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11312411 No.11312411 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine working hard in life and saving all your money for retirement only to have the government redistribute it away.

So imagine you study a difficult but high paying major at school, you avoid debt, you don't spend money frivolously, you're cheap, you buy cheap economic cars instead of the latest sports car, you try to get your money's worth out of everything just so you can put more money away into retirement, but only to have it confiscated and given to lazy, dumb social studies majors who racked up a lot of debt in their life and who are now broke but constitute a major voting block.

>> No.11312417

hide your retirement in crypto

>> No.11312518

You have to realize that in a way you are being tricked. That money with pyramids and all seeing eyes on it never belonged to you, it was just bait on a hook

>> No.11312948
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He still has no way around taxes, which I think is what he is complaining
Getting taxed right now to pay other peoples pensions while most likely he will get none or far too little to survive

>> No.11313048

save in crypto dont take it out, when ready to retirement go to some island , cash out there, stay on fucking island and chill

>> No.11313123

>redistribute it
Is there some kind of mental illness that Republicans have when it comes to tax dollars? Most of it goes towards "military spending" where you are guaranteed not to know what happens to it. Money being reinvested in the American people is one of the last things that happens to tax dollars.

>> No.11313198

Sounds a lot like my boomer mom. Racked up shit loads of credit card debt, took out a line of credit on a house my dad paid off, and then had a stroke so she can't work. Gets $3K a month in combined benefits without doing any work, but still can't seem to handle her fucking money. She keeps asking everyone for help. I tell her I'll help but she has to stop QVC shopping, get rid of two storage pods ($450 a month), and other frivolous bull shit. She takes great offense to this and says I want her to be homeless and starve. Well, I didn't before, but now it's looking like that will be a viable option.

Boomers were a mistake.

>> No.11313251

My mom was similar. Less than 1k in other people’s tax money though. She would order qvc just to have something to look forward to in the mail. A bankruptcy, still somehow was able to amass 6k credit card debt afterward.

She was far from perfect but I will always love her and miss her very much.

>> No.11313618

Imagine most of your money being redistributed so that a bunch of trailer trash can travel around the world destroying foreign countries for Israel

>> No.11313706

About a quarter of federal spending is on defense. Another quarter's on old people checks, another quarter on old people medicine, then the last quarter is everything else.

>> No.11313725
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>> No.11313729

Stop the military spending meme. That's only about 600 billion dollars. Whereas social security+Medicare+medicaid is nearly 2 trillion. 3.5x more than military

>> No.11313734

almost all the actual revenue collected is directly transferred to bondholders as interest payment. the rest of the shit is debt

>> No.11313815

Not quite.

Total revenue's around $3.5t, whereas interest last year was $450b and even this year is only going to hit like $550b (https://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/ir/ir_expense.htm))

>> No.11313841

For comparison and lulz, Germany's *entire* 2017 budget was only like $350b.

>> No.11314000

Then stop paying taxes. If you don't get caught, then good. If you do get caught then it's free medical, room and board, meals, company, and fighting experience.

>> No.11314012
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>muh military spending
>never actually looks at federal spending

>> No.11314129

Even though my mom blames others, is pushy and demanding, and somewhat of a crazy bitch I still lover her. But yeah, when she passes there won't be great mourning or anything by anyone except maybe her best friend.

>> No.11314173

My mom is even better than that. My dad sold dope enough dope back in the 70's to buy an orchard at 27. Then he got a master's in compsci and worked comfy system's admin job and worked on his farm on nights and weekends. She was unhappy with this so she cheated on him. He wanted to put the farm in a trust for us but they had a nasty divorce and the bank foreclosed on the house. The land alone now is worth 4-5 million, but it's all gone because of spite.

Then she got with a rich dude who bought a house for her. Eventually she dumped him but kept the house. They bought the house for 100k in 1997, it's now worth 500k or so.

After that, she got back with old college fling. This guy was kind ofa bum but his parents were multmillionaires. When they died he inherieted about $10 mill. He squandered about half of it and died two years after they did. My mom got the whole shebang and burned through everything that wasn't in a trust within a year. My wife's family has money and my mom would constantly show off in front of them. They know she's broke and think she's a fucking idiot. She lives hand to mouth now and constantly buys new cars and other trifles. My dad married a doctor 20 years younger than him and does well in the market.

Women are awful.

>> No.11314199

oh looks its the same old "all taxes are used for pensions/welfare" bullshit thread. go research how taxes are redistributed, youll be shocked about the amount that goes there. but you fuckers never ever complain about tax money being given away as subsidies to enterprises, tax money wasted on horribly executed construction sites and so on and so on. stupid ignorant idiots

>> No.11314215


So why are you doing it? Sounds to me like you're the dumb tryhard in this scenario.

>> No.11314244

Even if you save up a ton of money for your retirement, even 10's of millions. The moment you get cancer they'll drain your bank account dry trying to keep you alive.

>> No.11314270


At least with the military there is an asset base. They are buying tanks, planes, ships, own large pieces of land, etc. You look at the social stuff and it all just disappears with nothing to show for it except upset elderly people who think they aren't getting enough.

>> No.11314473


WTF am I the only one in the world with a frugal mother? She recently inherited 3 million dollars from her dad but she won't retire because she wants to get slightly more from social security. She eats rice and tomatoes, and always drove shitty cars because she is too cheap to buy a nice car.

>> No.11314484


But she is Jew so there's that

>> No.11314521

This guy looks like a biz hero

>> No.11314545

what does this have to do with saving for retirement?

if my options are invest with money that avoids getting taxed up front, retire early, and not live under my manager's boot vs. get taxed immediately then blow all the money on consumerist trash and work my whole life I choose the former you terminal brainlet

>> No.11314551


Get insurance senpai

>> No.11314553


>> No.11314573
File: 5 KB, 103x131, 39240C38-A194-4FF2-9B75-AEA5D3C05E41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest with money
How do you get it bud?

>> No.11314625

Just imagine working your entire youth away so you can "enjoy" life at 65.

>> No.11314648

well fella you take it out in smaller amounts than you earned it after it compounded tax free for a decade or two or three, instead of spending tens of thousands each year giving it away to the single mothers, niggers, and military industrial complex fund of america

>> No.11314650


>> No.11314832
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Thanks for participating, goy!

>> No.11315045

but when you take it out it'll be worth half as much as when you put it in due to fractional reserve inflation.

>> No.11315071

dont have to pay taxes on crypto

you down with the bitcoin or you a (((good goy)))?

>> No.11315316

Exactly. The amount of money we spend on the poor would be so much better off spent on research, technological advancements, etc. It is a human tragedy that it gets squandered

>> No.11315382

wow nice crystal ball there friendo, I wonder why it hasn't happened yet in the entire existence of the american federal reserve bank

>> No.11315438

My mom squandered by dads government retirement gambling. I couldn't afford to go to the college I wanted to because of her reputation on loans, and was forces into a shitty community college, I couldn't pay for that either because she had to fix the "tires" on the car and used my student loans to do that so I couldn't afford books. My dad widened up years ago and opened a bank account in my name she has no knowledge of. We put as much as we can in it and one day I will buy him the cabin he has always wanted. Never marry.

>> No.11315445

Your father has a fine taste in women.

>> No.11315451

>white people are beautiful

>> No.11315501

She wasn't that bad when I was a kid, but as soon as I graduated she went off the fucking deep end. They used to have a savings fund with quite a bit but she spent it all on slots. I'm talking so much that she would get weekly 3 day room comps and free food. My dad has tried to leave, but he is too sickly and he says he might as well just ride it out instead of stirring up family drama because of his mistake.

>> No.11315867


>> No.11316025

The thought that fucks me up is that it is impossible for all debt to be paid off. There isn't enough money to do that, so they just print more. But then the banks will just keep a 10% reserve and keep loaning, so the problem never ends. Just a constant gerbil wheel and all of our retirements we worked out whole lives for are degraded over time.

>> No.11316104

Muricans Jew'd too hard to even imagine something like that.

>> No.11316118

>americans think this is white

>> No.11316152

>go research...
Blah blah blah no fuck you

>> No.11316175

That's what the military is for.
Get other countries to trade with the dollar to export inflation and if others don't like it they can get liberated into the ground.

>> No.11316206

Rip OP’s mom