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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11353674 No.11353674 [Reply] [Original]

Hola cucks, i ll try to be brief:
i want to start a business, i have idea, algos, code, databases, website ready name and logo (not registerd and published atm). All is made by myself so i own 100% rights over everything.

My business is really disruptive, something a bit scared with some probabilities of being killed by mafia, chinks, soviet etc. That's why I ask you /biz some advices to put every pieces right and be safe using all the possibilities to hide my person name but still holding eveythings. I read about shell business, and others firms selling consultancy about start a shadow biz.

3 things more:
- I can travel everywhere
- less than 5k $ to do everything
- this business can really make me make it (from millions to billions)

>> No.11353689

just drink your milk and clean your bed before sleep, you got school early tomorrow

>> No.11353711

ty anon, i do this everytime...school is boring however

>> No.11353745


hmm best bet is to go on TOR directory. and ask in the think hat

they might be able to help you

>> No.11353755

just to bump my thread, my site is made by 7 mysql db, back-end written in python with a tkinter command interface, and the front end a simple html with div having asyncronous javascript to use just the same page to do all and some php script.

>> No.11353759

drink bleach and fuck off

>> No.11353810

ty anon, but im not used to use tor, and i think i can make some mistakes with wrong guys (maybe cops) and i forget to say that i want to do a legit business, not with fake documents or identities.

>> No.11353983
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You startup fags are more deluded than linkies. Why can't you read books on business dev or talk to a VC? Every other "ceo" thinks himself a zuckerberg or jobs. If your business is that good and you have a MVP finding capital for polishing/marketing is easy, as an added bonus VCs have connections
If you really wanna see your business grow get your head out of your ass and start acting like a business owner

>> No.11354136

ty anon, i know vc, but i want to talk about funding when i have something registered.
And another things. My head is on top of my body, VC are shit, they are just good for the money i haven't and they will reveal my name, and force me to have lawer and other useless people around.
You couldn't believe me but this business can auto sustain himself, but i can't scale enought to made millions w/o catch some attentions.

I need to have a legal structure to make revenue but with all the protection about my identity.

Honestly I think about opening an off-shore fund or (shell firm?), register a firm off-shore and put all the stocks into the fund/shell. But im a novice and i don't know how feasible is this way.

>> No.11354157

What the fuck is this LARP? Are you going to tell us your business?

>> No.11354175

no anon sorry

>> No.11355284


>> No.11355327


> 7 mysql db
> back-end written in python
> tkinter command interface
> asynchronous javascript
> and some php script

what the actual fuck is this architecture

>> No.11355435

bitconnect fggt

share info otherwise how does this help us so we can help you ?

>> No.11355610

It's my first and probably last project i ever made, algo develop took me 5 year, and i have setting up all this stuff in less that 1 year in my free time.
All the value is inside the algo, the rest is just to for normies.
I can actually get a ride of db and do everything in 1 script, but i prefer to have different db at moment to have a look at how the algo run. It's still in test but all seem ok.

>> No.11355642

What's the actual question.

>> No.11355655

it's a risky bizness anon, it's all i want share

>> No.11355677

I see you're a man of culture and with a plan.

What are you waiting for? Hire $50 pajeet to make fancy graphics design and fake linkedin profiles, copy paste collage of buzzwordy phrases from other "investment opportunities", convert the doc file to pdf, and [ANN] on btctalk it goes.

>> No.11355711

let me help

I travel often





>> No.11355723

i ask if someone know how to start a business without revealing directly the identity of the owner.
Like using a firm to control another firm in a off shore scheme

>> No.11355737

ty anon u will ear me from my proton mail account

>> No.11355756 [DELETED] 

why I love biz

>im holding a joint and read this

>> No.11355826

it's not crypto related (atm), but it's a good suggestion to make some fake profiles and shit post on twitter. I have just some doubts of ip tracking and fancy bear attack...but i ll save for the future

>> No.11355847

I know. I just skimmed over what you wrote and it seemed like you are trying to scam some VC money. ICO is still the best way to do that, assuming you have a proper "paradigm shift" convincing enough for retarded bay area zoomers.

>> No.11355983

no anon, VC is just an option, not my prefered.
ICO never, i like blockchain but i don't want to set up a token atm.

I only want to hide my identity from public and running a business w/o any relation of my identity

>> No.11356118
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im down like mike brown

im all about helping dont care of risk

*not racist

hope we can get something going

im curious how disruptive

I once knew a guy who knew a way to make cars run on water using a simple method. He said it would get him killed. I wish he would've passed it down to me

Years later he killed himself no one knows why

I personally think its a cover

>> No.11356143

If you don't how, it's probably bad idea trying to operate in black markets. Not as if there weren't enough fools already.

Reading tutorials alone, you can probably do something if you go pure digital (Tor, a lot of competetion there, though) if you are reasonably competent technically.

But if you mean it for real and not just Tor kids, you need contacts to launder the money. 99% of black cash flows still merrily ignore cryptocurrencies as feds stick like shit to it and you can't hide in plain sight there.

>> No.11356240

hey anon, im really scared now.
I know that this world is really dangerous, and people often don't realize how is easy to be silently killed by govs and assassins.

that's why i don't want to reveal the subject, i don't want to be backtracked in the future

>> No.11356261
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Confirmed retarded homosexual larp

>> No.11356286

Why the fuck would you not just talk to an experienced lawyer/accountant/consulting firm about setting up the business if you have a multi million dollar idea? You're either larping or completely retarded. If you're actually retarded enough to ask for legal advice about a business you think is worth tens of millions (or more) on 4chan then your idea is probably not worth anywhere near as much as you think.

>> No.11356324

>scale to millions of users
>python backend
lmao. at the very least you should be using node. but for millions of users it should really be in Go. also why mysql? mongodb is a lot easier to manage imo.

>> No.11356333
File: 649 KB, 1600x1067, FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats good

like satoshi you should remain anon

but I get it

in the end you will need foot soldiers thats why I emailed you . I understand the importance of loyalty and knowing how to keep your mouth shut

>never bite the hand that feeds you type of guy

seen allot but still want to do more

cheers to your project

>change the world !

>> No.11356354

Kek he was just talking about hydrogen fuel cell cars.
Yea confirmed retarded (and highly delusional) wannabe entrepreneur.

>> No.11356363
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>> No.11356380


Hahaha I can predict you are going to fail

>> No.11356400
File: 964 KB, 3024x4032, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is scary

his name was eddy and back in the 90's he would teach me everything about computers

his main job was to uncover government projects

sad I or anyone in our neighborhood knows what happened other than "suicide"

>> No.11356423
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this desu also fake and gay gfys larping faggot op

>> No.11356440


the way he explained it was revolutionary

just add to any existing car type of device in the engine bay

>maybe delusional

who knows

I lost contact back in 2004 he is the type of chad who would've known about bitcoin since he lurked dark channels

I hate to think if he was alive how much different life would be

he left behind no one and had many people who admired him

>> No.11356442

ty anon. what you think about open an off-shore fund in (panama?cayman?virgin i?idk). next step is open a firm in (delaware?ireland?malta?idk) and pass the owning to the off-shore fund.

>> No.11356550

unless we have something to gain from this we don't give a fuck about your business

>> No.11356593

I know anon, i have write the set up just to show im not a larper and i know something. It's my first project in python and web stuff. All done from 0 in 1 year. It's the algo the value.

A better set up will come after i have the legal structure.

atm i can serve all the user with 1 script 1 query 1 db the hosting can serve.

I won't publish this stuff before having a shield organization

>> No.11356628

If you need just shell company, look for boards of existing ones, the names in "financial advisor" are companies they're signed under. Then just call the guy and say you want to get hooked up. You can find em like this:


In case of virgin islands, it was something around 1k eur (for eurocuck). Panama is MUCH more expensive, as it is one of the few places who let you be w/o KYC.

>> No.11356694

hoo hoo anon you make me happy. ty
Talk to my of Panama please.
It's a safe harbour for my identity? what kind of service you can suggest to my business?

>> No.11356849

There's not much to be said that wasn't said elsewhere or that ama thread.

Panama won't rat you out to FBI/IRS, as their whole fucking business is built around that.

Looking up brokers, it's a bit like googling torrents.Look for reddit and forums discussions, DONT click first google result with keywords stuffed in domain name, those are often scams.

Tbh, I'd not bother with this mafia shit. If you're in the US and you just want tax heaven, incorporate in Delaware/Wyoming for few hundred bucks. Panama is more about shady banking, and even they won't let you run wild with crypto wires willy nilly.

>> No.11356858

why would you use your real name if you are going to do illegal stuff anyways. using a wrong name might be the least crime then.
too bad we will never know what you are starting there. i like a good chuckle.

>> No.11356895

I want to use the legal way bro. And i know is possible to run a business in shadow, it's just a question of money.
But is a complex way to do this, and i ask for people with experience or knowledge about hole in the eyenet.

>> No.11356925

ok i think the same of malta...

idk ireland or englad i prefer to be open to euro biz

>> No.11357213

what a comfy looking lifestyle.
What would you do about the nasty bugs and poop though?