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File: 10 KB, 300x299, monero-logo-DC68F41C5C-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11379903 No.11379903 [Reply] [Original]

>One of the only major cryptos with an actual use case.
>Predicted to be $18k within 10 years by a major financial research paper.

So the use case is very real, but that use case is just to trade BTC into it and then trade it back for BTC after a short time frame to wash it and hide shady/criminal activity. Nobody wants to actually buy, trade, or hodl XRP long-term for speculative reasons and the eventual max supply is supposed to be about the same as BTC's, but without half the coins being lost like BTCs were. Somebody shill me on why it would ever pump to fall 2017 BTC levels or would be a better long-term investment than BTC or Holo?

>> No.11379917

btc,ltc and monero

>> No.11379919

monero has too many bugs

>> No.11380149

There's a difference between something once having had bugs and still having bugs. Monero currently has no known bugs.

>> No.11380272

Have you considered the demand for a privacy coin isn't that great?

>> No.11380284

>Predicted to be $18k within 10 years by a major financial research paper.
No it wasn't, that paper was written by some shitty crypto hedge fund that's only been around for 4 years. They're bullish on a coin and made a little paper about it with the same shitty TA you see on biz.

Also a widely used coin probably won't pump since most people are using it instead of hoarding it and artificially reducing supply. Monero will stay at current levels or go down further but it's popularity will increase.

>> No.11380311

Eth will have anonymous transfers before xmr makes 18k.

>> No.11380334

it has the worst track history of any privacy coin.

>> No.11380381

Probably the only crypto with a true “market cap”. I use quotes because I hate the market cap meme.

Anyone hoping to buy a pump from the fork is a little crazy. XMR is very open with their intentions and BPs have been priced in since 2 forks ago.

>> No.11380456

Buy XMR, Watch monthly and yearly charts instead of daily and weekly and you'll be satisfied while most of the other retards in this space lose theirs hirts

>> No.11380476

>Also a widely used coin probably won't pump since most people are using it instead of hoarding it and artificially reducing supply. Monero will stay at current levels or go down further but it's popularity will increase.
Just like Bitcoin, right?
Why? inb4 you cite people using 0-mixin transactions prior to RingCT and an obscure exchange wallet bug that only shady exchanges "confirmed" affected their holdings after concerns were already publicized.

>> No.11380497

Monero is my only mine and hodl

>> No.11380505
File: 66 KB, 774x518, facc4a9c5f0ed3c9b838ec75158f3fa6da68b3f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir please provide evidence to substiciate your claims
thank you

>> No.11380512


This man is very wise

>> No.11380522
File: 76 KB, 928x472, bugsmonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see screenshot, there is currently 1 bug in production code they have not disclosed yet. Then below 3. First link below is also still an issue.




>> No.11380539


3 bugs in the past 2 weeks. 1 still active and critical. thats a pretty shitty track record there alone.

>> No.11380542


>fudding monero

Really faggot?

>> No.11380547

>actual use case
how many times am i gonna see this about any and every coin?

>> No.11380552

how the fuck is that fud? its literally disclosed bugs by the monero dev team themselves?

>> No.11380637

that's not a "shitty track record", that's a normal, healthy development cycle

>> No.11380638

seems like an easy fix bug that wasn't even known to cause vulnerability

>> No.11380667

>privacy coin
>having bugs

its a critical bug, its common they wont disclose until its fixed.

>> No.11380701

>having bugs

>> No.11380707

my code never has issues - it's just requirement problems or user isn't using it right

>> No.11380724
File: 33 KB, 749x149, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a privacy coin, if it fails its intended purpose, it should be on a testnet and not live.

here are all bitcoins bugs since 2016. monero has more than this in the last 2 months.

>> No.11380727

make your own coin then, autist, you'll be a fucking billionaire.

>> No.11380734

these are just client bugs you fucking autist
god im talking to a complete retard
4chan everybody

>> No.11380762

really jealous for the founder. i'm browsing his website every day, it's awesome and then he made this product to get rich.

>> No.11380769

*yawn* keep fudding pajeet. monero is full of shit.

>> No.11380775

>correcting some mentally ill retard on 4chan

>> No.11380784

>end users of monero (exchanges) have lost money
>end users IPs can be identified using monero, easily
>rpc allowed remote code execution
>its no big deal, its just a privacy coin that doesnt work

>> No.11380797

correction: it's the only privacy coin that works
why are you so emotionally invested in your objectively wrong position lmao
must suck being literally retarded

>> No.11380810

There is no such thing as a perfect piece of software. Monero's security is constantly evolving and since it's an open source project, just about anyone can contribute to making it better. Besides, name a better alternative. There isn't one right now.
He's just a paid shill for some "competitor" coin. I think Zcash but not really sure. Anyone that tries to discredit Monero is trying to sell you their bags, period.

>> No.11380822

>He's just a paid shill for some "competitor" coin. I think Zcash but not really sure. Anyone that tries to discredit Monero is trying to sell you their bags, period.
>tfw some TLA glow nigger intern getting pai to shill on /biz/

>> No.11380824

you can identify IPs of people using monero right now. explain how this works.

as of a few months ago, you could EXECUTE CODE on their machine. this is also ok

zcash is shit too. im a privacy advocate. monero is not private.

>> No.11380833
File: 38 KB, 800x450, 1539025616593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>end users IPs can be identified using monero, easily
this has no information about the transaction. everyone is free to use tor.
>end users of monero (exchanges) have lost money
monero saved poloniex
>rpc allowed remote code execution
>its no big deal, its just a privacy coin that doesnt work
opinions are like assholes: everybody has one.

>> No.11380845

Monero's job is not to obfuscate your IP. It's to obfuscate your activity on its blockchain. Fuck off with this entire line of thinking.
>as of a few months ago, you could EXECUTE CODE on their machine. this is also ok
Now you are literally just making shit up.
>im a privacy advocate. monero is not private.
If you were a privacy advocate then you'd realize Monero is the best we've got right now. There isn't an alternative blockchain that isn't compromised in some other way.

>> No.11380865

source - https://hackerone.com/reports/303390

Kovri is going to help monero. but its not there yet. until it is, its not a privacy coin.

they also need to pay for some auditing.

>> No.11380869

>you can identify IPs of people using monero right now. explain how this works.
do you understand what blockchain even is? how do you think ANY blockchain works? you don't seem to know the first thing about what privacy even means lmao

It's like I'm talking to an actual moron
Sorry about your IQ bro

>> No.11380874

>Monero isn't a privacy coin because I say so.
That's not how this works.

>> No.11380875

so its ok if i dump every ip of active monero users and provide that as public information on a webpage, right? nobody will get upset?

>> No.11380880

>so its ok if i dump every ip of active monero users and provide that as public information on a webpage, right? nobody will get upset?
whether you dump it or not is irrelevant since it's already public info you absolute retard

>> No.11380882

>Kovri is going to help monero. but its not there yet. until it is, its not a privacy coin.
you can run your node over tor, what now?

>> No.11380888

remember that one time you thought you had AIDS but it turned out to be bedbugs?

>> No.11380891

right but nobody is currently doing it. ill be the first then, ill monitor time connected/disconnected/session length and IP address.

>> No.11380894

nobody cares

>> No.11380898

>nobody is currently doing
missed this part
you are truly stupid, thank you for revealing this to passers by

>> No.11380901
File: 29 KB, 668x142, started.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, glad then, because I just started logging my monero daemon connections

>> No.11380910

where can i find a list of active monero users?


i see that, which logs it, and im running now. I cant find it listed out anywhere on the web.

>> No.11380917

>source - https://hackerone.com/reports/303390
monerod isn't a wallet, it's a daemon that connects you to the Monero network. Being able to control the RPC for monerod doesn't give you the ability to interact with wallets that are interacting with monerod.

>> No.11380925

Releases Affected:
[monerod] port 18081
Steps To Reproduce:
(Add details for how we can reproduce the issue)

run monerod
visit http://bugbound.co.uk/test42/bert.html for POC (html form)
Click submit and view request/response

did you read the security ticket? they could run code from a webpage on your local machine

>> No.11380927

No OP, you hodl you stash in XMR. Nobody knows how much you have and can't track your wallets. If you need to spend you throw just enough of it up on an exchange and convert it to BTC or whatever and make your purchase.

The only possible downside I can see to this coin is if governments deliberately try to crash it. But I don't think that's gonna happen. Governments will fud XMR to all the normies and NEETs, while many who are politically high and and connected will stash there coins in an XMR wallet.

Swiss bank accounts are now a meme.

This is the closest thing anyone with a net worth south of $500 million will be able to get to completely private banking without hiding stashes of physical gold.

>> No.11380942 [DELETED] 

li host an open node and want that other see my IP. so the y can connect with their light wallets to my monero deamon.

>> No.11380954

>Using a public remote node has its risks. The primary risk is that a public remote node can get your IP address. If a public remote node is malicious, the node operator now can associate a transaction with an IP address. They could also know that there is a user of monero with an ACTIVE wallet at a given IP address. They could then scan your IP address to try and identify any open ports. If they find any open ports, they can test these ports to see if they can get in to your computer. Granted, this is true of ANY IP address that can be obtained from the monero peerlists. TL;DR, run your own node. If you can't, make sure you have good firewalls, wallet passwords, and malware scanners.

>> No.11380956
File: 8 KB, 269x319, laughing woody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek
watch out guys we got a hacker on our hands

>> No.11380967

im not a hacker, im following instructions real hackers have done already. im just going to make an archivable list of transactions associated with IP addresses.

>> No.11380972

I host an open monero deamon and I actualy want that people see my IP. So they can connect to my node with their light wallets.

>> No.11380973

that is not the point. read

>> No.11380979

Wouldn't someone need remote management access to a router to even attempt this? Pretty sure every router since like 2003 has this disabled by default.

>> No.11380980

literal retard

>> No.11380988

>>Using a public remote node has its risks. The primary risk is that a public remote node can get your IP address. If a public remote node is malicious, the node operator now can associate a transaction with an IP address. They could also know that there is a user of monero with an ACTIVE wallet at a given IP address. They could then scan your IP address to try and identify any open ports. If they find any open ports, they can test these ports to see if they can get in to your computer. Granted, this is true of ANY IP address that can be obtained from the monero peerlists. TL;DR, run your own node. If you can't, make sure you have good firewalls, wallet passwords, and malware scanners.
pasta from moneroworld. Thank you, I know my risks.

>> No.11380993

good. but does the world? no. its not a real security coin if its OPT IN SECURITY. (you have to use tor to be private)

>> No.11381000
File: 784 KB, 721x487, Fluffy Pony Monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monero is my only mine
post your mining rig stats, fren

>> No.11381001

that's not even what opt-in security means holy shit, that refers to coins like eth implementing zksnarks
you are too stupid to live

>> No.11381002

Hi sunerok. When is the vergin update coming? need some quick flip

>> No.11381008

can you be identified by using monero out of the box? yes? then its not secure by default.

>> No.11381011

Weak FUD

>> No.11381016

weak rebuttal

>> No.11381026
File: 81 KB, 1024x576, Monero-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate Chad coin.

>> No.11381028

1) security is for transactions on the blockchain, which works
2) use your own node if you desire greater security, this is not the responsibility of the client, what you're describing is accomplished by shitcoins such as Verge and is a complete non-issue at this point
3) IP addresses are meaningless and defeated easily (see #2)

you are legitimately unintelligent and no amount of posting here will change that

>> No.11381041

If you want to be secure you need a brain , yes.

>> No.11381045

but if you can identify an IP to a transaction the whole "blockchain security" is defeated. most people think monero is secure by default, which is incorrect. its only secure if you use tor.

privacy tools like tails dont even integrate monero wallets, so its a pisser at this point. Kovri will solve this, but until then it is not anonymous.

>> No.11381065

>but if you can identify an IP to a transaction the whole "blockchain security" is defeated
What year do you live in, dude? Are you connected via dial-up? Are you posting this for the benefit of low-information lurkers, or are you really this unintelligent and misinformed?

>> No.11381075

please identify my IP of my bitcoin transaction.

>> No.11381137
File: 477 KB, 960x960, 1538190106236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11381161


Then you aren't writing complex code.

>Low impact bug that can be easily remedied with --restricted-rpc flag on launch

Yeah, they can potentially reboot your connection to the monero network if and only if you don't have --restricted-rpc set. The impact is slim to none, malicious actions amount to a temporary DoS at best.

In the same way you can be identified as using tor. What you do on tor and where you send transactions within Monero are still untraceable.

This says nothing about the security of the application itself. Networking traffic must be associated with an IP in order to work. This IP may either belong to an edge router, a proxy, a vpn server, or a tor node.

>> No.11381196

This argument applies to literally all blockchains.
You do not link the IP easily to the transaction. It isn't store in the tx-info. You can figure it out via sidechannel methods. This is applicable to all blockchains and all network services. The remedy is to use a proxy, vpn, or tor. As with any other network traffic that you wish to mask. Even this doesn't fully mask the traffic as network translation will require a source address and port and an end point address and port in order to function properly.

This is literally networking 101. Like Net+ level shit.

>> No.11381223

lol this

Imagine having this infantile level of understanding, displaying it for all to see, and still trying to FUD the only privacy coin that matters.
>All Tor nodes can simply cross-reference non-node addresses with node addresses and get the difference
>exit nodes can sniff your traffic
>tor is opt-in security!
>I'll publish a list of Tor user IP addresses! DON'T TEST ME!

This person clearly doesn't understand the first thing about any of the tech or theory behind any of this, yet he's here with his mental retardation on display

Christ this board is pathetic

>> No.11381229

>>I'll publish a list of Tor user IP addresses! DON'T TEST ME!
actually I guess the more accurate analogy would be this retard threatening to publish tor exit node addresses

>> No.11381243

>Don't make me doxx u guis
>Posts log of exit node IP's for the entirety of Tor network. Shows that Tor is Tor.

Oh shit....

>> No.11381260

Just for shits n giggles. Read these two links please.



>Inb4 reddit, I know, but the community for XMR is very active there and the content is valid. Whatever, sue me

>> No.11381261
File: 78 KB, 1010x533, monero vs zcash tldr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack it up boys, XMR is fucked. Don't forget to buy XVG and ZEC on the way out.

>> No.11381289

>no results found
reminder that dero has none of these shit bugs.

>> No.11381300

Derofags are the adversaries that Monercucks need.

>> No.11381301

Thanks just sold an unknown amount

>> No.11381417


>> No.11381436

improved bulletproofs by over 10x
implemented first blockDag
smart contracts q4
stay poor. i wouldnt expect anything less from a monerocuck tho

>> No.11381462

Go back to your shady dev, derofag. Pray for him not implement unaudited cryptography too. Also, better pray for him not dump his unlocked premine.

>> No.11381574

That fucking 2Mil premine tho. Literally 10% of supply just waiting to dump

>> No.11381587

>up 350% in 20 days

>Also, better pray for him not dump his unlocked premine
its locked...

>> No.11381608

I made my money with this shit selling at ATH (after buying at 30 cents), faggot. I'm very grateful for selling this shit at the best moment possible before discovering the shady way the single unknown dev runs this project. Good luck, you'll need.

>> No.11381616

Also, only half of it is locked.

>> No.11381629

love this coin. its the realy money :)

scamcoiners will hate but nobody cares

>> No.11381725

>Now you are just literally making shit up.

to be fair i guarantee most coins that have lots of code modifications and additions have massive vulnerabilities but at least monero finds and fixes them. cant say the same thing for all the shitcoin forks, many of which are still vulnerable.

>> No.11381729


Nope. Marketcap too high.

>> No.11382190

t. the brainlet who not bought BTC at $1000 because it was "too high".

>> No.11382416

I like how monero just does its job. I like to use the comand kine interface at most. 7t is easy and simple.

>> No.11382463

you can only be identified by your ISP as using tor. meanwhile i can identify monero users.

nobody is using the remedy though. (TOR)

read this:


>The attack is pretty straightforward (a subtler variant is discussed at the end): when the wallet requests data from the remote node to create a transaction, the remote node sends bogus data in response. This results in an error message displayed to the user. If the user clicks through the error and retries the transaction a second time, this immediately reveals the real input to the remote node.

>Responsible disclosure: This vulnerability was submitted in January to hackerone as part of the Monero Vulnerability Response Process. The conclusion was that a code fix is not necessary, instead a coordinated release of documentation would be the best course of action

This means monero is actively able to be exploied, easily, to identify users IPs and real inputs to anyone willing to put in the effort. And devs have not / will not patch it.

>> No.11382485

>anyone willing to put in the effort
Well, you've put in some serious effort to fud Monero.

>> No.11382570

how is this fud, moneros point is security. if
>inputs can be identified
>users can be identified
how is it secure?

>> No.11382671

> Fedora redditor : tracing attacks can be possible
> Centralized coin dev : our shitcoin will be always traceable
Now that's an alternative

>> No.11382686

It's like Bitcoin in 2013, you don't want anons to miss out on the next Bitcoin do you??

>> No.11382695

glad nobody is looking to track monero

>> No.11382727

most tor exit nodes are compromised sorry to break it to you anon

>> No.11382807

It was less then a dollar not that long ago the fuck you mean will it pump late adopter

>> No.11382819

Look you dipshit if people are using xmr for illicit activites then the chances are they're taking proper precautions in their activities. And if they aren't by default using vpns and proxies, then they deserve to get busted for being dumb. And you posting earlier about saving IP addresses you realize the majority of the ip's are miners and exchanges. And even if they aren't, you must really have no life to even bother with that. But that's obvious since your still here arguing.

>> No.11382874

Inputs can not be identified with certainty. Holy shit, whose payroll are you on?

>> No.11382901

t. the guy who whould think BTC was at ATH in 2013 at $1,000.

>> No.11382937

did you not read anything?

> If the user clicks through the error and retries the transaction a second time, this immediately reveals the real input to the remote node.

>> No.11382945

Dude, you're fucked in the head.
Lowest IQ brainlet I think I've ever seen.

>> No.11382955

IF you retards can’t see how XRP is the greatest digital asset every created and will be #1 by EOY, you are deluded.
Your use case bs for all other coins is meaningless, XRP has real adoption and a working product ffs

>> No.11382983

What about Z(((ion))-coin

>> No.11383008


>> No.11383019

I'm mind blown that a human brain can actually believe this. Incredible.

>> No.11383033

>actual use case.
where are you getting this from
druggies still use nothing but btc from what I can see

>> No.11383060

Cross border payments and remittances will be the first and most obvious blockchain use case, not BTC trying to be a world currency and certainly not a privacy coin (why would the government allow that)
When Nov comes and BAKKT+DX exchange go love you will see 5 coins on offer, and no they won’t be your shitcoins they will be the top 5 max.

>> No.11383067


Kill yourself immediately

>> No.11383069

XMR may be the only coin that actually survives in the end. Seriously.

>> No.11383082

When SWIFT announces a working partnership with ripple on 20th and 30th of November You will be the one killing yourself

>> No.11383090

XRP has been the biggest gainer last year and it will be the same this year, clearly you deluded shitcoins fan boys are just mad for not buying in

>> No.11383096

kek. shill harder sweetie.

>> No.11383106

Your coin costs less than a fucking gumball, go shill somewhere else.

>> No.11383115

Just trying to save atleast one deluded fool from poverty.

I’m out now, you will see EOY who is the really KOC.
Try not to cry too hard when XRP move $10+ very soon, you had your chance.

>> No.11383123

thanks for the tip but I'll be sitting in fiat waiting until early next year to come back in with actual smart money. screencap this if you'd like.

>> No.11383299

shoo pajeet
shoo shoo

>> No.11384323

you're making yourself look retarded, though..?

>> No.11384363

nice try, samefag proxyqueer

>> No.11384495

tfw retards flood /biz/

>> No.11384514

Actually an educated AUS bro, jokes on you brah

>> No.11384570

Monero will eventually catch on as a great coin for men expecting to get divorced raped. Can slowly funnel from other investments into monero and get outta there with some net worth intact. Any married man in 2018 should be converting part of his paycheck monero just as an insurance policy

>> No.11384821

oy vey delete this

>> No.11384880

All of this only applies to remote nodes. If you want total privacy, you should use a full node.
IP addresses alone don't matter. All cryptos are p2p-networks, so you can always get every IP of every user that participates in it, and participating is not a problem unless running a crypto node is illegal in your country.
Linking an IP address to a tx is a bit worse, but this is only possible if you use a remote node, and needs to actively be exploited/logged by the node owner. The bug you mentioned is a specific attack for remote node owners, and you will easily notice that you are being exploited because you will get an error, and some of the instances have been fixed (https://github.com/monero-project/monero/commit/d86ae2bec6737ca1c1f85b3a8395a4a241659a72).). Without this bug, no other information is gained, no amounts, no input information, only that <IP> sent <tx>.
Of course, all of this is instantly remedied by using TOR/VPN, using random remote nodes (so if you catch a malicious node, they will get one tx at most) or semi-trusted community-member remote nodes.
Literally anywhere you can read about remote nodes, there is always a warning that they are less-private than using a full node. This is true for any lightwallet-style system in any crypto, any electrum-node owner can also see which ip sent which tx to them.

>> No.11384904

Thank you for posting this, didn't feel like writing it all up.

>> No.11385057

when using an electrum-node + btc you arent expecting privacy though. when you use monero you are. if transactions are only concealed some of the time under the right circumstances, whats the point?

and like ive mentioned kovri fixes all this. so just kinda waiting. I like monero out of all privacy coins, but its not there yet.

>> No.11385062

just shut up you fucking retard, this has been addressed already ITT

>> No.11385082

you seem mad

>> No.11385086

well by golly I am

>> No.11385087

You are not expecting perfect privacy while using a remote node, there are warnings everywhere.

> if transactions are only concealed some of the time under the right circumstances, whats the point?

its the other way around, they are only unconcealed under very specific circumstances, and even then you only lose some privacy.

Also, you don't have to wait, just use TOR, or much better, a full node.

>> No.11385093

TOR doesn't help your inputs being identified. And its silly to think if there is such an easy to exploit vulnerability, and (((they))) have said to want to monitor already, that it isn't being actively exploited.

>> No.11385115

Are you reading what I am writing, and the reddit post that you yourself linked? You get errors when sending a tx if the remote-node owner is exploiting this, if there was NSA monitoring through this bug, it would be impossible to not notice it.

And once again, it only affects remote nodes.

>> No.11385183

I am reading it, but I dont know why you think the NSA only actively monitors. The NSA has written some of the worst malware we have ever seen.

>> No.11385186

>TOR doesn't help your inputs being identified

>> No.11385195

just using tor and connecting to a remote node does nothing, inputs can be identified with the exploit described >>11382463

running your own full node on tor would though.

>> No.11385232

the absolute lack of brainpower here is astounding. People literally shilling verge over monero? How fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.11385241

nobody mentioned verge but you, pajeet.

monero+kovri+some real fucking codeauting is the answer for sure but they have to put in a bunch of work still, and im not convinced yet.

>> No.11385259

Well, here you go shit for brains. Get reading. https://github.com/monero-project/monero

I doubt you have the least bit of ability to read the code yourself. Cryptonote is not a very easy code base to follow and I doubt you would have ever known that before now.

>> No.11385444
File: 257 KB, 465x636, deropoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monero marketcap crashing
>Dero marketcap mooning

People are smarting up it seems

>> No.11385505
File: 148 KB, 600x600, 1532924458958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that level of delusion
GTFO, fucking pajeet

>> No.11385605


We reach BCash levels of foolishness.

>> No.11385612
File: 233 KB, 600x600, pepedero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monero hodlers are literally required by law to put at least one curse word in every response they have to Dero

>> No.11385709

This is a Monero thread, not for brainlet pajeets. Get out.

>> No.11385859

Tell me about your mining rig, senpai.