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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 1786x1389, grwse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11402868 No.11402868 [Reply] [Original]

There is no bigger buy signal than this. Golden bull starts soon.

>> No.11402880

$50 eoy

>> No.11402942

bet that jump to 80 cents was the day of or right after the meeting

>> No.11402964

Good times here we come.

>> No.11403060

>Insiders from the most powerful nation on earth invest in xrp.
>Does a 1.8x

Crypto is dead.

>> No.11403086


the volume exceeded BTC for a week. government insiders wouldnt drop more than 50-100k.

>> No.11403133

Exactly what the fuck is going on here? This kind of news should have 20 threads going.

>> No.11403141


active supression and refusal of biz to accept what is coming

>> No.11403152


>> No.11403155

Is there any other legitimate source on this?

>> No.11403156

XRP implementation in fed restructuring?

>> No.11403162
File: 442 KB, 710x736, xrpfed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fed is going to choose ripple for its faster payments program 2020
read the reports all of the other proposals are literal whos


qanon/trump/drain the swamp are the marketing campaign to implement centralised, keynesian, cashless, currency. Trump will blame the coming financial crisis on the fed and announce a new usd on ripple

>> No.11403221

so one XRP will be worth $1 forever?

>> No.11403256

it wouldn't be xrp
it would be usd on ripple
he may even peg it to gold 1nu-usd = 1 usd = .0001 gold ounces

but I dunno, something is fucking happening

>> No.11403259

Holy shit its real. This is going to rocket soon.


>> No.11403299

translation from shill language:
>there was a panel about crypto and we were among the invited experts
literally nothing

>> No.11403334
File: 522 KB, 2066x806, fedpicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11403360

Ripple are the worst scammers around, every week it's some new BS rumor of some huge partnership, Google, swift, western union now its the fucking Trump admin. Nothing ever comes of it and even if it did it offers nothing for anyone holding XRP tokens.

>> No.11403395

GOOD NEWS FOR ETHER! $2,500+/ETH here we go!

>> No.11403401

That's impossible, I own Eth.

>> No.11403453

Sounds like you are salty because you dont hold any XRP.

>> No.11403463

>buy signal
>solomon wrote a shill article
>screenshot of title only because content is shit


>> No.11403479


it's from this

>> No.11403572
File: 51 KB, 459x459, 1539102088993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How high up in the administration have you gone, as far as talks go?

>I’m Episcopalian, and the joke is we don’t talk about God or money, but we have lots of both. So we haven’t said who we’ve talked to. But we’re in regular talks throughout Washington, and we meet with regulators as well as politicians. We’ve got a whole team that’s devoted to doing that, not just in the U.S., but worldwide. Our regulatory team, they jump on planes like their pants are on fire.

It's impossible to interpret that. They could have talked to Trump himself or they could have talked to someone who was a summer intern last year.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if Trump was in talks with Ripple. Also, I think someday ripple will meet with the president the way Microsoft and Google do. I just don't have it me to get excited about something so vague.

>> No.11403596

Stop trying to FUD. This shit is epic. Golden bull run is only a few days away.

>> No.11403625


whats all these shits? they are better than ripple?

>> No.11403628

The fud reminds me of people saying the same shit years ago

Feels comfy man

>> No.11403638

I'm on the same page as you; just not about the time table. This stuff ALWAYS takes way longer than you think it will and way longer than it should.

>> No.11403644

I don't think any still exist

here's wingcash

>> No.11403691

actually most of them are still around just google
ripple may be the only one with a currency but some of the others are public

>> No.11403710

I'm so fucking confused.
I own XRP
Why does XRP even have value? What is even used for? I know it's a fast crypto and it's more decentralized than bitcoin but what of it?
It also has been featured on ellen.
Im so confused. Hmm

>> No.11403751

Bank A can send XRP to Bank B and the whole world can see and agree that the transaction happened. Once they have it it doesn't matter if they immediately dump the XRP on an exchange. The important thing is that it's settled that the transaction happened. If they're just adjusting their internal ledgers it's not really being settled and the transaction is up in the air for a while.


>> No.11403754

The problem is that bears have blocked everything up for now. Even good news in a bear market goes down. Bull news has been backing up for months now and when the dam breaks there is going to be a run that makes the last look like a test run.

>> No.11403773

XRP is mainly for bank transfers with different currencies. Say person uses Bank A in Japan wants to sent yen to a person to Bank B in Argentina they can use XRP to instantly transfer funds and convert to pesos on the other side without obscene fees.

>> No.11403778

Ripple is the perfect coin because it's easy to hate and very easy to sell the ridiculous pumps it has.

>> No.11403793

$589 by EOY 2020

>> No.11403802

the number of boomers who love this shitcoin is a red flag for me

>> No.11403856

now i have some understanding