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11355753 No.11355753 [Reply] [Original]

Alright you right wing software using, Federal Reserve conspiracy theorist, they're on to you...

>> No.11355780


>> No.11355790

looks interesting. pdf?

>> No.11355805
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Memes shape reality
This will make Hitler mainstream
time to join the commies

>> No.11355892

this either is a book made sensational to hustle sjws or this boomer is legit the first person who manages to live with a brainprothesis

>> No.11355902
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>> No.11355923
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Skimmed the main points of the article. I agree to some extent. Indeed, the crypto crowd is generally anti-tax (and thus anti-socialist), in any case anti-gov, claiming "they" just print money, up to anti-semitism (e.g. on 4chan).
The impression might also be there because many young people now generally turn right wing, "the left" is overtaken by intersectionality screeching SJW's, and the socialist center left doesn't is too small and has no voice in crypto.

>> No.11355950


>> No.11355958
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>> No.11355960

Oy vey goyim! Stop trying to dismantle our centuries of banking or else we are going to have to start calling you nazis!!

>> No.11356025
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Curtis Yarvin anticipated a few key points of Bitcoin, namely that of a deflationary controlled hard monetary supply.

>Every dollar in the world (perhaps about 200T) has a new serial number—from 0 to 200T. This limit will never change. Write it into the Constitution. As long as we can hold the line on this number, our new financial system is built on a fiat currency that will be harder than gold (since new gold can be mined).

>Or, for extra credit, redenominate the currency (including debts and contracts, this time) so that rather than a random decimal number of dollars, there is a round binary number—such as 264
. This has two advantages: (1) micropayments, and (2) a round binary limit will rapidly get baked into all sorts of financial software, and become almost impossible to change.

>> No.11356057

Here ya go!

>> No.11356063
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One of the few based jews. I am keeping an eye on Urbit.

>> No.11356071

Already seen that. It's not the book, just some shill review of it.

>> No.11356105

Oh, yeah I only see it for sale

>> No.11356136
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Basically the author is saying that Bitcoin is based on the views of "right-wing" extremists (i.e Jewish liberal capitalists ala Friedman and Rothbard) and then accuses Bitcoin of racism against jewish liberal capitalists (the Fed and neolibtardism generally). Hilarious.

>> No.11356201

>There's a great Twitter account that tracks Weev’s Bitcoin wallet, every transaction coming out of it, along with those of some other neo-Nazis. People like Richard Spencer and Stefan Molyneux and other major "alt-right" figures, have gotten deeply into Bitcoin

Wow really makes you think

>> No.11356293

I checked Molyneux's donation wallet at one point, there were substantial ingoing funds from 2014 or so. There are literally videos from 2012 or so where he's shilling it.

>> No.11356373

This guy in the interview is really something else. I read the whole thing and I'm highly triggered.