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11387261 No.11387261 [Reply] [Original]

>IQ: 132
>not smart enough to become successful in life
>not dumb enough to not suffer from living
I'm never gonna make it. To make it, one needs 140 atleast.

>> No.11387278
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you're never going to make it in life
not because you're not smart enough, but because you think things are just going to fall into place on their own for your prosperity
quit being a bitch and start doing something to get you closer to your goals, faggot

>> No.11387283

Same range here

Smart enough to see the problems
Not smart enough to solve them

>> No.11387284

>imagine being mentally ill enough to believe even 115 iq isn't enough to make it

>> No.11387305

Congrats you choose your IQ as a reason to not try to be successful
Have fun being lazy because of a internet quiz generated number

>> No.11387331
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Wash your penis, bucko

>> No.11387337

I seriously doubt your IQ is 132 because to succeed easily in life you need proper emotion management and not so much intelectual development. I'm sorry, but you are actually more retarded than you think. Probably between 90-100 or worse.

>> No.11387443

IQ mainly dictates how fast you learn. You just have to work slightly harder to get as good at something as someone with a 140 IQ. Plenty of people with a way lower IQ than you are succesful because they work really hard and/or are intelligent in other ways (e.g. socially). If you have an IQ of 132 then your IQ isn't what's holding you back from being succesful.

t. 137 IQ

>> No.11387507
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>iq 136
>feel too dumb to succeed at what I aspire to
>too lazy and depressed to actively improve myself
>tfw human vegetable

>> No.11387589

136 iq here and this describes me.

>> No.11387602

148 IQ here. You couldn't be more wrong, OP

>> No.11387621


Nah, you will not make it because you're all useless piece of shit retarded faggots.

Kylie fucking Jenner made it and she's dumb as a rock. IQ is a meme.

>> No.11387624

Keep making excuses lol

>> No.11387626

t. sub 100 iq troglodyte

>> No.11387633


Forever basement dweller incel cuck

>> No.11387642

nice projection
>can’t control his anger
thanks for proving my point

>> No.11387647

The man "with the 200 IQ" describing NPC's at 4:42

>> No.11387656

>he's gay

>> No.11387669

Actual IQ tests are only reliable up to 135. Everything beyond that is larping and facebook IQ tests

>> No.11387751

At this point, your IQ is not a factor.
You are just lazy and stupid.

>> No.11387766

wtf is this whiny shit?

I was tested at 111 years ago, prolly really between 125 and 135. You're just neurotic bro

>> No.11387804

This. The world was built by dumb people, for dumb people
Fdpbdp instead of fubu

Just learn to suck up and you'll make up the extra 2 points youre missing

>> No.11387807

the reason you're such a failure is because you're a fucking turboautist OP it has nothing to do with your IQ

>> No.11387816

I feel you bro, i was tested at 90, most likely actually close to 150-165

>> No.11387817
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>too masculine to become a trap
>too feminine to become a chad

>> No.11387837

tfw 115 iq braindead brainlet and for really has 0% chance to make it if cryptos fail

fuck you OP if i was you i would be millionare already. kys

>> No.11387904

kek this is almost me. I got gay face. Big fag eyes and fem jawline

>> No.11388124


> fat incel faggot


>> No.11388152
File: 46 KB, 655x527, 00B3C7DC-BA07-46B7-AEFF-01F6D75E7E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I was tested at 105 but I'm probably closer to 173 if my assessment is correct

>> No.11388210

Clean your room and
Scale the fuck down.
Find a place / niche where you will overcome.
Genius will wagecuck at gresearch for 45k/yr welding retard may rack 100k.
Don't be a master welder trying to invent cancer cure.

IQ 130 among IQ 140s is cucked and ridiculed daily.
IQ 100 among IQ 80 coworkers is despotic slavemaster

>> No.11388226

>just be born a millionaire anon

>> No.11388233

That's not too bad. If you get focused and determined you can easily be successful, definitely a millionaire. Although I understand the jealousy towards higher IQ people.

Also ignore people who call IQ a meme. It's just used as a self-defense mechanism by insecure people or people who are politically motivated.

>> No.11388245

nope, am sexy


y'all just mad you ain't past 110 like me

>> No.11388260
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>Same,135 IQ,tested at highschool years ago, still a fucking looser
Just be handsome theory

>> No.11388283

It's referred to as a meme because extremely few people have done any sort of reputable test. Most just do those garbage online tests that hand out 140+ IQ results. Also intelligence isn't linear and success is dependent on drive much more than raw intelligence.

How can anyone with any appreciable intelligence allow themselves to get fat?

>> No.11388328

If anyone is interested
is pretty good for pattern recognition. Does not test memory which is also a part of intelligence. The test is timed and I think finishing faster will give a higher score.

>> No.11388342

If you can’t make it with a 132 iq then you’re probably autistic. You can converse with intellectuals and idiots.Its Like the golden iq for enlightenment. 125-140

>> No.11388346

Its been proven before that the distribution of wealth is down to a one single factor - luck.

With my personal experiences of working for a handful of very wealthy people over the years i can tell you that without financial advisors or meetings, on their own these people make decisions you wouldn't have simply believe. Not to mention that half of them are genuine people after special education schools.

Few of the IQ tests i did gave me identical numbers as yours and i think that the problem for you as much as it was and still sometimes is for me is simply lack of motivation as you feel constantly as you are in this battle that you cant win.

My advise for you would be to try and find your niche and exploit it just like i did.

>> No.11388353


>Implying having a high IQ automatically makes you successful
>Implying your IQ actually is that high(very unlikely)

Even if your IQ actually was 132 no one's going to pay you just for existing bro, you actually have to do things for them.

>> No.11388368


The richest people I know are significantly below 132 IQ. You don't need to be genius to make money. You just need to be high energy, dedicated, ruthless, and obsessive about money above all else. It's not complicated.

>> No.11388461

To truly be successful in this world, what you need are connections and friends. I know of a former friend who was a backstabbing son of a bitch but knew how to talk in order to get friends easily and talk to the right people. He's now one of the managers of the top banks in my country and earn 200k per month. Hardwork and IQ is a meme.

>> No.11388489

>mfw 141 and absolutely breezing through life going to work when I feel like it and demanding more money

Join a group lads, work together
check out 4chans chatroom stock/crypto/forex etc https://discord.me/xavier

>> No.11388644
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>typographical errors in your post
You're not even 104.

>> No.11388841
File: 76 KB, 618x597, 8E6A5A9E-E98F-49B9-B610-B5A8E6EFE0EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting a number dictate your life

>> No.11388861

130-135 brainlet here
> 2 mil net worth
Just try getting lucky fren

>> No.11389322

>oh no i wont make it cos i lack couple iq points

Stop finding excuses you little bitch. Start being proactive

>> No.11389374

OP your IQ is around 70. don't be deluded. do you understand what I wrote?