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11318261 No.11318261 [Reply] [Original]

Universal Basic Income

>> No.11318279

May as well. Our money isn't real anyway.

>> No.11318296

will never be a reality

>> No.11318298

If the State gives me $100 and I buy a meal in a restaurant, is it good or bad for the economy? Let's see the IQ of biz.

>> No.11318299

While Jews live and breathe

>> No.11318347

Goyim blood flows down the street

>> No.11318352


B-b-b-but poor people shouldn't be able to buy meals at a restaurant! They should starve to death!

>> No.11318354

What matters is: Are people making goods and receiving goods? If that's continually happening, all's well.

>> No.11318359


t. temporarily embarrassed /biz/ millionaires

>> No.11318370

I honestly dont even know anymore. Fiat currency has completely fucked with how economics worked for centuries. We cant put a value on our dollar because it simply isnt worth anything. So your answer can either be "no because itll cause more inflation" on a dollar literally backed by debt and inflation, or "yes because our dollar needs to flow in order to be worth anything since it isnt backed by anything".

I think that as an alternative to ubi, perhaps a sustenance system should be created. Similar to food stamps, but maybe like only exchangeable at government funded soup kitchens. It would probably help communities come together and build connections.

Some guidelines i would set out: one sustenance stamp a day, redeemable for a hardy soup and a 16 oz beverage (water, milk, or a fruit juice, no soda or gatorade or other commercial nonsense like that.) Soups and liquids are incredibly cheap, around 10 cents for a good serving if the soup is made en masse. I would imagine that after factoring in labor a resources to do all of this, the cost might be around 1.50 per person per day, which would be far cheaper than what a lot of ubi suggests. And knowing that youll will always get at least one free meal a day allows you to focus your money back into the consumer economy.

Im not a fagunist or socialist fuckwad, but if ubi was going to come and there was nothing we could do about it, i would suggest this as something more efficient to give it a run for its money

>> No.11318380


Pick one.

>> No.11318382

>Universal Basic Income
yea, good luck with that

>> No.11318398

if the state gives someone $100 for basic supplies to last a few days and they spend it all in a restaurant on one meal then they're a dumbfuck

>> No.11318405

Does this guy even have a chance?

>> No.11318406

Trick question. No one works at the restaurant because everyone gets free money.
>Iq 150

>> No.11318426


>No one works at the restaurant because everyone gets free money.

That's literally a 90 IQ answer though.

>> No.11318429

Would love to see the US shotting itself in the foot desu

>> No.11318575

It depends when you buy the food.
But i don't even know, supply and demand will be fucked up
supply will be totally unreliable based on when people decide they wanna work, demand will fluctuate based on when people get their gibs.
I guess it's good if you buy later and not earlier.
restaurants can change prices based on gibs date.
I don't know how this will work or even if it will work.

>> No.11318593

there's too many variables, it's going to be a fucking huge mess
or im a brainlet

>> No.11318610
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Universal basic lead for universal basic bitches asking for universal basic socialism.

>> No.11318626

Its good for the economy short term. Long term it causes too much inflation. Crypto is the only way we can see a UBI ever actually work. And for that to happen we need a way to guarantee one person cannot have more than one account. Solve that and a UBI can be applied within 24 hours.

>> No.11318681
File: 136 KB, 1920x1541, 34783598-14D4-4B45-B7AA-7769E2FFB7E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>buy meal
>money goes to everyone who owns and operates restaurant
>they use the money at other restaurants
>some goes back into the gibs pot as sales tax
>the cycle continues

It causes a stack overflow in the simulation

>> No.11318770

still too many variables, and millions of rules that never end for socialism and ubi to ever work imo.
My logic comes down to setting limits for everything
electricity/water/food etc.
how do you measure all of it
5 person household needs more than 2 person household but not everyone eats the same amount
some are taller/bigger/more demanding work and require more food than others
others might not want to watch tv one night and want to watch 2x as much the next day
people are selfish and will argue about this type of thing forever
it will only work with an iron fist basically - government sets rules - you argue or don't follow, you go to gulag or die, the end.
sounds really great.

>> No.11318854

Where did the state get that $100?

>> No.11318906

Exactly. They got it from someone with their shit together, someone who actually contributes their labor or expertise. This creates disincentives for highly skilled labor to work at full capacity.
UBI is also just fucking dumb as shit because of the economic calculation problem. The government is the last entity on earth that would know how to optimally spend (or redistribute) money. It is unacceptable interference in the price signalling mechanism.

>> No.11318934


>This creates disincentives for highly skilled labor to work at full capacity.

This is why millionaires/billionaires stop working when they reach that one billion...oh wait. It's almost like that's not how it works at all.

>> No.11318949

Labor responds elastically to monetary incentives regardless of whatever moronic snark you shat onto your keyboard.

>> No.11318964


>moronic snark

Nice argument bro.

>> No.11319853

can i use sustenance stamps from inside my wage cage?

>> No.11319892

Give everyone fair share of all inflation, take it away from the bankers and government. UBI = inflation.

>> No.11319908

violent death

>> No.11320265

$99.99 bucket of chicken.

>> No.11320343

>the problem is setting limits on everything
>the only way it would work is with an authoritarian government
What if there just weren't limits on everything. We wouldn't need to compute distribution

>> No.11320358

Those 100$ could have been used for productive improvement if kept in the hands of the people who actually know what to do with money, but instead they went for mindless and unnecessary consumption that doesn't improve the economy, just zero sum transactions. What improves the economy are productive improvements, not money changing hands

>> No.11321102


Only correct answer. It's breathtaking that the scam has worked this long, all bets are off at this point. The whole thing is a farce, but with sufficient NPCs behaving like it's real - it keeps moving along.

>> No.11321154

>inflation in ceases by .000000000001%

>> No.11321160

cudve been a tax return to a business tht cud spend 100$ more on R&D

>> No.11321162
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Intergalactic transcendental global basic income

>> No.11321179

sometimes i think it could work, but not like some communist tax-funded program that would wreck the economy, but instead, if every person had equity in the world's biggest companies, and so the ubi would take the form of dividends being paid out to shareholders.

if poor people could just spend their money on stocks instead of cigarettes and lottery scratchers, it would literally be like ubi...

but what' that saying, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink, or something like that?

>> No.11321489

How about they just make everyone die instead like normal.

>> No.11321835

People already receive universal basic income with the different programs the state provides for poor people. Food stamps, welfare, veteran benefits etc.

If we cut out the middle man and remove a bunch of institutions that all really serve the same purpose and instead implement universal income, we can create a more efficient welfare system. At least that is the argument I hear presented, that I like the most.

>> No.11321990

kikes will never allow it

>> No.11322464

instead of a tiny % of the population on welfare program, you put the whole nation on welfare program.
nah thanks.

Implement UBI and you won't need any special treatment program anymore, yeah sure, totally, fuck that is so stupid