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11375936 No.11375936 [Reply] [Original]

Warning, I have insider information that Ethereum is going to implode sometime tomorrow. This includes all the projects building on top, including LINK, ZRX, and other projects we all want to see moon.

Your safest bet is to go into Bitcoin or fiat as Ethereum implodes internally. You should send all your Ethereum to exchanges at least to beat the crowd so that in the event of the crash, you can sell instead of waiting a long time for your transaction to be confirmed, or worse yet, not be able to access the Ethereum network.

In this Armageddon, stay away from decentralized exchanges, move all your coins to an exchange like Binance, or prepare for the worst by selling into Bitcoin or fiat.

This is your last warning, I won't even try to bump this. It's up to you.

Want to beat the crowd? Write sage at the end of the post so you don't bump this when you read it. If you bump it, more people see it and you might lose more money than if you didn't tell anyone.

Do not warn your friends, maybe help your family. And if you want to thank me, don't bother donating to me. Donate to a charity of your choice.

Thanks anons

>> No.11375948

False and homosexual

>> No.11375960

Umm sweetie, coinbase just listed ZRX

give it a month of dumping and watch my bags start pumping

>> No.11376689

I also got a few people telling me this that I know are confirmed insiders of the Ethereum foundation.

I have already sent my eth to exchange, you should too

>> No.11376747

yes its true
Ethereum will implode without a reason. no fundamentals its just like pufff gone....

>> No.11376833


Here you go.

Thank me later

this is all true, sell your eth now

>> No.11376843

no reason for the "implode" again. give us a fucking reason why it should implode...

>> No.11376854

>I have an insider contact at the Ethereum foundation. They are going to fake a miner meltdown to force the network to switch to Proof of Stake.

>> No.11376906

Topkek faggot pos isn’t ready, they can’t fake miners, you’re fucking retarded.

>> No.11376925

yes and it will be tomorrow
or next sunday
or maybe next week
or 2019
or 2050

>> No.11376926

Who the hell is doing this targeted FUD?

>> No.11376930

nice fud faggot

>> No.11376969

I have 90k worth (aud) I am selling in 3 hours. Was holding out for a pump as the money was going into a house deposit but this thread got me spooked

>> No.11377011


Jet fuel can't melt my gains

>> No.11377149

you have not one ETH larp. just show us your transaction and a screen of your sell order

>> No.11377160

Bullshit, you should be arrested for this.

>> No.11377300


They're... they're all you

>> No.11377457

questionable and queer

>> No.11377466

go away pajeet

>> No.11378433

Good job beers