out and disassemble it
>now have $500 worth of growing equipment just sitting in my closet, being unused

>> No.11442381
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are these your parents?

>> No.11442411

yes. I even had a really decent grow going on too, they were 4ft tool in just 3 weeks

>need to grow and sell weed to get money to move out
>need to move out to grow and sell weed

>> No.11442415

Im growing skrooms

>> No.11442429

>Grow weed and sell it
>go to jail after getting eventually caught like every dealer
>grow weed and have others sell for you instead
>they smoke a huge portion of your profits or give it out free for blowjobs

Every successful person who's dealt drugs was smart enough to quit right away and invest their money elsewhere

>> No.11442453
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Is this you?


>> No.11442463


Go to the 7 11 in Adelanto and ask for Carlos, tell him Big Jim sent you

>> No.11442475

patrician. good on you, anon

>> No.11442593
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>going to jail for something thats legal

>> No.11442676

>implying there's a sustainable market in psyches
>implying that you could move the weight that you get off a single monotub

>> No.11442685

Yea i can... even then they will keep dried

>> No.11442695

>what are music festivals and concerts
you lack vision anon. there are plenty who want booms but it's rare to find them because they don't maintain potency very long without proper storage

>> No.11442697

unless you are growing for to a seriously large scale distributor it isn't worth it. If it's personal and for friends then I can understand, but the real money is locking down a legit distributor.

OP is an 18yr old zoomer with a 400 watt HPS in his dorm closet. fucking sad man.

if you arent the jungle boyz then gtfo

>> No.11442708

>implying psychs wont get more popular over time as the stigma surrounding them fades and they are used more for therapeautic purposes

>> No.11442709

holy christ anon ***DON'T*** go to Adelanto unless you want to die amongst tumble weeds. jesus christ Big Jim you sound ghetto as fuck

>> No.11442710

Who do you sell to?

>> No.11442725

>jungle boyz
fuck them, most overrated shitheads in the market now. enjoy your pesticide chemical shit

>> No.11442758

I know producers of quality that dumps on JB, but they are nowhere as recognized as the JBs is all i'm saying.

In the SoCal market you need not only amazing weed but incredible marketing. No legit distributor is going to pick up your bags unless they can hype it. It's either that or they buy it off you for pennies.

The life of a grower is really not all that its cracked up to be.

t. a grower

>> No.11442807

You sell to strictly legit people? Plenty of money to be made shopping to non legal states if you have the balls, I know people who have been doing it for years and made millions.

>> No.11442845

Rather be comfy selling legally to legal operators rather than risk all the hard work shipping to some pajeet in the midwest who fucks up your comfy lifestyle.

I understand shipping to non-legal states is where the real money is at, but imho, not worth it.

>> No.11442855

If it was allowed in my country I would smoke everything lmao

>> No.11442870

Completely understandable my man, as a Midwest fag I can assure you there are no pajeets out here catching packs from legal states. It’s mostly white kids, but hey if you’re making a living legally doing something you love why get greedy?

>> No.11442927

And another smaller fan to take in fresh air (smaller so you create negative pressure inside the tent), and a standing fan blowing inside the tent to create a light breeze (makes stalks stronger, buds fatter, prevents stagnant air, fungi and mold)
And possibly what you need for automated regulation: timer for your lamps, humid/dehumidifier combo with humidity sensor, thermostat to regulate your fans and/or a heater unit for winter...

>> No.11443275

>2 words
used 5.

I got 2 words for you: The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of pepe

>> No.11443370

>UK is so gay they rap about having a tool


fucking lol that was horrible.

>> No.11443574
File: 97 KB, 1000x749, SOCK TRADER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrison's a real G. He will break into your grow room and steal your crop. Better watch out.


>> No.11443611

what does a cultivation facility do? growing, or just refining?

>> No.11443661

meh you don't even need the marketing as much as business connections and local reps.
that's fucked up the killed the viet grower, not cool senpai

someone hire me on to your extracts team I don't do hard drugs and am not a retarded wook.

>> No.11443726
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>bragging about growing on a government honey pot

>> No.11443801

CO2 extracts or bust. The state is going to come down hard on butane and other harmful chems. All the good extract companies are getting bought out by Canadian pharma

>> No.11443825
File: 535 KB, 765x754, CustomGrow420_lung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start growing with small grow tent and 600W LED light for $500
>harvest a pound after two harvests, sell for $2k
>buy another tent, for flowering 5x5 with 2000W LED for $800
>have perpetual grow, can harvest 2 lbs every 2 months
>after one year, get $24k in revenues
>move to a house
>create grow room with 10k Watts of LED lights
>grow 10-20lbs every 3 months
>make $60k a year from weeds

How smart is this plan?

>> No.11443858

co2 is too expensive straight I think, it's useful when used in combination with etoh. But I agree pentane / heptane / xtane days are limited outside of a few labs. For real though we maybe shouldn't be fucking with these solvents to begin with. Regardless I always enjoy some good live resin.

>> No.11443970

Your a fucking moron.

Is it your first grow? you like to stay in one place for more then one grow?
Mate your dumb as fuck, you don't grow anything nor could you.

>> No.11443991

I know a dude who did this and It worked out for him no shit

exactly this

>> No.11444068

You are new as fuck ain't ya.

It's 50/50 meaning thc and cbd content are the same amount.

They still have between 10-20 mg of either. Not 50% thc and 50%

You kids... Get back to making up memes and thinking about growing.

Unless you have top tier bud a small scale is pointless.
If you have mad amounts of weight, I can guarantee ya ain't posting on 4chan.

Op grew 3 plants and thinks he's a master.

The gubbment regulated weed here is the absolute fire.
Cured perfectly and you actually know what your smoking. Not getting names that the grower was lucky to
Dude you do not stand a chance. It's not as simpl as adding water and light.

If you can harvest a quarter pound on your first run I'll be impressed.
And I'm not setting a limit to how many plants you can have.

You are very welcomed to have 100 plants but I can guarantee you, you'll pull less then a quarter pound of weed from that.

Growing good weed is not simple and has taken me almost 15 years to
Master and still to this day every grow something changes.

>> No.11444159
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look at this faggot lmao what a FAGGOT

I was a top tech programmer in a greenhouse in poland and automated a 10.000 Tomato grow. I literally had flying drones with night vision checking the quality at night, they even harvested automatically using a KI. If you think intels manufacturing plan was clean you havent seen SHIT this thing was all deep water culture with fucking spectrometers to figure out nutrient content bro no plant has ever seen soil in her life. I can grow weed on the fucking mars if I wanted to.

>> No.11444223

Bro, you show me. The proof is in the puddin.

You know nothing about growing marijuana. Oh wait, your just going to use their equipment to grow stuff illegally? yeah, company gonna love you.

Even if you had access to all that, I challenge you to grow a quarter pound on your first run.
No limit to how many plants you can have either. :)

quick tip, tomato factories are ideal to convert into pot growing operations but you still need to do the actual conversion.

I really don't give a shit about your history mate. We're talking about the now.

My challenge is super simple, I mean if it's so easy why not pull it off?
I'll even toss you 8 eth if you succeed.


>> No.11444557

>14,000 pounds of weed a week

I’m sorry but that doesn’t even sound possible considering it takes about 4 months for a plant to mature

>> No.11444672
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Is this a viable strategy even if you you don't live in NA?

>> No.11444816

The cloning and veg is cycled and timed. 8 week flowering, but the facility will be turning over sections each week for constant output. This is not a difficult concept to grasp. Think of it like an assembly line, where by the time a plant gets to the end, it's been there for months, but a new set get to the end each week.

>> No.11444826

In our case, growing and extraction/value adding

>> No.11444914



why did my ID change?

>> No.11444931

>outting yourself as a phoneposter

>> No.11444934

I have a Vietnamese land-race I smuggled back home. Best strain I've ever smoked, make you want to dance and talk to people, it's really unbelievable. Only have on seed, but plan on cloning it and selling it as top-shelf product. Just need to get my supply up, will probably send some product to a lab to get it tested and then pitch it to the local dispensaries.

>> No.11444950

>he think every plant is started and harvested at the same time

>> No.11444985

14k a week is excessive. Month is cool. What's the head count gonna be for 14k a week.

>> No.11445086

We have patents regarding this, so I won't go into much detail but basically we have a way of getting much more densely packed grow rooms than other growers. More product per sqft in the end

>> No.11445185

neat. headcount is definitely huge though for 14k a week. agtech / engineering surrounding ag science is also fucking fascinating.

>> No.11445286

Not really, it’s much harder to ship to their countries from my understanding, ask people who do international exchanges on the darknet though. If they say it’s relatively simple go for it. Pro tip wax/concentrates= less bulk and a higher price per gram. It comes with stiffer penalties but is much easier to transport, has less smell, and is more of a novelty than regular weed which will give you a niche above your average weed dealer.

>> No.11445521

everything about that was terrible

>> No.11445542

Yeah no shit they’ll be at different stages of growth. 14k lbs a week is still an insane amount, not even top growers like Northern Emeralds are putting out that much.

>> No.11445547

how the fuck do you trim that much weed? also you should make ice wax

>> No.11445680

no. this shit any idiot can do. what u need is capital. land . water electricity sun and manpower. beta manfaggoy

>> No.11445718

this isnt impressive a greenhouse with basic climate and nutrition is all u need. otherwise growing weed with 1 million investment why

>> No.11445725

>not running an entire grow op by yourself

>> No.11446226

I'm sorry to burst your bubble anon, but the number of growth cycles you can do will be the same, wether you do full cycles or dedicate half of your space to veg and half to flowering, or however you want to divide them. Rotating them that way only gives your manpower something to do in the trimming / drying room while the next batch flowers. It has no other advantage.
Assuming you cut both super short (SoG setup with like 2 weeks veg, 4 weeks flowering) you are looking at 42 fucking TONS of weed per growth cycle... If we go for the gold standard of 1g per watt, that's at least 42 thousand lamps you need.
And that's anywhere from 40 thousand - 60 thousand square meters. For an indoor cultivation facility.
Of course, it will be next to impossible to provide the level of care and detail that gives grow-tent plants that yield with an operation that big.
I don't even want to get into the electricity this would require.
So my conclusions is that one of the following statements is true:
1-You misunderstood what your father meant, and he was talking about open terrain cultivation and harvesting balls of hemp for fiber and seeds for edibles
2-Your father is a moron who can't run his numbers
3-Your father is a moron who can't figure out how to invest the immense capital this would require into something a little more productive
3-You are a LARPer

>> No.11446284
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>> No.11446310
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Medical industry is and always will be corrupt. Industry full of criminals and drug dealers. You think they will ever want to pay taxes and not sell on the side? Yeah right. I hope weed is always illegal. Only dude weed faggots want to walk into some box store to buy their weed.

>> No.11446453

He meant "as much thc as cbd", you can't have 50/50 total cause there's hundreds of other cannabinoids in weed

>> No.11446481

Do you shit on them as fertilizer?

>> No.11446491

>fan pointed at open hoods
Yeah, no, the fan should be a gentle breeze on the plants for that.

>> No.11446510

>illegal weed
>after canada just legalized it and now mega corporations are going to be mass producing all kinds of cannabis for consumer consumption
The black market will be pretty much dead in 5 years.

>> No.11446525

we can only grow 4 plants and it's illegal to sell your own

i'd rather not get raided because tyrone got upset or something

>> No.11446532

4 plants is beyond more than enough for any average person. If you and your friends are growing you got more than enough weed for all your needs.

>> No.11446537

Which is why you put a bullet in tyron's head, the drug dealer way. AKA the fake legal industry.

>> No.11446548

...in Canada

>> No.11446550
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>>after canada just legalized it and now mega corporations are going to be mass producing all kinds of cannabis for consumer consumption
>Over 1M Sq. Ft. & 200k+ Plant’s & 15,000 KG & $45M Rev - LOST
yeah these giant mega corporations are hella good at growing weed wow, definitely. perhaps they should learn to grow decent weed before scaling.

>> No.11446563

And Canada will export everywhere now, legalization isn't far off for America.

>> No.11446565

How can I grow weed if I live in my parents house and they think its still illegal and makes you go psycho?

I just want to have my own lil hydro tent to grow cool strains in.

>> No.11446573
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>It's 50/50 meaning thc and cbd content are the same amount.
>Not 50% thc and 50% CBD
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11446575

its still very far off, you cuck. thanks to brainwashed boomers and vested pharma interests

3 years MINIMUM before federal laws are even CONSIDERED to change

>> No.11446583
File: 1.29 MB, 1902x810, Morrison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breaks in your grow
>Steals your crop

Seriously though, how do you secure thousands of £ worth of cannabis?

>> No.11446587 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11446599

Lmao no
Just a low effort backyard grow, still yields decent quality bud

>> No.11446618

cameras, fences, 24/7 on site security.

>> No.11446624

secure facility
don't let the kinds of people who would steal your shit know it even exists

>> No.11446642
File: 69 KB, 600x702, 1001c7b190080017202e3172cabccc3ab352d0c5ad66ae7546ca6e0556c0bff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave hints that you are biggest grower in the world
>Wait for Morrison and his crowbah to break into your setup
>Kill Morrison with a bigger crowbah

Your street get will be so big people will leave you alone for years.

>> No.11446658

cred not cred. Sorry my gets here are legendary so I confused the two.

>> No.11446842

Nah mate. We are already exporting. Is it because your in burgerland you don't care to read news from other countries?
We are weed country from here on in.

The weed is better then you've ever seen in your life.

>> No.11447258

Its $300 an ounce for absolute shit in Australia.

>> No.11447462


Holy shit this pathetic. Weed isn't that hard to grow.

Looking to start an op myself, but lack the capital for a decent startup (hybrid, blackout greenhouse). Who wants to invest?

>> No.11447480


If that's the case, why is dank still 15-20 a gram in dispensaries in CO?

>> No.11447493
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>> No.11447561


It's possible, but you need an expensive setup with multiple grow rooms.

>> No.11447570

I disagree. the shit is $200 an ounce, anything you pay $300 or more for is guaranteed quality unless your dealer is a dodgy cunt
Australia has very good bud. We aren't as into the commercialization bullshit like the yanks but quality is quality.

>> No.11447572

few hundred dollars in quality lights, air filters for smell, pots, soil and seeds and you could turn 3-4 plants into 1500$ every harvest (few months). would obviously only have to reinvest in seeds and soil and nutrients all very cheap. all the info on actually growing it and the equipment needed is on youtube.

>> No.11447577


Pretty much, it'd take tens of millions and lots of pickaninnies to pull this off.

>> No.11447614

just stay at home and dont invite people over
basically the life most of us are living now
growing is definitely best suited for private people

>> No.11447635

10: 13, 10/13/2018 Have you been licking? The actor? Empirical? Dogeza? Florida? 10: 21 Rebound?
9: 53 Reset? Mombid? 10: 04 Hijikata? 10: 09 Empire? 10: 10 Zoid (biological metal fox?)
9: 15, Dogeza? Kaitake (poison mushroom)? 9: 40 Interfax communication? Apartheid? Ebenki ?? Empir?
Dau-ragiri? Muraisaki Tadashi Dogeza ??

At 8:45 on October 19, 2018, thinking for your brother for a moment! Pleasure arises from the sacrum! Are you happy? ▲ Thinking in? Raptor?
Kaga? Empirical? Dogeza? Sense of nostrils spreading! Mombid? Is it no better with the baby 's voice?

>> No.11447648

second time I've seen an AI shit itself on biz this week
what the actual fuck

>> No.11447657

any opinions on growing autos vs photos? just growing for myself, getting a little tired of the time investment for photos.

>> No.11447740

my only opinion - afaik autos are generally less potent as they're crossed with hemp for the autoflower genes. otherwise decent and easy to grow.

>> No.11447805

thanks, good to know. i've read the potency issue has improved a little but the yields are smaller.

>> No.11448048

Fag.exe ran into a critical error. Click OK to close.

>> No.11448054
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i am currently selling mdma trying to make enough money so i can start a few grow house before they decriminalize it in my country so i can ride the wave into legalization and become corporate weed in my country but my supplier keeps fucking up and i have to wait weeks to reup on MDMA

>> No.11448990

Anon will dispensaries offer you $$$ for your new strain even if you grow (for science) at home to produce the strain without a cultivator's license? aka illegal. Genuinely curious if you know some industry insight. I'm in a rec state.