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File: 339 KB, 1123x556, Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 14.12.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11427183 No.11427183 [Reply] [Original]

The NPC meme has gone viral!!!


>> No.11427191


fuck off NPC.

>> No.11427291
File: 62 KB, 659x670, 17321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The NPC meme essentially meant to ridicule the post-election perpetual outrage culture in which altrighters simply parrot the latest talking points and meme from their favorite youtube celebrities, who do their thinking for them
Wow now I see the entire article in a different light

>> No.11427315





>> No.11427328

Gotta say, although there are like 40 autists here who post regularly (including me) this small percentage of idiots can shake the "World". Kind of makes you wonder how many fucking NPCs there are.

>> No.11427330


oh shit im with her now

>> No.11427341

every report i've read so far plays the "OH NO its the nazis attacking liberals because its from 4Chan" card when the start of this meme in reality was based on some report about not all people conducting inner speech. fucking retarded.

>> No.11427342

They have been exposed and are spewing venom all over the internet.
Fuck, it's like that quote from Goebbles where he said you could call a jew anything and he doesn't care unless you call him..

>> No.11427362

Don't be mad new memes arrive to replace your aged dinosaur memes grandpa.

>> No.11427378
File: 295 KB, 662x502, 1539724448703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be on the front page of the NYT

this meme is just an evolution of the 30 year old boomer

people are weird and that they freak out about NPCs actually confirms it

>> No.11427409

NPC meme is being used to push identity politics warfare bullshit.
30 yo boomer was just self depreciating humor.

>> No.11427410

>Ban hammer
>Right before midterm elections

So this is the only way they can damage control their shitty ideologies, by silencing the opposition. Kek, fucking fascists.

>> No.11427443

I kind of laugh at people who take politics so seriously. Like yeah some SJW is going to change the minds of rich politicians who fuck bitches and have the fuck you money. Omegakek. Politics is nowadays religion. Before it was Jesus this and Jesus that. Now its Trump this and Trump that. I dont fucking care. I just want to live a normal life, gettings gains from stocks n crypto, buying some useless shit i enjoy and fuck my fit skinny bitch from time to time. :D

>> No.11427468

same, but I fuck different east european silikon tittie stipper girls

>> No.11427482

NPC is forced and shit. It's just the latest flavor of the "smug teenager/early 20 year old who is so enlightened and woke against the sheeple" trope. Goes to show how fucking pathetic the lefties are by getting mad at it.

>> No.11427485

>Wow now I see the entire article in a different light

I see it as forcing people to be free thinkers or risk being killed in droves while free thinkers "heros" farm you for drops. I also see that the left is now going to begin linking the npc meme to gamergate again as video games are all about killing npcs. Which is a catch 22 situation.

Face it, the left right now has no free thinkers and the few that do exist are labeled Nazis anyway.

>> No.11427492
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The boomer meme hasn't even fully blossomed yet.

>> No.11427493

>NPC meme is being used to push identity politics warfare bullshit.

Its pushing the exact opposite dumbass. Its pushing a need to think out of the box and actually discuss topics or be labeled a script runner.

>> No.11427512

So they call people russian bots if you don't support trannies and illegals and its ok but you call them an NPC and they get so mad it causes a mass banning? Truly pathetic.

>> No.11427517

What the fuck are they doing
The harder they fight against this shit meme the harder it will be spread

>> No.11427518
File: 289 KB, 667x670, 1932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit and the mentally underage v/pol natives use of the meme show otherwise.

>> No.11427521

Imagine thinking 'alt right' or whatever the fuck they are the free thinkers.

The absolute state of Western society

>> No.11427534

You should find it EXTREMELY concerning that you dont understand how this is a weak argument. First of all its not even funny. How the fuck is your reverse meme going to be effective if you dont add anything to it to make it work?

You literally just tried to turn it back AND MADE FUN OF YOUR FUCKING SELF in the process. Shit isn't funny unless it has some shock value and holds some truth. That lame ass shit you just posted is weak as fuck and you should consider KYS therapy.

>> No.11427543

Free thinkers are the ones WHO MAKE THE FUCKING MEMES YOU ABSOLUTE MORON! You cant meme if you dont have the mental capacity to do it!!

>> No.11427564

Yeah these memes really demonstrate free thought, you retard.

>> No.11427571

Sorry mate but NPC is a shitty forced meme and the majority of people using it are reddit trash. I dont know what else you want me to say.
Unless you are talking about the picture I posted? Its meant to be an appropriate depiction of the people who use the meme, whether you find it humorous or not is a personal thing.

>> No.11427634
File: 131 KB, 880x660, TheLeftApparently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is literally a vetting process where people mass prototype ideas with the goal of provoking a message through humor. You cannot achieve a greater example of free thinking. We are testing each other for the ability to be cognizant enough about a particular topic in order to combine more than 1 complex topics into a humorous example.

Humor is one of the greatest ways for humans to determine if someone ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS the topic from a unique perspective.

> Sorry mate but NPC is a shitty forced meme and the majority of people using it are reddit trash.

.... Sure, but its funny and the shoe fucking fits.

> I dont know what else you want me to say.

You should try learning how to fucking think for yourself you IDIOT. Or at least shut the fuck up lol

> Its meant to be an appropriate depiction of the people who use the meme, whether you find it humorous or not is a personal thing.

You literally just fucking said this shit like Data from Star Trek. HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

> I created this to properly depict the opposing viewpoint. Do you enjoy joke? HA. HA. HA. HA.
> What is joke? Me think joke return by repeat joke back. Correct?

Every single person who is up against this meme is utterly fucked. You might as well just start outrage of twitch streamers killing people in GTA because it depicts leftists being slaughtered by Nazis.

>> No.11427641

The funniest thing about it is that both sides could be equally branded as NPCs.

Just try having an argument with them, they're worse than a JRPG NPC. Always the same responses. On one side you'll get branded a far-left commie progressive ANTIFA supporter I'm with her cuck, and on the other as a trump supporter far-right racist fascist.

>> No.11427644

which board started the npc meme? /pol/ or /biz/?
I know that old quote, I mean the recent grey face iteration

>> No.11427645

NPC confirmed.

>> No.11427653

It's basically a sentience scale.

>> No.11427660

>you dont like a ***forced*** wojak edit therefore you cannot think for yourself
Refer back to the four tile comic that I posted. Keep jumping on the forced meme bangwagon though, you fucking newfag reddit trash.

>> No.11427669

The NPC meme is nothing more than a rebranding of the philosophical zombie thought experiment.

>> No.11427674

>The funniest thing about it is that both sides could be equally branded as NPCs.

Basically it traps anyone with a collectivist mindset into being in a mob mentality. So both the left and the right will have a hard time with it. Anyone who just runs from a script basically.

The meme wont work very well on centrists because individualists usually are not reading from a more common script.

Biz started it to make fun of nocoiners and shitty work place conditions. Pol is taking it to far new heights though. Good on them.

>> No.11427681

>Biz started it to make fun of nocoiners and shitty work place conditions.
ahh right! I knew I seen it here. It grew from the wage cage, of course

>> No.11427687

How did it go from being generally about normies to triggering libshits specifically

>> No.11427689
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Yeah exactly. Wage cucks basically.

>> No.11427703

Unironically the meme was created by AI and their biological botnet did the spreading.

>> No.11427705
File: 52 KB, 800x668, 154638956746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once it began getting used for annoying arguments or saying something that "triggers" a normie. The leap was not that big for it to begin going down the path of dealing with triggered snow flakes.

Lets face it, pol is using the meme to far greater effect.

>> No.11427706
File: 43 KB, 615x502, C2FEDEEC-EAA5-4AB4-8C2E-22ACD84D87BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i saw the boomer and npc memes on biz so that’s where it came from

>> No.11427717

Boomer is more complicated.
NPC came from here because coworkers are fucking NPCs usually.

>> No.11427718


it’s pretty easy to see how if you think about it

>> No.11427720

>completely predictable and repeatable response

It kinda started out like that and had some potential. now it's just ME SMART YOU DUMB XD

>> No.11427742

>now it's just ME SMART YOU DUMB XD

It doesn't matter, the meme is functional on a psychological level that goes past this kind of bullshit. It forces a situation where the only way to counter it is to prove your an individual. Which if you are unable to do YOU ARE FUCKED. It means once you get hit with it you now have to prove you are not part of the pack otherwise you look like a fucking idiot if you try to fight back by avoiding or reversing the meme.

>> No.11427768

these idiots keep drawing more attention to this place completely ignorant of the fact that in doing so will bring about the untimely demise of the free speech we enjoy here. making memes was a mistake.

>> No.11427772

It works on a psychological level indeed. The use of the meme itself is a scripted response, the posters of the memes are NPCs themselves.

>oh no a differing opinion, what ever shall I do
>better post a meme and keep reposting it because I cant think of anything else

>> No.11427773

The only way to fight back is for the left to make an equally original and effective retort. Reversing the meme, outrage over the meme, anything other than proving you are not a group thinker will net you a loss in the debate.

This meme is absolutely dangerous for the left right now. This is devastating as hell. Its funny as fuck too and even a little creativity can land heavy blows and silence group think full stop.

>> No.11427789

>anything other than proving you are part of the hivemind will net you a loss in the debate

>> No.11427793

Cool so let me know when the left devises something that's actually funny and original. Then you can repost it all over the place too.

>> No.11427796


it’s pretty funny. the npc accounts are devastating normies on twitter right now, i don’t think I’ve seen anything like it.

>> No.11427800

Sorry friend but what does the left or right have to do with any of this? Are you seriously suggesting that whether or not someone is capable of "independent thought" is entirely dependent on which party (out of a total option of two) they support?

>> No.11427808

Literal bot accounts are spamming twitter feeds of alt-right effigies. Kind of ironic, isnt it?

>> No.11427818

No that's bullshit. everyone is an individual ultimately. Everything is situational and everything requires unique attention and judgement.

However, there are a lot of people who read from a script and lack the mental capacity to think for themselves. These people tend to group up on the extremist side of either spectrum.

>> No.11427838

>brainlet1: sees leftists as NPCs
>brainlet2: sees rightists as NPCs
>the enlightened one: everyone, including yourself, is an NPC

>> No.11427841

>prove your an individual
That would be interesting but it's not the case here. NPC is just a stand-in for an actual argument against *insert reality tunnel here*. What's happening now is:

>rightwinger calls leftst an NPC
>leftist gets triggered

>leftist calls rightwinger an NPC
>rightwinger laughs it off or says t. NPC

Replace NPC with any other insult and its the same shit.

>> No.11427842
File: 12 KB, 404x410, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new meme from 4chan? 4chan is an alt-right website, so it must be an alt-right meme.

>> No.11427865

I appreciate your non bait response.

>> No.11427899

how did this meme get twisted into democrats vs republicans? /pol/ was a mistake

>> No.11427926

I think the meme is great. Whenever someone parrots the same shit you can just say "ok npc" and watch them freeze. Then they will either keep being the same or maybe start thinking. Remember there are npc-s in left and right, but at least the right ones are on the right side.

>> No.11427931

Its all self depreciating.
Normies cant tell the difference though

>> No.11427939

>Replace NPC with any other insult and its the same shit.

Yeah, in this case all of the free thinkers are being lumped in with right wingers. Thus alt right becomes a counter culture during a moral panic. Do you not understand how this works? The establishment is the NPC party because they force out free thinkers. This is always how it goes.

One of the main defining aspects of an NPC in this context is a lack of self awareness and a willingness to ignore science. Science denial is a key red flag to NPC status. Defining the number of genders as being infinite is the lefts version of the total denial of climate change of the right. (Anthropogenic excluded)

Most of this seems to stem from those who are, or are not, determinists. Then it spreads out from there to more and more ridiculous degrees of the argument.

The NPC meme will those ALWAYS be effective against establishment targets. And the left is the establishment right now in most social and political arenas. It effectively attacks anyone who is too far from centrist mentality and is also establishment.

>> No.11427951

awwww, how cute. look everybody, a reddior with a onions meme

>> No.11427953

the only thing which annoys me about the NPC meme is that it will be in my face for the next two months because 4chan can't stop using it to annoy people.


>> No.11427969

Its going to last longer than that. The NPC meme is going to be a means to consistently shame anyone who is too far from center now. Corporatists and authoritarians are probably forever BTFO no matter what political party they reside. If you are hoping this shit blows over then you are going to be waiting decades.

>> No.11427975

daily reminder not to give NPC posters any (you)'s so that they have more of an incentive to shit up this board.
they can get their kicks on twitter.

>> No.11427990

> A new meme from 4chan? 4chan is an devil worshiping website, so it must be an satanic meme.


>> No.11428000

it's almost dead on /v/. barely mentioned on /tv/ and most other boards. /pol/ likes it because it's low effort. i don't know if it will survive on /biz/ but i think it'll stay in /pol/ and twitter.
once reddit / mainstream likes a meme most of 4chan turns super edgy and stops spamming it.

>> No.11428025
File: 73 KB, 615x767, 3654528462519837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, I still see fucking fresco for fucks sake here. We might see NPC meme die down a lot after mid terms but its going to be used literally until the left eats itself alive like the self consuming collectivist NPC mind fuckers they are.

>> No.11428038


For it to on forever, it needs to rally itself behind a cause. Not a constant insult of people with an attention span of 20 seconds. I give it two months unless it clings onto something more than a NPC trigger.

>> No.11428074
File: 369 KB, 720x540, 123485663928445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a constant insult of people with an attention span of 20 seconds.

Ever here of the term lolcow?

Remember back in the 90s when it was funny as fuck to piss off Christians by drawing dicks on everything and talking about satanic rituals? Remember the days when it was cool and edgy to fucking hate the shit out of religion. Remember when these same religious NPC fuckers wanted to ban video games and got people fired from their jobs for being devil worshipers?

Pepperidge farm remembers

Here's a hint, the meme is not going away until the left is fucking dead.

>> No.11428093

So if you are on the left and think there is some truth to the idea that hitting the gym might make you Hitler. These memes for you man.

>> No.11428103

It started on /pol/. The ONLY meme /biz/ can claim is pink wojack

>> No.11428111

> Here's a hint, the meme is not going away until the left is fucking dead.

it triggers a far greater audience than just the left. No reason to specifically target them, they'll be triggered by it one way or another. If instead you rally behind a cause, it will trigger everyone not in tune with the cause, while still conveying logically challenging arguments. It's the most weaponize'able meme to come from 2018. I am looking forward to see where this is going.

>> No.11428128

It was reborn on pol
But I saw it start here

Its like Monty Pythons world funniest joke. You cant even play video games right now OR EVEN TALK ABOUT THEM without having to think about it LMAO

>> No.11428142

Are we early adopters?

>> No.11428166

Did this meme originate here or on /pol/

>> No.11428173



>> No.11428219
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>> No.11428230

Guys we need HERO CHAD, absurdly unique man who triggers the fuck out of NPCs by saying shit nobody really ever talks about!

The HERO is the main character of every story!!

>> No.11428236

How can i profit from new memes?

>> No.11428269


sell npc Halloween costumes

>> No.11428284
File: 260 KB, 680x539, greenpilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thiis version was better

>> No.11428286

Here is an idea:

someone create PoPC consensus, and have people enter the ICO by solving "I am not a robot" challenge.

>> No.11428288

/pol/tards are dumb

>> No.11428294
File: 247 KB, 1200x1083, polfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're right though

>> No.11428297

Boomer started here you retard.
>That 30 year old boomer who won't let go of BTC

>> No.11428315

>Lack of an "inner voice" is a dead giveaway that someone may be an NPC.

I know there was that study about like a half of the population not experiencing an inner voice, but is that actually true? Are there people who do not "hear" their thoughts? If yes, what is it like, are they just living off pure instinct?

>> No.11428317
File: 67 KB, 736x552, 151371134285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a reason you get called a onions boi

>> No.11428326

The study was of 30 people and they were given a pager and told to write down what they were thinking when the pager went off. They would be paged once a day.
Most of the time they were talking to someone while they were paged. Other times busy with an activity.
Its the most retarded study Ive ever seen.


>> No.11428362


The NPC meme goes deeper than the suggestion of not having an inner voice. It also suggests one is stuck to groupthink and cannot think for himself. Obviously a trigger for many who feel safe in their inclusive safe space think and speech bubbles. The basis of not not having a inner voice is quite strong, even if the research is shit, the idea behind it is still thought provoking and not so far from subjective reality.

>> No.11428372

Okay thanks I'll read into this, only saw the headline and a short abstract somewhere but psychology is not my main interest, partly due to the fact that most studies have loads of system errors and use statistics in an absolutely wrong way, apparently like this one too.
I was just wondering that that anti-npc article picked that one up and thought there'd be more to this than this one study.

>> No.11428385

>*systematic errors

>> No.11428492
File: 53 KB, 600x566, npcs get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should try learning how to fucking think for yourself you IDIOT. Or at least shut the fuck up lol
surprisingly enough, it is actually possible to think for yourself without parroting a shitty meme just because it makes you feel unique. npc meme reminds me of pic-related

>You literally just fucking said this shit like Data from Star Trek. HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>Every single person who is up against this meme is utterly fucked. You might as well just start outrage of twitch streamers killing people in GTA because it depicts leftists being slaughtered by Nazis.
you sound underage.

>> No.11428547

All 7 billion odd except the 144 000.

>> No.11428571

biz resurrected it

>> No.11428629
File: 144 KB, 714x623, ee1ed43ac570002d18a444d77aa05566214766d28e2c825753399eaf32d8cfaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the doom "controversy" a handful of people reacting negatively gets overblown into "ALL LIBTARD TRIGGERED" meanwhile you got conservative youtuber #31160 regurgitating this over and over again

>> No.11428725

But the religious types came back stronger than they were in the 90s?

What if you do the same thing and just make the left stronger?

>> No.11428840


>> No.11428858

>surprisingly enough, it is actually possible to think for yourself without parroting a shitty meme just because it makes you feel unique. npc meme reminds me of pic-related

How the fuck can you determine someones intentions based on such a simple action. Explain you dumbass.

> you sound underage.

You sound like a fucking moron being forced to think for once.

>> No.11428864

>What if you do the same thing and just make the left stronger?

Center master race.

>> No.11428877

T. Rabbi

>> No.11428882

2 years ago

>> No.11428888

NPC = normie meme
it is the definition of a normie

Only this time it gets explained in details how they really act.
The mind of a lemming / sheep / blind follower / normie / NPC aka the stupid mass of people out there.

>> No.11428900

I'm starting to get tired of triggering libs. That shit is getting old. We need to trigger repubs now.

>> No.11428913

Jew detected

>> No.11428921


>no complex data structures
>brainlet tier empty methods

3/10 would not use

>> No.11428923

buy chainlink sirs

>> No.11428939
File: 36 KB, 645x773, 1518242549568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biological botnet
So the ones spreading the npc meme are npcs too?

>> No.11428950

>So the ones spreading the npc meme are npcs too?

Only collectivists and/or low IQ

>> No.11429033


>> No.11429057

Fucking this
Someone spilled that wojak in every thread on every board a few months ago. Only regards thought it was good

>> No.11429060

The NPC meme causes outrage because it has forced normies to think in a way they have never ever thought in their life before. They are forced to think about concepts of normiedom and philosophical ideas that people on here and other free thinkers have thought about for hundreds or years.

It is basically a does not compute moment.

>> No.11429063

It was fucking forced dude.
Spammed like crazy right after that CFR meeting about screwing with 4chan don't be naive. The boomer meme was more organic basically playing off the concept of boomer, the dumb of wojak edits, and sips meme.

>> No.11429091

what a stupid article, this guy is an NPC

>> No.11429096

The left is banning everything ahead of the November elections

>> No.11429103
File: 75 KB, 890x379, npc meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How nice. The originator of the NPC meme also liked Frog and Toad (>pic related).

>> No.11429120

For me the NPC meme was just about people who seem to lead ordinary, boring off-the-shelf lives; just people floating with the stream and not really questioning anything.
As usual, you burgers have to go and make things political to fit your orwellian two-party system. You are all NPCs.

>> No.11429146 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 696x391, 1539158848002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the ppl have low IQ, they tend to rely on group thinking. If we deny these market realities, shit will happen: https://imgur.com/a/3oFTkRD

>> No.11429237

Why did you delete the post?

>> No.11429373


>The Right creates a meme
>Left falls for it
>Tries to use it instead of creating their own memes
>Fail blatantly

There is a good reason why the saying goes "The left can't meme."

>> No.11429396

Zero Hedge is equally as pathetic as mainstream news. With its goldbuggery and its perpetual bug up its ass about Tesla. Not about Elon Musk in general, they never rail on SpaceX, only in his capacity as head of Tesla. It's because Zero Hedge is the puppet of the oil cartels.

>> No.11429419
File: 24 KB, 323x384, 12435353423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I vote

>> No.11429506

>t. NPC

>> No.11429543
File: 203 KB, 1000x1000, texas_shooter_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the origin. 1:44. Sam Hyde mentions 'Non Player Character" in a video originally uploaded in 2012. The meme has been building since then.

>> No.11429720

t. NPC

>> No.11429818

Did someone already make an API for this meme?

>> No.11430400

NPC meme has existed for years

>> No.11430574
File: 22 KB, 480x360, bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The NPC meme originally had no political connotations. It was created in response to the study that showed 20% of the population doesn't have an "inner voice" that uses spoken language, but instead thinks in pictures and concepts. A few autists on /v/ interpreted this to mean that 20% of the population are literal robots, incapable of thought.

NPC is just another way of saying normie, follower, sheep, etc. It was a pretty funny meme until the political blowhards took hold of it and twisted it to suit their own meme ideologies.