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11352006 No.11352006 [Reply] [Original]

I figured i would give you guys some advice on how to earn a buck or two over a 5 month period. To explain i have go back to 2015:
>the immigration crisis, as a step in the UN replacement migration plan, makes my country import half a million people.
>The state buys housing for 0,5 million people
>massive inflation of housing prices follows
>meanwhile the central bank interest rate is -0,5 %
>Companies, as well as induviduals, loan a shitton of money to invest in housing.
>predator companies take advantage of the situation and during this bullrun aquire funding by selling apartments that they don't even have the permit to build yet
>people still viewed it as a good deal at the time, because that was how desperate the housing market situation was

Now jump to late 2018:
>the housing market has stagnated and is on the edge of a cliff
>the central bank interest rate is expected to be raised at least at EOY
>household debt levels among the highest in europe
>no more migrants :(
>lawsuits against the companies who sold non-existing apartments and failed to deliver are stacking up, courts have already delivered verdicts saying that the costumers should get their money back
>literally a powderkeg

Swedish housing market is about to implode,

Concrete ways of taking advantage of this is by shorting the companies that are targeted by these lawsuits (ex. Oscar properties, Tobin properties), or perhaps aim for the companies which are most indebted (like fastighets AB balder).

>> No.11352011

Pic unrelated. I am not here to spoonfeed you btw, i expect you to do your own research.

>> No.11352041

I was just about to buy an apartment desu. People have been saying it's going to collapse for YEARS. Anyway, I am inclined to agree that it will collapse as not as many enrichers are coming nowadays. It's a fucking pyramid scheme.

>> No.11352063

>buy assets denominated in Swedish kroner
>make 20% shorting, lose 80% when currency crashes in USD terms
Nice try Ahmed.

>> No.11352118

>Anyway, I am inclined to agree that it will collapse as not as many enrichers are coming nowadays
In truth, the elites could postpone the collapse by importing more of them. Im even afriad they will. The fact that soros is shorting in the housing market is a bit of a good sign though. Shows the inner strife.

>>make 20% shorting, lose 80% when currency crashes in USD terms
I hate your fucking currency. The worse it goes for the world, the better it goes for you.
On a serious note, a deflation of the housing market would strenghten the swedish krona.

>> No.11352135

>No more migrants
That must feel like heaven!!!!

>> No.11352140
File: 66 KB, 435x580, B69D9D99-A01E-4064-AA47-5FE2E1CABCCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I’m not American, just pointing out a hole in your brilliant master plan.

>> No.11352183

My plan of taking advantage of the misery of my people is actually fool-proof. A global crisis would have to happen for it to not work, and i think that won't happen for another year or so.

Also, in some cases its more like a 100 % 200 % profit. Some of these companies are going to the ground, and you can use leverages and warrants.

>> No.11352194

American checking, in sitting in my big ass dwelling comfy as fuck.

>> No.11352507
File: 81 KB, 600x656, 5CF42050-B8B8-4529-A653-A7F349AEC822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I’m quite certain that the collapse of your real estate and banking sectors will be extremely bullish for your currency.

>> No.11352572

The ones that are there reproduce at a much higher rate than natives; make no mistake, Sweden will be Canada-lite in two generations.

>> No.11352633

B-but UN-sense saysi we have to do it to have cheap labour :(

>> No.11352668

>collapse of your real estate and banking sectors
If you can buy more with the currency, it is more worth. If prices are lower (ex. housing prices) you can buy more with it, and so it is more worth.
However that doesn't matter much if the banking system collapses, so i guess ur rite.

>> No.11352892

tfw when you realise op is correct


>> No.11352918

Fuck Sweden, you cucks did this shit to yourselves.

>> No.11352977
File: 35 KB, 650x438, bostadsprisernas-utveckling-1986-2015-2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polfag trying to make a killing on real estate
>ignoring the fact that hard facts do not matter in his world
Another swedefag here. The gov did not buy real estate for 0,5 million people ya dink

Also: regular people still can not find flats. New-builds are almost non-existent in places where people want to live. People are still mortgaging their future to the hilt to buy a place in the three big cities. Borrowing money is still "cheap".

pic related. The last tiny dip was in 1991.

>> No.11353239

>>The gov did not buy real estate for 0,5 million
They gave free housing for many, and others were left to find housing on their own (with the gov't gibs they were given). Fact still stands that we had a sharp increase in demand on the housing market due to the migrant influx.

>Also: regular people still can not find flats. New-builds are almost non-existent in places where people want to live. People are still mortgaging their future to the hilt to buy a place in the three big cities. Borrowing money is still "cheap".
>> Borrowing money is still "cheap".
That is exactly my point: it wont be for much longer.
Riksbanken (the central bank) will make a statement at the 24 of october, and i suspect i will be in line with what they said earlier this autumn; an interest rent increase is overdue, and is preliminarily set for sometime next year. This is also in line with what the federal reserve is planning.

When the interest rates go up not only will the demand for apartments decrease, since no-one will have the superficial buying-power created by cheap loans, but people will realise that they have been living above their long-term sustainable level. As mentioned, swedish households are very indebted. People will have to move. People will become homeless. The banks will sitt on a shit-ton of confiscated houses and apartments, which it got from the over-indebted families and companies.

It will basically be a 2008 repeat, the banks will panic, house prices plumet yada yada...

>The last tiny dip was in 1991.
Dont belittle these changes, it will be a tragedy for our nation, and a dip of even 5 percent can mean a 20-30 % decrease in stock value for the established real estate companies. Some new up and comers, as discussed earlier, will crash and burn (i can forsee bankruptcy for some actually)

>> No.11353287

Why did you swedfaggots import all this scum? Sweden was once the country with the highest Standards and quality, it was number fucking ONE.
Now you are close to call your army to reclaim some of your citys.
Its so sad...

>> No.11353292

i forgot to adress this
>ignoring the fact that hard facts do not matter in his world
In the long run they do. We have laid this bed, it's time to lay in it.

(of course the gov't can bring in more migrants to temporarily boost demand,, but that is not feasible in the long run considering the societal cost and cohesion)

>> No.11353295
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>New-builds are almost non-existent in places where people want to live
this and they are often close to twice the price of older apartments
i live comfortably in a rental, the same one for almost 10 years now and it costs me 2500 sek less a month that any equivalent in the same area would if i were to buy one
>haha lol wtf dudebro you dont OWN AN APARTMENT LOL what is this 2003? haha jesus man you will never get a gf if you dont OWN YOUR LIFE TO THE JEWISH HOUSING MARKET AND BANKS lol

>> No.11353309

interesting, you think house prices elsewhere in europe will dip aswell?

>> No.11353345

If this is true, short the Estonian housing market as well. Since it mirrors Swedish housing market, sans the migrants.

>> No.11353352

It was neccesary as a transfer of value from the people to the landed elites, jews and old aristocracy. I would even support it if i owned a house, since it might stabilize the demand.

Yupp, you should definetly wait. Very little of the newly produced gets sold these day. They are living in a dream world, and they are able to stay there only because it's not that expensive to just wait for better days (once again, a result of low interest rates).

>> No.11353385

The whole eurozone dude. Its the same formula
>low interest rates + immigrants + massive loans= inflated housing market
I would say that sweden is speciall though, because of the rent controll and our especially high household debts + increasing anti-migration sentiment.

>> No.11353395

Swedish bank are giving out ~100years loans. People are just paying intrest instead of paying back the loan.

>> No.11353416

That was a super overpriced idiotic move!!! They will never go Back, never be transformed into swedes... You got some Ghettos for eternity now.

>> No.11353443

You dont have Kids right? Cant imagine a sane person with kids does the migrant suicide

>> No.11353589

My children will not die, they will only have a harder life than otherwise. I think some ghettos are good for the national spirit. Makes the nation less naive. What we have done to our nation was inevitable, considering the character of the swedish people. Better that it happens now and learns us a lesson,than that we stand with upon arms later when the real migratory waves start coming later. Be it grand solar minimum or "global warming", a catasthropy will come - and then all of africa will come for us.

Thus, from a long term economic perspective - the liberals are right about migration being good for our nation :^)

>> No.11354072
File: 860 KB, 992x558, sd-flyktingboende-jpg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They gave free housing for many
If you bring in refugees due to UN allotment you just can't put them in a tent. We are not Greece and this is a cold country. We put most of 'em in pic related, which isn't much better. The rest went away to stay with relatives, 4 people to a room, as they do. If they can't cover their rents, the social authorities take over, just as they do in any welfare state.

>sharp increase in demand due to migrant influx
Not in any place where there are jobs, and where people want to live though. Apartment prices in Södermalm were not affected one iota due to immigration

> an interest rent increase is overdue
The sky is falling... Not really. A minor cooling down of apartment prices is no biggie. Just give it a year and they will start going up again. 'Cause at the end of the day, people need a place to live and they will still be putting 1/3 of their income into it, tomorrow as well as 50 years from now.

>2008 repeat
>Dont belittle these changes, it will be a tragedy for our nation
Meeh. I am oldfag enough and that small dip did nothing to me. It's basic adjustments.

>Now you are close to call your army to reclaim some of your citys.
Are you a grill? Just asking because real life has absolutely nothing do with your hyperbole. Where are you from? I am almost certain that your country is a complete mess compared to Sweden.

>> No.11354807

>he thinks he's not paying to the kikes just because he's throwing money at the government for his shitty little rental in some nigger-filled area

You really got us there, Bosse.

>> No.11354819

can an american buy Swedish real estate

>> No.11355200

>>no more migrants :(
LOL too late

>> No.11355729

>can an american buy Swedish real estate
yes globalpropertyguide.com/Europe/Sweden/Buying-Guide

>> No.11355916

thanks for the link anon
is there HOA fees ? how's airbnb there ?

>> No.11356101
File: 11 KB, 329x329, 42cb2739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what did you do with Sweden's biggest bank Nordea?

Yup, the Finnish taxpayers will be totally fucked when the mother of all bails (in & out at the same time) comes.

>> No.11356426

Honestly, isn't much of the world economy dependent on rising real estate prices?

>> No.11356631
File: 44 KB, 460x577, swede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become increasingly irrelevant
>hey, let's become a "moral superpower"
>literally cuck yourself out of existence

>> No.11356672

Most Swedes have no problem realising that they are irrelevant. It's the rest of you cunts with your "manifest destiny" and "jesus loves me" that have a problem understanding that you are essentially wormfood with a tiny amount of sentience.