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File: 36 KB, 420x579, 1538945111390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11375375 No.11375375 [Reply] [Original]

The Phoenix will rise from the ashes...

>> No.11375411

exactly what i said yesterday. the phoenix rises on the 13th of October 2018.

>> No.11375418

Sounds like we need some ashes then.

>> No.11375453

Someone post the prophecy

>> No.11375477
File: 46 KB, 466x667, BxlMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got your ashes right here

>> No.11375478

Yup we bull now

>> No.11375518

>>11375477 (checked)
Is this a 70 year karma
They memed the ashes myth so hard
and now its coming true

>> No.11375548

I thought it was supposed to be november 11th

>> No.11375560
File: 155 KB, 926x809, 1530154662662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will never be a bullrun.

>> No.11375574

remember, remember,
the ? of novemeber

>> No.11375576
File: 294 KB, 800x815, phoenix_life_cycle_by_han_wik-d7b24a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the phoenix takes 3 days to be reborn. it will live another 500 years.

>> No.11375579

...and bitcoin is the ashes

>> No.11375606


Watch this. Symbolism behind phoenix.


>> No.11375613

stop with this bullshit posts
bitcoin will go sub 1k EOY
SCREENSHOT THIS so I can laugh when you lost it all

>> No.11375623

>stop with this bullshit posts
>bitcoin will go sub 1k EOY
xrp new king
fuck bitcoin

>> No.11375634

Oh nice.

>> No.11375645

*xrp jew king
haha autocorrect right

>> No.11375679
File: 55 KB, 636x387, 0koyeh5lr2r11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*xrp jew king
>haha autocorrect right

t. salty corecuck

>> No.11375718

dude if you honestly fell for a non-coin shittoken that is literally owned ~2/3 by its company, then you are seriously beyond help.
XRP is unironically a scam.
all they do is sell you news and hype and then dump their premined massive XRP stack by .1%, and you fucking gullible idiot actually keep sending them money
why do you think XRP is not going up drastically with insanely good news like xRapid going live?
why are the peaks, when they happen, so shortlived and the downswings so extreme?
make news ==> exchange premined tokens for hard-earned money ==> repeat
the only store of value that XRP might have is the entertainment contained in the act of being sold news for money.

>> No.11375781

You know it will be Skycoin

>> No.11375994

it will be Bitcoin Cash

>> No.11376154
File: 621 KB, 1360x1874, ECON-1988-0109-0009-F (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the phoenix was on the original shekel. xrp is the new shekel.

>> No.11376300
File: 437 KB, 721x626, 1512706530363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11376398


The same old shit.

I wasnt here for the last 10 months.
Nothing changed. Brainlets repeat the same shit over and over again

XRP will fuck your mother if its finished and you fucktard will be a poor cryptopedohilebitcoincreep

>> No.11376407

fucking garbage- nothing will happen
the shitshow of lies and fear mongering will continue nothing si going to change

>> No.11376798


>> No.11376807

tommorow is my 25th birthday. what does that mean?

>> No.11376813 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1280x640, terminator_endoskeleton_1020.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phi = 21.10

>> No.11376840

but ripple is getting clinton to speak...clinton is a pedo...FYI Anon was right, you would know the truth about XRP if you went such a arrogant newfag. Just b/c its a scam doesn't mean the price wont rise.

>> No.11376883
File: 52 KB, 1146x379, 13f1f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-nn nothin will happen, r-right guys ?

>> No.11376994

It's the 6th downswing in 40 years, nothing has happened before and nothing will happen now.

>> No.11377029

what a retard post

hundred of thousands have lost all wealth, families, lifes in last recessions

>> No.11377205

It's your own fault if you're depended on loan money.

>> No.11377657
File: 169 KB, 728x486, tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a picture of a tree. It's standing up. As you can see, this proves it will never fall down.

>> No.11377980
File: 87 KB, 549x665, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here know any rich people?
How did they make it and what is their lifestyle like?