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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 780x532, wizard-ethereum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1133285 No.1133285 [Reply] [Original]


Let's consolidate the topic to one thread edition

Who else bought the dip? Who else knew that India "kind of" mattered because simply put they're just dirty China?

>> No.1133322
File: 73 KB, 500x385, Nuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you fucking /g/ fags get out, all you fucking do is post muh bitcoins, muh bitcoins.

I hope they fucking crash and burn, I want to see your overweight face filled with tears as your only opportunity to escape your mothers basement crumbles.

God I fucking hate fagcoin.

>> No.1133327
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>mfw this goy doesn't own any ETH

>> No.1133330
File: 37 KB, 443x392, distain for plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kill yourself nerd, enjoy your internet bucks while you can.

>> No.1133331
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bought the dip

it will .0333 by morning

>> No.1133335
File: 10 KB, 277x182, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise kek

>> No.1133339

>current year
>calling someone a nerd on 4chan


>> No.1133341
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Pic related is you

>> No.1133342

There is an official dip thread senpai.

if you were a real ETH thread you wouldn't be trying to consolidate and let ETH run rampant and free on the board like it's entitled to be.

>> No.1133532


>> No.1133536
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>> No.1133544

Anyone got links to articles regarding india?

>> No.1133630

this upsets the nocoiner.

>> No.1133636
File: 45 KB, 1010x673, Ethereum-Wallet_2016-03-09_14-02-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna be rich boys

>> No.1133712

I got a gtx 970, should I try mining or stick to gayming

>> No.1133713

I want to start buying and selling with my Eth but I'm shit scared of leaving my money in an exchange incase it disappears

>> No.1134689

There are about 15000 ethereum threads and I'm completely new and wanted to know the right way to get mining (because there isn't one obvious fucking way)

Can I start out solo mining and then just switch to a pool later?
What client should I use?

>> No.1134812
File: 4 KB, 354x73, cd73df84bf6dfa317852995d66d42706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will I be rollin in teh dough ?

>> No.1134814

How much higher do you expect it to climb?

>> No.1134820

some say $15 by next week

>> No.1134839

It's most likely going to rally for the next 4 days and dip again. But who knows what could happen, be sure to update stop losses every few hours to sleep in peace.

>> No.1134849
File: 59 KB, 886x668, eth up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be more worried about losing it trying to short.

Also, $1 billion market cap when?

>> No.1134850

>be sure to update stop losses every few hours
could you elaborate

>> No.1134862

by elaborate I mean what should i set that to or how do I know what to set it to.

>> No.1134895


I've got one too. It mines at like 18mH. Makes about .3-.4 a day. So you'll make between 2-3 ETH a week, at least until it explodes and tons of people start driving the difficulty up.

>> No.1134919
File: 44 KB, 585x400, Newt-Gingrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you guys are going to the moon, something to do with esther? While you're up there, mind building a colony for me?

>> No.1135218

Price predictions for the time before Pi Day?

Hoping for another dip

>> No.1135251

$20. Screencap this faggets.

>> No.1135280

I want to start a big business, selling soda on the moon!
Unfortunately I have no ether, since kraken needs too long to verify at the moment. Could someone give me some ethers for my business?


>> No.1135288

Wrong. Etherm shills are incapable of consolidating anything. They literally have no self control and can't help themselves but shill every single chance they get. They have toddler's level of composure and self awareness. Shills deserve no respect, and they'll get none from me.

>> No.1135326


Yes. email me.


>> No.1135604

How much HD space do I need to mine with eth?
I started last night but it ran out because I only had 2 GB spare on my SSD

>> No.1135811

>TFW 42mH with 2 980Tis
>Been mining for a week and haven't gottten shit.

I knew I should've joined a pool, I just thought I could get away with solomining for the eventual gas revenue.

>> No.1135842

The mining itself requires little disk space.
Only gui wallets and geth terminal require space to know what funds they hold.

You're doing something wrong.

>> No.1135845

>actually falling for the bull trap

>> No.1135846
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Single overclocked R9 380x beating out your two GTX 970s

If AMD's drivers weren't shit on Linux, I'd be rocking a fury x right now.

>> No.1135852

Not surprising, AMD cards have always been more efficient at mining. I got these cards for gaming and use them to mine whenever I'm not playing something.

I just wish it would fucking start paying off, all the online calculators say I should have mined at least one block by now. I guess I just have shit luck.

>> No.1136254

>Just wait guys, March 9th is when it's gonna go 2 DA MOON.
>Lel jk, India was shit.
>But M-March 14th guys! That's when it's really gonna go to the moon! For real this time!

I cannot wait to watch you all crash and burn. The pump happened and that's all it's gonna be. You guys are better off waiting for the next big crypto pump-n-dump and getting on board in time.

>> No.1136257

It's more about the mid-term profit anon. Of course the price dips

>> No.1136258
File: 112 KB, 255x231, wakemeup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate loses and makes up

if i never made a mistakes id buy 4chan by now

>> No.1136297

What does mining mean?

>> No.1136817

make coins from your computer

>> No.1136820


Its gay slang for deep anal until you reach the brown deep inside the rectum.

>> No.1136830


eth looks good for the long term, but its not going to go anywhere on any specific day. homestead and all that shit is already priced in

>> No.1136851


Why the fuck aren't you using google as your personal informer you dumb cuck?

>> No.1136867

Am i being too greedy trying to wait for it to drop back to $10? I sold when it hit 11.80 yesterday, now im waiting to buy back in.

>> No.1137066

down trend is close to over.

now is a good time to buy back in, in my opinion.

>> No.1137071


I'm kinda greedy. I'm gonna ride my shorts out longer. I might wait until I wake up tomorrow.

>> No.1137076
File: 3 KB, 237x82, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck :)

im a little more driven by FOMO... i'm just buying an holding.

i have 7300 ETH, bought at an average of 0.022 BTC each.

if this dip goes too much lower, i'll start getting a bit scared, but i'll still hold!


>> No.1137078 [DELETED] 

Hey I just bought Ethereum from this website www.gatewayx.top and got more ethereum then I paid for who are these people they delivered in like 30 minutes

>> No.1137148

I hope you are in some inside group or know what you are doing. I hate to see you lose your money.
It will definitely dip lower than .022. Maybe not now but at march 14 or days after it.

BTC's okcoin future will decide 16 minute from now. So ETH will either shoot up or get dump. For your sake, I hope btc drops.

>> No.1137149 [DELETED] 


>> No.1137214

I'm selling around march 14, and will buy back (not as much) when it dips.

>> No.1137221

That's what I like to hear! Sell ETH! Never buy back.

>> No.1137235

>if this dip goes too much lower, i'll start getting a bit scared, but i'll still hold!
BTC went much lower as well at some points and then went rocketing to the sky. It's only getting more and more developed so it makes no sense to be stressed about short term changes or even medium term changes if you are keeping it long term

>> No.1137439

Retard number 1: Bought ETH (or any shitcoin, definition of shitcoin: altcoin)
Retard number 2: Deprecated nocoiner

Battle of the coping retards.

>> No.1137446

>deposit using Bitcoin
Must be a nice reminder everytime you open your shitcoin wallet: your shitcoin is Bitcoin's bitch.

>> No.1137449

Unfortunately for you, your willingness to cling to the flimsiest of evidence that coincides with your entrenched views will cause great financial harm to yourself.

It's never good to believe your own propaganda.

>> No.1137461
File: 178 KB, 1104x742, ETHredpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use buzzwords, I use technical knowledge to crush your Bitcoin 2.0 delusions.

>inb4 reply with more buzzwords such as "Bitcoin maximalism"

PS: Im not saying ETH is doomed and has absolutely no use, all im saying is ETH will NEVER take BTC's place, it will NEVER replace BTC as the absolute king and de-facto "USD of crypto." Believing otherwise is shilling nothing but lies so casuals can buy your shitcoin.

>It's never good to believe your own propaganda.

It's never good to believe your own delusions to justify your casual investment decisions.

>> No.1137466

Bitcoins network effect is overstated. There is nothing to prevent businesses that are built on bitcoin to switch to ethereum. It can be done in a few clicks of a mouse.

It is bitcoin that needs these businesses not the other way around. The switch will be quite sudden eapecially since ethereum will offer greener pastures for blockchain startups due to it's greater utility and programability.

USD has a monopoly due to use of force.

Bitcoin does not have that. It is held up in price due to suspension of disbelief by it's bagholders. Once ethereum shows that bitcoin is likely to be outcompeted on all fronts the price will collapse as speculators and businesses alike abandon it.

>> No.1137479


>interpreter escape dangers
>people panic
>create a patch; it gets fixed
>everyone quickly updates
>massive dip opportunity
>life goes on

>> No.1137490 [DELETED] 

I bought my ethereum last night from www.gatewayx.top got it in 30 minutes

>> No.1137538

>I use technological knowledge
Just reposts bitcoin bagholding screenshots creating hypothetical problems which might of been valid a year ago and using "shill" conspiracies
Hows those 1h+ confirmation times doing and getting fucked by greedy chinese buisnessmen
The only reason bitcoin is at its price is because of drug markets and nothing else. Ethereum can sell drugs better with a decentralized dapps market with a minute transaction times making bitcoin obsolete. Ethereum will be bigger then bitcoin ever was once killer apps get released
So many dapps and homestead still hasent released http://dapps.ethercasts.com/
Its time to replace outdated technology, in an ethereum future you won't have to keep switching blockchains since its got a face behind it and stong dev team, not some anon fake japanese person. Bitcoin was sort of a test run

>> No.1137562

thx op i cum on cat she hiss at penis

>> No.1137603
File: 52 KB, 350x232, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I got moar eth than that at an avg of <.009

Ill high-5 you on the moon tho.

>> No.1137667

I'm a newb. Do you have a 100% chance rate to sell your assets on time or you can lag behind and stay with a bunch of unsellable currency till it falls down to shit?

>> No.1137813

How do you know it will dip on March 14. What if it does not? How can you be sure?

>> No.1138456
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>> No.1138468

I bought my first ever BTC, and subsequently ETH, on the 5th of March.
I bought 6 BTC and spent the first 2 when ETH was at 0.0300000 because i had no idea what i was doing and was drunk.

A week later i now have 8 BTC despite the massive fuckup of a first buy in. Who is just giving money away? If i dumb shit like me can make 20% in a week, who's just throwing money away?

>> No.1138480

ETH at new all time high and broke 13USD just now. Thanks /biz/

>> No.1138482

damn i wanted to buy last night or today but I couldn't transfer at work so I ended up paying around a dollar more per eth. Gotta get in now can't trust it to dip again

>> No.1138490
File: 636 KB, 900x2246, whatisether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because the buy at .03 wasn't a fuck up. It's going to the moon.

>> No.1138492

>Can only get ETH from paypal
>the only way to buy Bitcoin through paypal is to take a 50% hit and deal with the only guy on Paxful who will take money from a new user with no id
I give up; so much for being rich. I just wanted to throw in a few pounds for the banter

>> No.1138498
File: 398 KB, 480x238, richfag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna buy one last time, are we going to moon now /ETH/?

Never quit. Find a way, can you use circle?

>> No.1138521

>up £5

>> No.1138525

congrats on just making ~12k usd

>> No.1138528
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>> No.1138533


Is that Mist on Linux or something?

>> No.1138534
File: 125 KB, 1070x1438, Screenshot_20160312-044314_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats happening amigos?

>> No.1138538
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>> No.1138539


>> No.1138541
File: 11 KB, 626x106, RiTGsSc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from another thread, what is 'settlement'?

>> No.1138547
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>not posting coon killing moon

>> No.1138552

lending rate

>> No.1138554

Not sure if I should buy more now to prep for Homestead release in case price shoots closer to the moon or wait till the dip occurs after Homestead...

>> No.1138556


I thought Homestead had been out for over a week now?

>> No.1138558
File: 66 KB, 1495x207, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But they also have a 'lending

>> No.1138562
File: 236 KB, 650x450, 1314034480151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought some more before the moon spike. This is gonna be the bumpiest ride yet.

>> No.1138564


the website where it will be released has been up. not the actual thing.

(i think. lol. i admit i actually have no idea i'm just holding eth to sell for profit)

>> No.1138566


I want it to dip one more time before Pi Day.

But who knows if it'll just be a steady rise till the day of and then suddenly drop.

Or maybe nothing will happen at all because news is already priced in.


>> No.1138575

I just look at old ETH charts and find patterns and compare them to the present, along with other speculation that could influence the price to behave differently that has ever has before. It's just a game buddy.

Also shapeshift said my transaction was complete but my Mist wallet hasn't changed. BTC Blockchain says the transaction has been verified... Any explanation anyone?

>> No.1138579


It doesn't matter, this is like 90 years ago saying "fuck will the DOW Jones be at 1100 tomorrow, or should I buy the dip at 900? What if it goes to 2000 next week??"

Just hold until moon

>> No.1138581

>this is like bitcoin at $1100 saying will it go to $10,000? What if it goes to $100,000?

Just hold until poor

>> No.1138585
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Nocoiner cope

>> No.1138586


This isn't like a traditional market though.

Really hard to tell what the fuck will happen. What we know from today is that the Bitfinex announcement probably caused prices to shoot up and shorters got burnt the fuck out and liquidated all of their shares.

I think we're on more of a neutral playing field with most shorters out of the game for now. What'll happen on Pi Day? Well if we assume news is factored into the price already then maybe a quick rise and abysmal drop. But what if it somehow leaks into the mainstream to a greater degree than before and all of a sudden everyone starts buying in? Holy fuck so many likely scenarios I'm going to go buy some more and pray to God for the first time in 10 years. Sike. I'm still gonna buy tho.

>> No.1138589



And what the fuck is up with the volume?

>> No.1138594
File: 33 KB, 1130x629, ss+(2016-03-11+at+11.42.19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1138616


> that feeling when you notice a string coming out of your mouth, and you're thinking what is up with that.. which is when you suddenly feel the metal piercing through your cheek, and then you know..

you're the one who's on the hook.

>> No.1138626

Anyone have a visa or mastercard gift card with at least 5 bucks on it? I'll give you .75ETH for the info on it.

Reply with an email

>> No.1138651

are you underage trying to buy a $5 dildo but you don't have a credit card and just have .75 eth that you mined?

>> No.1138654

Holy shit I just woke up and it's above 12

>> No.1138664
File: 40 KB, 854x480, Let&#039;s Shoot This Baby To The Moon (2000) HD.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2016.03.11_19.41.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1138671
File: 7 KB, 384x184, we have lift off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have liftoff

>> No.1138675

mfw at the bar, check my phone and eth shot up 33%

feels good man

>> No.1138732

Gentlemen we are approaching $14

>> No.1138774

>$5 dollar dildo
are they?

>> No.1138775

Gonna retract to 28-27 and thats gonna be the last dip prior to 14

>> No.1138777

You mean retracts upward to 27, 28 dollars/ETH?

>> No.1138779
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>> No.1138780 [DELETED] 

I'm sure you could buy more then one for $5 with shipping if u bought from AliChink

>> No.1138781

I'm sure you could buy more then one for $5 with shipping if u bought from AliChink faggot

>> No.1138977


>> No.1139200

Last weekend I bought 49 ETH at 11.9. I'm thinkning about selling them now and waiting for another dip below 11, but now I'm thinking it might not dip that low.

What do you guys think? Is there a chance of it going back to 11.5 or 10?

>> No.1139207

Also if ETH is so much better than bitcoin, why does it still take forever to move ETH from my wallet to my kraken account?

>> No.1139222

Do i need to putt this on a market place like Kraken? I bought BTC through coinbase then shapshift.io to my etherwallet.
Am I able to just shapeshift it back in a few months time for drink money?

>> No.1139224

NEW PUMP IS STARTING YOU FUCKING IDIOTS, went from 0.0318 to 0.330 in 5 minutes and keeps rising


>> No.1139228

theres always a pump after sidelines play you btw

>> No.1139272

>tfw margin trading eth

i think im gonna puke

>> No.1139274

"Get your ETH off the echange" they said

"Put it in a cold storage wallet," they said.

None of you fucking idiots said that it would take over an hour to move it from the wallet back to the exchange.

Been over an hour and it's still confirming. How do I check the number of confirmations?

Moving bitcoin is faster than this shit.

>> No.1139279

it transfers really fast pham. maybe you did something wrong or the exchange is taking a while to confirm

>> No.1139284

I did nothing wrong. It requires 375 fucking confirmations and I cant figure out how to check how many confirmations have taken place.

>> No.1139285

It's the fault of the exchange for requiring that many confirmations. The requirement will assuredly be smaller in the future.

>> No.1139295


>> No.1139297


>> No.1139300

i guess the confirmations are particularly slow at the moment,

>> No.1139763


Jesus I sold 48 at 13.25 earlier today.

>> No.1139782

Did you move it from polo? I had to file a support ticket when my withdrawal didn't show up after a day. They fixed it though

>> No.1139784

No, Kraken. It took like an hour and a half.

>> No.1139796

I'm at 90 minutes also.

>tfw missed the dip

>> No.1139805

There will be another dip Monday. Thats why I sold some this morning. I bought it at 11.9 last saturday. I think it's going to dip back to 10.50

>> No.1139806

When is this train going to stop? I need to step off for a bit. $15? 18? 20? 25?

>> No.1139822

What was your analysis that led to this conclusion? I'm not saying you're wrong, just genuienely curious since I don't know shit when it comes to fundamental analysis of cryptos.

>> No.1139827

Not him but chinese whales will want to crush this bubble, that's what they do. I expect they will move it up to 0.04 and then dump before they go all in take over the coin when it's low.

Our whales know it which is why they've been going all in last days, they wanna maximize their wins before they lose the considerable share they own now.

Whales own the eth, us small guys only ride in their backs.

>> No.1139828

HOT TIP: When homestead releases on Monday a bunch of crypto exchanges are going to list ETH. The Chinese will have access.

>> No.1139891

It peaked on Saturday last week and then went down mon-tues. I expect it to do the same this week. If it doesn't and keeps going up, no big deal cause I still own ~50 ETH. Not a huge amount but if goes to $20 I wont be mad.

>> No.1139895



If you look at the full timeline on you'll notice a pattern that has occurred twice.

The greatest jumps in price were followed by major dips, then followed by a steady recovery and a surpassing of the previous all-time high.

Makes perfect sense that when China starts buying in, the market will be manipulated so that the shares drop by a large percentage. Possibly even $10.

Here's the tricky part: When will this plunge begin?

What do you think?

I'm leaning towards thinking that we're not done here yet, maybe we'll hit .038 or .4 if we're lucky. I hope to cash out then and rebuy during the dip. However, I also have another $300 I want to put in and can't decide whether or not to go in now.

Either way, I'm confident that the price in a month will be above .045, but I'd like to make some profits with all the ETH i'm holding now.

>> No.1139979

>The Chinese will have access.
what's stopping them from buying now just like we do?

>> No.1140017

be careful bud, seen a lot of guys get burned by impatience.

>> No.1140027

not on their exchanges yet

>> No.1140035


When is China's involvement? I thought the conference wouldn't be until November for them

>> No.1140041

>Threw some spare change at this
>Earned $50 playing video games all week

>> No.1140043
File: 5 KB, 645x773, feels smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, except I didn't play video games. Still a good feel.

>> No.1140045


Last time I heard, Chinese investors are happy to invest in things other than Yuan, as their currency is still pretty volatile. That means crypto currencies are on their list.

Rumor has it that some Chinese whales have been holding ETH from the very early stages. If it's true, they're likely going to try and crash prices by selling a negligible amount of their ETH holdings (which would be a lot to your average trader), causing traders to believe the dip is starting, and once the price crashes to a new low, they'll buy in again for more. No one wants to enter the market when the price is around a peak.

Keep your eyes peeled for when the clocks hit 12AM 14th for China. Or whenever exchanges are set to open. Might want to dump and buy the dip.

Too late. Told myself "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" but backfired as the price dipped $.50. Hopefully this isn't the beginning of the dip.

>> No.1140046

This is my first time "Playing stocks" so to speak.
Just another tab on the browser I checked every couple of hours.

It's given me a thirst to actually apply myself.
Thanks Eth shills, You've helped a NEET find something to do.

>> No.1140049

The challenge now is to change and keep it up. It's easy to fall back to old habits.

>> No.1140056


>finally quit being an anti-shill
>put $50 into ETH to get rich
>holy shit 30% gains in the past 2 weeks
>at this rate, i'll be a millionaire soon

>> No.1140352

Cope like the pope.

>> No.1140364

its about to burst you fucking idiot

but whatever thats just $50

>> No.1140556

>its about to burst you fucking idiot
What would be the reason for it bursting? There have to be bad news to trigger the event.

Also, cool crystal ball.

>> No.1140559

>There have to be bad news to trigger the event.

not really. It is all speculation and massively hyped right now. If a few whales decide to take a huge dump then suddenly everyone will start to panic and many will start to sell. This would lead to a loss of confidence and interest that could keep the prices stagnant for a while.

>> No.1140598


ETH is different. It isn't pure speculation, people need to buy ETH if they want to try out the 'world computer'. Only time will tell in how big this need is. Considering companies like microsoft have put money into this, I would say that a good chunk of people buying aren't speculators.

>> No.1140603

Microsoft hasnt put a cent into Ethereum.

>> No.1140605

Ok, go call teh tops guys. 13$? 15? 20?$

>> No.1140608


I'm sure they brought some ether to test their service. But what I'm getting at is that they also had to spend money to get people to develop tools. This suggests they expect a need for this, which in turn means people need to buy eth in order to run the programs they are creating.

>> No.1140612

>I'm sure they brought some ether to test their service
I'm sure they didn't.
>they also had to spend money to get people to develop tools
No they did not. You're going to have to come up with more evidence than just conjecture.

>> No.1140641
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>> No.1140642

>this time it's different

don't be stupid.

You might believe in eth long term but it WILL take massive dumps.

>> No.1140646

The burden of proof lies with you. I didn't make the bogus claim that Microsoft is spending money on Ethereum. I couldn't prove a negative even if I tried. You should be able to prove a positive if there was evidence to back it up, however. You won't, because you are full of shit.

>> No.1140738

>There have to be bad news to trigger the event.
since when?

>> No.1140741

its not our problem if you dont want to make money
we dont have to prove shit

>> No.1140745

Your mom sucks donkey dicks. It's not my problem if she's a dirty whore. Prove to me she doesn't.

>> No.1140746

why would i? why would i care what you think?

>> No.1140750

I just proved that your mom sucks donkey dicks because you can't prove she doesn't.

>> No.1140751

well i dont own any Eth right now but when proof does come out usually it's to late to buy.

>> No.1140753


>> No.1140755



>> No.1140846
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>> No.1140848

same. Thinking about rebuying before the Homestead release tomorrow.

>> No.1140892

Quick buy back in before it is too late!!!!

>> No.1140951
File: 132 KB, 326x52, Threat animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1140999

look at the bright side, at least yo mu didn't short

>> No.1141008


Only answer

>> No.1141033

How the fuck were you faggots able to foresee that shit would fly to the moon like that? What do I have to do to foresee like you dudes?

>> No.1141036

Why did you think it wouldn't fly to the moon?

>> No.1141038

I saw it shilled on biz, looked into it, and it made sense. I didn't buy as early as others though. I don't know how they did it, I wouldn't have the patience to research every single shitcoin that gets released, there are dozens.

>> No.1141048

I didn't think anything honestly. I have been coming here from time to time for a few months and saw some eth threads here and there but never thought anything because I don't know anything /biz/-related. Also it kind of seemed like a scam because 4chan userbase and all that.

How do I "look into it" the right way? I read up on eth over this weekend and sure the info connects here and there, but I never found anything that 100% told me it would really take off.

How do I get /biz/?

>> No.1141065

Do you understand how the Bitcoin technology works?

>> No.1141067


>> No.1141071

Is it worth buying at $14 right now or did I miss the meme?

>> No.1141075

every bubble's gotta pop, rumor has it, it's gonna pop around/after midnight

>> No.1141079

Afaik it works over a blockchain technology, where the blockchain is the chain of all transactions ever made and every node has a (partial?) copy of it.

>> No.1141080

Thanks mate, I'll wait until then. I just feel so stupid, I knew about it when it was like 3 per coin, I'm going to look into every shitcoin people shill on here from here on out

>> No.1141083

And what sites do you frequent to find your ether news/speculation/rumors?

>> No.1141087

That's when the Chinese come in, though who knows if it'll shoot up or down. Probably one or the other though

>> No.1141090

The biggest problem with coins like ETH is that right now, there's no real use for them. Bitcoin gets used to buy drugs and is used as an intermediary between fiat and other coins, but that's about it. People keep talking about how you can develop apps and all of this stuff with Ether, and that might be true in the future, but right now it's just a baseless commodity with no real value.

>> No.1141117

chinks will pump it on the first day (in a few hours) and crash it on tuesday or earlier

>> No.1141123

I can't believe I doubled my money by listening to a /biz/ meme.

>> No.1141133

I was trying to buy it when it was at $5/coin but couldn't get my coinbase account and whatnot set up on time. But I bought $200 worth of ETH yesterday so hopefully it keeps going up.

>> No.1141134

hold on for the ride, we haven't even left the station yet

>> No.1141142

Also should I put every cent I have ($3000) into ETH? I live with mommy and daddy so I have no real expenses.

>> No.1141148


how is that different from a dollar? I understand that a dollar can directly buy lots of things, but right now I can literally trade ETH for dollars for those things.

>> No.1141162

Dude the Chinese got on it earlier today, I bet there is going to be a dump coinciding with homestead tomorrow.

>> No.1141170



>> No.1141186


yes. honestly, seriously, genuinely, yes.

>> No.1141188
File: 58 KB, 600x578, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't want to fall really hard for a /biz/ meme, even if it's doing well so far.

>> No.1141193


do your own research and make your own conclusions. you'll see that it's no coincidence that eth is doing so well. all of the value is very much built on hype atm. or call it 'trust' rather. the project is still in its infancy and because of that there's tremendous room for growth. you are, i believe, extremely unlikely to make significant loss. but you are very very likely to make profits, and there's a real possibility of making tremendous profits.

it's a no brainer.

>> No.1141195


>> No.1141198

how do I buy eth if all my money is in cash

>> No.1141200


>> No.1141201

wait for Zcash to be released and buy that.

>> No.1141206


>> No.1141208

i just bought out of frustration, so yeah it'll pop. china will probably short it into the fucking ground. or whales will sell into their buy orders. either way tomorrow imma regret buying.

>> No.1141358

30k dumped, down to 34.
happening happs tonight?

>> No.1141359


>> No.1141362


>> No.1141369

i went to go jack off in the bathroom and fucking it drops 1$ wtf

>> No.1141371

shorted that fucking shit at the right moment

now on long :^) 2da moon beatches

>> No.1141373
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>> No.1141374

>be 1/2 btc 1/2 eth
>eth keeps rising and rising non stop
> decide to put more into eth
>drops instantly

>> No.1141379


ah man.

>> No.1141382


we're going down to what, 25?

>> No.1141383
File: 124 KB, 300x900, 1445135683657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you guys do, do it in PANIC

>> No.1141386
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>> No.1141390
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>> No.1141391
File: 45 KB, 685x409, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'VE FALLEN AND I _______________________

>> No.1141392

If it dips any further I'll have lost my initial investment

Time to panic sell?

>> No.1141394

I won't sell anything. I don't work with emotions, I work with facts.

>> No.1141397

i have been trying to buy this shit since jan 23rd and my fucking bank account finally got verified yesterday on coinbase. is it too late?

>> No.1141398

propably sub 20

>> No.1141399

>this pleb
welcome to cryptos, newfriend. thousands of people right now are thinking this >>1141392

>> No.1141401

T-too the moon, right guys?

>> No.1141403


>> No.1141404

I'm not feeling good... But I won't sell.

>> No.1141407
File: 75 KB, 1071x488, screenshot_13-03-2016 19.53.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panic sell in progress

100 BTC walls getting knocked out instantly

>> No.1141408

lets face it, it could go below 1mil easily.
i'm too drunk to care. i've refused to buy because i knew this shit was imminent. i put in 100 bucks a few hours ago because the faggot thing refused to dump, and even i'm amused by this crashening. can't even be bothered to log in to cut my losses.

>> No.1141409
File: 69 KB, 520x678, 1451403043632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now's the right time for you, and the worst time for us

>> No.1141410
File: 36 KB, 539x418, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking god

>> No.1141412


>> No.1141413

Nigger, I'm a successful trader located in São Paulo, Brazil. I study Medicine and am very rich. There's no way I'll fail with ETH. You only lose money with this shit if you're low IQ. I'm white green eyed and my IQ is higher than 130. Thank you very much, now go suck a dick, you piece of shit.

>> No.1141418
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>> No.1141420


>> No.1141422

shut it, monkey

>> No.1141423
File: 6 KB, 213x219, 1326747248183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then I told them "ETH is going to the moon"

>> No.1141424
File: 20 KB, 1714x58, Screen Shot 2016-03-13 at 6.00.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My buy order of 20 ETH at 11 USD was a success!

>> No.1141431

libertyx for the millionth fucking time

>> No.1141437



>> No.1141444

27, kekeke

>> No.1141449


>> No.1141451

anyone buying right now? or will it drop more?

>> No.1141457
File: 74 KB, 500x461, 1441238489539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know someone who put their entire life savings into ETH
>their face when

>> No.1141458


>> No.1141460

I just bought at 11 and I have orders at 10.5 and 10 standing by.

>> No.1141471

When what? It's already going back up.

>> No.1141477

Nice troll. If you did just wait for two days you insufferable crybaby and enjoy your gains.

>> No.1141481

their face when they triple their investment in a month?

>> No.1141484

what price did they buy at?

>> No.1141502


>> No.1141514

It's already rebounded and going new high. Calm down dude. If you can't handle this, just sell once it reach $14(Yes it will go back there)

>> No.1141519

>buying high and selling low
Good job idiot

>> No.1141527


>>1137066 (You)
is me

I said that 3 days ago. If you bought when i said that, you'd still be up.

This is just a correction.

>> No.1141530
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>> No.1141534


You fucking idiot, if you seriously thought you were going to instantly make money I hope you sold at $11

>> No.1141933

I had my ETH transfer from poloniex to myetherwallet in less than 5 minutes

For comparison BTC takes 15 to 20

>> No.1141947
File: 30 KB, 241x247, putnam-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is next dip?

Missed the boat completely

>> No.1141969

The dip didn't even set in the orders I put up early in the last recovery. Stop trying to cause hysteria over every little dip that lasts less than an hour.

>> No.1141994 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 1200x2102, 1457720395196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont expect a dip. Buy now.

>> No.1141999

Expect a dip. Sell now.

>> No.1142005
File: 22 KB, 234x200, 1432234881451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep starting up ethminer, it generate the DAG and then starts mining for 0.1 seconds then crashes. Says permission is denied.

What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.1142016
File: 23 KB, 347x104, homes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys all realize I'm sure that when this hits 1150000 today, the homestead release will go live automatically.

Does that mean a crash, or a rise in value? I don't think anyone really knows, just like in general for etherm. Noone knows, or if they do, they ain't telling you or anyone else here.

>> No.1142037

in my experience, cryptos always go the opposite of what people say

people are saying crash because apparently there will be a huge increase in supply from per-release wallets, so I'm expecting it to surge, because that's the opposite of what's expected

>> No.1142049

>went to bed
>polo ddos'd
>can't see if my buy order went through
I set it for 0.026 after that massive dip to 0.0267, can someone tell me what it's at right now? I'm guessing it bounced back and I didn't get in at that price, right?

>> No.1142053

you missed by miles pham

>> No.1142054

0.0324 currently

>> No.1142055

i saw it hit 27 last night. then went to bed because i was so drunk. your order probably went through if polo was alive at the time,

>> No.1142057

that's the dip he's talking about, he set the buy order after that. it never went down that far again.. he got cucked out of the dip

>> No.1142059

Ah well, sold around 0.034 so at least I can break even. Thanks bruh.

>> No.1142061
File: 542 KB, 1294x1004, weekly_eth_dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be buying the obvious DIP upon Homestead release within 7 hours?

>> No.1142064

I've got 4.7 btc ready

>> No.1142066

>tfw spent 350btc on weed in 2012 :(
i once spent 14btc on 1 gram. fucking kill me.

>> No.1142067

Why will Homestead cause a dip?

>> No.1142068

everything causes a dip. it only rises when nothing is happening.

>> No.1142071

Surely Homestead is a good thing though? Unless you mean the increase in price will cause a whale to sell and then a mass panic sell.

In the case of an impending dip, what site is everyone using to buy more glories Ethereum? Poloniex seems to be a shit at the moment.

>> No.1142072
File: 381 KB, 500x500, 1380897729584 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha you could literally kill yourself with the amount of weed 14btc would buy you today

>> No.1142074

>good thing
who cares? in terms of value, good can mean bad. i mean, for example people are probably sat waiting for the price to spike on good news
yeah. the 2013 spike was difficult for me. i have like 3btc to my name now. and no weed.

>> No.1142076

>for example people are probably sat waiting for the price to spike on good news
...and as such waiting to sell, i mean.
this whole shit is backwards and will drive you insane, anon. there's a reason daytrading is said to be one of the most stressful jobs on earth.

>> No.1142081

Because buy on rumour sell on news. Many new fools will come in on homestead eager to buy, that is why whales have pumped the price high right now. They will dump on homestead, sell their stash, then most likely re buy the dip if Homestead doesn't have any critical buys.

I won't personally sell, because I'm not smart enough to time the markets and don't want to lose ETH, but I sure have prepared a few K to buy in the dip.

>> No.1142087
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1432259490310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, Chinese DDOSed Poloniex, massive DUMP incoming and I have no way to sell

just kill me now

>> No.1142088

Poloniex works just fine.

>> No.1142092

its lagging as hell, its under constat DDOS

prepare for CRASH

>> No.1142093

Why would it crash just because one exchange lags. Logic where?

Poloniex =/= Ethereum

Same as

Mtgox =/= Bitcoin

>> No.1142094

Fucking hell you are all a bunch of reactionary queens. Learn to enjoy the ride.

>> No.1142098

Poloniex is the biggest eth exchange by far and chinks have been probing it for months, they are behind all these pumps

they will make a massive dump and DDOS poloniex hard (but not to bring it down completely) so that people will lag hard as fuck while trying to sell and completely panic causing a complete crash for chinks to buy back in at 0.02 with few times bigger volumne this time

>> No.1142099

Sounds great, in for the DIP

>> No.1142101

yeah me too

but i dont see this being a sustainable source of profit, way to volatile and stressful enough to give you ulcers

>> No.1142108
File: 102 KB, 776x960, 1451274237409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i longed a bit too early, i knew shit was going to go up but I longed from 0.0335

>> No.1142109

its fucking starting, thank god i sold at 34

>> No.1142120

>sell mom for eth
>buy mom back with earnings
>margin sell her with 5x leverage
>buy more eth
>buy her back and get a new mom too
>repeat process until you have lots of mommies that will buy you tendies and shiet

>> No.1142122

Is Poloniex down for anyone else?

>> No.1142126

Fuck I need to go to bed but i don't want to miss the dip.

>> No.1142127

It's rising again drama queens, here comes the PUMP!

>> No.1142133
File: 26 KB, 448x336, 1155131983091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, fucking nothing is happening. Chill

>> No.1142137

pics or didnt happen

>> No.1142146

Should I buy now Eth or wait?

>> No.1142147

Obvious pre-Homestead pump for a hump a dump, gotta invest a lump sump to buy that dump pump

>> No.1142148

Why do the Chinese shit on everything they get? Literal cancer people.

>> No.1142150
File: 56 KB, 500x633, ura8714mz0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a decision you should make after thoroughly researching the likely developments after Homestead.

>> No.1142153

Lads is this a good time to buy or should I wait

>> No.1142158

I bought 8 BTC worth last night during the dip...but it could go either way 2bh pham, yolo

>> No.1142161

If you buy now play close attention in case there's a big drop coming and be ready to sell off quickly. Nobody is sure what direction it will go from here.

>> No.1142163

Buy now it will jump after Homestead.

>> No.1142177

>salty dumbass who can't analyze markets worth a shit
Have fun losing your $25 saved from last week

>> No.1142183

Nigga what are you talking about? I bought in at $10. Even with the recent dip I'm still doing fine. I'm asking why the Chinese are ddosing polo when they finally get a chance at the ether train.

>bitcoin goes to China
>manipulate the market and fuck things up until people are fed up and it falls from $1000 to the current $400

>less than 24 hours into getting ether
>already doing the same

>mfw we talk about pajeets and their designated street disregarding that China does exactly this outside of major cities and even then it still happens
Fuck China.

>> No.1142185

Why would he have fun losing money?

>> No.1142186

>Nigga what are you talking about? I bought in at $10. Even with the recent dip I'm still doing fine.

>Bought at $10
What a fucktard

>recent dip
There was no recent dip, but there will be one in a few hours.

>> No.1142191

And I'm gonna buy that too. You're Chinese aren't you.

Poo in loo you yellow-pajeet!

>> No.1142192

confirmed for 16

>> No.1142205

What do you guys think the peak price before inevitable dip after homestead?

Currently sitting at $14/ETH and I'm itching to sell my ETH to USD to prepare for the dip

>> No.1142206

Poloniex is shit right now

what other sites do you use to buy etherium

>> No.1142212

Buy high sell low right? Just set up some more funds to be ready to buy when the dip happens. So far it's been pretty consistent that we see a huge dip at each new dollar value high. So expect it to ride to $15 or higher after homestead then fall sharply then steadily rise again.

>> No.1142215

>people actually thought China getting into ETH will be a good thing
naive crypto newbies..

>> No.1142219

Implying you know what the fuck your talking about

>> No.1142221

Sell high buy low, I Bought my ETH when it was $4. I am thinking of selling all of my ETH at peak for USD, and re-buy when the dip happen. I could've made >40% profit easily if my prediction is correct.

>> No.1142226

But you need to know where the peak is for that...

>> No.1142228
File: 213 KB, 2710x734, Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 17.33.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys READY FOR DA DIP ? ? ? ?

>> No.1142231

Thats what I'm asking on this post >>1142205

>> No.1142233

I do unlike yourself. Keep dreaming you fat neckbeard. ETH is not going to make you rich. And the only girl you will have is that anime girl on your wallpaper.

>> No.1142234

You don't even know why it might dip, you sheep

>> No.1142240

I'm explaining why it dips:

1) Buy on rumour, sell on fact. Rumour - Homestead, Fact - Homestead actual release.
2) Whales are pumping price high now, so newbies who come in upon hearing about Homestead (мaтepик), will buy and whales will dump on them, making good profits, making a dip to buy in lower.
3) Obvious PUMP right now so needed DUMP awaits, Homestead is perfect opportunity.

>> No.1142263



>> No.1142296

What was wrong with the old thread?

>> No.1142336

kill yourself chink