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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11330406 No.11330406 [Reply] [Original]

>Speaking this week before the fund’s forthcoming annual meeting – taking place next week on the Indonesian island of Bali – the IMF’s head, Christine Lagarde, said she was concerned that the total value of global debt, in both the public and private sectors, has rocketed by 60% in the decade since the financial crisis to reach an all-time high of $182tn (£139tn).

US total debt - $70.5tn.

It's fine, right guys???

>> No.11330536

How can I make money from this?

>> No.11330613

The problem isn't the debt per se, it's that much of the debt is denominated in USD and the Fed is raising interest rates which means debt repayments are higher. That's going to cause a squeeze, but most countries should be ok, especially considering that, counter to the article, many have far better regulation thanks to macroprudential.

The big global risk is China IMO. China's property bubble is primed to pop. It's so big that it's partly responsible for property bubbles in other countries like Canada, because property is actually relatively cheap in Canada compared to China. If the Chinese economy take a big hit then countries highly exposed to it, like Australia, are fucked. And there's a reasonable chance it will go south since the CCP's response has basically been to go into more debt to pay off debt, and it might not be able to last. But that doesn't imply another GFC, although some countries will definitely get fucked hard.

>> No.11330647

Everything is scary and I don't have much money ;_;
Rent apartment or stay at family's house while saving as much money as possible? SHIT

>> No.11330727
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Thankfully I’m gonna be living at home soon. Will be /comfy/ if the financial SHTF

>> No.11330847

The world economy is solid, there won't be another financial crisis.. There are things that is far from perfect, and not everything is sound in the long term, but it could never affect the overall stability of the world economy.
There won't be another financial crisis..

>> No.11330870

what these boomers be doing there, everything's on the internet now, no need to stay in the pit lmao

>> No.11330875

But Theresa May told me the times of austerity are over.

>> No.11331161
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cheers to that

>> No.11331177
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that's right, history is over fags, we are never going to bear ever again, eternal bull now

>> No.11331274

who else on 100% cash

waiting for hueg sales with $8K