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11343586 No.11343586 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11343612


>> No.11343625

Knowing what my unconscious desires, and fulfilling it for myself and my child, securing generational wealth.

>> No.11343629

knowing that death is not a solution and I might as well try my best at this game called life.

>> No.11343635

proving my childhood bullies wrong :*(

>> No.11343665
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>> No.11343683

need to get out of my shithole, optionally but some caribbean passport so as not to pay taxes

>> No.11343729
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To make it through another day.

>> No.11343774

Having enough money not to worry about arbitrary shit anymore.

>> No.11343807

I need 21 btc to make it, otherwise i will not enter the cytadel.

>> No.11343813

science says the only motivation is sex.. and to get sex you must aquire more power. the third thing is eternal life. thoese 3 things r all that matters. 1. best sexual aprtners 2. ultimate power 3. eternal life

>> No.11343890

disruptive technology is a means to take down the society that was never worth existing in the first place. Ill work to tokenize everything, automate everything and make it so guys are to buys fucking anime waifus and sex robots to notice that women even exist anymore. I will then ride this wave for as long as I can in a complete fantasy world while laughing my ass off the entire time.

>> No.11343911

I have no motivation. It used to be to occupy my awareness with conscious effort towards my favorite activities, but my situation is such that I cannot do my favorite activities any longer.

>> No.11343920

I'm making a video game. Lost what I was going to use to pay an artist to crypto, so now I have to learn how to draw while working a second job to recoup the losses.

Feels fucking terrible.

>> No.11343929

Fuck man! How much was it?

>> No.11343971

Around 16 thousand dollars. It feels really awful because I was either going to hire an artist to speed up development, or spend the money on a super cheap place to rent/quit my current job to crank out the rest of the game in a year or two.

Of course that isn't a possibility anymore, so who knows when the game will be finished.

>> No.11343978

to provide my gf and I with a nice house without jewing ourselves into mortgage AND afford a small apartment to rent out like jews

>> No.11344018

If youre not larping, im interested in what kind of game it is and what kind of artist youre looking for anon

>> No.11344058

Feels bad man... Sorry anon.

>> No.11344064

I'm not larping, but I made a promise the friend I'm working on the game with refuses to let me show anything to the general public until we have something that looks professional.

It's just a platformer. We're not going for any sort of pixel art style.

>> No.11344073

To have enough money to humiliate my enemies and destroy their lives.

>> No.11344081

>I'm not larping, but I made a promise the friend I'm working on the game with refuses to let me show anything to the general public until we have something that looks professional.

If you are an indie dev you are best showing off shit as much as possible and blogging about literally everything as soon as possible. You are not in a position like a tripple A studio where you can blow big bucks for marketing and have it work.

>> No.11344084

God l suck at typing

I made a promise the friend I'm working on the game with to not show general public until we have something that looks professional.

I understand that this post makes me look like I'm larping even more but what do I have to gain on biz to larp something so specific

>> No.11344091


>> No.11344095

I want to get back the girl I love and left me because I was an useless piece of human trash.

>> No.11344096

I don't want to do bullshit anymore. I just want to live and maintain a middle class lifestyle but without having to work anymore.

>> No.11344098

>you are best showing off shit as much as possible and blogging about literally everything as soon as possible

This is true to a certain point. Thing is though hype can die off pretty fast.

I want to start showing off once I can be sure I can have the game done in 500 days.

>> No.11344124

Fuck bitches get money

>> No.11344245

i dont have any motivation. years of wagecucking in an office killed all of it. can't suicide because family

>> No.11344251
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reaching absolute freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want

for example raising 6 kids in a large house, being able to provide them everything, without having to worry about anything or having to spend my time wagecucking instead of spending it with them

I already have a girl to have 6 kids with, all I need is the money

>> No.11344269

>I already have a girl to have 6 kids with, all I need is the money
maybe rent the girl out

>> No.11344282

10/10 pottery anon

>> No.11344326
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We are all going to lose mass sums of money
There is not a glimmer of hope left in this markey
It was never meant to make YOU any wealthier
Give up all hope
Watch it burn up in its atmosphere with me

>> No.11344353


>> No.11344356


>> No.11344598

Anyone on here who isn't a paid shill is an NPC. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11344658

Being able to choose to walk out of employment or a shit job. Being able to be self-sufficient on interest for the rest of my life. Invest in general AI.

>> No.11344691

To regain the money I had at my peak in January. To use that money to help buy myself a permanent house and start a family with kids. To be able to support my family through whatever happens.

>> No.11344851
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leaving the simulation

>> No.11344941

to btfo kikes

>> No.11344971

freedom from the illusory rat maze, control of time
also this

>> No.11345116

I'm my own moon, a mere shadow of what I was my education went to shit when I was teen, mother died, father was always a dick and my big bro was the only one there for me there with my friends.
Everyone and their mother always told me they've never meet someone like me with the ideas I have and the way I talk do stuff etc.
A few years ago I was working on an hotel and there was this weird guy whose dream was to be a comedian and he was a sun he literally shone, when he talked everyone just rounded him up and listened to him, he invited me to a radio program he was doing with some friends and at the end of it he told me what did I think of him and I told him that he was my role model as a human, he went quiet and very serious told me 'dude it's very important for me what you just said me, you will be something far greater of what you think you will be' and hugged me (no homo).
That situation made me think a lot and the next week left that job and applied for a test that lets you enter to the university here on Spain.
Studied for real 7 days straight and passed it with a 9,1 which is a lot and now I'm on 3rd year med school, never ever on my life I strived to achieve something and god it felt so good.
I was a fucking NEET for 4 years, blackpilled and after the neethood I was on a job with 0 future and then some random guy on told me I was worth it and that slim veil of doubt shattered into pieces, now I have a gf, real friends, do exercice love anime regardless and I'm the fascist but trustworthy guy of the student committe. Thank you Joselu, someday I'll become a sun too.

>> No.11345179


The last week or so, I've not been feeling very motivated. I want to not wagecuck, but I couldn't muster the energy to work on developing recurring income.

I helped a fucking vietnamese friend/scammer set up a Shopify site, and that's bringing in a few hundred dollars a week, but I need more. I think I need to rest and recover and find something else to focus on. I'm fucking tired, and I'm pissed that I helped him so much.

>> No.11345198

The dream that I can make it and pay for fake love from a dommy mommy UwU

>> No.11345199

Hoping that one day i´ll be able to spend all day high without worrying about running out of money
And when i run out of cash i´ll just kms i guess.

>> No.11345220


>> No.11346022
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to become a man of God's own heart

>> No.11346672

To be a stay at home dad

>> No.11346700
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>Not Bitadel
Never gonna make it

>> No.11346758
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My motivation is my shitty retail job, that I will soon escape from. And my crazy mom, whom's house I will soon quit living in. Also I want to get away from my annoying family members. I will have true freedom soon. Away from shit heads that want to tell me what to do. Nobody tells me what to do. Fuck that.

>> No.11346894
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sweet story anon.

>> No.11347147

my motivation is the knowledge I will sooner or later enter into the void and never have to wagecuck or pay a bill ever again.

I get intense pangs of jealousy when passing by cemeteries. The dead fuckers showing off angers me.

>> No.11347223
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i just want to be happy and safe and to look after my family
i want everyone else in the world to be happy, safe and prosperous too. we all need to love each other. enough of this hate.

>> No.11347257

not dying poor, jokes on me tho because that will happen for sure.