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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11414624 No.11414624 [Reply] [Original]

>I wrote life changing advice for suicidal kid on /biz/ but the thread died before i hit send

here it is hope youre out there and didnt do it.

>Remember were all in the same boat here. We all lost everything chasing our dream. Believe or not I am old (77 years old), I was a drummer in the days for a rock n roll band youve all heard of. even I am not in a great position myself due to health and finances, but I do have a lot of experience in life and hope you can believe me when I say the pain from situations...things like this right now...isn't permanent and is never as bad looking back. I am not saying you don't feel like dying right now, or that life always "gets better". I am saying the acute pain...this crypto situation...will change and isn't worth ending life over. I've lost and gained so many fortunes in my life. I toured in cities. I made all the money I ever needed. Just as well Ive been times I was nearly homeless when the checks ran out and people you once called friends forget your name. the '17 run sure did wreck me at least until the next run I'll be making a lot of sacrifices. There are plenty of reasons a rational person could accept for ending things...but the ones we often feel the most driven by are the ones that are never worth it long term. Things may not be as bad as you think, if they are you may still be able to fix them, never make life changing decisions when so upset. Then in no time at all well be in another bullrun making money and celebrating together, but remember even that wont make you happy as you think. Its all about the ups and downs. you kids are led to believe you need it all now, today to live happily ever after like it's all so cut and dry, and itll never happen like that.

>> No.11414640
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>> No.11414646
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>> No.11414649

kek'd but not checked

>> No.11414697

pete best?

>> No.11414724

gramps needs gains to fuel his insatiable coke addiction. rock on, dude

>> No.11414740
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not that anon, but my mental health is fucked, and this was nice to hear

>> No.11414764

the advice is true and well spoken. can only second this for anyone that's going through a really hard time, but it sounds like some weak moron wanted to kill himself over some fucking money he lost in crypto. in that case i can only say go thank you for your contribution, and go for it.