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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 178 KB, 1900x1080, dipstead_release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1142979 No.1142979 [Reply] [Original]








>> No.1143090

Oo no ones replying. Maybe this is the end?

>> No.1143095

0.02 here we go

>> No.1143102

Thread theme

>> No.1143105

Im actually hoping it dips to 0.021

>> No.1143113

>ETH Dips


>> No.1143120
File: 5 KB, 414x466, kraken-ethusd-Mar-15-2016-10-51-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going lower right?
I need to go for my morning jog but i don't know if it will be higher when i get back or if it will be lower?

>> No.1143122

It will be lower.

>> No.1143125

welp i'll make it a quick one, see you dipsters in an hour or so

>> No.1143129

Have a nice run

>> No.1143131



>> No.1143147

How do I set a buy order for lower than current price on poloniex? I want to set to buy at 9

>> No.1143162
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>> No.1143237

Be careful I'm not quite sure it will dip that low

>> No.1143244

This is some crappy dip. There's a lot of buyers, I guess.

>> No.1143280

the whales just won't let go

>> No.1143333


>> No.1143337



>> No.1143341

Totally the wrong pattern for that, it's annoying it's not crashing hard enough and will obviously go up again quickly. Try scaremongering somewhere else.

>> No.1143347

sold at 0.359, bought at 0.32. I'm not gonna try to be greedy, waiting for the rebound

>> No.1143378

>volume falling
>at the edge of 3000
>sell walls dont get crushed like past 24hours >homestead is here nothing impressive really
Just cause I love anormies, sell now don't panic sell later
Be the guy picking up free cash to the scared mongers, don't be the one panic selling.

>> No.1143394

hit the nail on the head. the pump is over. it's in the dump stage now. Just sold my 20k worth. It was a easy 10k profit riding the pump. thanxs shills!

>> No.1143401


i detect a nocoiner

>> No.1143407

I detect a panic sell in 3 2 1..
>You gonna eat your words in minutes.

>> No.1143419

I predict a steady ascent, ebbing gently everupwards on a sparkling river of nocoiner tears.

>> No.1143420


>> No.1143421
File: 97 KB, 695x401, short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your shorts, phamily

>> No.1143438
File: 819 KB, 500x281, LOOK AT ME MAMA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I did it!
After weeks of reading and studying, opening accounts, getting verified, and transferring funds to bitcoin, I waited for a dip...and it happened!
I did it! Just like that youtube video you guys always post!
I bought the dip!
Guys I'm gonna be a millionaire just like you!
I hope you're proud of me /biz/-sama!

>> No.1143442

You didn't. it didn't crash yet :^)
>I can smell fear.

>> No.1143444

shouldve waited, we are in a major downtrend

>> No.1143446

what YT guy?

>> No.1143452


>> No.1143455

Agreed, will probably hit sub $10 I think

>> No.1143457
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>still waiting on verification

i'm going to miss the dip, goddammit


>> No.1143461

Congrats to the guys who had the balls to go sub 0.03, I don't think bittrex is gonna go sub-0.028 tonight

>> No.1143636
File: 33 KB, 360x360, pepe_ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1143643
File: 7 KB, 225x225, shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i do this?
say i think a coin is about to drop in value. i have btc in my polo margin account. how do i profit from that?

>> No.1143644

I don't even know what this etherum shit is lmao. It's like buttcoins but better and you can use it for shit and it's hard to buy?

>> No.1143651

bought at .0287 sold at .0305 for a nice 6% gain, going to sleep and buying at another low tomorrow

>> No.1143653

You ever wanted to rideshare somewhere across town, but left your cumbersome paper money at home? Well with ETH you can just whip out your cellular device and pop open a dapp. Simply swipe your dapp QR code render across the rideshare biometric scanner and your dapp blockchain tweeter instantly fuels some ether across the blockchain to validate that ethereum mist e-wallet has been debited 0.002 ethers. The rideshare now has full confidence that your purchase has been approved. Available on the prestigious Microsoft Azure platform today.

>> No.1143665

sounds dank af bro. Might have to get me some of that ether

>> No.1143722

>We are in a major downtrend

Any trend line longer than a few days is bullish, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1143740

Or you could just, like, pay with a card..

>> No.1143741


>> No.1143773

Sold the dip :-)

>> No.1143805
File: 153 KB, 600x800, lg2xV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When and how do I margin trade?

>> No.1143806

go to margin trading and do a margin sell. you borrow someone's coins and sell them, and when it goes lower you buy the coins back and return them, pocketing the difference.

>> No.1144074

so i sell at current market rate, then the coins are automatically bought back when the price drops? i don't have to do anything? what do i put in the various text fields if all i do is click sell then wait for everything else to be automated?

>> No.1144097


And if the price goes higher, you have to pay the difference when you close the trade. So in the event that ETH has another big spike up, you do have quite a bit of risk, so you'd probably want a buy stop to limit your potential losses if it doesn't go your way.

>> No.1144129


it's not automatic. you choose when to buy the coins back. there's a little guide on poloniex (click 'what's this?' link on margin page)

>> No.1144172

>it's not automatic. you choose
so do i set a margin sell, then additionally, set a margin buy?

>> No.1144229

The dip is over, boys, and it wasn't even as bad as the last one.

>> No.1144249

>tfw my money didn't clear in time.
I fucking hate coin base. Three times they've made me miss a dip...

>> No.1144251

Well, what I mean is the drop has stopped. We're still at the bottom of the dip, so buying in the next 24 hours will be good. When will you get your btc?

>> No.1144268

Fucking Friday. It's cool. I'm fine with my position. Just wanted to throw another hundred in. It's whatever. I'll just hold that for the next dip.

>> No.1144281

What if the dip..

.. is actually the ceiling?

Betcha didn't think of that, did ya shrills?

>> No.1144288

yeah eth has run outta steam. it'll probably have a couple more mini pumps then plummet. like every single cryptocurrency ever.

>> No.1144290

>coin base

no shit man, bought last Thursday while caught up in the hype, projected to land today. today it says it should hit tomorrow

>> No.1144306

>the ceiling is at a point when the main utility is not even fully realized yet
Ok friendo.

>> No.1144316

this is the point at which everyone will sell, not buy.

>> No.1144317
File: 151 KB, 754x294, Banned1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1144355

>This is totally different from the 400 other times people have posted this for the last month. ETH will never break $10, guys. Sell now before the whales make you a bagholder.

>> No.1144362

why isn't it rising in value any more then?
will the value continue rising forever?

>> No.1144363

Cause that is what happens to securities.

They raise, they dip, they don't move much for a while, then raise or dip again.

>> No.1144372

whereas ctyptos raise, dip, raise, dip, then rocket and plummet into oblivion.

>> No.1144378


the dips keep increasing in relative value, the heights keep increasing in relative value. it is rising in value. you gotta zoom out senpai.

>> No.1144384

lol bullshit, for days it's been struggling to maintain 3 mill, let alone get back to it's 3.7 peak. it takes fkn minutes for people to lose faith in cryptos given how volatile those bastards are. when daytrading ceases to be profitable because the margins have decreased to the point where it's just a few satos, i.e pretty much right fkn now, it'll plummet within seconds. it only takes one whale to click "sell" and it's all over.

>> No.1144403

I hope so. Lower it more so I can buy more. Ethereum has utility that isn't currently being used. When that utility is realized is when it goes up in value. Right now it's just another crypto to speculate on.

>> No.1144409

>When that utility is realized is when it goes up in value.
opposite imo, anon. as soon as a coin proves itself, people are willing to buy, so whales come along to dump.
bobsurplus is all over ETH, just check bitcointalk. that ruthless fucker can destroy alts in a second.

>> No.1144473

Link to thread?

>> No.1144492

Not only that, but the utility of etherm doesn't have anything to do with the trade price. The utility is the same whether the price goes up, stays the same, or goes down.

So what you all are really banking on is hype, and hot air. The fantasy is that bitcoin is going to happen again, and darn it, this time you're not going to miss it. Don't you think the real players and manipulators have got you pegged? Yes, they do, and if you bought it, you're the one on the hook.

>> No.1144503

I think you're being too negative. Lighten up and buy some ethereum

>> No.1144526

Oh it's not being negative. I just like tormenting shrills. Because they deserve it so much, it's like a free pass to be a complete asshole.

>> No.1144532

>Have buy orders in place at $4.00 USD.


>> No.1144568

heh, same here

I think the MEGA DIP will be unexpected, but I am ready

>> No.1144570

You keep spelling the word "shill" wrong.