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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 89 KB, 923x611, crypto normie babes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11361035 No.11361035 [Reply] [Original]

>Crypto is 10 years old and STILL has near zero actual adoption
>Very little merchant adoption, and its actually decreasing with former adopters dropping support
>Your average normies sees zero reason to use crypto when fiat works a million times better
>Rampant scamming, to the point that crypto is associated now to normies with scams

You will never get rich with crypto now. The final layer of the ponzi onion has been peeled. Everyone has heard of crypto and its crazy gains in the past, everyone dumb enough to fall for a pyramid investment scheme has already jumped in last year.

The party is over, and now everyone is slowly waking up the next morning and they don't like what they see. It was just a ponzi that relied on the average normie having no clue how blockchain works or what it is, but getting hyped on the idea that its the Next Big Thing, the next internet, Facebook or Apple. It isn't.

>> No.11361044

just buy XRP

>> No.11361061

>12 billion daily volume in 2018
>at least 10 million holding crypto
>zero adoption

into the bin you go

>> No.11361064

I'm still up 3x buddy

>> No.11361076

>someone is paying this guy to tell me to sell
better sell

>> No.11361087

This normie is right, go back to slavery. How dare you try to escape.
- Signed Lord Jeffrey Stripes Longbottom

>> No.11361107


> the next internet

I cringe every time someone compares crypto to the internet. I mean come on brah.

>> No.11361121

>that filename

>> No.11361127

>I cringe every time someone compares crypto to the internet.
When you finally understand what they mean your body will start convulsing. You will come to on the kitchen floor, having realized you didn't need to be a slave. Why oh why didn't I listen..

>> No.11361163

>crypto is ten years old
Maybe that's why bankers want to fuck it

>> No.11361166

Bro, I first heard about bitcoin on the Alex Jones show in 2009. The website where you would buy it was super fucking sketchy. Nobody would have thought it would come this far.

>> No.11361170


>> No.11361186

everyone had also heard of crypto by january 2014. it even attracted the same type of scammers. people have shorter memories than you give them credit for

>> No.11361574


The first time I heard the words "crypto" and "blockchain" was literally fucking last year. I had heard about bitcoin in 2014 but knew literally nothing about how it works etc. Where did people hear about this? Seriously? How the fuck did I miss it completely? Last year I heard about GPU prices going up because of crypto so I started looking into it more but before that I didn't hear/see shit about it anywhere.

>> No.11361597

I agree: 6 years and 3 months of bear market still ahead of you, kek

>> No.11361623

are you new? those things are kept secret for a reason, kek

>> No.11361655


Well, like I said I looked into this the first time last year so I'm definitely new lol.

>> No.11361707

>roasties pretending they know how to read
stfu and take pictures of your gaping asshole while sucking some old man's cock you dumb bitch.
it's all you're good for anyhow.

>> No.11361745

;) kek

>> No.11362540

This. My first thought was exactly that they cant even read. Haha you can just tell by their vapid faces

>> No.11363204

Bitcoin is 10 years old. The concept which is practical application of dpl platforms (not the currency fantasy) is extremely young.

>> No.11363222

Every time I read these posts, I almost fall for it. But then I remembered the last time I fell for it and missed the 2017 golden bull run.

>> No.11363234

weak fud nigga

>> No.11363758

>The party is over
the party has not even began exist if you wish fuck right off miss the fucking moon landing be bitter till the rest of your life we don't care.

>> No.11363773

>t. cul-de-sac crapper

>> No.11363959


The whole distributed database is as old the computer itself, nothing about crypto is cutting edge, it’s just a money making scheme pumped by fake news

>> No.11364172

if we had the year 1995, you would shittalk the internet

>> No.11364184
File: 294 KB, 2000x1125, 1_Kd0UGiDvgooFooCy28rs8Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i always thought that book cover was a shoop

>> No.11364185

There still hasn't been a major financial recession during its life time. If everything is great with fiat money economy, there is no need for cryptocurrencies and thus there's no adoption.
No fiat money was gone forever without shitting itself with hyperinflation, it's only a matter of time

>> No.11364200

Currencies make much more sense than platforms. If there's no cryptocurrency with mainstream adoption, the whole idea of smart contracts doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.11364214

No it isn't you retard, stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.11364231

>Everyone has heard of crypto and its crazy gains in the past, everyone dumb enough to fall for a pyramid investment scheme has already jumped in last year.

What makes you think they won't try it again?

>> No.11364249


>> No.11364349

Probably on some faggotcoin that I and everyone I've met online has never heard of. Probably can't buy anything with it or sell it unless you're like the fucking developer or a whale.

>> No.11365583


/pol/ was right again suckers post your wojacks

>> No.11365617

Crypto literally has always been thought of a scam. My parents withheld money from me that I had loaned them and laughed about me pressuring them to pay me back ASAP to put it into Bitcoin.
It cost me 87 BTC.

Bitcoin literally has always been thought of as a scam by everyone because money *is* a scam. A very useful one that helps coordinate long-term planning and resource allocation.

Nearly no one alive today knows what the hell money is, except for weirdos like autists here and Nick Szabo.

>> No.11365642
File: 28 KB, 800x517, wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies matter
cyclical low IQ post

>> No.11365814
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 5C543E67-C054-45EE-804D-7908D2D0A763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies forgot about a shitskinned arab shooting up a gay bar in Florida
>forgot about an old WHITE MALE spraying a country concert with automatic weapons from a hotel room
>forgot about a fat greasy Jew “sexually assaulting” their favorite celebrities
Do you really think if NPC’s are able to forget all that they are going to remember “oh gee you know 2 years ago I heard that crypto was a scam!” I better not invest in it now that BTC is at 50k and rising by the day!” We need the bear market to last another 6 months to a year and every dumb normal fag will have completely forgetten about it. Think of it as time to accumulate cheap BTC.