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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11409935 No.11409935 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11410046

Something wrong with biz classic pay out? I only got 3.9 for a weeks worth. I earn 1 ark a day. Did they fall out of the top 51 for a few days?

>> No.11410064

The network shit the bed for 3-4 days and all delegates put payouts on pause because we just weren't forging any blocks at that time. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkEcosystem/comments/9nuusq/network_post_mortem_911_13_october_updates/

We were actually instrumental in restoring the network and you can read about what we did here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkEcosystem/comments/9nuusq/network_post_mortem_911_13_october_updates/e7rfa2c/

>> No.11410109

nice good shit chang. i remember reading the ark team say that because this happened they are trying to expedite v2 as much as possible. moon came here a few days ago sperging out about how much the ark team has screwed him over and how he doesn't like the project anymore. wtf was that about? even if he is upset with the project, that was still stupid as fuck to post publicly

>> No.11410116

>autistic neet did autistic neet stuff.

>> No.11410145

Team has never built anything before this.. They were garbage men, welders, and other shit before they became LISK delegates turned "Founders"..
Not to say those jobs don't take skill, but they have no business running a software team, let alone building a decentralized platform.
Every ARK side project has been borderline a scam/heavily mismanaged. Some of those by ARK "Founders". ARK has 0 chance at success. It is a shit show used to enrich the founders with very little given back to community for actually keeping it going and contributing.
ARK Founders keep their stash in BTC for the most part(some 6,000 BTC). Should be all you need to know in their own faith of their project.
I'm a delegate who has seen the show from the inside.. I only keep my node running to turn it into other more valuable coins at this point. Trust me when I say it's a complete shit show. If it weren't for a few very smart delegates, the wheels would have fallen off already.
"Invest" at your own risk, but i assure you it won't end well.

>> No.11410156

Yea, he sperged and posted stupid shit here at 7 in the morning after staying up for over 24 hours. It was dumb and we all gave him shit for it, but he's doing better now and trying to return to a normal sleep schedule.


That pasta is forever stored on the Ark blockchain.

>> No.11410191

cool thanks you guys are the best.

>> No.11410436
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Ark is one of the comfiest holds at the moment, and once V2 and all the q4 stuff hits you're gonna hear a different tune about it. It's a long term hold though, which some people just can't seem to grasp.

>> No.11410450
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Poorfag (303ish ark) who put all his bags into Ark. Should I keep holding? Should I try day-trading to increase my stack? I need some advice lads.

>> No.11410469

I would say keep holding and as long as it's under a dollar throw whatever change you can spare into it. Now is the time to accumulate.

>> No.11410471

If you just saw what happened to btc, you'd be smart to just hodl. Don't short the bottom anon. Ark has the most bullish graph I've seen in the top 100.

>> No.11410497
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Thanks guys, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.11410499

Hey Chang what's up my nigger hows things hows Moon?

>> No.11410521

Moon doesn't care about Ark anymore and is focusing on EXD, a trustless decentralized liquidity network/"exchange". Think: Bancor but for everything not just ERC20 shittokens. He finally finished the whitepaper and is pitching it to private investors since burgers can't do ICOs.

>> No.11410545

is v2 gonna do anything for the price of ARK? i am a hodler but am debating on getting more or nah. redpill me senpai

>> No.11410563

Realistically what'll come after V2, Chang? Actual use cases and partnerships? Moon mentioned some issues with the team and their priorities, what's your take on the future?

>> No.11410655

Technology and fundamentals don't matter in this market. If it did, Ark would've never gotten past $0.10 on the shitty bugridden v1 codebase that brought mainnet down for multiple days. V2 is technically superior to v1 but that alone won't affect price much if there's no hype. Hype and marketing is all that matters in this industry.

V2 is the bare minimum for a functioning blockchain and is what Ark should've launched with in the first place. Then, AIP11 + ArkVM + Pushbutton deployable chains is what should give Ark more usecases beyond just being a transactional blockchain. The issues within the team that Moon mentioned are being worked on and are better than they were a year ago. Take that how you will. If you want more info, ask our discord, im sure they'll give you a more unfiltered opinion.

>> No.11410666

Why doesn't LISK crash for days?

Also, when are you fags all moving off AWS equiv for the nodes

>> No.11410691

Link to said discord?

>> No.11410713

Lisk is still shit but they are less shit because they have active devs working on plugging the vulnerabilities in their codebase. Ark v1 just forked Lisk, made some adjustments, and moved all their dev resources over to v2 once they saw how bad the original Lisk codebase was. That's why v1 keeps shitting the bed. The Ark team has all but abandoned it for well over a year and have been focusing entirely on v2. While that might've been the smart engineering choice it was not a good PR move as it pissed off a lot of delegates (like us) that had to deal with v1 dying every week.

After the last 24 hour outage a few weeks ago there was an all out delegate revolt. I know of at least 10 delegates that dumped after that ordeal.

I haven't sold any of my Ark and am holding on for V2.

> when are you fags all moving off AWS equiv for the nodes
Not sure what you mean by this.

If you're a voter there's a link on your dashboard on our website. Or, you can literally google "ark discord" which is how most people seem to find us. We get a lot of people joining thinking we're a discord for that dinosaur game.

>> No.11410750

Of course Biz_Classic is my vote, you guys rock.

>> No.11410770

Wait moon doesn't give a fuck about Ark anymore? Saw his previous posts but had hoped the upcoming tech would have changed his mind. Shiiiiet that's bearish af

>> No.11410829

He knows private investor means they will jew him from the start right?

>> No.11410836

Wake up and smell the roses. This project isn't a money maker.

>> No.11410876

>Wait moon doesn't give a fuck about Ark anymore?
Correct. He's done. Holds 0 Ark.

We'll see

>> No.11411242

remember, "connector" blockchains have no economic standing in a world where every blockchain is already global and connected to the world.

ark, polkadot, all serve no purpose and will quickly be forgotten when a next "generation" of alts appear. this has already happened for ark, which has lost most interest from speculators, and never managed to get any interest from developers.

>> No.11411272

Get out. This shitcoin is doomed, has no reason to exist, and is "maintained" by a bunch of incompetent fucks