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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11395728 No.11395728 [Reply] [Original]

give me one valid reason i shouldnt invest in sky coin?

>> No.11395851

ETH 2.0

>> No.11395858

Because youre a retard

>> No.11395860

becuase FUCK google fuck microsoft fuck big tech and FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.11395873

This thread

>> No.11395928

History of bad management. Coin distribution will remain a point of concern. Community is filled with faggots who will self sabotage

>> No.11395964

Skywire mainnet will require coinhour buybacks, so there's your coin distribution.

>> No.11395966

interesting to see that all the sky shills have left biz, if you posted this a month ago you'd have a thread full of them

anyway, its a shitcoin, DON'T.

>> No.11396054

Literally this, the faces of the project are their worst enemy. Meaning if they deliver and step back, they are unstoppable.

>> No.11396276
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>> No.11396278

I'm interested in internet without censorship and companies stealing my data. What project do you suggest?

>> No.11396308

The leader is a fucking wacko
I held over 5000 sky at one time
Thr chinese mafia story was so gay, god bless sky holders

>> No.11396470

I have been doing my research, and know about the EVOLAB exit scam. The whole cryptocurrency industry really has more than it's share of scammers, especially on the marketing side of things. Also, Skycoin seems to have more FUD surrounding it than any other crypto project. But when i look into the progress they have been making on the tech, Skycoin looks very strong. Please let me know what internet freedom focused projects you suggest instead of Skycoin, really curious as to what your idea of a good project is.

>> No.11397035


>> No.11397065

Althea Mesh

>> No.11397103

The idea that the leader is wacko is bullshit. He is typical higher thinker who talks quick and has a million thoughts in his head at one time. He sounds just like Vitalik if you ask me. If anyone thinks of him as a liability and not an asset is a dumb fuck who prefers being scammed by chink coins. I have no sympathy for them losing their money.

>> No.11397106


>> No.11397359

I see skycoin making a massive run before the end of the year. So much stuff coming and it has to do 5x to 10x just to get back to pre bullshit fud levels.

>> No.11397418

whats the difference between this and skywire?

their demo also runs on Pies and they dont have their own coin to scam people with when buying them

also seems like no min wage chinks involved, so could be good

>> No.11397440

It runs on smart contracts that can interact with other IoT projects like FOAM.

>> No.11397458

They'll have their own coin but I don't think payment will necessarily rely on using it. It's called ALGT (Althea Governance Token).

>> No.11397467

so what does that mean?

>> No.11397498

i was in on skycoin until i saw the pajeet level of those antennas, now im convinced its a scam run by min wage chinks

but now just like ETH there will be 50 other projects claiming the same thing, so desu i cba with following them

>> No.11397510

Look them up and you'll find that answer for yourself, desu. I'm honestly hungover as fuck and not smart enough to explain this. https://m.soundcloud.com/venturestories/crypto-stories-using
Keep this dl, though.

>> No.11397587

Even if that's true, that just means the price is artificially low. For now.

>> No.11397600

I think you're confusing enthusiasm with shilling.

>> No.11397603

tell me how i can mine this shit on my rpis like i do with skyshit

link a tutorial

>> No.11397607

i cant listen to this, theres a cut every 10 seconds, and have they sped this up?

>> No.11397666

Never said the premise was unappealing or unnecessary. The leader will never do what is necessary to achieve the plan, imo.

>> No.11397756

You can't yet, it's not ready for market. The demo is also just a demo and you will need something more powerful to provide useful service IRL.
I'm literally handing you leads on projects that took me months to find and are still under the radar. If you want to make it you need to DYOR.

>> No.11397763

>Please let me know what internet freedom focused projects you suggest instead of Skycoin
How about anything with an actual working consensus algorithm you braindead fuck

>> No.11397782
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because your jewish masters wouldnt like that goy

>> No.11397820

It is true, Synth cannot do what is necessary to achieve the plan. Skywire is a project that requires decentralized initiative to grow. A project planned with realistic scenarios in mind.

>> No.11397946

Shill revealed, you're selling too hard.

>> No.11398009

He's got them to 8.5k nodes in four months. Better adoption than other meshnets. Good enough for me.

Their closed loop economy plan is good.

>> No.11398185

When the best source for explaining the distribution is done by a third party in which btt/telegram posts are used as a reference, thats a problem. Some of the articles he refers to are no longer even accessible on the skycoin website and even then he can only offer ballpark figures the majority of the time.
Althea has been mentioned before in the skycoin group back when things outside of steak and SJWs were allowed to be discussed.

>> No.11398237

Smart contracts cant handle the high amounts of transactions dApps need

>> No.11398629

It's literally on their github. Testnet participation is niche compared to the rest of the community.


>> No.11398907

I'm aware of how testnet work. Looking for more info on the full distribution model

>> No.11398993

Yes, currently that is absolutely true. These are projects that will not see any adoption for the next 5-10 years, if ever.

>> No.11399007

Fuck you faggot, Last time I try to help anyone on this piece of shit board. You are not going to make it.