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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 300x126, nim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11312390 No.11312390 [Reply] [Original]

The only investment ive ever taken out loans for, please dont fuck me

>> No.11312399

How many you got?

>> No.11312406

bought 2 mill

>> No.11312409

Nice, hope you make it fren. Nim is a good choice.

>> No.11312413
File: 1.30 MB, 600x581, NIMIQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 sats has to be the absolute floor for this coin, but it dipped to 18 sats earlier today and it made me want to fucking die

>> No.11312454

I hear you fren. Just keep faith, good things to come.

>> No.11312475

do mining fags really think we dont know what they are doing with these threads? im curious to know if you are actually this delusional?

this goes for 0xbtc and ethergem faggots aswell

>> No.11312504

Heres my tip, go all in in Phantasma.
It is a blockchain platform created by ex-NEO devs, and it is going to be the next Antshares but good.

CZ from Binance posted in twitter that it was one of this favorite projects (he deleted it a bit later probably afraid of market manipulation)

Currently marketcap is 3m, which is very undervalued for a platform token. This shit has potential to do a 10x or 20x easy, or even 50x long term.

>> No.11312523

i think long term nim is my best hodl but I'll look into it thanks for the tip, let's just fuckin make it

>> No.11312554

>1 post by this ID

Fuck off shill

>> No.11312975

are you dumb?

>> No.11313117


There's too many platform coins that I'm meant to go "all in" on when currently the only proven use for blockchain is for a currency.

>> No.11313135

Kek, moneynigger advisor

>> No.11313151

whats the max supply?

>> No.11313176
File: 158 KB, 578x613, 1532281081463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

650K NIMlet reporting

>> No.11313217

Can anyone explain to me why this isn't a shit investment?

>> No.11313274

- CPU mining (GPU resistant, ASIC resistant)
- Typo proof wallet (can't send to wrong address)
- Smart miners (pools can't initiate 51% attacks as miners verify transactions on their own)
- Schnorr signatures (improves scalability and privacy)
- Hashed Timelock contracts (Lightning ready)
- NiPoPoW (potential use for sidechains)
- 1 minute block times
- Installation free
- Browser mining
- Ledger support
- mining/setting up a node/creating a wallet is completely installation-free
- marketcap: <5 millions USD
- ultra user-friendly design
- compatibility with Ethereum smart-contracts through HTL
- able to send NIM to people without Nimiq accounts via Cashlinks.

>> No.11313276


21 billion. Has the same amount of Lunas (satoshis) as Bitcoin though.

>> No.11313286

Okay, but what makes you think that Demand for this Cryptocurrency is gonna burst into the mainstream like Bitcoin for example?

>> No.11313307

220k nimlet reporting

>> No.11313347


>> No.11313393

Actually a decent tl;dr of the tech.

>> No.11313397

I thought you were out of shitcoins? Only holding btc/eth?

>> No.11313470

I don't count my NIM since it's such a huge loss I just removed it from my portfolio. Code wise NIM is one of the best designed coins I've ever seen, but I'm not going to pretend like that matters market-wise.

>> No.11313486
File: 17 KB, 923x373, rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reto Trinkler speaks highly of Nimiq for the same reason if that helps with the feels.

>> No.11313513
File: 103 KB, 813x1019, 1527330084145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the best designed coins I've ever seen
>not going to pretend like that matters

I bet you bought bit connect

>> No.11313532

I have more NIM than you.

>> No.11313545

Is it actually asic resistant or are there going to be eventually store houses full of cpu's mining it

>> No.11313605
File: 13 KB, 760x142, nim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nimionairre here, reporting for duty.

>> No.11313607
File: 68 KB, 251x201, drool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>store houses full of cpu's

Uhh, you mean a generic datacenter?

>> No.11314633

If you browse /biz/ don't have at least 100k NIM (basically just $120) I don't know what the fuck you are doing.