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11328313 No.11328313 [Reply] [Original]

While I have nothing, no friends, no money, no pussy, no memories. Everytime I see the rich Chads and Stacies on Instagram my will to live goes down, hell, even non rich Chads are living it up.

When you see how happy and healthy and how good the lives of young rich people are, how can you say money and looks aren't everything? What else is there? Is there anything worse than being poor and ugly while young?

>> No.11328319
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Buy Mobius, Sir.

>> No.11328320
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>While I have nothing, no friends, no money, no pussy, no memories.

I know them feels fren. We all gonna make it someday

>> No.11328325

Alpha mindset

>> No.11328327

Maybe next year.

>> No.11328329

It's literally a ruse. Real life and
Instagram are very different

>> No.11328341

anyone who has a functioning brain knows that those instagram profiles are bullshit and the people who run them are just as miserable as you are

>> No.11328355

Yeah but they actually have times where they go out with their friends and make memories, even if the other parts of their lives are just like mine, they still have that which I'll never have.

>> No.11328356

It’s like a fat girl taking pics from certain angles to look good. Their lives are not as good as they portray them.

>> No.11328424

and least you have the peace of mind of not being a sellout that fakes a personality for 15 year old instagram followers. imagine waking up every day and worrying about what to post on a social media site and spending hours taking the same photo at different angles to make sure that you give off the right vibe. all this mental energy spent on the most useless shit possible

>> No.11328464


You are such a sad fuck it makes me puke. Boohoo Instagram people are so successful and i want to be them. What are you like 5? Jesus christ get a grip. Have you ever read about basic psychology 101? People who lash out or try to look very present on social media are usually the people with the deepest problems. Yeah good luck getting that Instagram girl for yourself! She prolly is poor as fuck and mentally fucked in the brain in terms of always trying to look good, trying to find a rich hubby, trying to find self-fulfilling emotions. She will never care for you anyways so why are you so jelly about them?

God i hate one thing in this society and its these social media platforms. They are such a cancer and sickness to our well-being. It creates literally psychopaths who are obsessed only with looks. Literally my gf just recently deleted her Instagram bcs i told her the same thing and she actually agreed with me. She used to be a stupid ass thot on the Gram as well.

Dont you get it, it infects your fucking mind anon.

>> No.11328473

The reality is that life is way harder than you ever imagined.

>> No.11328500

Yeah but people actually care about them, no one cares about me, even if it's in a superficial way. And they have pictures of themselves doing stuff with friends and making memories, I've got none of that, even if I wanted to make my life look better than it was I wouldn't have anything to post anyways.

The reality is, even if their lives aren't as good as they portray them, their actual lives are still superior to my actual life.

>> No.11328517

So what? Make it better then.

Stop comparing your life and invest in yourself. You don't need other people to make you happy.

>> No.11328531

What the fuck is this pussy talk. You got to be kidding me. Do you have 0 friends in life, not even parents? How the fuck did you came to this world anyways? Are you like an alien or something? EEEEEEEEEETEEEEEEEEETTEEEEE WELCOME TO WORLD THIS IS EARTH!!!

Okay lets get down to the basics. Your quick way to becoming an Instagram Chad because clearly you are an infected little brainlet and needs help.

1. Start working out 4x per week (that means majority of week min. 4x times bcs 7 days mousebrain).
2. Start consuming 1000kcal - 1500kcal per week. Lose 1kg of fat each week which is 7700kcal. During your 8 week period you should lose 5-8kg of fat if you stick to your routine.
3. In about 2-3 months you will have a 6-pack if you were a lazy ass cunt. If you are fat then it depends how fat you are. A normal overweight person can get a sixpack in 2 months ez mode.
4. Now after you have fixed your body now you need a job. Apply to free courses of IT programming (or something that pays well, do research). DONT PAY FOR COLLEGE RETARD. GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY EVEN THEN.
5. Okay now you got your free degree and since you had a sixpack and a nice body during your college you fucked some gurls. Also learn to make photos and buy a simple Modern Telephone that can make pics. Start making pics of yourself partying etc.
6. People like confident guys so the more you post sexy things (the word sexy bcs thats what works in this infected world anyways) and finish your degree.
7. Use your newfound looks, degree and new clothes which you bought and get yourself a nice job.
8. Use that nice salary you got and spend it on yourself. Go live a lavish life and post pics about it all the time.

Gratz you became an infected mind!

>> No.11328535

red and basedpilled.

>> No.11328624

I have a six pack and I lift 4 days a week and I'm on a full ride scholarship and have a year and a half left of an engineering degree. I can't make friends and am scared of people and have zero self esteem. That's why I'm jealous of the Instagram people, I'm jealous of anyone who can make friends. I couldn't do almost anything you listed.

>> No.11328627

You are wrong on every point.
1. Spending greater than 84 per week 'working out' is not viable. Either you are not working out and don't know what that word means, or you will be injured on your first day.
2. 1500kcal is like nothing. You need an least 3k and that is just for a barely above sedentary lifestyle. Losing weight makes you the opposite of Chad.
3. Time has nothing to do with a six pack, it's a matter of fat and muscle mass, again basically exact opposite of what you said
4. It's obvious why this is like your other advice, terrible
5. Actually no point in continuing. Please trip fag so everyone knows to filter your lying troll ass. If you really are this stupid, kill yourself.

>> No.11328645

Preach son

>> No.11328677

Hey little shithead, not going to waste more energy on a peasant like you, but i literally did all of that stuff myself. Thats why i know it works and how cancer it is. My brain is far more superior to that bullshit now.

Also i like your arguments, they are like from a 5 year old. Your only arguments are "No it doesnt work because i say so". Come on big tough guy, show me some proof then? Oh boo hoo you cant right? Go jack off in your anime jackshack.

>> No.11328718
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>> No.11328726

Cool, more lies. Same here tho, I smashed my dick with a hammer 45 years ago and now it's 12" long, also 3 aliens come from space and worship me for it daily, and pay me $69k a day just to draw them a picture in crayon now and then.

>> No.11328732

I admire those people also. Very jealous.

>> No.11328736

>God i hate one thing in this society and its these social media platforms. They are such a cancer and sickness to our well-being.
Can't say I disagree with you there. Looking through Instagram and Twitter makes me even more miserable than i already am.

>> No.11328744

>You don't need other people to make you happy
It's really hard being happy when youre on your own all the time tho.

>> No.11328747

>a brainlet thinks instagram kiddies are having the time of their life, and aren't just renting shit to pretend to be rich for attention/ad revenue
Fuck I hate frogposters

>> No.11328754

It's all temporary anyway. Seek Gods pleasure and you will be happy.

>> No.11328828

This, but with a friendlier tone.

>> No.11328842

OP you should go and take what is yours! It's the revolt of the modern day peasent. Slap that Chad in the face and take the keys to his lambo.

>> No.11328852
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iktf fren

>> No.11328883

>seek God's pleasure
Is that what you call it when the priest takes you up the ass?

>> No.11328891

Do shrooms and instagram chads or stacies wont bother you anymore and you will focus on things that will bring peace to your mind.

>> No.11328951

Social media is pure cancer anon, don't you know?

>> No.11328978

thinking about doing shrooms again (i get the truffles which are the same and totally legal in Europe through a loophole). The only thing stopping me is the disgusting taste *shudders* it almost makes me sick just eating them.

>> No.11328994

This nigga here woke af

>> No.11329001

Why the fuck do you look at Instagram? Don't you know that shit destroys your mental health

>> No.11329296

this motherfucker gets it
the people who have to show everyone how much fun they're having aren't actually happy
people who are consistently at peace and enjoying life don't have any need to make grand shows of how good their lives are

>> No.11329324

People who have fun publicly attract other like minded individuals. Enjoy never meeting people who you'd sync with because you want to be brooding and secretive

>> No.11329366

I will tell you this anon. When i had my social media accounts and was most active and looking like i was having the best time ever I was in reality going through the worst time of my life and made the biggest mistakes of my life that I still suffer to this day. It's mostly all bullshit anon....and it does you no favours looking at it either

>> No.11329437

yes their lives are so amazing and fulfilling that they shill themselves on social media in search of validation. do you not see how stupid that is - and you are for falling for it. SAD

>> No.11329444

Kill yourself then.