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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 75 KB, 770x578, go all in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11414549 No.11414549 [Reply] [Original]

Last chance.

>> No.11414618

Any smart anon is all in ETH and BTC. Forget shitcoins, buy the big 2

>> No.11414630

is this why Coinbase withdrew from the space?

>> No.11414651
File: 157 KB, 528x321, 1538064881924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't beileve I'm going to make it frens

>> No.11414664


I agree initially, but you better believe the public is going to FOMO back in hard if BTC moons and then money will flow to alts.

>> No.11414679

>go all in
whats the name of the coin you dolt

>> No.11414684

The road to 1ml per Bitcoin is paved.

>> No.11414715
File: 407 KB, 796x1060, 1538522609109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine everyone's 401k fund pivoting to include 1% crypto as a chaos hedge. The average family's retirement account(s) has about $100k in it and there are 120 million households in america. And every dollar in the crypto market raises the cap by anywhere from $100 - $300 (look at Ripple's recent pump, $30M made it pop by $10B).

>$100,000 * 120,000,000 * 300 * .01 = $36 Trillion

Not shitting you, do the math yourself. Also Bitcoin as the 'safest' crypto will probably absorb most of that. Pump even 30% of that or $10T into Bitcoin and that's a 90x, or a price of $600,000 / BTC.

And that's just retirement funds. We are legitimately about to go on the golden bull to eclipse all golden bulls. Everything is coiled like a spring about to explode. I feel bad for normies who bought the crypto is dead meme and are moving all their funds into fucking pot stocks or even blue chips right now. ignoring the last boarding call they're going to get for this rocket launch to omega centauri. They'll be stuck with a 3x while we multiply our stacks by 100x.

This, Bakkt, imminent ETF approval, and there are literally people on this board right now bearish about the future of crypto. The absolute state.

>> No.11414718

Could be, but you'd have to choose where institutional money goes vs the staples

>> No.11414725

Is it because this is a 'very big deal' that BTC can't even break 6.4k?

Nothing short of an absolute miracle is going to be able to make this steaming pile of dogshit that is BTC moon, faggots. I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.11414729

When is it live?

>> No.11414733

Probably. All of my normie investments are with Fidelity and Blackrock, Fidelity is way bigger than Cuckbase.

>> No.11414735

please god, make us all rich NEETs
bless this board and hear our prayers

>> No.11414737

God I don't even care until Fidelity crypto ETF or Robinhood stops being an asshole and lets me trade crypto in my state

>> No.11414744

BTC is at 6715 right now.

You’re a brainlet though!

>> No.11414745

Should have had digits for this post. Kek works in mysterious ways.

>> No.11414747

2019, lot could change between now and then, ETF will help keep 2019 on yeah for Fidelity.

>> No.11414760

>Calling him a brainlet
BTC isn't at 6715. It is just trading at $300 premium on USDT exchanges.

Gemini and GDAX are trading at 6400.

>> No.11414767

Guys, when we see mainstream adoption like this and integration from powerhouses like fidelity, what kind of time frame can we expect before our holding are worth more?

>> No.11414785

>tfw 50-100k inheritance can’t come fast enough
>tfw gonna be a multi millionaire

>> No.11414792


Without a doubt, just saying that there will be a time where alt season will come around after the institutional money flows into BTC.

>> No.11414793

>that image
>that post

based and comfypilled. This is how everyone should be feeling and acting right now. Kicking back, having a cuppa, enjoying the fall feels, and just relaxing knowing we're all going to be multimillionaires in a scant few years. Normies are going to kicking each other in the teeth scrambling to be the first to buy our gold-plated bags off of us.

Just stick to proven cryptos (BTC, ETH, XMR) and LINK and there's literally no losing.

>> No.11414794

>january 2018, btc dominance: 33%
>"altcoins are the future", "**** is the new eth/antshares!"
>october 2018, btc dominance 55%
>"smart money buys btc now", "btc is king!"
why is this so easy kek

>> No.11414808

shhhhhhhh don't reveal the to normies the super secret strategy of always do opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.11414811
File: 473 KB, 500x281, salute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy as fuck anon knowing that by Christmas I know I won't ever have to worry about going to an office ever again.

>> No.11414820

Do you know the difference between USDT and USD you dumb faggot? Go on bitstamp if you want real prices.

>> No.11414834

Probably not why, but somewhat related.

People just don't trust coinbase with millions of shekels yet.

>> No.11414850
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We're going to make it boys

>> No.11414887

And I imagine coinbase will be one of the exchanges they will be using. Coinbase probably got wind and said fuck this, let them build it out, and we can keep taking the fees.

>> No.11414901

Will I get anything for a grand in btc?

>> No.11414961

How do I buy LINK if I'm canadian. I never did crypto before

>> No.11414995

first you need to go outside

then you get a rake

>> No.11414998


incredibly based. thank you anon.

>> No.11415002


We're still a year or so before the next bull run goes parabolic. This is the early stage still of a bull run, where there's consolidation still. The bear run is over, but it's still going to be flat-ish for a while.

Wagefag and accumulate at these levels, and then BE PATIENT.

Once you see normies talking about buying crypto with their Fidelity brokerage accounts, THIS is when Bitcoin goes to 100,000. NOT YET. Be chill for now. This is when we buy, quietly.

>> No.11415022


Let's hope we have a little more time to accumulate. Not ready for the bullrun

>> No.11415030

That's just fucking great. Now all my retirement shit with Fidelity will fucking go to shit because it's tainted with the crypto bear plaugue

>> No.11415031

misleading statement
they are not going to expose even 1% of that money to this kind of manipulated market

>> No.11415067


The Permanent Portfolio mutual fund (PRPFX) is about 25% in precious metals. Another 10% is in Swiss franc assets. A number of long term strategic investors, like university endowments, have a 5% allocation to precious metals. More sophisticated ones also currency diversify their bonds (USD, AUD, CAD, etc.). A long term 1-2% allocation to crypto by institutional investors is not unreasonable, especially if routine spending in the future is done more with crypto. Something between a precious metal and a foreign currency hedge.

>> No.11415071

I can understand how this will happen and have all arguments in my head, but I just don't feel it could be true
Is this what they mean by saying "bullrun starts when nobody expects"?
I've been here from early 2017 and it's my first bear market and first observation of reversal, didn't had such an experience. Last week was very intense in terms of pressure and I could believe we are somewhere around to reverse, it was quite intense experience

>> No.11415078

Based and redpilled

>> No.11415079


I think we do. The people clamoring for LOL WHEN IS IT GOING TO GO UP are either new or just don't get it. The fact that the market is depressed is GREAT for us. It's like buying banks in 2009. They only go up from here. I'm long run bullish on crypto. If it's depressed in the short term, that's great. It means I buy more. I think we got another year or so, but if we do have a recession in this time, it could be even a longer wait--but again, more accumulation and steady hands. Play the long game.

>> No.11415136

>The average family's retirement account(s) has about $100k

Isn't the average American in debt?

>> No.11415168

Don't forget that economists believe it's rational to allocate as much as 6% to crypto even if you believe its future is somewhere between garbage and a pile of dogshit: https://bitcoinist.com/new-yale-study-every-portfolio-must-include-at-least-6-bitcoin/

>> No.11415256

>market depressed

Are you delusional? A small hiccup in the longest bull in history doesn’t make depressed. Buy btc if a dem gets in office.

>> No.11415332

he's talking about crypto markets, not traditional markets

>> No.11415336


This is ...


>> No.11415343

That’s is wrong too though. Crypto was way overvalued for its novelty and had a price correction. It has been relatively steady since.

>> No.11415628
File: 44 KB, 250x370, dragons2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll believe the golden bull when I see it reflected in price, not when some gay brokerage announces to the news

>> No.11415670

i hate spiders.

>> No.11415897

Shut up huolrleyT :D

>> No.11416004

u mean xrp?

>> No.11416099

Fidelity lost trillions during the January crash.

>> No.11416385

Nah, you are trying to force a bullrun out of nothing. Cycles exist for a reason, you need recycling rates.

>> No.11416411
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>> No.11416431

>Muh XRP the Standard

>> No.11416434
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@kerookebukkake kys fgt

>> No.11416569

>buy BTC or ETH
>2-3x your money in the following year if you're lucky

>buy shitcoin
>10-50x your money in couple of months

>> No.11416857

Just buy something, even Verge or Tron will make you rich.

Bull is coming.

>> No.11416866
File: 537 KB, 1168x2048, 1538552117985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pump imminate, 50K at the very least EOY

Don't trust me, trust his holiness KEK


>> No.11416868

Bullish news don't reverse the trend, same how countless china and korean FUD news didn't kill the bullrun to 20k.

>> No.11416891


This is what bulls ignore.
A sign of a bear market is when good news does not effect proce. This is the best news all year and it cant rven make is go up a few percent even at yearly low.

Market cycles eork this way. Just like how in a bull market bad news doesn’t effect price.

Like said, a key signal that we are in bear still firmly

>> No.11416915

>every dollar in the crypto market raises the cap by anywhere from $100 - $300
Isn't that because of lack of liquidity? I imagine it will get more difficult to move the price the bigger the market gets.

>> No.11416979

This might be bait but whatever. You just make a coinbase and binance account, buy btc on coinbase, send to binance, trade btc for link.

>> No.11417626
File: 311 KB, 768x768, altcorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forget shitcoins
>buy ETH

>> No.11417655

He got ID dubs of truth

>> No.11417656
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, nocoiners dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy high

>> No.11417665
File: 60 KB, 763x771, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc back on it's natural 80% pareto law distribution
>"hehe its now time to buy shitcoins, btc back to 30% dominance soon!"

>> No.11417667

(((sweaty palms)))

wheres your stop loss? you DID set a stop loss didn't you?

>> No.11417669



>> No.11417681

>99% chances you don't buy the shitcoin that goes 10-50x and you end up permabagholding

>> No.11418090

Long-term 2030 maybe, but next 5 years not. Whenever BTC increase, the market moves more into Alts. Just look at all the bullish and bearish trends and the BTC/Alt percentage.


>> No.11418302

$100k btc easy

$10k eth would be nice too

>> No.11418623
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>> No.11420161
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we are the clique of destiny

>> No.11420238

>Institutions can't 'access' BTC
Already long confirmed as a meme.

>> No.11420311
File: 24 KB, 323x384, NP fucking C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Institutions haven't been stacking on BTC OTC for years and aren't getting ready now to pump to world reserve currency status

>> No.11420576

this might sound like me trolling, but i honestly don't see a bull run happening any time this year. i also don't believe that it's going to go to the levels the permabears are claiming.

what i do think will happen is sideways trading for the foreseeable future. whales are making shitloads of money right now because they are all just wash trading amongst each other while liquidating retail traders.

when the liquidity starts drying up, they just feed the retail traders some vague bullshit like this fidelity crap through media channels that has no direct effect on the price so people fomo in, and then crash it. rinse and repeat.

if you look at all the 'breaking news' that btc has been receiving throughout this bear market, you'll see that its been at times with very low liquidity in the market.

this is 100% a ponzi now. it may have not been originally conceived to be one, but it literally is a ponzi now.

i guess it was good while it lasted. i really wish we could go back to the days when we just used BTC to buy dope off the net.

>> No.11420621

CEO of coinbase is now COO of bakkt

>> No.11420766

>>The average family's retirement account(s) has about $100k
>Isn't the average American in debt?
Yes but the two are not inconsistent. Lots of folks have (1) retirement account through employer + (2) credit card debt.

>> No.11421749

It's at USD 6431.17 on Bitstamp, you imbecile.

>> No.11421853

People always say stuff like this but is there actual evidence on the blockchain of whales doing this? Seems like it would be something that could be analyzed by looking at addresses associated with big whales

>> No.11421878

no because when whales do this, all their coins are on an exchange. the only way to know is to get the exchange's data...

>> No.11422051

We've been ranging for a year. The question is if it's suppression or support.
To me, it looks like artificial support. There has been no serious attempt to crash crypto this year. Every bit of news has been neutral or strongly positive. Even the EFT rejections have been "maybe, some day, if...".
I think it's being artificially kept up and eventually the support will be pulled.

>> No.11422066

Daily btc volume is like 6 billion and goes up to 20 billion or more when the price is pumping. You think a few whales are storing billions on exchanges?

>> No.11422084

Brainlet here. Are they going to push the current whales out when they get in or are they already the whales?

>> No.11422095

>what is wash trading
you can fake 20 billion volume even with $5

>> No.11422130


>> No.11422143
File: 220 KB, 1161x1326, Bitcoin 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots have been saying this shit for how many years now?

>> No.11422252
File: 131 KB, 976x974, BitcoinBear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear here, don't get too cocky, shorting is still the best way to make money in crypto at least until EOY.