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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1133345 No.1133345 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most promising route out of wageslavery for an average young man?

>> No.1133346

The purchase of large quantities of ETH

>> No.1133350

Vote against the banks keeping you down.

>> No.1133352

>implying they're keeping anyone down

I love them desu

>> No.1133355
File: 113 KB, 694x544, tmp_26521-1432774158928-280851435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's that goy?
>You can't afford a place to live because your employer we own the shares of cut your pay?
>Here, we'll offer you a loan instead!

>> No.1133361

That has never happened to me though.

You should stop going on /pol/ so much. You are aware it's a satirical board, correct?

>> No.1133363

Do you have a mortgage? Then it's happened to you. Needing to go into debt in order to buy a house is a recent phenomenon that's only happened over the last few decades, and it's getting worse.

I don't browse /pol/.

>> No.1133366

No I rent. It makes much more sense financially.

>inb4 you won't own anything in the end
But I do. I save a lot of money that I invest and I save time on maintenance.

You do browse /pol/, you're using their Jew memes.

>> No.1133368

>You do browse /pol/, you're using their Jew memes.

What are you smoking?

Are you Jewish?

>> No.1133371

Do you think a jew would have to come to a nepalese silkscreen imageboard for financial advice?

>> No.1133372

No but I am quarter Jewish although no one I know in my recent family has been a practicing Jew.

Don't know if that gives me any claim to my Jewishness under Jewish law nor do I care.

>> No.1133377

But if this were still the 60's, 70's, or even possibly the 80's you could be keeping that money since you own your own house in full, rather than throwing it out the window every month.

Do you see me shitposting about Trump? Fuck /pol/.

>> No.1133379

As far as I know Jewishness is inherited through the mother, so if your mother had a Jewish mother you too are technically a Jew

>> No.1133382

Start your own business or get into a field that pays a ridiculous amount of money

>> No.1133432

If your a strapping young man you could always suck dick and sell your ass to sugar daddies.

The live frugally and put your money in good growing stocks that will be worth something in 5 years time.

How about that?

>> No.1133455

Essentially learn a trade then become your own employer, or cough it up to the union. You need to save up for 3 years, or 1.5 if working part time-second shift-weekends.

From there you can move in which ever direction wanted. If you're doing manual labor, I recommend 1) touch typing foremost 2) picking up any excel book (beginners: Go Series, intermediate: Missing Manuel, advance: Excel Bible) to learn vlookups, pivottables, and/or VBA macros.

This is what I'm doing right now.

>> No.1133550

Not that I expect anyone to believe me, but I'm a kike and /pol/ literally has every right to complain. I'm one of those few anti-zionists kikes, just like once in a while you run into uncle Tom's

>> No.1133554

Sorry pal, if you're a wageslave, there is no escape.

The simple reason being is TIME. As a wageslave, TIME is your GREATEST enemy. Here, let me explain. After you come back from a hard day's work, do you feel like doing anything that will involve putting more effort by your brain like pursuing a hobby or learning a new skill? Obviously not because you will be too tired, too demotivated, too depressed to do anything. Watching TV, playing games and fapping are the only sources of pleasure you will indulge in because lets be honest, your whole day was shit, and your whole life is shit. And there only a few more hours left in the day before you have to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow morning at 6 am.

So it is extremely difficult to break out of the wageslave mentality. Those that do break out either:

>manage to save a lot and finally quit their wageslave jobs to pursue their interests
>get an unexpected inheritance from dead rich aunt, uncle etc.
>get extremely lucky

Hope this helps (or not..)

>> No.1133565


>> No.1133567

what is this liberal hippie shit

is this what you do with a "degree" from art school?

>> No.1133573

this is 100% not true
stop perpetuating this shit
the jews dont think this and neither do the nazis

>> No.1133576

Just don't think of whatever remains after bills as disposable income or drinking money and put it all in investments you'll be aight

>> No.1133582


I'm pretty sure it is in fact true and I don't see how you made the jump to Nazis.

>> No.1133649
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There is no way, the game is rigged.

>> No.1133669

you need to work hard in your teens and 20s getting experience in as many different areas as possible, reading as many useful books as you can, constantly improving yourself, etc.

the people who wake up to being 30 after pissing away their 20s usually end up being wageslaves for life, but thats ok, most people aren't motivated enough to escape it

>> No.1133829

>apprenticeship in plumbing
>$30/hr starting
>any contract I want

>> No.1134723
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>tfw not gay

>> No.1134783

>People on /biz/ still don't know what a wage slave is or what wage slavery means

Oh fuck off already with your shit.

>> No.1134786

you can go gay for pay

>> No.1134796

Find a 40 year old businesswoman and make her your sugar momma.

>> No.1134807

I've never seen it defined but I've always thought of it as a person who can only get low wage employment. Autists on r9k call anyone with a job a wage slave, but no one making $100,000 seems to me to be remotely enslaved, except possibly to their own poor spending choices.

>> No.1134949
File: 260 KB, 630x647, Alice-Matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wage slave does not simply have a low wage.
He is trapped in his wage or lifestyle.

Risk is an abhorrent word. They fear the unknown. As such they trade anything and everything no matter the value to avoid unknowns.

A trust fund baby could be a wageslave.

For them there is a built in max level.

This mindset is harnessed by the glorious /biz/ master race b/c they pump off so much extra productivity that they power our bank accounts.

you can just pretend you're a girl

on an unrelated note, can any of you successful whoop shoopers transform this image for me.
Its not much I just want the Matrix text to all be dollar signs and other currencies.

>> No.1134953

my aspie is triggered


>> No.1135082

>You are aware it's a satirical board

/pol/ at its prime was never satirical.

this husk of 4chan /pol/ is a joke, all the real /pol/iticians are at past-tense-of-eat chan

>> No.1135112

If you relocate frequently, you have a point. If you have roots in the same area and don't plan to leave for 30 years, owning is a better choice.

>> No.1135554


It has a specific definition.


That isn't what wage slavery is you stupid fuck.

>> No.1135573

>The chattel slave's owner has made a greater investment in terms of the money he paid for the slave. For this reason, in times of recession, chattel slaves could not be fired like wage laborers. A "wage slave" could also be harmed at no (or less) cost. American chattel slaves in the 19th century had improved their standard of living from the 18th century and, according to historians Fogel and Engerman plantation records show that slaves worked less, were better fed and whipped only occasionally – their material conditions in the 19th century being "better than what was typically available to free urban laborers at the time".

Tfw actual slaves had it better than wagecucks.

>> No.1135701

Well you have a chance to become more than what you are. A chattel slave doesn't get out of being a chattel slave with money, hell even if they got money they'd probably go broke buying their family back or something.

>> No.1135782
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>promising route out of wageslavery

>> No.1136318

I made a video game in my nights off.

I still work but it brings in the revenue i needed to feel safer should i fucking lose it one morning and quit impulsively.

>> No.1137265


>> No.1137320
File: 67 KB, 473x480, aa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. wage slavery requires you to have a wage
can't be a wage slave on a salary

2. wage slavery by definition REQUIRES you to live paycheck to paycheck, with pay low enough to just barely cover the cost of living

so, if you are a upper middle class professional with no debt and a significant amount of savings, you are not a wageslave
do that

>> No.1137324


i want to get into gamedeving really badly anon. how do i do it? do i learn unity? do i learn some high end engine? do i learn python? c#? javascript? i don't know where to start haaaaaaaaaaaaalp

>> No.1137328

Good wagecuck keep telling yourself that! You are your own man!

Stupid wagecucks.

>> No.1137329

Learn IT/CS/WebDev and freelance or start your own consulting company

>> No.1137334

lol so your single criteria for wage slave is that you work for someone else?

and then the manager retires and you become lead
then what

>> No.1137337

Start with C# and unity, that's the best beginners choice.
Ditch python (it sucks for gamedev) and javascript (unless you want to develop browser games)

>> No.1137543


thanks senpai!!

>> No.1137547

He's in too deep boys.
If you were promoted from wageslave to tardgaurd to work for the OwnerMasterRace.

>> No.1137614

Become a table games dealer in a casino. Can learn the games pretty quickly if you're not an idiot.

>> No.1138618

Here is the thing, even on low wage, a person could work part time and do lots of insane fun shit on the side.
But you are close to the definition.
Spending habits is very important to the definition.

>2. wage slavery by definition REQUIRES you to live paycheck to paycheck
You can live paycheck to paycheck as a Hollywood movie star. With a insane monthly payout. And then become the property you are, once you get into a stupid drunk car crash.

>> No.1139552

I am a jew I received smicha from Ohr Sameach and the mother does pass the faith to her child

>> No.1139946

Keep your expenses down and save a lot.

>> No.1139949

Holy crap motherfuckers, you're still doing this thread?

Wage slavery is a condition found among both wage workers and slaves in which the worker has no stake in ownership in the means of production. To own stock, arguably not necessarily in the company that you work for, in and of itself removes you from the state of wage slavery.

>> No.1139958

Trades or oil pretty much

>> No.1139960

Suck one hundred thousand cocks for one hundred dollars each

thats a big sum to charge for a blowie, so you need to suck those one hundred thousand cocks as good as you can, like you love them, and you want to serve them. Some customers may pay double.
use the one million dollars netted to buy ETH

>> No.1139961

Save save save. Buy rural land and build a tiny house with solar energy. Make sure your land has a stream running through it to collect water from. Learn how to fish, hunt, and garden. Get jobs around helping out on farms or sell pelts from game you kill. Many areas allow Coyote hunting year round and their pelts sell for $35-50 in good shape. You can also pick up a skill that is very self employable like fixing cars, HVAC, laying tile or hardwood floors, etc.

>> No.1139963

>No I rent. It makes much more sense financially.

This fucking board.