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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11351675 No.11351675 [Reply] [Original]

Do you support intellectual property rights?

How do you justify granting an effectively perpetual monopoly on something that doesn't exist and doesn't demonstrate the basic problem of scarcity that defines physical goods?

>> No.11351722

Meaby a year of right its ok, to develop the idea

There litteraly a fucktone of pattents not being develop.

>> No.11351780

The point of those, afaik, is to let the creator have a headstart which is an award for him for coming up with this patent/idea. I'm ok with that as long as the patent times are reasonable depending on the industry or so.

>> No.11352398

>labor should not be rewarded if it's not inherently protected by scarcity
arguments against IP rights would have more weight if the people making said arguments ever created anything worth protecting
every now and then there's the odd open source linux autist who genuinely makes awesome stuff and supports no IP rights, but 99% of the time it's just parasites wanting to mooch off the few people who do create value in this world
it's the same debate as poor vs rich. boils down to waah waah he has more than me. yet the truth is as follows:
- rich people include some people who deserve to be rich (group A) and some people who don't (group B)
- poor people include close to nobody who deserves to get rich (group C)
group C parasites strawman rich people as exclusively group B. truth is groups B and C are both useless deadends for civilization, and group A is the only one that matters to move humanity forward and improve quality of life for group C by dragging some of them along to group B. any system that penalizes group A for the sake of redistribution to C is inherently retarded

>> No.11352464

t. triggered article 13 lobbyist

>> No.11352576

>come up with great new product
>send instructions to a Chinese factory to produce the first batch
>chinks steal the IP, sell it to a major US corporation
>market becomes flooded with the product you toiled to research, engineer, and produce
>you die penniless in a shack in the midwest

>> No.11352595

Thats what you get for trusting the chinese

>> No.11352609

Your own fault for being stupid

>> No.11352627

I don't think /biz/ is even vaguely familiar with copyright and patent laws

>> No.11352664

This is what happens when you don't have IP laws, faggot. Market research and product engineering aren't free. If there's no financial incentive for individuals or small businesses to come up with innovative products, they won't do it.

>> No.11352737

the concept of property is itself a fiction.

we are inconstant groupings of carbon spinning on a giant rock around a dying star. somewhere in our distant lineage a group of monkeys developed a prefrontal cortex adept enough to assign arbitrary concepts of 'ownership' to inanimate objects and other life forms, and then to order themselves in civilizations according to the necessary rules which sprung up around such a conception, and its resultant notions of selfhood and labour.

you entered this world owning nothing and you will leave it owning nothing and everything in between is merely the fairy tale of an ephemeral primate's half baked pursuit of true consciousness.

ego is mirage. dust to dust. anarchy reigns supreme in the cosmos.

>> No.11352742

>If there's no financial incentive for individuals or small businesses to come up with innovative products, they
But there are financial incentives. You can always sell your own product.
Besides, most top products are producted by giant companies. You know, the companies that can actualy invest in research

>> No.11352751

Yes and Asia needs to stop their shit if they ever want to be taken seriously as a country. Also cap strictly creative work at 50 years.

>> No.11352756

I don't think most /biz/raelis are familiar with the basics of business or economics either. I'd say maybe 1% of the people that come to this board are actual business owners. The rest are either NEETS or pajeets.

>> No.11353129

>Do you support intellectual property rights?
Yes, because it encourages people to create. Until and unless we develop replicator technology this will not change.

>> No.11353138

Ha ha!

>You don’t have the rights to the product of your creative mind.

Why do the right have to always be up in other people’s business?

>> No.11353169
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Read the post you replied to again genius.

>> No.11353216


>inb4 muh automation