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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.33 MB, 2944x1912, challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11361816 No.11361816 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11361843

Probably some 1337 mother fucker this shit was obv aimed at someone like that.

>> No.11361860

imagine actually be so autistic to actually spend time on this bs only to find out its a meme

>> No.11361884


>> No.11361936

this is a little easier to follow

looks like people in a discord group solved the 310 puzzle

>> No.11362054

nice thanks, broham

>> No.11362081

I did post addresses and tell me why you deserve 1 BTC and I might send it ;)

>> No.11362172

old school btc og user since 2013
one of my old address can show i had 100+btc transfer back then.
would appreciate anything atm, even a job to help recoup to my old btc days

>> No.11362268


i dont.

>> No.11362571
File: 12 KB, 250x221, 15368237701911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11363002

why there is no puzzle that requires no knowledge in computer science?There are other kinds of the brain lease dont forget about those parts...

>> No.11363027

Becuse I hve a sttic IP and will be bnned
but I need them to buy new keybord, my you know key died

>> No.11363060

i mean other *parts* of the brain kek

>> No.11363151

fucking hell, fun stuff. I understand the rough overview of that but would never in my life have a chance with the actual details.

>> No.11363168

Would appreciate it. Poor oldfag, looking for a job right now. Would help me a lot.

>> No.11363252
File: 9 KB, 209x242, ico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire life has been entirely fucked by a psychotic disorder and other things. I've been doing everything I can to study and get my life back, but I'm poor as fuck and need a break from being blasted by an endless geyser of shit.


>> No.11363254

Beacuse I'm not lying, I just want more btc, because it's valuable.

>> No.11363328

I will turn it straight into link


>> No.11363361

Poor low end fag, crypto only lost me more

>> No.11363384

then why don't you make one?

>> No.11363539


i dont know if i deserve it, but it would help a lot so i can move to the city and study to be as awesome as you

>> No.11363625
File: 163 KB, 999x823, 1510008371387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deserve might be a bit of a strong word, but it would certainly help out. im a poor leaf college student that lost out on a good chunk of the little money i did have through a series of poor decisions recently. even 0.1btc would really help me out, and id be extremely grateful. i just need a bit more money so that i can pay rent and the tuition not covered by scholarships until summer when i will be able to get a job. on the off chance you do decide to help me out, just know that you made someone out there in the world happy.


>> No.11363656

Because my step mum took everything from my dead father (and dead mother), my sister and I.


>> No.11363785

Neat, thanks.

>> No.11363815

A: 4 or l\ or ^ or @ or /\ or /-\
B. l3 or 8 or ß or 3 or l:
C: ( or < or © or ¢
D: l) or l> or )
E:3 or £
F: l= or # or ƒ
G:6 or 9
H: # or l-l or (-) or !-! or }-{ or }{ or l+l or )+( or !+! or }+{
L: 1 or ! or
J: _l or _/
K: l< or l( or l{ or l<=
L: l_ or ! or 1
M: l\/l or /\/\ or l\l\ or ^^
N: l/l or /\/
O: 0 or () or <> or * or o or Ó or °
P: l* or l> or |D or l^ or l+
Q:& or (\) or ¶
R: l2 or ®
S: 5 or $ or §
T:+ or 7
U: l_l or /_/
V: \/
W:|/\| or \/\/ or |/\/ or \/\|
X: >< or }{ or :-:
Y: ¥
Z: 2
()/\/\9 7^l+l+ 15 73)-( 1337 #l\:-:<>l2 1 +()l_l> _/<>* ^l3°l_l+ /\/\3}-{ #1213l/ll>!!!1!!11!1!! )+(3 |D\l\/l/l2.

translation:Oh my god that is the leet hacker I told you about my friend! He owns.

>> No.11363830

I burned years of my youth where I'd been able to buy cheap bitcoins by studying world religions and practicing asceticism and highest degrees of non violence. I have at heart the fate of all living beings and I want to serve the creation, leading them to the goal of final victory and supreme liberation.


I will redistribute anything that eventually lands here to good individuals who walk in righteousness

>> No.11364199
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, 180817_081338_83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad you won mate
treat yourself to something nice.
and its cool someone on 4chan won this.

>> No.11364351

I really need btc if i wanna get out of my shithole country next year, for real socialism its killing me and my family.


>> No.11364411

holy shit, /biz/ fell for the 'free btc' larp again

You people never learn, do you?

>> No.11364413

Congrats, man.

I can't say I do deserve it. There are likely lots more people who do, but should you feel generous I will gladly accept and will keep you updated. If I double it, I will return the full amount you sent. Deal?


>> No.11364430
File: 115 KB, 676x520, __edward_elric_fullmetal_alchemist_drawn_by_tsukuda0310__8b27600975c23c3ab8c42512d9de92c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cause tthey are bad at making puzzle. a puzzle that anyone could solve. would be extremly hard and time consuming to solve.

such is life.

>> No.11364441

to create a puzzle that anyone could solve would be extmrely time consuming to make

>> No.11364468
File: 29 KB, 450x450, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100x long on bizmex bro come on


>> No.11364573

Gratz if true

>> No.11364809
File: 321 KB, 1000x1145, 1402678125667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute fucking state of this pajeet shitboard

>> No.11365080

If he delivers it would be just awesome. This would increase the hype here on 4chan for the next puzzle challenge.

>> No.11365175

I need to get my family out of poorness...
I can't do it without help

>> No.11365565

Your fags posting your wallets asking for shit are fucking loosers. Begging anther man for some free shit. That’s why you fucks are poor ass niggars in the first place. You don’t deserve shit in life.

>> No.11366158


I will use it to help my kids get started in life 15-20 years from now.

>> No.11366183

Too fucked up to work a job so I Uber drive 12 hours a day every day. Sadly my 2005 car with 400,000+ miles is starting to fall apart. If I could get even a 2010 car it would change everything.


>> No.11366199

how much do you make driving a uber?

>> No.11366210

I'm not brown and I will work my way to riches
All these pajeets coming out over a sign of a gib
The state

>> No.11366211
File: 50 KB, 970x545, 1539227692437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366358

Well it’s very inconsistent. You have days where you make $200 and then days where you make $75. Of course the real problem is the enormous cost of gas and car maintenance that comes out of that.