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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11378542 No.11378542 [Reply] [Original]

we're back!! announcement of an announcement

>> No.11378555

This is unironically the start of the Golden Bull run.

>> No.11378574


Trips of truth.

>> No.11378592

do people still fall for the partnership meme?

>> No.11378601

It depends on what the partnership entails. It can mean nothing but the sharing of information, to strategic partnering involving deals of millions or more dollars etc.

>> No.11378618

Some incels still do.
> Muh Vechain partnerships

>> No.11378672


>> No.11378681

Tron will unironically replace ETH by the end of the year also working on an oracle so most likely replace link too. They are ahead of schedule with everything and sun is the best normie shill.

>> No.11378782


This. This chad is a marketing genius and with project atlas this coin is going in the top 5 before EOY

>> No.11378789

I buy now and my money is falling fuck you biz

>> No.11378827

True, the only one who is actually doing something useful with their partnerships is Zilliqa (projects proton) but chances it's another chink scam so stick with ETH/BTC guys.

>> No.11378835

partnership with aliexpress

>> No.11378836

10sBB Co. ?

>> No.11378849

omg the rumour is true

>> No.11378878

Give it a couple of hours at least.

>> No.11378901

Okay anon ill try, i just wanna be millionaire

>> No.11378918
File: 805 KB, 500x411, loop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Justin Sun clones himself, then announces his clone is going to announce an announcement through himself..

>> No.11378939

look at this dumb ignorant motherfucker

>> No.11379025
File: 69 KB, 1480x832, 131108-stern-bad-grandpa-tease_hsfhxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, you open it and the prices show up every window

>> No.11379059

we made it

>> No.11379150

What kind of tactic is this? "Just signed partnership with billion dollar company but we won't say who so guess and just believe me" seems like a definite scam

>> No.11379195


Justin do that for every partnership. He always delivers on everything he says, not like all the other scamcoin.

>> No.11379202

>every other project is a scam apart from my own
ah. the dunning kruger strikes again

>> No.11379205

What other partnerships does Tron have and where are the confirmations from the businesses?

>> No.11379225

Tron is definetly going nowhere long term, you should've known that if you had basic understanding of the underlying tech, Hyped Dpos projects may give you a good yield in the next mini bull run but be sure that the "Amazon and Microsoft" of this space won't be any of them.

>> No.11379227


this guy is the china hustle kingpin

>> No.11379250

>replace ETH
>replace LINK
>no product
>shit white paper
>pure vaporware.

>> No.11379441


They have a product you fucking mongoloid. So you're saying ETH has a product even thought it is 200x slower and 100x's of time more expensive than Tron. who give a shit about a bad whitepaper at least they deliver, stay poor loser.

>> No.11379545

dude, do you even know what BitTorrent is? that is more of product than literally any project in the game, stop being a cuck lmao

>> No.11379558
File: 1.95 MB, 1508x1920, A9A587F9-650E-4B8A-B6DC-B8A880876F55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please notice me

>> No.11379563

No product? Kek do some research pal they’ve been releasing dapps, tools to make dapps, and the first game went live a few weeks ago, also bought bit torrent, and sun has an office in USA. Smart contracts are coming soon, you’re going to have to find some better fud mETH head

>> No.11379623

Oh wow, Anon. You sure told us!
What dapp/s. List one dapp with a MAU of over 10 people.
Tools to make dapps? You mean access to a platform?
>first game went live
ETH, XEM and similar have shitloads of mini games and none of them mean a damn thing. It certainly didn't help the network or price.

>> No.11379633

dunno why i laughed so hard on this

>> No.11379864

>imagine unironically thinking TRON is legit

>> No.11379889

Only have 3k trx, wat do /biz/?

>> No.11379899

I like XRP retards more than Tron shills. XRP retards genuinely think their coin is legit but Tron madboyz know its a scam and still procceed to shill.

>> No.11379909

>blatantly encouraging speculation to cause an uptick
It's shit like this that will eventually get Crypto regulated.

>> No.11379948

if OPs tweet doesn't smell like pajeet-tier scam you are fucking retarded
vague, speculation-inducing posts on fucking twitter are extremely unprofessional and reek of desperate pump

>> No.11379972

paid tron chink shills are back, the bull has returned

>> No.11379978

it’s baidu, it’s been confirmed

>> No.11380004

so what are the going to do together?
a blockchain enabled smart contracts decentralized web search done over torrent?

>> No.11380005


would be fucking amazing, source?

>> No.11381163
File: 509 KB, 1242x1305, 0097395B-4A76-4634-8528-BE5C22E3322F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11381211

It smells like fucking money >>11381163
Tron has always pumped after shit like this from the based chink. He tells you this: BUY NAO IT GO MOON
all you have to do is buy and drop on announcement date. Easiest money of my life.

I hereby nominate Sir Justin Sun as the most based chink of 2k18.

>> No.11381236
File: 236 KB, 1280x1281, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not it

>> No.11381669

I could give a fuck less if you buy but your fud is weak. It’s less than a year old and already being built on. Sun has more real business connections than any of your autist erc20 devs. You smell like a linky. I’m sorry sergay scammed you it’s not too late to pick up a stack of trx

>> No.11381697

can someone explain how this chink manages to get so many high level partnerships. unlike veshit, these actually seem legit. so how is he doing it?

>> No.11381735

Sounds like Holochain

>> No.11381782




Lolno. Chink MLMs are a thing of the past.

>> No.11382648

>people unironically defending TRON
>fucking TRON of all shitcoins
We are far FAR away from the bottom.

>> No.11382666

Sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about Ranjeesh