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11340027 No.11340027 [Reply] [Original]

the absolute state of
>Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

>> No.11340055

God I can’t wait for the day all these Reddit faggots have to buy high on bcash

>> No.11340299

Kek, this is bulletproof logic.

>> No.11340326

He's literally right, though.

>> No.11340331
File: 510 KB, 770x789, 84E903EC-D668-4BF9-AB9D-C48C114BD4BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally right

>> No.11340363

I've never seen a financial ecosystem so driven to ridicule their own products.

>> No.11340370
File: 1.55 MB, 1296x700, fresh beauty vs discarded hag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but is this the dream of crypto?

why the hell do these people think bitcoin was created... the first reply on jimmy's twitter is right, if satoshi is dead he is spinning in his grave over this shit

i guess i should be grateful that BTC is digging their grave deeper

>> No.11340389

Dreams don't matter, reality matters. The reality is most people don't need bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. At best it's a hedge against inflation.

>> No.11340393


>> No.11340398

who is actually accepting crypto and holding it?
the only place I know is a cuban cigar shop I buy from

until people are going full circle in the crypto markets it isn't worth using "bitpay" or whatever
although I do agree this is a bad look for figureheads to be promoting it

>> No.11340399

>hedge against inflation
actually its a hedge against human corruption

>> No.11340417

This is so fuking stupid. How the hell is btc supposed to replace fiat if you rely on fiat for transactions? Abso-fuking-lutely stupid suggestion by btc maximalists

>> No.11340429

>BTC maximalists recommending fiat and barking for VISA
Is this the bottom?

>> No.11340437

Not even close

>> No.11340444

almost all consumer good btc transactions are used by bottleneck processors that transfer to fiat anyways, only diehard cryptoheads are keeping the bitcoin
they'll argue that to maintain properties of decentralization they can't scale until 2nd layer is more functional which they only need multi pathway and watchtower or whatever
I respect their approach
I don't want to see compromises that compromise the entire system

>> No.11340454
File: 32 KB, 500x344, neat card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dreams are what matters the most man. you dont have a dream in life? something to strive towards?

>the only place I know is a cuban cigar shop I buy from
well there you go mate, if you know of 1 place there are more.

we have to remember that BTC has slowed down and harmed crypto adoption a lot, it has actually been going backwards recently

>> No.11340466

bitcoin is crypto

>> No.11340470

TFW I have been doing this for almost 2 years without even thinking about it.
If crypto becomes more mainstream, companies will start accepting crypto to stand out and gather the crypto enthusiasts for their business. Kinda like what the Lyoness scam people are trying to do.

>> No.11340527
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Core NPCs are so dumb lol

>> No.11340554

second layers are the whole point. its physically impossible to expand bitcoin itself to sustain real time payments of everybody across the world, and sync those between everybody for verification, and then store them.

there physically isnt enough internet cable for this to work, or enough hard drive manufacturing capacity either.

>> No.11340569

if anybody is an "NPC" its the inconsequential late adopters forced to buy alts like ripple/bcash/litecoin/eos to try and catch up to early adopter non-NPCs that own and control the market.

>> No.11341086
File: 164 KB, 1245x958, frogtop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter what you say at least bitcoin cash doesn't have developers that encourage you to use fiat instead of crypto yet they still try to argue that crypto is fiat

>> No.11341129

>Charge everything to credit card for a month while BTC is mooning
>Bill comes in the next month and BTC is tanking
>Oh no I don't have enough to cover my debt
>what do?

>> No.11341192
File: 2.14 MB, 164x300, 1538993121992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, the way things are now are the way they will always be.

I remember when it took 90 seconds to get a pic of a naked roastie from the internet; if you had told me then that I would cancel my cable and get all of my media from the internet, it would have sounded ridiculous. Kinda like how it sounds ridiculous that BTC will replace fiat.

>> No.11342462

Did you know that information travels at the speed of light?

>> No.11342536


Yep, to a bitcoin maximalist the only part that matters is that you BUY bitcoin to pump their bags. They don't actually care about USING it for paying lol. No one needs this crypto shit. Especially bitcoin. Bitcoin used as an actual currency failed and now the maximalists are trying to pivot it into some retarded "store of value" which doesn't work either since it can casually drop 80% in a year lol. Fiat with credit card works way faster and better already. Why would anyone actually use crypto? It's stupid.

>> No.11342641
File: 121 KB, 938x716, 6vNVjc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much (((they))) paid him for this shill

>> No.11342720

I can't buy steroids with a credit card.

>> No.11342946

That goes to show they don’t have a solid grasp on what sound money is. Austrian monetary policy is built into the code. By 2024 bitcoin will have a lower issuance rate than gold and you want it to have the same velocity as inflationary fiat...it’s mindblowing because I know for a fact that roger ver is aware these things but he’s a Machiavellian opportunist which I’m saying is a bad thing I actually find it impressive to watch.

>> No.11343470

1) how does BCH not have the same code of sound money?

2) how does requiring people to lock up capital in LN explained by UAustriqn economics?

3) when you criticize RV ad macchiavellian, what is your basis?

Without these three answers your post is just a word salad of mildly Bitcoin-ish vocabulary.