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11309536 No.11309536 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone not in their 20's completley irrelevant?

>> No.11309569


Have you ever actually SPOKEN to people in their thirties? Holy shit it makes me want to gouge my eyes out, and I’m 26. “Experience” is a meme boomers use to cope with the fact that they’re becoming feeble minded. Everyone I know in their thirties is fucking chronically exhausted and struggling to keep up with anything outside of their job. Constantinople was taken by a 22 year old Turk, the emporor was a 54 year old Greek boomer.

I don’t even bother discussing investments, finances, or anything technology related with thirty year olds.

>inb4 boomer internet defence force shits up this thread

>> No.11309589

You both need to be curbstompped

>> No.11309606



>> No.11309624

t. 30 year old Coper

>> No.11309655
File: 6 KB, 199x253, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 19
>people my age are clubbing and fuking roasties
>tfw I'm at home haging out with you retards
Hehe best years of my life...

>> No.11309674

>his only contact with boomers is fellow wagecucks
Wagies are just wagies, their age doesnt really matter.

>> No.11309750

Mostly true. I'm 33 and still party excessively and fuck lots of loose women but most people my age fucking suck. I always thought I'd be dead by now but I just keep living.

>> No.11309775


I did most of my fucking and clubbing 22-25. Don’t let other people give you fomo, here’s the ideal trajectory:

15-18: sports, vidya, and basic social skills
19-21: prime cozy years, watch lots of movies and tv, go dating, have friends over at your dorm/room w.e, experiment with activities and schemes (maybe try to learn French or some bs), start lifting, start cutting back on vidya, start drinking more but my fondest memories are drinking with buddies at the house, also prime GF years because you’re so emotional that it’s more fun, girls are wild and energetic and slutty at this age so you’ll probs get your heart broken but that builds character
22-25: prime pussy years, full on routine mode, lifting is required, clubbing 2x a month, no more serious relationships, girls at this age are bitter and cynical social climbers, cut back on your friends, hang out with 2-3 good mates regularly, all other friends should be part of a network to help your career, also no more over drinking, get a light buzz, hit on girls etc, and get plenty of sleep, eliminate vidya and tv at this stage, only good films now
26-30: start a business, only have “flings”, you Shouldnt waste time pulling every week for regular pussy, lock a girl down for three months, bang constantly then dump her and move on, keep lifting, no more clubbing, switch to bars, pick up a serious hobby like rock climbing or kayaking, keep streamlining your friends
30+: I don’t know lol

If you do it like that each “segment” of your life will be meaningful, I reminisce about playing CSGO all night when I was 18, and clubbing when I was 22, and I’ll reminisce about the shit I do now in five years.

Embrace change and keep your life flowing.

>> No.11310119

why did you post a picture of lindsay graham

>> No.11310158

>Embrace change

How do I do this

>> No.11310513


Vipassana Meditation --- See things the way they are

>> No.11310824

>thinks he knows better than his elders
sounds about right

>> No.11310847

Fuck you you millennial piece of shit. If I was twenty years younger, I’d kick your ass and force you to learn some respect. Us boomers built this civilization and you s o y boy limp wristed millennial faggots want to dress up like little girls and destroy it.

>> No.11310850
File: 37 KB, 800x450, NPCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, that's some depressing NPC shit right there, especially this part

>all other friends should be part of a network to help your career

>> No.11310862


Key word: other

The biggest red pill of your late twenties is how many of your “friends” in your early twenties didn’t care about you and were just trying to suck some use out of you. Find your real close friends but aside from those good friends, the rest of your friends should be part of a supportive community that helps you.

>> No.11310892

Most undervalued post in this thread. Statistically speaking though I’m sure the the concentration of low quality wagies gets higher as the sample ages as the the best leave and what’s left are the forever wagies.

>> No.11311040


>> No.11311047

>built civilization

>> No.11311060

People in their early 20's are irrelevant as fuck. No real world experience at all but every one of them thinks they are hot shit and will do great things. Wait until real life slaps you in the face.

>> No.11311068

Because they're based and don't give a fuck what zoomers think about them.

>> No.11311076

the irony is that real life slaps you in the face and you realize that you peaked in your early 20s.

>> No.11311188

holy shit. you crashed his argument with no survivors

>> No.11311403

its cold but its the sad truth. Why hold on to people that are a liability? They're either useful to you or they can fuck off out of your life. That's why its important to be useful in a particular niche as contributing members of society.

>> No.11311422
File: 88 KB, 453x410, 1529909738761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up wagie.

>> No.11311843

Teenagers and people in their 20’s are too dumb to figure out that boomers rule their lives.
Everything you purchase has been designed or produced by boomers.
If you wagecuck or go to college, you have to do what boomers tell you.
Your banker and your landlord are boomers.
Your parents are boomers.
Now kys OP

>> No.11311951

There is no ideal trajectory you fucking cuck.

>all other friends should be part of a network to help your career
That is depressing as fuck

>> No.11312115

42 yr old here... ama

>> No.11312149

29 here. do I become irrelevant in 7 months?

>> No.11312186
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this guy is irrelevant

>> No.11312206

>tfw 27 and just want to make it to get back to 19-23 lifestyle but with way more money

>> No.11312207

They spent the first 25 years of their life getting a degree.