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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11343106 No.11343106 [Reply] [Original]

What happens tommorow /biz/ ?

>> No.11343112

link is shit

>> No.11343123


>> No.11343126

Link is shit and paid shillers will hang themselves

>> No.11343138

Black wednesday.

>> No.11343140

Nothing at all in regards to the price.
Great motions are already unfolding.

>> No.11343154

LINK is shit and will get delisted soon.

>> No.11343162

Link begins the uptrend to $1000 per token EOY

>> No.11343173
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>> No.11343181
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XRP will surpass BTC

>> No.11343202

stay in your discord faggots

>> No.11343256

You're the brainlet faggot, just watch

>> No.11343322

CryptoPepes mining rat race start tomorrow....

>> No.11343339

Great motions to zero you mean.

>> No.11343420

>Tommorrow its the day. The last key should open the 310btc gate, once the transfer had completed the hole blockchain will dissapear, the sun god will erase internet and its coins will fall whit him, only we can pray for kek to keep the gate closed.

We pray you KeK.

>> No.11343438

I'm happy as long as there is more chaos for Kek.

His will be done.

>> No.11343460

Markets begin to drain into crypto
Giant sucking sound
Blood on wall st.

>> No.11343496

link is shit

>> No.11343515

Yes, lots of zeros.

>> No.11343517

we all make it

>> No.11343723
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This month is the month it happens

>Page 10
On the 10th, tomorrow, something happens in Britain

>Page 12
On the 12th, investment banks 'pull back' from Bitcoin

>Page 17-20
Takeshita comes to town, aka Bitcoin's price takes a shit thereafter

>Page 35
On the "35th" of October, aka 4th of November, "Perestroika's first test" no idea what this means

>> No.11343755

Call me crazy but... I think people will just post memes because nothing will happen. Perhaps a bizonacci video or something but just that.

>> No.11343908

This is a decent breakdown anon. I like where your head is at. Let me try:

1) Can britain keep booming?
10/10 bombs drop somewhere.
Also an anagram for 'keep bitcoin among brain'

2) Takeshita comes to town
anagram for 'make satoshi to two cent'
maybe it means satoshi will reveal himself on the 17th. October 17th? Oh yes.

3) Investment banks pull back
anagram for
"blanket invest"
on oct 12, banks blanket invest into crypto and pull back from the regular markets?

4) Perestrokikas first test
no idea

>> No.11343969
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Imagine this shit is full eellumeenauty and something happens for real

>> No.11344041
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I'll give it until the end of October. If something happens consider it to be on Season 15 of Ancient Aliens. If nothing happens what was the point...

>> No.11344045

Everything will dump 50-80% lolol

>> No.11344066

If nothing happens before October 29th, it’s all void.

>> No.11344067

October 17th is my dead line

>> No.11344099


>> No.11344130

Nothing I will bet my networth on it

>> No.11344537

There's some stuff going on in the G20. Global regulations will be presented and they'll be voted on next year.

>> No.11344607

Checked but TRX is still a shitcoin.

>> No.11344656

The problem with this is it doesn't take into account timezones. There are some places in the world that are already the 10th and there are some places that are still the 8th.

>> No.11344689

Are you this retarded?

>> No.11344708

you realize it all goes to shit if satoshi dumps his load right?

>> No.11345363


Looks like someone could only afford the Ranjeet tier FUD package

I will never stop buying chainlink.
I will never sell chainlink.
There is nothing you can say to change my mind

>> No.11345458

you realize that Satoshi is a government entity and not a single person, right?

>> No.11345482

Maplestory 2 launch?

>> No.11345499

boi you playing ms2 too? lmao lets go

>> No.11345528


>> No.11345534
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fuck off soiboy

>> No.11345555

Satoshi are the Rothchilds

>> No.11345564

Guess who owns The Economist. Connect the dots.

>> No.11345569

hmm well i can't really refute your quads

>> No.11345599
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me and most of us are 100% doing the same. never sell. At this point, i dont even feel bad for the people that sell.

>> No.11345615

checked but rothschilds are not at the top

>> No.11345630

who is then?

>> No.11345656

Those who created jews.
Those who offed this rothschild, when he failed an important task

>> No.11345764

The Rothchilds offed one of their own. That seems like something (((they))) would do.

>> No.11345775

can’t argue with quads

>> No.11345840

dolan needs a comeback

>> No.11345857

same as every other day something is supposed to happen: Absolutely nothing.

>> No.11345862

its the fucking reptilians ruling our world, elites are only taking orders from a smarter entities

>> No.11345867

Unironically nothing

>> No.11345889

There will be some Link threads, a few Holochain ones, and then some self-depricating posts about wagecucking

>> No.11345896

>muh reptilian race

Here we go

>> No.11345979

watch xrp

>> No.11346016

Perestroika means "new system" as in the new system will be tested. I stongly advise anyone interested in this google perestroika

>> No.11346471
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>> No.11346554

there are no reptilians my dude
Satanic psychopathic Jew bankers are the apex. That's as high as it goes.

>> No.11346592

That's interdasting.
So why is it on page 35?
Does the test happen in november?
nov 5 is when the petro launches
October 35th is nov 4th.

>> No.11346603

>Perestroika: (in the former Soviet Union) the policy or practice of restructuring or reforming the economic and political system.

>> No.11346719

link is shit

>> No.11346734

more sideways action.

>> No.11347873

I remember how this magazine showed up in my circles all the way from 2012. It was a long time
Watch out the news feed for next 36 hours

>> No.11347878

IM Scared guys whats going to happen i have 50oz of silver will i survive

>> No.11347894

No, you cant eat that silver. You should invest in burgers.

>> No.11347938

Absolutely nothing

>> No.11348018

looks like we're dumping