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11438700 No.11438700 [Reply] [Original]

Today the enigma team showed their true colors
They call our favorite project a bandaid
They brigade our telegram while putting on a "oh geeze guys I dunno why you are all mad at us" act
If you are reading this rory, you showed restraint, and you showed us how much the man you are. I'm am glad to be in ranks with a leader like you
Fuck you enigma
Your stunt just started a war beyond just memes
We are the link marines
We don't forget
This is my call to action marines
Keep this thread alive and keep it high and proud
This will be our flag
This will begin our victory
Hail Sergey

>> No.11438726

Hail Sergey,. What can he do? Attribute false quotes to the Enigma team?

>> No.11438741

that was pathetic. can you imagine Sergey going to enigma tg and shilling link? i can't

>> No.11438750

Post screenshots

>> No.11438770
File: 595 KB, 750x1334, E5A9B10374C749479D58A286FE20CE1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken from another thread

>> No.11438787

Seems reasonable

>> No.11438847

It sounds reasonable to join another telegram to talk about their platform uninvited?
When have you ever seen another dev team do that?
That's like gradeschool shit

>> No.11438862

This is such pointless trivial shit? Why do you even bother posting this. They just didn’t want misinfo spread about their project you don’t even know the context you’re just mindlessly reposting nonsense.

>> No.11438921

>This is such pointless trivial shit? Why do you even bother posting this. They just didn’t want misinfo spread about their project you don’t even know the context you’re just mindlessly reposting nonsense.

Eng members going onto cls telegram is the saddest form of damage control I have seen in a while. This is up there with oraclize getting butthurt and responding to trolls directly. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.11438997

you basement dwellers and your autistic low IQ fudding have resulted in a response to 'knock it off'. the only ones who look bad to the outside world are immature link obsessed autistic bagholders.
>btw, I hold both coins but you retards are embarassing yourselves and damaging the link brand by sperging out at ENG

>> No.11439002

get the FUCK out of here you link traitor scum

>> No.11439003


>> No.11439018

What is this all about? What did the Enigma team do that was wrong?

>> No.11439031
File: 261 KB, 570x444, 1510859305184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have the most demeaning memes made about ceo. Pic related
I don't see Sergey sperging out on 4chan saying cut it out
>rory gets called a cuck for having a wife's son on twitter
I don't see rory saying cut it out on reddit
>project gets called a simple json parser with little tech
I don't see Thomas sperging out in other people's telegrams about tech and saying cut it out
>is literally ignored by money skelly himself, the very founder of the platform the project is in development on even with a nearing top 50 place on coinmarketcap
I don't see the team autisticaly shreeking at vitalik on any social media or saying cut it out notice me
The difference is professionalism. They call Chainlink a bandaid publicly and notice how our team stays silent.
Because they don't have to talk
They are going to let the project speak for itself at mainnet

>> No.11439032

Tor is a pathetic midget.

>> No.11439074

Didn't the eniggers pull this stunt with iota too? Seems like whenever they feel threatened, they try to intimidate other projects. Gigantic red flag, if you hold ENG I'd sell at the next pump.

>> No.11439094

don't you get banned for asking a question or posting "fud"?
Iv'e seen someone cry about it on here before kek

>> No.11439101

also link retards have been asking the devs questions about chainlink all week.
they just give their opinion, are they not allowed to voice it?

>> No.11439244

If you ask a serious question in a proper way you'll get an answer from Rory/Thomas.

If you act like a PEE PEE POO POO babby, then quelle surprise : you'll be banned.

Is that a tough situation for you to handle Rebecca?

>> No.11439303
File: 1.18 MB, 3024x4032, c02c7a8e2e4cac1ae00df29c95ffac8ef3f6157a25d37b69871b68835ceebfcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. roryberg