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11340819 No.11340819 [Reply] [Original]









>Free and open-source software community

>> No.11340823

Linux is a kernel

>> No.11340830

antitrust break up
old ladies site
barely in business
chairman mao of china is the new ceo
biggest company ever to be
online subscription service for the wagecucks
red army background
will be renamed to Winniux and be the new normal
>Free and open-source software community
same old same old

>> No.11341368

>old ladies site

Facebook owns instagram too

>> No.11341408

GNU is deprecated. There's nothing in the Linux distributions that doesn't have a non-GNU alternative.

>> No.11341426

>Facebook owns instagram too
thots hit the wall faster than ever
old ladies site soon to be

>> No.11341459

Is this true? Are there any attempts to get rid of Stallmans influence from linux?

>> No.11341468

>>Google invested preipo. long term hold
>>Facebook invested preipo. sold 2 years ago. it will get regulated to death
>>Microsoft im young so missed out investing in it early. shitstock now
>>Apple invested day iphone was announced. long term hold
>>Amazon longterm hold
>>Windows again i missed out as im young. shitstock now
>>OSX wtf is this.
>>Linux shitstock

>> No.11341477

>Is this true? Are there any attempts to get rid of Stallmans influence from linux?
You mean Linus? Stallman never had any influence. That's why it's called Linux.

>> No.11341484

>feeding the troll
no, it's not true
ask him to provide source if you really believe it

>> No.11341494
File: 280 KB, 3388x3638, 1532142471618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one thing GNU that doesn't have a non-GNU alternative.

>> No.11341500

how about you provide your own sources for the arguments you make?

>> No.11341509
File: 197 KB, 1024x1372, original prankster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking me to list every piece of GNU software ever made, and list the alternative. A fool's errand. I'm asking you to name one piece of software.

>> No.11341527

all i'm asking you to do is provide sources for the claims you make, yet you can't seem to do that, all you do is post unrelated images and schizophrenic-like rants that don't seem to be related to anything?

>> No.11341564

Apple and Amazon are going to be the big winners. Amazon because it's the new global business for everything, Apple because it has been moving to change the online space to one it controls (moving everything to apps rather than websites) and will continue to retain its strong niche market in hardware.

Google's ad revenue will decline. Facebook will become increasingly irrelevant. Microsoft will hang in by inertia.

Windows and OSX will continue to be strong while Linux continues to be a joke relegated to revenues from tech support.

>> No.11341568

>all i'm asking you to do is provide sources for every piece of GNU software ever made
And I'm telling you I will. Name one that doesn't have an alternative, and I will provide a source for one that exists.

>> No.11341583

here you go sweaty, if you can read give this a good hard go and return when you've understood it

>> No.11341603
File: 405 KB, 722x720, point and laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a piece of GNU software, Anon

>> No.11341615

so i take it you gave up on attempting to understand the article? i hope you at least gave it the good old community college try

>> No.11341634

I didn't even click. That's not what we agreed on. You provide GNU software that doesn't have an alternative, and I disprove you with a counter-example. It's called Linux, not GNU/Linux for a reason.

>> No.11341643

show me where i have agreed with you on the terms you claim

>> No.11341648

The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.11341657

as is the proof on you for your gnu claim

>> No.11341662

yeah if i only had to hold two stocks it would be amazon and apple.

>> No.11341669
File: 297 KB, 448x468, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as is the proof on you for your gnu claim
It's Linux. Not GNU/Linux. QED

>> No.11341671

>Google coin

>Facebook coin

>Microsoft coin

>Apple coin

>Amazon coin

>Windows coin

>OSX coin

>Linux coin

>Free and open-source software community coin

>> No.11341680

so you can not provide proof for your claims is what you are saying, good to know.

>> No.11341690
File: 165 KB, 500x454, 2 frames is surely enough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I provided a source for every piece of software you named Anon.

>> No.11341698

i hope you understand that that is not how arguments works, the one who makes a claim is expected to provide sources for his claim, claiming something and telling your opponent to find sources for it himself just makes you look bad and uneducated

>> No.11341708
File: 132 KB, 1000x708, point and laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking me to prove a near infinite amount of things. I'm asking for one counter example.

>> No.11341715

i am not asking you to provide infinite anything, all i need is for you to source the claims you make, posting anime pictures will not help you

>> No.11341727

>i am not asking you to provide infinite anything
You're asking me to provide a source for every piece of GNU software's alternative. I'm saying that's laborious, and I'd rather prove it to you by asking you to provide a counter example. You can't provide one, so the statement seems valid.

>> No.11341745

no, I can provide whatever I want, yet I refuse because the proof of a claim lays on the one making it

>> No.11341764
File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My claim is
>I can name a non-GNU alternative for every piece of GNU software
You state
>Okay prove it
I say
>No problem. Name a piece of GNU software
You say
The conversation will not progress because you won't let it.

>> No.11341778

Your claim is:
>I can name a non-GNU alternative for every piece of GNU software
I state
>Okay prove it
You state
>No, I can not, you prove it

>> No.11341790

Error! no software named. Cannot provide counter-example for undeclared example. Please try again.

>> No.11341795

so, you can not provide any sources for the initial claim that you made?

>> No.11341800

36 replies and I've provided counter-example for each example you came up with.

>> No.11341805

have you provided a counter-example for the fact that you can not source the claims you have made?

>> No.11341815

Does the set containing all sets include itself?

>> No.11341820

does the person making a claim on 4chan have to provide proof?

>> No.11341834

Linux exists in a non-free, non-GNU form. What else do you need proof of?

>> No.11341848

i would like proof of the claims you have made in your post here >>11341408

>> No.11341873
File: 73 KB, 1940x956, brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Competing with Google for top browser. Expanded into other competing areas, using the BAT token as a means to support web content creators a la Patreon.

>> No.11341886
File: 57 KB, 900x900, i'm waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing. We'll do a direct proof. You name a piece of GNU software that doesn't have a an alternative, and I'll provide a counter-example. Once we have expended all options, the statement will hold true. I'll wait for you to start before making my next reply.

>> No.11341897

>We'll do a direct proof
I would love that! Please directly prove your statements so we can be done with this conversation.

>> No.11341909


>> No.11341992
