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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11354104 No.11354104 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm holding some Bitcoin Cash because I lived through 2017 super high fees when no one even wanted to use Bitcoin Core. I still really don't, when I exchange between exchanges I just wait for a favorable chart on XRP or XLM. I mean. Last time I send buttcoin from Kraken to Bitmex it cost me $3 for a transfer of abou $500 in bitcoin, that was only a few months ago.

So I bought into Bitcoin Cash cause they do provide cheap transaction costs and will raise blocksize instead of choking the network.

Though I see all kinds of vidoes and promotions about Bitcoin Cash being a scam.

Like in those latest videos when Bitcoin Jesus Roger debates Charlie Dump on the top -Lee.


Just look at the comments, most support BlockStream coin. The one that failed miserably when all they had to do is raise the max block size to 2MB.

I mean, sure Ver is pretty pushy and doesn't always let Chink Lee finish, but Ver makes great fucking points. Real fucking awesome points. While Chink Lee just shits around about shit everybody already knows. He doesn't seem knowledgeable at all. ffor a "programmer"

t. Sysadmin Linux.

I honestly have to side with Ver.

Am I the retard or are the masses that follow Bitcoin Core the retards?...

Well.. Usually... the masses... you know.

>> No.11354141
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you mean rage ver

>> No.11354189

Rage ver? In my opinion he kept it civilized.
Charlee spoke slowly and didn't really say anything and could never really prove Ver wrong.

So what If ver was a little pushy.

>> No.11354383
File: 1.34 MB, 460x258, karatekid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Core supporters think decentralized consensus is the most important thing about Bitcoin. They want to keep the decentralized consensus by only allowing one implementation to be "the true Bitcoin" which is fully controlled by a single company that is funded by AXA, the biggest insurance conglomerate in the world, managing trillions of traditional assets. Sure these guys want to build decentralized p2p electronic cash and enable economic freedom and prosperity for the world

>> No.11354615
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am I the only one that thinks Ver destroys any BTC proponent?



>> No.11355104



>> No.11355256

you could literally walk up stairs and he can't "fight" you

>> No.11355315

Flip bch for xrp or xlm
else, nice Boomer folio

>> No.11355574
File: 77 KB, 1076x609, seal cub clubbing club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2018 and BCH's value proposal is merchant money. That's their entire sell.

There are hundreds of other coins competing for this niche and guess what; Proof of work coins without lightning layer (or however is this fast channel named) implementation cannot beat traditional payment providers in point of sale experience. Literally right now VISA has lower fees than BCH while completely blowing every single coin out of the water in usability.

>b-but muh Handcash
Swish and similar are easier to use and have 0 fees. And they will be rolling out internationally soon (we already have Circle Pay).

>b-but with BCH we are free from (((them)))

I'm sorry to break this to you but unless BCH undergoes drastic transformation it will be left behind in a trash pile of obscurity with all the other failed coins.

>> No.11355641


Bitcoin core fags probably just sold all their bcash which means they don't care about it anymore. Everyone just wants their bags pumped that's it. No one actually gives a shit about using it for payments lol.

>> No.11355685

Monero isn't all that great as you think either homeboy. I hold a decent amount.

>> No.11355893

Unless you want to buy contraband, that is.

>> No.11355909

it's clear; Satoshi Nakamoto said that He will Pumo Bitcoin Cash with His Huge Load

>> No.11356007

>when no one even wanted to use Bitcoin Core
bullshit, the very fact that there were subjectively high fees proves that people wanted to use it, you retarded fucking bcashie.

>> No.11356103

BCH doesn't provide any useful service or improve anything in the lives of any business or individual better than another existing product. It has speculative value because it's bitcoin-but-cash, and people stubbornly use it for that reason, but no major entity will ever have a need for it. You are the brainlet, OP.

>> No.11356412
File: 119 KB, 1024x533, female_brans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

I've tested out many coins and wallets and the only one I don't use is bitcoin. because its expensive and slow.

Lightning network doesn't even work and doesn't even scale.

Blockstream disabled the OPCODES becuase it wanted to cripple Buttcoin.

You agree with paying $50 transaction fees?

Dude I don't even USE bitcoin core. I don't. it's too expensive.

I just traded all my leftover bitcore for bitcoin cash. You plebtier brainlets can hate on Roger Ver all you want but he makes good points.

I don't care about "Major entities" mr bankenstein.

BCH makes cheap transactions possible and that's what the chain needs for adoption.

No one wants to adopt Bcore.

No one.

I don't use it, so why would I keep holding it.

>> No.11356558

>the very fact that there were subjectively high fees proves that people wanted to use it
Same as people lining up to purchase limited-production Yeezys proves that people want to wear it. In both cases there's no reason to limit the throughput/availability unless there's malicious intent.

I just paid for webdomain in BTC with minimal fee. Get woke.

>> No.11356608

> minimal fee.

well you can argue all you want but the fee on BCH is less.

Also, once we see some actual network usage. BTC will clogg and sputter while BCH will be able to handle it all well.

Did you even see any of the info on Lighting network? there's tons of info out about how it doesn't even work, it can't serve more than a few (hundred)thousand people.

they just want to recreate banking on BTC chain.

yall might be blind af but I am not.

>> No.11356680

doesn't even work.


>> No.11356709

>Literally right now VISA has lower fees than BCH while completely blowing every single coin out of the water in usability.

Are you retarded? BCH fees are Near-zero. Why do you lie about shit people can google in 2 seconds?

>> No.11356724

Protip: Using double spacing exposes you as low-powerlevel reddit immigrant you are. Get rid of it.

Actually I wanted to pay in BCH but my wallet warned me the string is not a valid BCH address so I gave up and paid in BTC.

Are you even linking reddit now? Lurk more or fuck off to where you came from.

>> No.11356745

Lol cointext.io

Nothing like these two base level applications exist (testing cash without and applications and uncensorable social media). Just wait till the heavy hitters start showing up with bitdb.

>> No.11356777

bcash shills have become more frequent recently.....makes you think...maybe theres a bitmain orchestrated pump around the corner....better buy some bcash, than wait for the shilling to become too unatural and sell for a 20-30% profit....

>> No.11356791

yes charly was eaven worse than ver in that video....that still doesnt make ver bad

>> No.11356810

do you also happen to be a flat earther?

>> No.11356838
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Do you happen to have an argument?

>> No.11356841 [DELETED] 

10 dollar payment
>Visa interchange fee 1.5% + $0.10 = $0.161
>BCH $0.0243


>> No.11356892


>not using MEDIAN Tx fee
>not understanding the blocks are empty so you can literally get through with .002

Why are you shills so fucking stupid? I feel like I have to explain simple concepts every day.

>> No.11356893

>BCH makes cheap transactions possible and that's what the chain needs for adoption.
>No one wants to adopt Bcore.
>No one.
>I don't use it, so why would I keep holding it.
bcash has 8% of bcore's value faggot.....the free market has agreed who is the real bitcoin, and its....bitcoin. now fuck off please. whats next? btitcoin gold fanboys coming to tell me bgold is the real bitcoin? it still has the same genesys block you know?
its fucking retarded how you idiots think your shitcoin out of tens of forks is the real bitcoin just because you have a central bank (bitmain) behind it! yes the idiots DID spend a fuckon of money (bitcoin) to stabilize bcash and the best they could do is not to sink it bellow 0.075 damaging their own fucking IPO by doing this....havent you still learned not to trust chinks /biz/?

>> No.11356926

I end my sentences with an enter. Like it is supposed to be.

>> No.11356968

For customer the fee is literally zero. In pretty much every developed country its actually illegal to offer discounts for payment methods you want your customers to use.

>> No.11356997
File: 39 KB, 460x428, pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bcash has 8% of bcore's value faggot.....the free market has agreed who is the real bitcoin
The market is retarded and nothing is decided yet. The facts remain. Bitcoin Core is more xepensive and when the time comes to make decisions they just don't do anything at all and let the users pay $50 in fees and wait 2 days.

How bad is it that I need to send XLM and XRP, two absolute shit tier shit holds between exchanges, just to avoid the BTC fees and latency?

Atleast with Bitcoin Cash it's usable. I can transact on the network, directly, no stupid second layer that only funcitons half of the time.

> just because you have a central bank (bitmain) behind it! yes the idiots DID spend a fuckon of money (bitcoin) to stabilize bcash and the best they could do is not to sink it bellow 0.075

all you can do is parrot the same things the masses and btc shills do. Well, the masses are usually wrong and deceived.

I doubt you even have a degree in an IT related field.

You are the idiot fren.

>> No.11357062

when will BCH moon desu
after some big crash a few months ago i just forgot about crypto, first time on /biz/ in months, and now i just have a huge among of ETH sitting around doing nothing. should i put it all into BCH?

>> No.11357083

So use Bitmain cash if that's what you want. No one is forcing you to use Bitcoin mate. Not sure why you get so offended.

>> No.11357139
File: 105 KB, 861x895, loljewz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> assuming things.

I'm not offended.

im just sharing the ABSOLUTE STATE of my mind after I saw the amount of Bitcoin core supporters that actually don't really have a clue at all and just blindly follow the media, like how most Left wing people call one a nazi if you support Right wing just because the media has made them think all right wingers are racists/nazis'


maybe I come over rude.
I'm not mad, im not offended.

>> No.11357175
File: 71 KB, 1920x1080, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last time I send buttcoin from Kraken to Bitmex it cost me $3 for a transfer of abou $500 in bitcoin
KEK, I remember when I used to be a poorfag that gave a shit about $3

>> No.11357191

I'm supporting whatever the big money is supporting...I need a tool to hide my wealth not a different credit card to buy hamburgers. Just look at the charts I don't need to "blindly' follow anyone. This is all self-evident.

>> No.11357253

well then XMR, ZEC, KMD.

> big money supporting...
sounds jewwy.
I don't believe in ETH.

>> No.11357272

>holding shitcoins
>in 2018

You are the "masses", sorry buddy

>> No.11357441
File: 134 KB, 948x598, YyX1rNo.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stress showed us that Bitcoin as a SYSTEM scales FINE.

It's just that miners are a lazy bunch whose arse needs kicking.

>> No.11357612

typical butt.


>> No.11357877

big block butts.
