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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.11338022

Hopefully people finally wake up to google's bullshit and hop on to the BRAVE/BAT train.

>> No.11338090

It's funny how BAT is just silently flying under rader, when its so obvious that this token is going to become the standard for advertising and micropayments on the internet.
Fuck Google and fuck Facebook

>> No.11338099

Price predictions anon?

>> No.11338165

In a standard bull market $1 to $2 easy for just existing. That and a CB listing, $5 to $10. And if its an especially irrational market $50 to $100 is possible.

>> No.11338188

Or maybe we really do hold shitcoin bags. If it wasnt for Eich and Thiel I would have been gone long ago. Plus they actually have a company of 70 salaried wagies so that adds credibility. Not to mention that they are extremely active and have a solid product.

>t.50k BAT bagholder.

>> No.11338315

it's all a gamble, but I'd argue it's one of the safer gambles for the reasons you outlined (Brendan, Thiel, actual offices and a legitimate developer team)

>> No.11338364

Brave 1.0, CoinBase listing, people starting to care about their privacy and data online, along with Google and Facebook getting fucked by violating GDPR, I can easily see $4-5 by the end of this year

>> No.11338387

>>t.50k BAT bagholder.

I envy you, I'm a 7k BAT poorfag. I want more.

>> No.11338411

I seriously doubt there are hundreds of thousands of Google + users.

>> No.11338475

Unfortunately for BAT, people are coming to terms with the idea that "security" is becoming just as much of a meme as "privacy" now and they really don't care that much if their info is leaked.

>> No.11338480
File: 8 KB, 234x216, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google was really pushing it for a while. I'm pretty sure gmail accounts were automatically linked to Google+ accounts, meaning that third parties could probably still scrub info from Google+ accounts that weren't manually created by users.

Google is a scummy company that relies on shilling users' private information anyways. People don't realize how much they're really being used and treated like robots for Google's various advertising schemes. Posting from Brave Dev browser by the way, I absolutely love this shit.

>> No.11338540

I'd tried out the Brave beta browser and I'm loving the new UI so far, the old one was so clunky

>> No.11338562

Well I'm a poorfag now because of it so were equal. If it hits $1 again I'll be happy. Because at least I got my investment back.

>> No.11338611

Normies will be lured in with the promise of internet ads they get payed to watch, but in actual fact BAT is going to be the redpill for many people, that their data has value and should be secured as such. Brave/BAT is a template for people to be able to monetize their daily lives through data. Fitbit is already taking your fitness information and selling it, why not gather secure and sell that data for yourself? You could encrypt personal data, like medical records and have it up for sale through smart contract for researchers.