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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1131827 No.1131827 [Reply] [Original]

I need to have enough money to purchase a G650 private jet.

I should be inheriting close to $1,000,000 soon, but they cost $56,000,000... So how do I increase my investment fifty-six fold?

I've already done extensive market analysis into the dick sucking market and understand that this wouldn't be feasible at all due to the current global economic conditions and time constraints.

I don't want to purchase one, that would be fucking stupid since I can just rent one. I just need enough so I can brag to people that I have G650 money.

>> No.1131836

Fuck it all on to ETH. The price hike from your action alone will probably be enough to accelerate ETHs long term bull market. Then cash out in 2018 and buy your damn plane.

>> No.1131838


As of now, buying shitload of ETH is probably your best bet.

>> No.1131839

Invest in ethereum. 100% guarantee in profits.

>> No.1131844

So you're telling me that it's possible to become a whale on a crypto exchange with $1,000,000?

Wouldn't that make it highly impossible for me to cash out later due to not having enough volume to support my position?

>> No.1131846


I would like to call them retards and shill but indeed eth is basically the crude oil of the next generation.

Right now we are just witnessing the adjustment of the refinery.

Within a year or two the combustion engine will be created and use those eth that will skyrocket.

>> No.1131850

Eth market cap is currently 775M USD.

>> No.1131851

You sound like a fucking child.

>> No.1131853

An slow injection of $1000000 in to the Ethereum market will embolden other speculators magnifying the effect of your buys. Your 1million would probably induce a further 10 million from others over the span of a month or so.

>> No.1131856

Guess what faggot, I am about to be a fucking child that, more than likely, has much more money and power than you do.

You're sitting on a subsection of a Chinese-owned Japanese imageboard regarding business and you're taking the time to try and point out that I'm the fucking child.

Buddy, I think you need to get the fuck down off of your high-horse for a second and rethink your life.

>> No.1131862

You'd be better off giving that money to me OP since I'm not a tard when it comes to investing and spending money.

>> No.1131865

It's not me who asks a bunch of faggots for advice. You're not only a child, you're also retarded. I have nothing to lose to be here, nigger, and unlike you I get paid to be here.

>> No.1131866


Arab money is coming to kraken. And it's going to be buying Ethereum. Lots of it


>> No.1131867

This, OP. You should create private /biz/ ETH pumper chat room and we could probably coordinate pumps and profits as we ride to the moon.

>> No.1131870

I was actually thinking about throwing it into an index fund, but I'm waiting for a bear market to commence.

>> No.1131874

>and unlike you I get paid to be here.
TOP KEK. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.1131880
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Wow you showed me, damn

>> No.1131885

>paid to be here?

Lol how?

>> No.1131894
File: 9 KB, 259x194, rubetti_rub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get paid $50 an hour to sit on my ass and monitor a big network. Usually nothing happens because I automated everything anyway. Sometimes I need to update shit and check the changelog too.

All I do all day is trade and mine Bitcoins on company servers, plus whatever comes up, I have a couple of wordpress sites as well but those barely make anything ($200-300 a month), have stocks too but those are for long term.

With bonus I earn $110.000 a year and basically do almost nothing all year.

And thats my salary, from investments I earned close to $80.000 too. But that changes a lot, I don't play with too much as I have a comfy life and could shit on rich kids and their meme plane which I'm sure they know only from some shitty music video.

Kid, you cannot buy TASTE from money lmao

>> No.1131905

You should buy ETH it would suit you because you're an autist.

>> No.1131909

I bought 1000 when it was $6, so I think that was a good investment.

Dont be so jelly, nigger.

>> No.1131914

Good job my man. I have more than you at a much lower price but that's irrelevant. What's important is that we're on this moon rocket together.

>> No.1131916

>could shit on rich kids and their meme plane
So I'm the child here?

>> No.1131917


>tfw could only afford 100 ether and couldn't buy until it hit $10.

I won't make it to the moon, but I'll be happy with low-earth orbit.

>> No.1131922

You're a child because you want a plane for literally no reason. Be smart with your free money you never earned, you dumb nigger.

>> No.1131926 [DELETED] 

They'll be orbiting the moon with the capital they invest in ETH.

I will have a base set-up on Zargon 6 in my Gulfstream G650 Space Plane.

>> No.1131934

Can you not read? I said I'd never think of buying one because they're a waste of money. I'm going to be le jew with my money man and just want to surprise people one day whenever someone brags about how they got a good quote on their new jew mobile.

>> No.1131942

This will never happen. Stop your stupid dreams now.

>> No.1131950

Right, it might not but who's to say that I cannot set milestones for my investment capital?

>> No.1131957

Actually this is probably your best bet, it's not a safe one at all, but it's your best.

>> No.1132001

Then buy ETH and do it quick.

Head over to kraken.com, transfer 500k for starters and then slowly start buying. Don't buy fast, it will spike way too quickly, unless you plan to do a quick pump&dump.

Anyway, keep gathering ETH and injecting those worthless USDs into the innovative new crypto.

After a year or two you will thank me for this.

>> No.1132004

You're not going to make it if your main goal is to make millions and just brag about how you COULD afford a G650. Most people won't even know what a G650 is.

>> No.1132008
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I'm a commercial rated pilot, would you mind paying for my G650 Type rating? I'll fly you around anytime, deal?

>> No.1132028

>Anders please

>> No.1132052

>investing everything you own in a fast-depreciating assets

Some people are set out to be destitute cucks from the very start.

>> No.1132064

>caring about depreciation
Poor virgin pleb detected.

Let us see how you get laid in that 10 year old honda of yours lol

>> No.1132075


I don't have a car and my gf is a 10.
Try living in a city.

>> No.1132083

>my gf is a 10
>says a 4channer
Lol, 10s are actual international (not national) models that earn millions in Hollywood. In your whole life you will never have a chance to even smell asshole of a 10, so stop dreaming kiddo.

Unless you buy Eth of course, invest heavily and you might just become rich enough to get into her line of vision.

>> No.1132086

>being this oblivious.

London is full of 10s see at least 100 10s every time I catch the tube somewhere.
Try not living somewhere where ugly people live.

>> No.1132096

Ever tried going outside? University campuses are the easiest places to pull 10s, to think of it there was seldom a day back when I was in uni that I havent met a 10.

>> No.1132097

I'm really interested in this, I'm currently in college doing CS but have no job/internship experience. How did you get your first job to escalate to that?

>> No.1132106


Low standards confirmed.

>> No.1132116

Come on dude. Sounds like you never been here. This city is full of beautiful women from across the world.

>> No.1132120

>Lol, 10s are actual international (not national) models that earn millions in Hollywood

not really and some international models aren't conventionally attractive but are simply tall, skinny and have a unique look

there are plenty of 5'7 girls out there who'd have no shot at being models simply due to thier height yet are super cute

the other poster is right - go to a big city - London, NYC etc.. you'll find hot girls from all over the world in their 20s who've moved to study, start a career etc..

>> No.1132123

London is full of niggers and UK people are one of the ugliest. Also, the hottiest you see date rich arabs and multi millionaires or billionaires not some plebs from /biz/.

If you want to have a chance, buy ETH

>> No.1132126

Ever heard of net jets? If you have an account with them you can use it last like your own private airline

>> No.1132141

confirmed not been to London....

for cities full of niggers you need to cross the Atlantic - London does have a Muslim issue, though, the ones you want to avoid are mostly in East London... the hot women mostly aren't (aside from Shoreditch/bricklane etc..)

>> No.1132149

Muslim, niggers, same shit different asshole. Brits are ugly as fuck with fucked up teeth. Hotties are legit property of alpha male Russian oligarchs not some skinny nerds from /biz/. Stop dreaming. Buy ETH

>> No.1132153

you don't really know what you're talking about, others are posting based on real world experience - you're posting based on some preconceived ideas

>> No.1132163

I already own ETH probably more than you do.

And London is chock full of hot girls as are most of the big cities in the UK you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.1132319 [DELETED] 

Do you mean that you don't have a car and your girlfriend is 10 because you're 12?

>> No.1132322

So it's like a Jet Timeshare?

>> No.1132381


Never come to /biz/ just decided to pop in, what is ETH?

>> No.1132387

It's something nobody outside of /biz/ knows or cares about.

>> No.1132388

is it something I should invest in though? I'm just curious exactly on what it is.

>> No.1132389

Ethercuck is the newest cryptokek.

>> No.1132392


>> No.1132400

>mine Bitcoins on company servers
no you dont

>> No.1132405

Yeah I top kek'd whenever I saw that. He's a fucking liar.

>> No.1132414


Without a doubt: Ass Pennies


>> No.1132416

I have actually done a lot of research on this subject matter and you're looking at around $1,000,000 annually (minimum) in maintenance alone. That isn't even including the airport fees, fuel, insurance, pilots, etc...

The amount of money you need to own a private jet is fucking retarded.

Even people like Dan Bilzerian can barely afford it. They have to lease the jet for charter flights when they aren't using it and the only reason people like him even can get away with it is because it's a tax deduction

>> No.1132770

This, you'd have to make a bare minimum of $20m annually to be able to afford it without leasing it out or splurging on anything else

>> No.1132778

Whats so hard to belive? Its not huge, but I like to play with it. I have 4 Antminer S7's, company thankfully thinks the electricity is part of the normal operations as we have 20 servers here at least constantly running anyway.

>> No.1132785

Look, I know I wouldn't be able to afford a private jet even when I have $53,000,000.

I just posted that to get people interested in posting.

The true question is, at 18 y/o, where can I park $1M to gain $53M in my lifetime?

>> No.1132789


>> No.1132856

Why buy a G650? Are you going to hire a pilot, or go for your rating yourself? If you're going to get a rating, why spend the money on a flying bus when you could get something significantly more badass...


>> No.1132867


>I need to have enough money to purchase a G650 private jet
>need to purchase an aircraft with all the money I have

>I should be inheriting close to $1,000,000 soon

/biz/ - Retarded roleplaying general?

Fuck off kid, school tomorrow.

>> No.1132871

Naw, /x/ is retarded roleplaying. /biz/ is millionaire wannabes.

>> No.1133000

this might be the "navy seal 300 confirmed kills" meme that this board needs

>> No.1133003

Yeah OP make sure to let your /biz/ boys in on your pump/dump plans.

>> No.1133008
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>> No.1133585

heh nigga you THOUGHT school was tomorrow. My college is out on spring break!!

While everyone else is having unsafe sex, binge drinking, and partaking in illegal narcotics, I am in my room using a Venn Diagram and /biz/ to brainstorm how to multiply my money by 5,700% in my lifetime.

>> No.1133587

Show us that venn diagram

>> No.1133598

>done extensive market analysis into the dick sucking market
If u did so, you would know that
For every dick you suck, you charge for $10
that's mean it's 5,600,000 dicks you have to suck.
And let's say you only require 5 minutes to suck each dick.
And you're working 10 hours shift everyday.
that's 120 dicks sucked everyday.
Which is $1200.
and within just 4666 Days, which is 12.8 years.
You will have enough money for your private jet.

>> No.1133605

That's the most understandable part but my analysis had me completing the operation in 45 years. However, it gets very murky whenever I use a monte carlo simulation for risk analysis.

I'd have a very high chance of getting robbed, murdered, contracting multiple diseases, shot, stabbed, maimed, raped, etc. I cannot take these risks over such a long period of time.

>> No.1133881

so you want multiply your entire worth just to spend it on a piece of metal that needs $200k of jet fuel every fill up that you wont be able to afford. got it.

how you gonna pay for the maintenance or pilot or storage?

>> No.1134040

>friends are having fun
>I'm drawing a venn diagram

You'll be having the last laugh tho right anon?

>> No.1134237

>I don't want to purchase one, that would be fucking stupid since I can just rent one. I just need enough so I can brag to people that I have G650 money.
>I don't want to purchase one, that would be fucking stupid since I can just rent one. I just need enough so I can brag to people that I have G650 money.
>I don't want to purchase one, that would be fucking stupid since I can just rent one. I just need enough so I can brag to people that I have G650 money.

Can anyone on /biz/ fucking read or are all of you guys really spastic autists who know nothing more than losing money from cryptos and shitty robinhood picks?

>> No.1135314
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I'm getting the popcorn out when you go on suicide watch because the shills convinced you to "invest" in their pump and dump currency.

>> No.1135951

>Landing at your local puddle jumper in a MIG.

Jesus christ, are you trying to start a war?

>> No.1135967
File: 44 KB, 640x266, wolfofwallstreet-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon go big or go home

>> No.1135973

>company servers
>lists own mining rig
lol what

>> No.1135988

Spread your money around some index funds. You should get a decent 7-12% net of fees and inflation. don't withdrawa penny.

Give it 10 to 15 years or so and you'll have double digit millions.

>> No.1136192

Wouldn't that net me just over 2 million from compound interest over a 15 year period?

>> No.1136323

A buddy of mine with far more money than sense is an ANG pilot. Dude bought himself a CF-116 (the Canadian variant of the F-5) and was flying it home, he triggered an alert when was on approach to Dulles, someone at the tower saw him, hit the emergency phone, and a pair of F-22's from Langley intercepted him and "escorted" him in. Lots of explaining to do, but it was funny as hell afterward.

>> No.1136349

Don't act all holier than thou anon.

>> No.1136381

Nobody owns jets anymore, not even airlines. You either lease it or rent one.

>> No.1136392

Samefag spastic ETH bagholder .

>> No.1136446

56kk for this little shit? are you serious

>> No.1137663

yeah, the shit is really expensive