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11381576 No.11381576 [Reply] [Original]

Some boomer at my work retired in March and today we got an e-mail that he passed recently.

How do I avoid wagecucking until I’m 65?

>> No.11381593

Shit posting 4chan isn’t going to do it. Move everything you own to Link before BAT gets listed on Coinbase.

>> No.11381597
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Try dying before you reach 65. Problem solved

>> No.11381598

save your money. eat only rice, beans, chicken and fish. don't drink any alcohol, soda or juice. only mineral water.
never go out. stay home.
don't buy a car unless you absolutely need it, and even then buy the cheapest one you can find.
don't buy electronics like tablets or phones, an old $5 nokia is all you need.
don't get a gf or marry.
save your money
put 90% of your savings into safe dividend stocks. put 10% of it into high-risk high-reward investment like LlNK
if you do it properly you can retire in 10 years. congrats.

>> No.11381621

>>11381598 this but don't skimp on the car if it's required for your life.

>> No.11381640

Hope parents die at same time so you get the big insurance, salarys paid out, assets, stocks, and of course the bank accounts! Then sell everything ASAP and sit In cash and wait for the crash while you live in a cheap. 3rd world. Country smashing the local women.

Thats my plan anyways.

>> No.11381648

Or you can just live with your parents and save 95% of your income while still being comfy like me.

>> No.11381673

You think that's bad a negress at my office died at age 53. She was a fur mom and ate frozen dinners everyday for lunch.

>> No.11381715

Lived with parents past 6 month and I did save alot if money for me but it is very difficult to have a sex life, managed to bang 4 chicks in that time in my car but the quality wasn't that good, and last hot chick I went on a date with started yawning the rest of the date when she found out I lived at home. I'm 28 btw, and am getting a new apartment in 2 weeks, moving back was worth it since I now have some capital but I can't imagine doing it any longer.

>> No.11382001

>caring about sex over your freedom.

Braindead normie sheep. Would you rather experience a few minutes of pleasure and be a slave until you're 60 or be a free man easily within 7-8 years?

>> No.11382007

>living with your parents and not paying bills

so you're a fucking child

>> No.11382024

>paying bills

Enjoy your near life long slavery normalfag.

>> No.11382034

enjoy being a child for the rest of your life

>> No.11382037

not gonna make it

>> No.11382043

I live with my parents and do all kinds of property maintenance and chores for them. It's a fair trade

>> No.11382044

>managed to bang 4 chicks
Get a load of this normie.

>> No.11382052

Maybe stop to consider that, perhaps, it was the lack of purpose in his life due to not working, that killed him

>> No.11382053

The absolute state of the wagecuck, would rather pay off someone else's mortgage than be a free man because of imagined social stigma.

>> No.11382054

I agree which is why I'm moving out in 2 weeks, but my parents offered, if offered something that can improve your life long term why not take it?

>> No.11382059

your parents are "someone else"? is that what you refer to them as? fucking soulless kike

>> No.11382061

I'm referring to rent, illiterate.

>> No.11382062

You're really stupid. Read his comment again

>> No.11382064

nobody was talking about paying rent, so go fuck yourself. how about you read the replies before jumping to a conclusion.

>> No.11382066

Who was talking about rent?

>> No.11382073

If you buy a house, then you're even dumber.

>> No.11382074

The anon I was talking too who said "living with parents means you're a child." Unless you think people are giving out free houses, than yeah, no rent/mortgage involved.

>> No.11382075

Don't fall for the insurance/401k scam and invest your own money

>> No.11382080
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>retirement kills

>> No.11382095

when the fuck did i mention rent? i said not paying bills while living with your parents means you are a child, fucking retard

>> No.11382096

I think he was saying living with your parents and not paying any bills for them means your a child. He didn’t even mention rent.

>> No.11382139

according to retards in this board, you should just keep having children and keep the cycle of wagecucking till 65 and then dying forever and ever

>> No.11382164

A free man alone versus a wagecuck with a loving family isn't an easy choice for everybody. A wife and kids can get expensive.

>> No.11382173

Eternal Boomer detected

>> No.11382554


I can vouch for this. I am retiring in two years at 35 and this is how I live.

>> No.11382602

>like LINK
All good advice until this.

>> No.11382606

So you equate giving others your money with "making it"?

>> No.11382668
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Don't take out any loans. Don't buy shit unless you have all the money right there to buy it. For some reason a lot of people don't get this, and end up getting jewed and going into debt. Live within your means and save as much as you can. Look for ways to make money that you can somewhat enjoy doing or are comfortable doing, so you dont mind doing it a lot.

>> No.11382833

>thinking freedom doesen't imply having a sex life
Does mommy still help you with your boner?

>> No.11383066

rice and beans are shit tier
replace with sufficient vegetables and a small amount of fruit
keep the meats of course

>> No.11383083
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>t. goodest of goys

>> No.11383098


this guy gets it. don't ever skimp on your health or eating or else you'll pay more when you get cancer anyway

>> No.11383103

Absolute brainlet tier advice. If you are so fucking bad at controlling your spending that you are afraid to take out loans then just neck yourself.

>> No.11383218

It's fucking stupid to move out right away. I'm 24 and have no plans at all of moving out before I'm 30. I pay some of the bills but only because I've volunteered to.

>> No.11383294

>being independent from your parents makes you a goy
lmao, failure COPE

>> No.11383566

if you have to work for someone else to survive you're not "independent", might as well leech off your parents for as long as possible until you are actually independent.

>> No.11383607

Dumb post. Families in Asia (today) and Europe (before 1900s) used to have multiple generations living under one roof . Grandparent, parent, child. That way the whole family supported each other and could divide house work. This whole rent idea is fairly new. It is promoted by banksters, to shame young people into debt.

>> No.11383659

Many jews do it too

>> No.11383677

yeah and I bet it was SHIT AF I live at home but im about to put a deposit down on a 1 bedder because if I have to live with my parents and siblings for another year I will fucking end it can't stand them

>> No.11383716


Do what. landlord around?

>> No.11383779

>tfw mommy NEVER helped me with my boner

>> No.11384080
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I'm American and have been shot before 25 so I think I'm well on my way.

>> No.11384184
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dont forget 2nd job sucking cock for extra $

>> No.11384225

Based and redpilled

But the majority of people here wouldn’t be willing to do this

>> No.11384576

Boomee tier criticism. Who said I was bad at spending? Loans are for dumb fucks who don't know how to save money, but have fun paying that interest back if you want to, fool.

>> No.11384674

Or just KYS now because if you follow this, your life will be absolutely worthless and boring. It's all about balance anon. You need some bad with the good.

>> No.11384686

everyone's life is worthless. doing what you can to retire early is just the easiest way to get through it and finally die.

>> No.11384701

>9 zoomer replies to this post

Imagine being dependent on your parents until you are 30. How fucking sad are you faggots? You don't want your independence? You can still live in your own place and live frugally instead of being a NEET in your parents basement. Unreal.

>> No.11384722

Then what's the point at all? If you aren't having fun there's no point to any of it. If you think you will have more fun when when you get older being retired early, I have news for you... Once you hit 25, every 5 years your physical energy and health regresses. You don't have the energy to the the things you think you will want to do that you actually can do now in your early 20s. Early retirement is cool, (I'm 36 and retired), but don't waste your 20s eating beans and rice and doing nothing, because once you are in your 30s, EVERYONE has a family and is wagecucking and fun is the last thing on any of their dull minds. You will be a lone wolf. I enjoy it, but it's not as good as it seems for everyone.

>> No.11384733

We're all in this together, anon. Do whatever makes you happy in the free time you have.
