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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11402918 No.11402918 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the audacity to think you could escape wage cucking because of an ERC token that no one cares about

>S-Sergey is speaking at this big event!
>Assblaster promised me $3 by may!
>My life depends on Fortune 500 businesses pumping some shit token a bunch of plebs bought on etherdelta for $0.12

Read that to yourself. Day after day you think you'll wake up and link moons. Unreal

>> No.11402922

>1 post by this ID

>> No.11402957

It’s a cult, look at posts from January to now. Kids with no idea and are still poor, most probably from pajeet land

>> No.11402998

Before SIBOS was the peak of this cult. Smart money bought at pre-sale, sold at $1.40 and never came back. Most bagholders make up the majority of current link posts, those buying at $1 and holding til now

>> No.11403018
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> muh btc oracles
> peragnon
> im a super secret insider dudes just trust me
> i totally own a card like this trust me
> i make these threads every other day to help you anon just trust me
> p-please sell your bags
> h-heh wouldn't it be funny if I turned out to be the biggest bagholder guys?
> i have no idea how cryptos work so all i can do is whine about price action before mainnet
0/10 for effort and creativity as per usual

>> No.11403056

My Credit score is 810. Could I get an alpha card like OP?

>> No.11403080

My favorite fan! How's your back today? I know those bags get heavy

>O-one day he'll see!
>I must defend my $1.09 chainlink bags!
>why is oldfag always RIGHT? It's not fair! I was too late to crypto

>> No.11403097

Apply for the amex platinum, almost just as good as centurion

>> No.11403169
File: 650 KB, 647x363, the_pain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you, i'd still have to go to work tomorrow even if link was $1

>> No.11403291

> no refutations just the same rehashed ath bag accusations
Yawn. I've seen projection before. If you knew how to dca you wouldn't be stuck making these threads every second day. Sucks to be you I guess.

>> No.11403304

notice how all fud = ad-honinem.

>> No.11403320

has anyone actually held one of those cards

they are fucking heavy as hell they are metal plates.

im a bartender and someone payed with one

>> No.11403409

That's unfortunate, sell your link and buy assets that will actually appreciate

I dca'd enough into xmr, ans, eth, btc to not have to rely on philosopher serg to deliver a moon

i hate the comments i get from retail/wait staff on the card, one reason i prefer the chase reserve

>> No.11403441

You may be projecting since you are yet again the obvious link shill

I wish you all would stop defending such a bad token

>> No.11403469

he absolutely holds bags, you can tell

>> No.11403592

> defending a bad token
From what? Pointless noise and trash threads which have about as much substsance as the obnoxious "WHEN MOON" threads which other linkies run? People like you and the op are literally no better and you never have been.
Honestly - maybe if you hadn't longed your chromosomes you might be able to understand the basic use of a filter on this board so that you would rarely ever see it at all.

>> No.11403619

LOL yeah man, and that's why you're going to be making yet another thread about this in a few days where you just get laughed out the door again - this is what "rich" people do in their spare time when they aren't drinking "peragnon." Every time people complain about astro, you're like the point of reference for someone even shittier at larping. If you actually thought it was beneath you or an unworthy project, you wouldn't be spending so much time on it. Such an obvious bagholder.

>> No.11403661
File: 113 KB, 900x506, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen I genuinely care about about Anons financial well being. Its hard as shit to get ahead in life now, not just working 9-5 for the rest of your life. The sooner you start saving the sooner you can get ahead in life. Chainlink is a meme started by 4chan (an infamous trolling board) to lead people to financial ruin. This is NOT A JOKE. Don't let your saved wealth be thrown away over night. Vitalik Buterin the creator of ethereum said himself the days of making x100 or x1000 are over, that right the guy who created the second most popular crypto said himself those days are over. Now 4chan is trying to get people to lose even more money after the December/January bloodbath. Smart money already exited the crypto world. Crypto is basically a highly specialized database, companies don't need this. They will just create their own private blockchains. There is no need for crypto chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes. Think XRP when you think chainlink. The company ripple (smartcontracts) is doing well but the coin XRP(chainlink) isn't even needed for the companies technology. Considering what Vitalik said "The days of making x100 or x1000 returns are over." Chainlink needs a 399900% increase in price over the next couple of months to reach $1000 this is ludicrous. Don't fall for it, chainlink its a meme to fuck you over. Consider this for chainlink at current price to reach $1 you need an increase of 700% or a 233% increase every month until EOY. This is a 4chan meme to siphon money out of the hands of the already vulnerable.

>> No.11403669

screenshot this peragnon reference pleb

you need to be humbled

>> No.11403684

if no one has told you today ill tell you
im not even on here that much and every fucking time your faggot ass is on here
i dont even care if you are rich
you are pathetic
you reek of brownskin
and if not then its the scent of depression caused by knowing no one will ever truely love you for who you are
but who could
you sit on here everyday talking about some coin you hate
that is your life

>> No.11403695

Almost got me with your FUD. Almost.

Link marines , downvote the shit out of this post!

>> No.11403699

I bought link back when it was 26 cents a few months ago and since then it's appreciated a decent amount. Imma leave it in there for another 12 months or so. I think there's a lot of potential. You might be right oldfag, but we'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.11403713

You fucking bagholder. Ignore this faggot or sage. Why do you have to bump tripfags? Do you know how many people have said kys, kys, kys, to this guy? Just ignore this shit.

>> No.11403719
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> p-please waste time sifting through my 50+ trash threads to find my spelling mistakes
> t-that'll draw attention away from the fact that I spend so much time trying to fud

>> No.11403720

daily reminder: LINK $1,000 EOY (((only))) requires a non-stop daily +10.72% for 79 consecutive days, "almost there, we can do it, we can do it" kek

>> No.11403728

> implying something like that isn't possible if mainnet launch is successful and it becomes a standard protocol in finance / enabler for other on-chain / off-chain functions
I don't believe in the eoy meme and it's not my only hold, but only the dumbest people on this board refuse to get an insurance stack at the very least.

>> No.11403732

I'd rather be a linky than OP, but I am sure OP is actually a linky, which makes it even more pathetic.

>> No.11403810

the only thing sadder than you actually influencing weak minds is that when you get hit by a bus in the middle of the street because you stopped walking because your brain couldn't walk and admire your own awesomeness simultaneously, you won't be alive to come tell us you're dead. this run on sentence was written to show you what it's like to read your threads. please enable a bot to post that you're dead if you don't reset it's timer every 2 days. it'll be the only thing you'll ever be appreciated for.