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11326766 No.11326766 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are there all these hypernationalistic bitcoiners?

These are inconsistent ideologies!

A strong nationstate means strong currency/fiscal policy.

Crypto disregards national boundaries.

>we need stronger borders!
>but also a borderless currency!

Maybe they’re just greedy? Dumb?

Either way they annoy the shit out of me.

>> No.11326779

Its just a step towards the ultimate goal of natsoc. BTC is a counter to the fiat system. Once (((they're))) gone, we can replace BTC with something more in line with natsoc.

>> No.11326801

Nazis were terrible at economy though. They ran the German economy into the ground and then relied on invading other countries to steal resources.

>> No.11326811

each nationstate can have a different crypto
and can keep their culture and identity safe from niggers, wogs and jews at the same time you know.

>> No.11326833


Nazis truly were the niggers of the 40s

>> No.11326843

If the nazis didn't care about the jews instead of being antijew they would've won the war.

>> No.11326892

I'm a fascist. I just fuck with this to make money. Fuck your faggoty freedumb. Lolbertardians get the bullet too.

>> No.11326898


>> No.11326905

kek you have no idea what you're talking about. They replaced gold/silver and other manufacturing necessities (lumber) with a labor backed govt fiat. Meaning gold and silver were worthless to hoard and you only got paid for labor, mental or physical. Then they let the private sector absorb unemployed and everyone else was given a job that the state thought they would be good at, like road construction. This lead to 0% unemployment and everyone was working towards a better state. Below is not a real source but sums it up, find your own sources for verification fucking Commie


>> No.11326910

P.S. You're not the only one with guns and ammo, dumb fascist retard.

>> No.11326913

They didnt have a choice. Most communist were jews and google the german revolution in 1918 to see what they were up against. Plus they gave them like 7 years to get out.lmao take a hint if you see death coming your way.

>> No.11326917


>> No.11326940
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Companies keep kicking nationalists of payment networks. The crying nazi can't even get a credit card processor anymore. PYPL and patreon are out too.

>> No.11326952

Having a gun and being able to use it are two different pair of shoes, and as it looks for now, the right has more guns and way more range time. Btw, who are leftshits gone fight? State and rwds? Lol

>> No.11326960
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They started from zero. Anything they did would have been an improvement.

>> No.11326972

Because Jewish bankers cannot freeze your transactions

>> No.11327036


>being this much of a history ignoramus

>> No.11327235

Not the point. If the nazis had an ounce of tolerance, they could have utilized the intelligence and ingenuity of their jewish population instead of giving them to the enemy, (which ultimately led to the defeat of the axis).

>> No.11327250

>the intelligence and ingenuity of their jewish population
Top kike

>> No.11327255

Germany was coming out of a massive worldwide recession when the Nazis seized power and then proceeded to ruin the economy.

>> No.11327257
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Yeah, giving jews to their enemy totally worked in the long run.

>> No.11327268
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You sound like a globalist. They can only argue for a peoples existence in economic terms. Get it strait, people are not just economic units.

>> No.11327271
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get a load of this guy

>> No.11327292

Degenerate trash. Glad he got raped by a pack of wild jews and their lawyers.

>> No.11327338

jesus did you ever pay attention in history? before hitler and the nazis came along germany was such a shithole that they literally fueled fires with their fiat notes it was that worthless. then hitler came along and to his credit unironically made germany great again
i miss 90s mel that was a comfy time
fuck off kike smoking is one of the coolest activities.

>> No.11327366
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Thought this post sounded familiar.

>> No.11327497

Asuka is a bitch

>> No.11327514

>a labor backed govt fiat
There's no such thing, a 'backed' currency is exchangeable for something at a fixed rate.
They told people to work and 'paid' them with future promises.
Current welfare state turned to 11.
It was a giant pyramid scheme. First they saved it for a while by confiscating all wealth of German Jews, but then it ran out and they had to either go to war or default.

>> No.11327780

lol fascists are the fucking worse utterly intolerable they are the school yard equivalent of that loner who shoots up the school because everyone else is "unworthy" and they "dont see his greatness" lmao while everyone else actually just gets along and makes society what it is, the faggot fascist is in the corner of a functioning society screeching and crying about how everythings fucked and how no one wants to have families, uhh actually no one wants to have a family WITH YOU you projecting nigger faggot

>> No.11327825

Replace Germany with America and you're telling the truth. America needed a war and plunder to pull out of the great depression, germany did it in peacetime.

>> No.11327858

now this is proper spergout posting, probably a view into the indescribable pain of the wagecuck with monday around the corner

>> No.11327948

>being a nationalist but wanting to replace Fiat currency? INCONSISTENT!@#$!@%$!#%^
Probably the most intelligent individual twitter has produced, too. What a cesspool.

>> No.11328285

/pol/tards and other alt-righters are actually contrarians who don't have any idealogy other than "I hate minorities and women but love le epic trolling on the interwebz xD"

>> No.11328368

not even nationalist here, but OP is cringe and bluepilled
as all western nations are directed by globalists, it makes sense for nationalists to adopt a money that cannot be controlled by their enemies until they get to power and can implement the monetary policy they're happy with

>> No.11328681



>> No.11329505

>reditards and other alt-lefters are actually contrarians who don't have any idealogy other than "I hate myself and white men but love muah screeching on the interwebz xD"
Get out redit, never come back

>> No.11329521

Oh it's him. I was right to mute.

>> No.11329529
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Yeah, they totally made Hitler man of the year for fucking up the economy

>> No.11329542

From looking at the "what will you do once you make it" threads it seems most of the nazis here plan to use their crypto wealth to sponsor nationalist movements worldwide.

>> No.11329567

It is already happening
Donated 10k to a regional neo nazi group in March.

>> No.11329922

Because those of us who are truely blackpilled understand that Libertarianism doesn't work.

>> No.11329979

I have 4 kids.

It would be the highest honor possible to serve as an inquisitor for the state.