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File: 67 KB, 1000x1367, 1539225739727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11365278 No.11365278 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is his problem? Imagine being this guy and doing what he's doing.

>> No.11365288

Roubi is based

>> No.11365291

shut up Vitalik

>> No.11365318

care to give me a quick run-down?

>> No.11365332

he got liquidated multiple times longing ethereum

>> No.11365340
File: 6 KB, 1084x1000, 1483568136897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11365369

what did you expect from a kike?

>> No.11365444


That's the face of a man who missed the boat. He's angry.

>> No.11365460

He's just salty he missed out on buying 2 digit BTC. I would be too

>> No.11365502

He’s a blowhard asshole. He got famous for “calling” the crash of 2008 and admittedly he was technically right in his reasoning but he’s calling something that pretty much happens like clockwork every 8-10 years. He predicted the crash every year from 2003-2008 when it finally happened. I mean shit I should have started that a decade ago too and by now I’d be a famous economist. Recently he’s been calling a crash yearly since 2013. How he’s respected for any economic calls is beyond me.

Now he’s got a hard on for crypto for some reason and he’s blowing up Twitter with basically “come fight me bro” on why crypto is literally the worst thing since hitler. He does make some decent points about crypto’s downfalls but absolutely refuses to acknowledge that any problems he’s mentioning are actively being worked on by the cryptosphere.

In his interviews and debates with crypto enthusiasts/devs he says shit like “well you’ve been promising that for years” acting like absolutely every invention ever made was perfect right out of the box and required no updates.

Massive fucking tool

>> No.11365631

playing the devil's advocate

>> No.11365651


he talks soon.

>> No.11365960

That jew has no plan or is just playing stupid to protect his shekel friends
>muah blockchain is excel

>> No.11365978


>> No.11365997

He sounds scared

>> No.11366088

he's actually talking about the impossible trinity and dragging the twitter battle to congress lmao wtf is this guys problem

>> No.11366103
File: 5 KB, 461x583, 1493483665938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366104

This egon spengler motherfucka is /ourguy/ love this guy

>> No.11366117

he's a jew what do you expect lol

>> No.11366130

these faggots are old money. The whole point of crypto is to get away from kike rigged systems. I can see why hes but hurt

>> No.11366141

he doesn't know what he is talking about. So much 2011 FUD in there

>> No.11366165
File: 727 KB, 928x540, GREEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're using a BCH Green tablecloth

>> No.11366192


>> No.11366270

He didndu nuffin wrong
Else nothing new. Waste of time

>> No.11366276


Just ended but it's VOD too.