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11304286 No.11304286 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here try growing mushrooms? Its pretty easy and they are always in demand. Go for about $10/g my last batch was 34 grams. I spent about $200 in supplies. Now, they cost about 50 cents an ounce to produce, and that same ounce sells for ~$250

>> No.11304339

How do you even sell them without going to prison? They're scheduled similarly to heroine in the eyes of the law.

>> No.11304381

also this is chump change relative to the magnitude of the crime

>> No.11304403

>Dry them
>grind them
>put in capsules
>Put capsules in nutrition supplement box
>Sell them on the internet

>> No.11304436

>you are now guilty of cultivating a schedule I drug and also trafficking it via the mail system
>for $300

>> No.11304451

Its legal now boys, incubate !!!

>> No.11304457


>> No.11304470


What if you use 400 proxies, sell only in crypto and never mail out from the same post office?

>> No.11304481

>post office
Now they have your face on camera
It takes no effort at all for an agent to order from you, tag your package, and correlate that to the security footage. Now what?

>> No.11304502

By knowing people?
I did run into a guy I used to get shrooms from at a party a while back. He told me he quit dealing after someone he knew ended up getting murdered over something. So that shit does happen.
I also knew someone who got tortured and murdered after he tried to buy wholesale drugs off the wrong people. Be safe, guys.

>> No.11304517

Knowing people and selling drugs at parties is not a scalable business model.

>> No.11304524

Not worth the risk, there's less risky ways to make more money.
Grow the shrooms, dry and cap them as others have said, but keep them to yourself and serve them to your followers and dearest friends instead.
The improvements I have seen in my friends who have used psychedelics is clear across the board, it wakes them up and gets them to care about wholeness.
Literally medicine for the psyche and not to be taken lightly.

>> No.11304533


Well you could pay extra for a courier but that will cut into your shroom gains

If you have a proxy person who can be used to as the stooge who has a courier pick up from in exchange for a cut you could distance yourself, but that opens you up with trust risk.

>> No.11304540

I don't sell them on the internet. I sell them to associates who distribute them at festivals. LE doesn't care about mushrooms (unless you are stupid enough to get caught with them whilst committing another crime.)

>> No.11304544

I can't think of a way in which a courier doesn't simply contribute to greater surface area for failure. Now not only can they easily nab the courier, that person will then flip on you immediately in exchange for a lesser sentence.

>> No.11304559
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>I sell them to associates who distribute them at festivals

>> No.11304560

>also this is chump change relative to the magnitude of the crime
This, have fun going to prison for the rest of your life over $250
Fuckin retard lmao fuck your life cuck

>> No.11304570
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>> No.11304574


>> No.11304638

Which strain do you cultivate?

>> No.11304642

Bootlickers that actually believe police bust every drug dealer and give them maximum sentences are complete fucking brainlets. It’s not like the police show cops, yea if you do it too long you will get busted. I know people who have been busted with 10+ pounds of weed and in my state all they got was probation because they were able to afford their lawyer and bail. You’d be amazed how many people get away with stuff and invest that money into things like real estate and crypto, if you know the right people the big risks involved in the drug game can lead to big profits if you aren’t a dumb nigger. Let’s face it though most 4chan autistic NEETs are far too beta to ever make any money off anything but wagecucking or a few hundred bucks off shit coins.

>> No.11304664

A friend of a friend had a darknet package intercepted. The police knew him and came to his house and questioned him, let him off with a warning because he framed it as, "Someone must be out to get me."

I couldn't believe it either.

>> No.11304665

>Hurr I make $250 here and there off selling drugs and committing multiple felonies
>Better than the brainlets
How about you get a real job ya cuck, I make more than you make in a week while I shit on the toilet at work

>> No.11304674

Penis Envy currently. Going to switch to either b+ or golden teachers. Having trouble upcharging for the extra potency.

>> No.11304678

I appreciate the post. My main concerns are very specific. It's not just about being a beta, autistic retard who can't into nuance, but rather overcoming very specific challenges.

>> No.11304694

>Having trouble upcharging for the extra potency.
yeah, I imagine the plebs wouldn't know or care, I think it's all about dry volume

I wonder about >>11304403, caps seem good but then LE would care much more about them because it's some unknown substance

I'd be surprised to learn that they have drop test kits for psilocybin though

>> No.11304716

Can someone redpill me on LSD vs shrooms? Terence McKenna prefers shrooms but LSD has been amazing for me whereas people say shrooms are more mental, and that's scary. I've done LSD but never shrooms.

>> No.11304726

Is it even possible to get real LSD in the current year? Anecdotally, I hear a lot about people receiving 2CB instead of real LSD

>> No.11304782

There is a less than 1% chance that your parcel will be put under further scrutiny if it is a trans national one. If it is send inside the US the chances go as low as 0.25% that your parcel will face further scrutiny. But yes, shrooms in pill boxes are more likely to be controlled than a sheet op LSD in a birthday card

>> No.11304797

I don't see how anyone gets away with that. They x-ray packages nowadays. Your example is the polar opposite.

>> No.11304802

Your ounce price is high.

>> No.11304826

>X-Ray every package
lol, no.
>How can anyone get away with it
Because it is not technically possible to control every single parcel. There are people who regularly send kilos of stinky weed through the postal system and they do it since decades

>> No.11304839

>lol, no.
Don't they? It's simple enough to position one above a conveyor belt. Surely they don't just random sample small numbers of them.
>There are people who regularly send kilos of stinky weed through the postal system and they do it since decades

>> No.11304877

>sample small number
They do inside a country. Trans national it may happen, but not every facility has a multi million x-ray scanner, let alone having it automatically differentiate between some hippie capsules and capsules filled with controlled substances.
In addition, especially in the US, opening a package requires a certified special agent to approve, and iirc the US has 10 of those.

>> No.11304892

So this is more of a logistical fact than anything else, correct?

>> No.11304906

i used to buy pounds for a grand each lmao you're head cracking big time homie

>> No.11304913


Even if they x-rayed it, all it would pick up is some random capsules.

I buy modafinil with crypto all the time, and have also bought shit, and that gets shipped from Hong Kong and NEVER gets checked.

Even if they had sniffer dogs and shit, I doubt they'd be looking for mushrooms. That would mean every time a crate of fucking pasta sauce got shipped the dog would have a seizure.

>> No.11304918


>> No.11304925

I tried once a couple years ago but I'm just too dirty of a cunt and they all got contaminated or maybe o didn't pressure cooker them correctly? Might give it another run if I have time

>> No.11304931

i'd describe shrooms as more visceral than mental

it is good to be in touch with your animal nature, and shrooms will get you that, but LSD is more towards the future / high cognition than the past

>> No.11304932

>I buy modafinil with crypto all the time, and have also bought shit, and that gets shipped from Hong Kong and NEVER gets checked.
sauce? my guy on reddit got b&

>Even if they had sniffer dogs and shit, I doubt they'd be looking for mushrooms. That would mean every time a crate of fucking pasta sauce got shipped the dog would have a seizure.

But how do people even ship these things anonymously? They've got your face on CCTV everywhere. How can you possibly pay for a shipping label without providing ID for example?

>> No.11304941

Do you have a guide how to grow shrooms?

>> No.11304949

All it takes is a Hobo, a bottle of Vodka, and the promise of more Vodka. All it comes down to is logistics, planning and risk managment

>> No.11304951



>> No.11304959

You guys all sound pretty stupid. You have to be braindead to not see psilocybin mushrooms will become legal within the next 10 years. Its smart to start learning the craft of cultivating now with legal mushrooms that have medicinal benefits so you can be set up and networked with the right people to get into the new mushroom industry once it becomes legal.

>> No.11304970


Non-NPC here. Just gone done with the paperwork for my new company BoomerShroomer LLC.

>> No.11304972

Remember faggot here who was pushing 250k coke batches in law school until his driver got busted.

>> No.11304984

>Remember faggot here who was pushing 250k coke batches in law school until his driver got busted.

>> No.11304985

This anon gets it

>> No.11304995

where do you get the spores

>> No.11305000

you can order legally online

>> No.11305012

Lmao you actually fell for the Law enforcement meme? Police are retards and only catch people due to informants or getting lucky. I’ve heard of guys taking suitcases of fucking pot onto commercial airlines in the current year dozens of times and still haven’t been popped. I personally know a kid that took a bunch of pills through airport security when I was in high school.
>I make more on the toilet
I know guys that make your yearly salary in a quarter sitting on their asses dealing weed , I never said I was a drug dealer faggot I just simply stated bootlickers who believe the police are actually good at their jobs are laughable it’s not like the wire unless you are moving kilos of heroin and even then there’s usually payoffs letting it happen.
I sincerely hope you make it selling weed or mushrooms is unironlically red pilled since you don’t have to pay (((taxes))) and degenerates will get their drugs regardless.

>> No.11305016

>used for making transactions on the psychedelic plane
>private key is the iris scan of your Third Eye
>can only be accessed by consuming shrooms and opening it
>trippers incentivized by being rewarded ShroomCoins by chipping away at their id and ego and becoming transcendent
>final boss is the ayy lmaos

>> No.11305023

Check out shroomery.org. Bodhistas got really good info. I recomend starting with the WBS tek using a liquid culture as an inoculant.

Yes, I know I'm charging a high price. I literally sold that ounce eighth by eighth to preserve profits. My buddy said if I can get him to $1k a lb he would make me a millionaire. So thats the plan.

>> No.11305028

The big boys put distance between themselves and couriers sounds like a shit operation if the courier knew exactly who the drugs were going to and didn’t just have a pickup and drop off location.

>> No.11305046

I've known two people who have done it. Neither have ever gotten into any trouble or ever been close to it.

desu it's probably the safest and most secure way to get into drug dealing since you have no externalizes outside of yourself and it doesn't require a large operation. Good luck, it's as safe as you make it.

>> No.11305053


in college I was stupid, and also had the nickname "Shroomguy". Was growing shrooms from my college apartment for 4 years, harvested every month, tripped myself, gave them to friends and to school mates. Probably grow about 20 of those boxes and gave most of them away; often in return for weed and favors. Never got caught, had a great time. Never heard of anyone going on a bad trip either, good memories.

>> No.11305063

He started dealing out to lawschool uppity faggots
Rebought with all the proceedings gradually until 250k all in.
Then his driver got busted on the mex border
He didn't snitch, but anons biz assets went to 0
Still an impressive ride

>> No.11305074

You're a fucking retard if you grow shrooms for anything other than personal consumption or sharing/selling to friends

>> No.11305094

Psychedelics will never be legal, even though they should be.

>> No.11305121

Why not just sell food mushrooms
I've got a huge pan of baby portabellas in the oven and that shit cost me 30$

I've never done drugs, but damn I fucking love mushrooms

>> No.11305123

He peaked at 250k USD?

>> No.11305127

>shrooms as more visceral than mental

This is accurate, if psychedelics were vehicles or methods of transportation, shrooms would be a wild bronco, lsd would be a slick hoverboard, and dmt would be thee wormhole at the end of space odyssey.

Acid in particular since it's an ergotamine and not a tryptamine, is very cerebral and almost has no body effect at all. More than the tryptamines, you get from it what you put into it. Whereas shrooms or dmt will usually show you a good time regardless if you put energy and intent into the experience or not.

>> No.11305129

The dosages for 2cb and lsd aren't even similar, and yes, the past few years LSD has become VERY available

>> No.11305163

Which one's the most relaxing? I want to go out into the woods and appreciate the crisp air, the breeze, and the trees

>> No.11305179

us 24 y/o shroomers know OP is talking about gourmet mushrooms. good business model for low overhead startup, distribution to grocery stores would be a big hurdle but not something a lil bit of charm wouldn’t finesse.

>> No.11305189

Did this when I was 13, then used them as currency for favors/things I wanted. Traded for weed, driving me places, etc. Skipped school to pressure cook PF tek hard while rents weren’t home. Get on my level.

>> No.11305205

>Lmao you actually fell for the Law enforcement meme? Police are retards and only catch people due to informants or getting lucky. I’ve heard of guys taking suitcases of fucking pot onto commercial airlines in the current year dozens of times and still haven’t been popped. I personally know a kid that took a bunch of pills through airport security when I was in high school.
How do you learn this kind of thing? I don't see anyone discussing this kind of thing anywhere. The idea that law enforcement is a meme is completely foreign to me.

>> No.11305207

I would say Shrooms for sure. LSD is much more energetic and erratic. Plus the shorter duration is much less taxing on the mind.

>> No.11305223

whatever you do, dont use the ready made add water kits, tried it twice and both times they got contaminated despite doing all precautions wasting 2 months and 8 quid down the drain.

>> No.11305227

420chan, darknet market forums, bluelight.ru

>> No.11305234

Do the couriers know the dealer?

>> No.11305253

>us 24 y/o shroomers know OP is talking about gourmet mushrooms
This. Combined with my shrimp grow op, I'm going to be a shillionaire while the no-shrimping nay-sayers ITT are wagecucking it up well until their 80's. Bitches don't know about my jumbo rainbow shrimp.

>> No.11305259

God damn, what kind of middle school did you go to? Lol

>> No.11305266

Interesting, thanks
Which DNM forums are good?

>> No.11305278

Here in Canada psilocybin mushrooms grow so abundantly in nature it would be impossible to control them. Instead it’s illegal to dry them. I’m not advocating the sale of these just raising awareness on the laws :)

>> No.11305285

Pay illegal spics to drop the packages off at the post office. Mail in bulk & pay them $50/delivery.

>> No.11305288

Agreed, I have tried the PFtek and WBS tek. Grains over everything, I think I'm going for oats when my agar is ready.

>> No.11305289

Haha, normal suburban middle class one in upstate NY.


>> No.11305297
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unironically thinking about investing into shrimp farming

>> No.11305309

>Haha, normal suburban middle class one in upstate NY.
tfw I'm only a day's drive away and had a completely different life experience, bizarre. Or maybe I just wasn't cool enough to be worrying about shrooms. I think I cared more about Pokemon cards.

>> No.11305315

Definitely shrooms. Acid has a lot of nervous energy and will give you that 'can't sit still/need to be doing something' feeling.

Pharmahuasca (extracted DMT and harmala alkaloids ingested orally) can be quite relaxing too at the right dose. But that requires some patience and chemistry knowledge to get the actives extracted and cleaned up.
Straight ayahuasca is not usually relaxing much because there is usually extreme nausea from the caapi/hostilis/rue whole plant materials.

Harmalas are mellowing in their own right and you could actually add them to shrooms (so-called 'shroomahuasca') for a deeper, earthier experience.

>> No.11305329

yeah, I joke but it seems to legitimately be a fun and profitable hobby
also look into praying mantis breeding and rare fish breeding
praying mantis eggs are purchased by organic farmers for pest control and if you know the right people you can make a shitload on rare fish, some are even technically illegal
>not being an ubermensch polymath with a hundred weird business models

>> No.11305339

same, they grow around this time in the UK, usually pick em from the local park but the fucking council have started cutting the grass to prevent them, gonna have to go the countryside

>> No.11305349

If I were hosting a hypothetical camping trip with, say, 10 guys, and I wanted them to relax and have a great time and possibly a positive shared experience, would shrooms be a good option?

>> No.11305352

>Grains over everything
even green mold?

>> No.11305376

If you know the guys well absolutely. Don't go for any heroic doses either.

>> No.11305385

>Don't go for any heroic doses either.

>> No.11305389

Haha I feel you. I got into smoking weed and then learned about mushrooms, found the PF tek and later Shroomery after I was growing regularly. I didn’t know anyone else who even smoked at the time either so I was doing it all on my own. Crazy shit to look back on now that I’m 30 yo boomer. Wrote a mushroom growing book later on too that sold well around 10 years ago ish. Fun trip.

>> No.11305395

You can't grow mycellium on mold

>> No.11305398

Damn, that's awesome. Got any other interesting stories or life experiences?

>> No.11305416

The penis envies I grow are notoriously potent. .7 g and I was tripping at a nice level. I would suggest 2 grams each of your typical dried product for a starting dose.

>> No.11305422

lol i get that, i meant is it resistant to mold or more resident than other methods?

>> No.11305427

yall gunna die from some moldy shrooms

>> No.11305463

>BoomerShroomer LLC


>> No.11305470

Not exactly, grains have bacterial endospores all over so you have to PC well. Grains are good because you use them to make bulk cakes. For example if you make a BRF cake you end up with a fruiting medium the volume of your jar. My grain jars grow quicker and you spawn them to coco coir at about a 1 to 3 ratio. 1 pint of spawn equals 3 pints final cake.

>> No.11305484

Just doing some light googling and it looks like cakes are simply not scalable. How do people industrial scale this shiznit? Even the totes are pretty small scale. What are the "disposable grow rental"-tier teks? The vibe I get from these shroom sites is very different from other communities I've looked at

>> No.11305507

>mistaking them for edible mushrooms
>accidentally drying them
>slipping and getting a whole mouthful

>> No.11305535

played with the idea of starting to sell shrooms
never done something like that before, just ordered weed and stuff from the dn a time ago

>> No.11305536
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>> No.11305551

Lol, I actually imagine them having the Ulbrecht / FBI conversation "we don't take too kindly to snitches- he's gone"

>> No.11305567

Every mushroom is an edible mushroom. It's just a matter of what happens after you eat it.

>> No.11305575

Was Ulbrecht just LARPing at that point? Surely the guy went from being some kind of nerd to thinking he was Walter White and it went to his head.

>> No.11305576

Nothing specifically. Mazatapec strain was best imo. They produce small fruits but are potent. I traded this fat lesbian girl an eighth for $20 and a few grams of weed. She thought I was ripping her off because the maza were so skinny and small, she called me up a few hours later tripping hard and apologized over and over for doubting the potency, I kekd and said no problem tell your friends.

>> No.11305581

like you said, cakes aren't scalable.
Grains are superb for this, but they're harder to do in my experience. Bought a sack of organic rye and had difficulties with contaminants for the first dozen tries, despite using a pressure cooker.
With grains, you let the mycelium populate, shaking them up to prevent over-clumping, then the hard part is over and you can multiply simply by mixing pasteurized grain with populated grain. crumble into a container with coir and you're good.

>> No.11305583

So the totes are probably monotubs? You just have a shitload of monotubs. You don't really need anything special other than some light and 75+ degree temp. The great thing about this hobby is once you're started it isn't hard to keep running. I spend 5 hours a week as an amatuer mycologist.

>> No.11305595

>You don't really need anything special other than some light and 75+ degree temp. The great thing about this hobby is once you're started it isn't hard to keep running
Interesting, do you use monotubs?

>> No.11305603

>putting all your cash into a single reup
He sounds like a dumbass I thought law fags were smart? Sounds like a LARP
Have a wide social circle and I did plenty of drugs in my younger years, lots of friends that were dealers. Sure some got busted but they were usually retards. The biggest player I know that got busted had 300k in cash and several hundred pounds of weed. He didn’t do a day in jail cuz he had a badass lawyer on retainer. He still owns his own business and still seems to have plenty of money despite getting bagged a year or so ago. The ZOG just wants you to think they are watching every little thing you do so you will behave like a good little goy. Some of the shit I’ve seen has made me scratch my head how police haven’t knocked down their door or how the IRS hasn’t come knocking. This website highly overestimates how dumb most government officials are unless you give them a reason to stick a microscope up your ass.
Only if it’s a bunch of disorganized niggers. The smart guys making big moves take precautions, the dumb guys making big moves substitute their lack of intelligence with violence which draws the eye of law enforcement and they get to nigger university

>> No.11305609


You fucking zoomers who think all drugs are equal are hilarious. There's a big difference between dealing in shrooms or weed and dealing in cocaine, heroin, or pills. You can get murdered over the harder drugs because of how much money they're worth and because of who (cartels and other organized crime) controls the supply. Shrooms are things you can grow with a bunch of stuff you can buy legally, including the spores in most states and countries, and they aren't worth that much nor are they addictive. Nobody will kill for them.

The thing is you have to move them, so you sell to a handful of dealers at below street value and let them move the product and collect their profits. Don't be stupid and sell direct to the public or to anyone you don't know fairly well, or you will get sketchy characters who are likely to rob you or turn you in to the cops to save themselves a simple possession charge.

>> No.11305617


The scaleable model is to sell all the kits and supplies, including spores, via the internet so people can grow their own. That is 100% legal, though it can be a gray area as far as getting banks to process payments. Sell them for crypto and you're good, though.

>> No.11305626

everything is edible then if we go by your definition
Mushrooms are classified inedible, edible, poisonous

>> No.11305647

>Conversation went from drug kingpin to sterile e-commerce
A bit tepid for me tbqh

>> No.11305648

Not yet. I use large tupperware to make cakes and fruit them in a tote with water/perlite to maintain humidity. I have had issues with my jars being done at different times and you usually want to use 2 or 3 jars per monotub.

>> No.11305658

>Mushrooms are classified inedible, edible, poisonous
What is an inedible, non-poisonous mushroom? Some kind of indigestible thing?
>tfw you discover the idea for the next great diet fad in a thread about shrooms on 4chan

>> No.11305670

Interesting. Do you mind sharing your dry yield and what you might realistically expect a monotub to yield?

>> No.11305675

>The ZOG just wants you to think they are watching every little thing you do so you will behave like a good little goy
Damn, truth

>Some of the shit I’ve seen has made me scratch my head how police haven’t knocked down their door or how the IRS hasn’t come knocking.
Lol, got any stories?

>> No.11305680


A.) Don't sell to anyone you don't trust or "market" them. Sell bigger quantities to dealers who then assume the risk. Also, don't keep a huge supply at your house or bagged up ready to resell. If possible, hide your grow operation somewhere else, since it's really a very low-tech setup that doesn't require much besides mason jars, moisture, and time.

B.) Cops aren't going after shrooms as hard as they do heroin and other drugs. People kill, rob, and steal for heroin and there's a lot of glory in busting people for that. Nobody does that for shrooms, which are mostly bought by white stoner college kids in small quantities.

>> No.11305685

A big problem is the inoculant. Spore syringes are not sterile, and LCs get contams all the time. I recently got into agar to increase my sterile tek and have some long-term storage for the best genetics.

>> No.11305687

Murder is illegal though?

>> No.11305691

>Spore syringes are not sterile
Isn't that solved with a lighter?

>> No.11305694

The government will never allow psychedelics to be legalized. It would turn the NPCs into playable characters of the system requires a steady flow of NPCs to operate.

>> No.11305701

>and had difficulties with contaminants for the first dozen tries, despite using a pressure cooker
Damn, did you ever identify the problem?

>> No.11305703


You are seriously over-estimating the amount of effort put into busting people shipping shrooms, or even most darknet drugs, through the mail. The smart way is to not be the guy sending them through the mail. Build a very small, close-knit network of dealers to buy from you and then resell. Don't get delusions of a Breaking Bad/Pablo Escobar style shroom empire, either. This is something you will, at most, make a couple thousand bucks a month doing.

>> No.11305712

So my last batch I used 4 colonized jars to make 4 cakes, 34 grams dry was my yield. Most people say a monotub is good for 56+ grams dry and uses 2-3 jars.

>> No.11305721
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>Don't get delusions of a Breaking Bad/Pablo Escobar style shroom empire, either

>> No.11305724
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>> No.11305726


If you're worried about legality, use almost the exact same techniques to grow oyster mushrooms and sell those to high end restaurants in your area. Perfectly legal and once you get started and learn how to harvest spores to grow your next crop. It's not as profitable as growing magic mushrooms, but it's legal and you can get a nice side hustle going.

>> No.11305734

Sounds fun, thanks for the post

>> No.11305735


This. This is how you make money off shrooms. You're gonna make it, anon.

>> No.11305740

Inedible mushrooms aren't necessarily poisonous, but useless as food. Either due to its texture, taste, hardness...
I'd say gravel is inedible, but not poisonous. I don't remember the name but it first comes to mind, there's a mushroom, white capped, hard as a rock, it's burned as incense and it grows on tree trunks.
That's an inedible mushroom.

>> No.11305742

I meant the actual h20 the spores are suspended in can get contams. I just had one of my spore syringes start growing mycelium because it must of sucked up some karo when making a LC. If you move the plunger half a mm by accident and suck up a mold spore, you're fucked

>> No.11305751


>> No.11305753

>got any stories
Well the one guy got bagged with 300k in cash and was still able to keep his cars, house and business. I know of another dude who owns hundreds of section 8 rental properties. His neighbor snitched on him and he was caught with close to a million in cash a few guns and a few pounds of weed. All he got was house arrest. None of these people snitched. The guy I know who has never been busted has a brand new 40k SUV, 5 motorcycles, just bought a house, has put well over 20k of unaccounted for cash in his actual bank account (he also has an LLC), and had a courier recently get popped with well over 200k of product but since the courier doesn’t know anyone in the organization nothing happened. I know a kid who bought 30k worth of landscaping equipment in paper fiat to start a landscaping business in addition to his drug money. An another kid who did get busted, snitched and was allowed to keep over a mill in assets as a fucking 23 year old.
OP how much money you making off the shrooms?

>> No.11305756

You're losing me on the terms and acronyms, where can I learn more about the lingo the process of creating a syringe?

>> No.11305763


Yeah. Unfortunately your average stoner at a festival just wants to get fucked up and they don't know shit about the strains. You could buy fucking shiitake at the grocery store, dry them out, and sprinkle powdered 1P LSD or something on it and they wouldn't know the difference. P.E. is more for the true psychonaut and most of those are home-growers themselves.

>> No.11305773

>one guy got bagged with 300k in cash and was still able to keep his cars, house and business
>I know of another dude who owns hundreds of section 8 rental properties. His neighbor snitched on him and he was caught with close to a million in cash a few guns and a few pounds of weed. All he got was house arrest
What Talmudic magic could possibly save them from jail time in these scenario?
>but since the courier doesn’t know anyone in the organization nothing happened
How does that work, exactly? It seems like there'd always be a trail unless you contact each other anonymously and just use drops or something, but even then, wouldn't they just watch the drops?
>has put well over 20k of unaccounted for cash in his actual bank account
This seems pretty minor, 20k isn't even really a blip on the radar, even at the IRS who are really anal about taking every cent they're legally entitled to. I do wonder how the guy bought property with his illicit gains, though.

This is all fascinating

>> No.11305787

>bought 30k worth of landscaping equipment in paper fiat to start a landscaping business

>> No.11305788


For me, the best way to think of it:

>LSD dismembers who you are and lets you have a conversation with yourself. Also, slightly speedy and euphoric.
>Shrooms keep your identity and "wholeness" intact while putting you on a head trip into an alternate reality. I literally saw "God" on a ~5g dose of shrooms and saw that our concepts of what God is or does were horribly flawed. Think of a Native American sweat lodge experience.

Or, another analogy is LSD=Phillip K. Dick, Shrooms=J.R.R. Tolkein.

At least for me.

>> No.11305795

You buy the spore syringe. LC is liquid culture, basically used to 10x the semi expensive spore syringe. Innoculate a sterilized mixture of carbohydrate and water with the spore syringe, suck liquid up into another syringe after a week and you turned 1ml of spore solution into 100+ ml innoculant. Learn more at shroomery.org

>> No.11305796

>OP how much money you making off the shrooms?
wondering this as well >>11304286

>> No.11305801

mostly likely the room i was working in. House is really open-floored and it was impossible to scrub *everything* down.
After that I set up in the garage, making an inner room with plastic sheets. Haven't had many problems since.

>> No.11305806

Seems like you should use some kind of laminar flow setup for this, I guess that's what the plastic sheets in your garage effectively accomplish

>> No.11305814

occurring to me right now, it might have also been the rye itself. Because I stopped buying it from that farmer after that bag was used up.

>> No.11305827

Not much at the moment. I've spent the past couple of months dialing in my process and dealing with contams. So far I paid for all the equipment +$100. But I work 60 hours a week at a normal job. Once my setup gets rolling I hope to do 1-2k a month in profit.

>> No.11305840

This, I can get an ounce for like 200 CAD

>> No.11305864

Unironically considering registering Boomer's Gourmet and Specialty Foods LLC and shilling my mushies to local places, this will go great with my shrimp op

>> No.11305878

Op, don't know if you've said anything about whether you're selling your produce yourself or not
I advise you find someone to do that for you, someone you can trust, has charisma and isn't a little bitch. You should just focus on growing.
Don't both grow and sell, that's just begging for trouble.

>> No.11305883

All that work and you could just get Real Job

>> No.11305894

>what Talmudic magic
A Jewish lawyer, and the fact they aren’t worthless niggers with dozens of priors shooting people over drug turf. They all owned businesses or real estate that gave back to the community and weren’t violent niggers and it was their first offense (major felony offense anyways). Like I said you would be amazed at how light the penalties are for weed first time getting in trouble.
A rental car already packed full of shit is left at a location, the courier is told to go pick it up and leave it in another location from someone from another state. Another key is when it’s state to state good luck for local law enforcement trscking down “John Smith” out in California Kek. Again police are not Lester freeman from the wire most are dumb fucking rednecks who were too stupid to work white collar jobs.
>buying property
Not sure how he did that honestly same with the guy who owns hundreds of fucking units of section 8. The big players all share tricks of the trade with each other, the more well off your clientele is the less likely they are to rat if something goes wrong.
Yea man the kid is like 24 with a 300-400k net worth Kek. I love watching these guys make their own way outside of the Jewish system of wage cuckodry.

>> No.11305895

Yes I do have a barrier between myself and the custies. My sister and another friend of mine remarket them for me.

>> No.11305906
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>All that work and you could just get Real Job
No HR department at BoomerShroomer LLC, friend

>> No.11305913

that's not true. plenty of npcs take psychedelics

>> No.11305920

2k a month would be a nice little extra chunk of change, shit anything untaxed beats nothing. I’m assuming growing shrooms is more low key than weed? Pot is much easier to move since people use it daily and the consequences are damn near non existent from my experience.

>> No.11305928


Lol small world, I'm a "professional" mycologist, i.e. PhD researcher. I work on dark septate endophytic fungi, mycorrhizal fungi and mutualists.

Growing shrooms is for chumps. I'm currently trying to perfect a way of growing truffles and other mycorrhizal edible fungi without their associated host plant.

That will make literally stupid amounts of cash. I'm close, I can feel it.

>> No.11305943

Describe your shrimp op

>> No.11305944

>Again police are not Lester freeman from the wire most are dumb fucking rednecks who were too stupid to work white collar jobs.
I guess I see your point, but nowadays don't rental car companies do pretty extensive checks? I'd expect that to be a big point of failure, just as one example. Maybe I'm naive. I suppose you could just have some big network of guys who all do things one step at a time, so each part is insulated from every other step, but that, too, seems like it would become more trouble than it's worth at some point, unless you're selling extremely profitable drugs.

>John Smith
I've never personally rented a car but my friends have bitched to me about how much of a hassle it was. Plus, wouldn't they just look at whoever registered the car, then pressure that guy, and so on?

>Yea man the kid is like 24 with a 300-400k net worth Kek. I love watching these guys make their own way outside of the Jewish system of wage cuckodry.
Based, wish I knew people like you IRL

>> No.11305949

Good luck! Although I don't consider myself a chump. . .

>> No.11305955

>No Hr
that means no HR cat lady to take the fall when some discrimination accusations hit the company because you refused to hire achmed Shaneeka the bearded lady with a dick who wants to be addressed as zehr

>> No.11305960
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>Growing shrooms is for chumps. I'm currently trying to perfect a way of growing truffles and other mycorrhizal edible fungi without their associated host plant.

>> No.11305969

Yes, no lights, no smell. Plus the weed market is saturated as hell. Shrooms are always in demand around here. Most people get them from picking wild off cow pies.

>> No.11305976


Nah sorry I meant it's fairly easy. Not that you were a chump. It gets harder in scale, as I'm sure you know, with risk of contamination.

>> No.11305981

That's another advantage, friend: BoomerShroomer LLC is not subject to affirmative action requirements

>> No.11305990


Nothing personal kid

>> No.11306001

phillip k dick = whippits while peaking on lsd and pcp

>> No.11306002

Mind elaborating on this at all? I'm interested

>> No.11306032

Ahh thanks for clarifying. You are correct. I have (as I would imagine anyone interested in fungus) done a bit of reading on truffles. Would love to research that a bit but its sadly above my head. There was a thread on shroomery where a bunch of the more advanced guys were trying to crowdsource research on the subject that was pretty interesting. If you are succesful, you will make millions.

>> No.11306052

you operate from Somalia?
Security will be an issue though

>> No.11306082

>more low key than weed
dude these things smell fresh and earthy. Imagine the smell in a forest after rain - petrichor - it's kind of like that. It's very unobtrusive

>> No.11306087

>I suppose you could just have some big network of guys who all do things one step at a time, so each part is insulated from every other step,
^this is exactly what the big players do. I honestly don’t know how they do the rental car thing. But from what I’ve seen usually it’s incredibly hard for law enforcement in Maryland to track down a guy who rented a car in California and question him. It’s crazy man, like I said I’m in disbelief sometimes with how much people can get away with.
You aren’t fucking lying the prices of herb have fallen faster than fucking Bitcoin this year it’s crazy. I imagine in another year or two it will barely
Even be profitable

>> No.11306102


Sorry was writing and lost it all so this is going to be shorter.

Trees / plants give the fungi colonising their roots sugars, like xylose, and other carbs in exchange for nutrients the trees find hard to mine from the soil like phosphorus, potassium etc.

As fungi don't photosynthesize they find it hard to produce sugars on their own. If you could find a way to administer sugars in similar ratios and complexes as produced by trees/plants to fungal hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi there's no reason (in theory) why they shouldn't grow.

Which comes to the next hurdle, most edible mycorrhizal fungi are AM fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizae, so named because they make tiny 'tree' shaped hyphal structures in the roots of their host plant. Arbor = tree in Latin.

So you'd need a synthetic surface which was convincingly similar enough to a tree root for the fungi to grow on.

I have one, I think, that's all I can say!

>> No.11306134

Damn, that is indeed quite interesting. Thanks for the post. Do you have a serious business plan prepared for your findings?

>> No.11306150

>So you'd need a synthetic surface which was convincingly similar enough to a tree root for the fungi to grow on.

3d scan - import to 3d modelling software - 3d print

>> No.11306158

I assume this involves apparently organic molecules among other things...

>> No.11306186


Nope not yet, it's really very much still in experimental phase and I've got to finish my PhD because otherwise my research would technically belong to the college, and I feel it would help to be taken seriously with it.

I'm involved with some other businesses of my own and with friends so hopefully will be ok on that, I will make sure there's a lot of NDA's in place and patent the method first.

Trying not to get carried away as there's every reason for it not to work at scale, fungi are temperamental organisms, and even more hard to predict when mycorrhizal ones will fruit. That's the current drawback to commercial truffle 'forests', you might get a crop every year for three years and then fuck all for two decades.

Hopefully there's some chemical signal which prompts them to fruit

>> No.11306188

>34 grams dry was my yield. Most people say a monotub is good for 56+ grams dry and uses 2-3 jars.
Damn, that's quite a bit more than I expected

>> No.11306197

I'm jealous of your accomplishments, nice job. I hope you make it.

>> No.11306202


It doesn't involve organic/biological fibres, but there has to be mass flow of nutrients at a similar rate to sap flow in trees.

>> No.11306219


Th...thanks y....you too.

Hardly achieved anything man and wasted a lot of time in a lab. A lot of the time I hate my research and science is a meme. It's only because I want to /make it/ that I even started daydreaming this idea. Like I say, every reason for it not to work!

>> No.11306233

so some kind of sponge-like structure that permits an osmotic effect when something is in contact with it?

>> No.11306260


Are you going to steal my idea? Haha

I can't really say what it is, or how it works, without giving it away. You are along the right lines tho.

>> No.11306276

Eh, you sound like you're suffering from imposter syndrome. I went through something similar—it's quite normal. We have an intimate understanding of the fluff and failings that go into our work, and it becomes difficult to see the forest from the trees. Remember that for every person like you, researching artificially assisted truffle synthesis or whatever, there are 1000+ people out there who go to work at Shartmart, come home, jerk off, get drunk, and so on, for their entire lives... 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years. There's also a slew of people who know how to sell themselves and will succeed purely by virtue of their ability to downplay their weaknesses, shill their strengths, and hustle

I'm here to separate the wheat from the chaff, I love /biz/

>> No.11306297

You'd run out of post offices pretty fuckin quick lmao

>> No.11306308


Cheers anon, been a shitty year even though I've almost published some research etc. You in academia? Imposter syndrome would maybe describe it yeah, I come from a working class area and feel like I'm surrounded by better educated people constantly, despite actually being ahead (don't mean that in an inflated ego way, I just mean in terms of published work/finished milestones). I definitely don't want to work in academia tho, need my own biz if it kills me.

That's for the encouragement anon wish you all the best.

>> No.11306309

Yeah, it seems like this is completely unrealistic. I'll hazard a guess and just assume that based on what >>11305603 is saying, people just hide in plain sight and don't do anything overly sketchy when it comes to this.

>> No.11306318


>> No.11306328

>You in academia?
No, but I am a lifetime underachiever who turned things around a couple of years ago. It amazes me, even today, how thin the membrane separating success from failure is, and just how within reach success truly is for most people. At risk of sounding like a teenager, I think the NPC meme is real, except it fails to disclose the fact that we're all NPCs until we choose not to be
>need my own biz if it kills me
make it happen

>> No.11306335

If he was the recipient of the package, then of course the police can't do jack shit. It's not a crime for somebody else to post illegal things through your door. The ''warning'' was pure BS, they had nothing on him.

>> No.11306339

>If he was the recipient of the package, then of course the police can't do jack shit
Can't they bag you if you sign for it?

>> No.11306372

>Are you going to steal my idea? Haha
LOL no, but i'm a bio-medical materials guy and i've been working on using some novel sponge structures as scaffolds for organ regeneration.
you seem like youre on to something good - and very profitable!!

>> No.11306377

Yeah very very true, people fantasize about making it but won't put in any effort other than 9-5 life. They think doing that and working their way up will pay off eventually. By then you're too old.

I've got a couple of side hustles going which could eventually bloom into full businesses they're just painfully slow at the moment and feel like it's taking a hell of a lot of energy for very little gain.

>This thread has produced feels I never knew I felt

>> No.11306389


Only meant it tongue in cheek! Lol

That's very cool and could apply to this, it needs bi-directional flow of the nutrient mix, so like>>11306377
a pumped sponge

>> No.11306397

>>This thread has produced feels I never knew I felt
This is a based thread.

>I've got a couple of side hustles going which could eventually bloom into full businesses they're just painfully slow at the moment and feel like it's taking a hell of a lot of energy for very little gain.
iterative development, pareto principle, etc. I had a lot of "side hustles" until I realized that I was basically not actually doing anything in practice and was just living my life on autopilot. Once I picked up the controller (again, at risk of sounding like an edgy teen) everything did a 180 real quick like

>> No.11306408
File: 23 KB, 380x380, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>site requires javascript

>> No.11306411

Hey man that's how it is in the beginning! I actually first grew shrooms over 10 years ago and just back into it. I've spent a ton of time and money setting this stuff up for basically no profit. But luckily its something I enjoy and I hope you can say the same about your side hustles. That makes it easier to dedicate the time and effort, and if it does work out I'm golden.

>> No.11306421

Thanks for posting this thread, it's a gold mine compared to most of the drivel on the front page right now

>> No.11306452


Will read in to those principles cheers. That's exactly how it feels yeah. I'm sure something will start running in the end.


Yeah thanks for making thread, based indeed. Glad you enjoy it man, it's very satisfying growing anything and any mushrooms in sterile culture feel like a completely new level of growing mastery, getting something sterile in a world of bacteria and mould spores lol

>> No.11306463


>> No.11306464

LSD is more noob friendly despite the longer duration. Shrooms has more of an emotional charge to them

>> No.11306471

>it needs bi-directional flow of the nutrient mix
i know some nano-material people using sol-gel processes to do just such a thing (kind of). might be worth you giving the literature a look at when you have a spare 30 minutes?

>> No.11306475
File: 82 KB, 1040x780, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-24 at 19.48.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, just stop.

Anyone of you guys that want to do drug dealing or any illegal substance dealing please read me and pay attention.

Unless you make atleast 10k/month you are risking yourself for free, I'm not even kidding.

You are risking:
-All your life prospects, people with criminal past suffer prejudice on jobs, relationships, friendships and from your own family
-Your career prospects, people wont hire you and you will end up in low tier jobs or have to follow your own path
-You will acquire some mental illness that will be very hard to cure (pos trauma)

Also, you wont be able to get into normal social circles, people will get away from you and you will end up each time with more degenerate and law transgressors guys, that means that your inner circles will be of other criminals and people that arent normal

People snitch for many reasons and the number #1 is because they dont like to face responsability. The festival guys will snitch you and tell cops that they are small deal that wanted to do some "beer cash" and you are the bad guy, the risk is very high and the reward is low.

There is no loyalty on that game, you are dealing with people that doesnt care for morals, ethics and loyalty, the only they care is power and money, period.

I have lost many friends and parents to death and prison, this isnt a shiny path, Law Enforcement just need to be lucky once and you are done.

If you are able to reach outsider knowledge you can make money on other things that cant lead you to have your door kicked and your house swatted.

Seriously, people get greedy and cant the the possible results of their actions, they think they are outsmarting everyone at everything and then shit happens.

Remember lawyers arent free and good lawyers are expensive as fuck.

Dont be fooled.


>> No.11306515

Did that exchange ever unlock your BTC?

>> No.11306526
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> how can I into DNM? Had a lsd trip that changed me for the better but I wasn't tripping enough to complete the vision. I have to at least give it another go. Isn't the an info graphic?

>> No.11306531

I'm not selling coke in brazil. The mushroom game is pretty low key.

>> No.11306535
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>> No.11306545

Have you considered DNMs?

>> No.11306562

kek faggot. i dealt ice through aus mail fir 10 years without ever losing a package. chill the fuck out

>> No.11306568

Damn. What's your secret?

>> No.11306577

They unlocked but I had to pay 0.01 btc in tax to withdraw it, they dont warned everyone about their new rules.

I invested in some things, Had like 30% return, but I paid some guy and I dont know yet if he scammed me or if was just his mistake.

I'm hustling hard now.
Nothing is low key, even if you are an autistical genius that use the flawless OPSEC you can end up being caught.

You are thinking there is a small probability that you can get caught, if none, but there is a chance.

I have seen the fall of carders, bankers, drug dealers with flawless procedures and opsec, guys that wasnt even balling and still got fucked because someone snitched.

I have seen people that had methods and procedures genius tier and still got fucked.

You dont get caught for the crimes you commit, you get caught for the mistakes you make.

You are posting in a imageboard possible law friendly with javascript enabled, prolly on a 4chanpass account attached to many IP's that are your own.

At a maxim level I can see you started to think nobody can get you and that nothing bad can happen, but it still can.

Hope you can cold analyze what I'm telling you, you are overthinking yourself and LE can capitalize over your arrested (Shroom distribucer boosted with more than 50k usd value in shrooms).


>> No.11306584

you should work on your post formatting, those extra returns/spaces are just not necessary and make your post quite ugly

>> No.11306587

>(Shroom distribucer boosted with more than 50k usd value in shrooms).

>> No.11306590

>You are posting in a imageboard possible law friendly with javascript enabled, prolly on a 4chanpass account attached to many IP's that are your own.

>> No.11306592

>$0.50 per oz to produce
>$8 per pound
>wholesale for $500 per pound
>fucking nickle and diming oz sales like a bitch
Low production cost, doesnt take much space, doesnt alert the neighbors.
You're thinking small my freind. If ya gonna break the law go big or go home.

>> No.11306593


based and redpilled

>> No.11306607

Give me the rundown on thinking big in this scenario.

>> No.11306630

dude kek you need to get the fuck out more. government is fucking braindead. the entire safety net you think you have over your life is a meme. wait till some nigger breaks into your house and the pigs wont even be fucked taking a fingerprint

>> No.11306631

Is there a place I could see other post formatting that would be better? I just get used to it.
Also, I can see you are energetical and prolly hiperactive, that means your "affiliates" have some kind of bond with you and that means you aint anonymous to them, that means that if you get snitched you dont even had some kind of privacy to defend yourself.

Its a business, get your supply for low and sell it high.
It's simple but you have to be a socipath/psychopath to end up ruining people and doesnt even care to it. You just need mules and organize everything and its really that "basic", the rest is right opsec procedures and finding clients.

>> No.11306658

Niggas that rob houses aint fucking the system.

Someone doing illegal schedule substance is.

Someone that are doing illegal schedule substance dealing can at a flip of a coin start doing guns and bombs dealing, thats why LE will fuck you over if you some interstate dealing and if you do local dealing nobody care.

Interstate dealing is the same thing as being a terrorist, the only difference is that the interstate dealing doesnt know that and doesnt have the plugs to do it.

The guys that hustle and doesnt have any morals would ship guns, bombs and everything to make profit.

That's why LE fuck with that type.

>> No.11306673

>dude kek you need to get the fuck out more
lol I know
>the entire safety net you think you have over your life is a meme
dead on

You are exactly right

>> No.11306678

niggers dont care about shrooms though

>> No.11306681
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>niggers dont care about shrooms though

>> No.11306693

I understand your position. As of now I am small time, none of my stuff leaves the state. If 4chan forwarded my IP to the DEA and I got raided they would find nothing. Why would they even do that? LE is not proactive, they are reactive. If I don't give them a reason to come looking they won't. Thank you for your concern, but I am not worried.

>> No.11306702

Take what you have been doing on a small scale and multiply it.
You doing one tub? Do 10. You just did 10? Do 30.
Build a space in your garage. Fill it.
Start telling your festival "friends" that you stopped cultivating but you met a new hookup on cheap pounds.
Start cuffing larger amounts at first and move as quick as you can into COD wholesale.
High level drug dealing is all about networking so go where the action is. Hit the dead shows, widespread panic, string cheese, phish. Meet people, party and make contacts. You will learn to tell the difference between people who talk shit and people who do shit. Make a circle, make money, trust no one, and never snitch. Make your nut and find a way to turn legit. And remember...have fun.

>> No.11306721

He blows a lot of hot air and comes from a completely different background
Maybe this is my naïveté talking but my guess is that trying to sling pounds at festivals is a one way ticket to Azkaban even if nobody cares about shrooms and you have some common sense

>> No.11306728
File: 123 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-24 at 19.48.50(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as small time, you are a terrorist.

To being a terrorist mean you doesnt give a fuck for the laws, the farmaceutical and health system and everything else of where you live, you just cant see it but its that way LE will look to you.

You already think its normal to be illegal, you think its normal to use state companies to ship illegal goods and even think to produce it its normal.

At a maxim level you already gone to the dark side and you cant be recovered, you are now a state enemy and not a citizen anymore, that means that at a maxim level state need to prey you down before you get big enough to do massive damages.

When you say "I just cultivate illegal substances" you are talking that you doesnt care for the law and all the system if you can benefit from the transgressive action.


>> No.11306744


Same experience with 5g. Shrooms changed my life forever.

I'd put it simply that shrooms = introverted experience and acid = extroverted.

>> No.11306750

How does each compare for purposes of a group experience? >>11305349

>> No.11306781

i'm thinking about doing this. but legally. check this out...

plus i'm going to try growing pain in the ass mushrooms like morels and porcini. morels will sell for £400/kilo, because few people know how to make the fuckers grow. if i can suss it i'm rich. if not i can still make money from the easy ones. restaurants and farmers markets can't get enough of them.

>> No.11306795

fascinating vid, thanks

>> No.11306806


To add to this, people are taking edibles and vape pens on planes all the time.

>> No.11306819

You dont stand on a corner like a nigger shouting party favors.
You sell yourself as a middleman for big deals to people you know.

>> No.11306822

I'm probably too autistic for that

>> No.11306838

your great great etc grandfather was literally a mushroom.
psilocybin is one mysterious fucker

protip though: do not take 1 oz 12 grams at once. i'll never touch the bastard stuff again after that fucking chaos.

>> No.11306847

Take 1mg xanax with a cup of coffee.
Find a festy skank get her high as shit on ket and pound guts to boost your confidence
You will become a social butterfly.

>> No.11306857

Golly, that sounds like a funny recipe for confidence. Do I have to repeat this process every time I want to commit a new felony?

>> No.11306859

oh, some of you might find this useful by the way
it's legit, and they deliver "everywhere except north korea"

>> No.11306862


In my opinion, 10 people sounds like too much for shrooms or any psychedelics, unless you all are super close. Shrooms are serious business and will take you for a ride you are either going to cooperate with or resist and have a shit time. Like the other anon says, though, if it's small dosages and you guys get along real well, should be okay, but with more people, you have an increased likelihood of somebody being a pussy and having a bad trip, dragging everybody down.

>> No.11306873

I'm watching this video now. How the hell does he keep everything mold-free despite the fact that he jams his entire arms in the mix later on?

>> No.11306888

dunno man, dude clearly knows his stuff though. i'n growing shitaake mushrooms on logs in my garden right now on a small scale, kinda fun, it'd be nice to make some money from it. poncey london restaurants will pay good money for fresh produce.

>> No.11306945

As a career criminal, having commited many felonys, i can say without hesitation that it doesnt hurt the process one bit.

>> No.11306947

>having commited many felonys
story time pls
Are you a successful career criminal? What's your net worth?

>> No.11307044

Same with the woman later on, she's handling those behemoth cakes with her bare hands

>> No.11307144

Once the mycellium is established it is fairly resistant to contams. Straw itself is pretty resistant to begin with.

>> No.11307156

Interesting, so contamination is only really an issue with the substrate, correct? People don't seem to have any problems with mold on the mushrooms themselves.

>> No.11307242

Fuck making drugs.

Where can i buy some shrooms. I'm in New England. Can i trust online dealers?

>> No.11307275

Exactly. In order for the myc to grow it needs a nutrient dense moist substrate, which bacteria and mold also enjoy. Once the myc is established they have natural defense mechanisms to keep contams off. Kinda like kombucha or lactofermented sauerkraut.

>> No.11307277


>> No.11307282

I used to cultivate shrooms (growing is the wrong term btw) but I stopped years ago. Never sold them I just like taking them

>> No.11307286

Just hit up a music festival. I went to the lot at the further concert at umass in 2011. Dudes just outside peddling their wares "Shrooms, doses, balloons."

>> No.11307320

>It takes no effort at all for an agent to order from you, tag your package, and correlate that to the security footage. Now what?

You literally dump the package into your local post offices delivery box. Literally hundreds of people probably do it every single week, you don't have to sign for anything, your package gets mixed up with probably dozens of other packages before being sent out and is never opened.

Unless they somehow know exactly where you live, which post office you use, the exact time and date you dropped it off AND which box was yours how do you expect them to know it was you? Do you write a return address on your box or some shit?

>> No.11307327

I would say never sell mushrooms
kids who buy them fuck themselves up and do something stupid then blame the dealer
they're easy to grow and let people who actually respect the experience grow them themselves

>> No.11307354

there was a time when I would trade my extra mushrooms for weed because they were much easier to grow
but the dumbass kid started bragging, selling them to young kids, and driving under the influence being a retard
I cut him off and he got pissed and that was the end of that

>> No.11307442

>sending suspicious packages with no return address
might as well line it with Mylar while you're at it

>> No.11307449

Also what about prints? This isn't a cop show IRL but some LE orders your stuff then prints the box, you're done

>> No.11307460

Dont buy from it, you can be charged for international drug dealing and to be dealing with schedule substances.

You can receive a love letter and worst case scenario end up with house kicked.

Dont buy it.

>> No.11307482

I would never condone shipping drugs but it would be pretty easy to wear gloves and wipe the box. Plus unless you've been printed before they won't know who you are.

Actually, now that I think of it a ton of people would have touched the box after you ship it.

>> No.11307549

>Suspicious packages
Yeah wow that brown box that looks like every other brown box in the world sure is suspicious
>No return address
You put a return address on it retard, a fake one. Do you think they run some kind of background check on every single return address on every single package? The people handling your shit are paid $10/hr they could not give any less of a fuck.

Wear gloves when handling it, drive up to the pull-up deposit box

>> No.11307600

Sorry left thread for a while.

As far as I know, in the UK at least, you are virtually completely unlikely to get prosecuted for selling magic mushrooms, unless you are caught in the act of selling them, or have incriminating text conversation. They grow everywhere. Buy a couple of mushroom ID books, a little brush for cleaning mushrooms, a hand lens, and carry your stash round in a hiking rucksack. If you get caught you're an amateur mycologist who picked them up on a walk... I've seen plenty of dried mushrooms in the wild.

P.s. I don't and wouldn't mess around with shrooms (have taken them loads just wouldn't get involved in their processing) but I know loads who do and it's not considered a henious crime by any means. Even my straight edge mom has had shrooms in a sandwhich in the 60's...

>> No.11307617

You're right, I'm an idiot

>> No.11307683


Hey man maybe I can offer some sterilisation tips. Pressure cookers work great, but you never know if it's properly sterlised. Many people seal the lids of their jars too tight. The lid should be placed on the top of the jar/bottle maybe half a turn so the steam can penetrate. If anyone is serious about doing anything mycology related buy some autoclave tape, it's a couple of quid a roll, you stick it to your jars before you autoclave them, and it changes colour when a consistent sterlisation temperature is achieved.

Now you need a sterile 'hood'. You can make one by getting a huge plastic clear storage box, cutting out two holes, put some large gutter pipe cross sections in the holes, and stretch marigold gloves over the ends (inside the box), so you can put your hands through. Make a flap on the side of the box, which you can put your jars through. Have everything ready in the box (mushroom spores or growth media). Spray everything with rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution (alcohol better) including your gloves and rub them together. Alcohol is better because it evaporates off while you wait. Once the surfaces are sterile (also spray outside of jar), the box should in theory stop and nasty bugs floating in to your cultures.

>> No.11307703

>I know people who have been busted with 10+ pounds of weed and in my state all they got was probation because they were able to afford their lawyer and bail.

You know people who became informants anon.

>> No.11307786


Thanks for the tips

>> No.11307800

damn, i'm surprised it didn't melt

>> No.11307954


>> No.11308074


>> No.11308083

I suppose this precludes tracking info

>> No.11308088

Oh and how do you actually pay for it? That's a problem in itself.

>> No.11308515

You do know that you can send packages with stamps right?

As long as the package isn't fucking huge you can jump throw stamps onto it to cover the fare. You can even buy stamps made specifically for packages. Go to your local grocery store and buy stamps while picking up your groceries.

>> No.11308517
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>Yfw interdimensional Jew

>> No.11308519

but what about shrimp farms

>> No.11308632

>You do know that you can send packages with stamps right?
>As long as the package isn't fucking huge you can jump throw stamps onto it to cover the fare. You can even buy stamps made specifically for packages. Go to your local grocery store and buy stamps while picking up your groceries.
Aren't stamps worth like 50 cents? What are you going to do, put 20 stamps on there?

>> No.11308719

>get a real job you cuck
what did this faggot mean by this?

>get a fake post office box under a fake name with fake forms
>start ordering cheaps mdma and ketamine by the ounce
>sell to my mostly white middle class friends, at parties, music festivals and nightclubs (made $800 a night in a nightclub once)
>see the bitcoin used to buy the drugs is rising hmmihaveanidea.jpg
>pour profits into bitcoin ceasing the operation to eliminate risk and paranoia
>start investing in crypto beginning of 2017

and now ive 20x'd my initial investment AND potentially escaped wage cuckery for life AND got away with it but this requires big chad balls

>> No.11308743

>get a fake post office box under a fake name with fake forms

>> No.11308883

Post disregarded. Retarded lefty

>> No.11308891

that's kind of narrow-minded, fren

>> No.11308905

I know where to find them growing in the wilderness. Fuck growing them at home

>> No.11308918

That is like getting a medium sized weed operation going. Initial invest 1200 and 50 plants. Running cost 150/month

>> No.11309084

Tell me more, desu

>> No.11309094

use one of the hundreds of tutorials on youtube.

>> No.11309104

Why do people post tutorials on YT?

>> No.11309166


>> No.11309219

Medical is going to be on the Oregon ballot this year

>> No.11309244

This. They are being decriminalized in places like Denver, and are going through FDA clinical trials. MDMA will be next. Literally Peter Thiel invested in this shit years ago, fucking brainlets only think all drugs won't be legalized in the next 5-15 years.

>> No.11309254

it's already legal in New Mexico. and possession of fresh mushrooms too in some places (Florida, for example)

>> No.11309260

Damn, cutting into my profit margins already. Time to go lobby to keep these evil mushrooms out of the hands of our children!

>> No.11309285

Some videos you guys might find interesting:

>> No.11309363

To add--you should be going the long game researching the potential synthase enzymes for psilocybin, also cultivate them but don't forget about where the market will go.

Also, this thread is fucking great. I wish there was a private forum with this quality, reminds me of the first few months of /biz/. Multiple people with fucking awesome ambitions

>> No.11309377


>> No.11309419

>This. They are being decriminalized in places like Denver, and are going through FDA clinical trials. MDMA will be next. Literally Peter Thiel invested in this shit years ago, fucking brainlets only think all drugs won't be legalized in the next 5-15 years.
Where do you go for your news on things like this?

>> No.11309443
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>> No.11309445

>I would suggest 2 grams each of your typical dried product for a starting dose.

>> No.11309487

On second glance, why is it that 4 jars for you yielded less than what you're suggesting a 2- or 3-jar monotub would yield?

>> No.11309496

Why am I seeing people with fans and such? Timers, fans, some of these setups sound complex.

>> No.11309498

>he's never sent something in the mail
zoomers these days

>> No.11309501

I have but I use a shipping label or they apply one at the PO. Stamps apply to letters or maybe bubble envelopes. Stamps aren't relevant if you're sending a larger package, even a small box.

>> No.11309504



>> No.11309507 [DELETED] 

I was actually wrong, Denver will have to wait until 2019 to vote on decriminalization.

There's no one place I go for all this information. It's hard, and only a small number of people will succeed--statistically I will probably fail. I work in the legal cannabis industry--spent the last 13 years researching it for fun as a kid, and spent the last 6 sacrificing a social life to build actual skills to excel in it. At this point, the information just sort of comes to me. Not for just cannabis, but every psychoactive drug. Look up pharmacognosy senpai, it's the future.

>> No.11309512
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no half measures

>> No.11309523

How often are you guys buying a whole ounce of mushrooms? Damn.

>> No.11309564

>and spent the last 6 sacrificing a social life to build actual skills to excel in it.
Interesting. Do you mind elaborating on your business? How big is your setup and how are you doing?

>> No.11309635 [DELETED] 

I don't have enough capital for a cultivation/extraction/dispensing/etc business. Actually atm I'm mulling over whether to accept one of the offers I have from cannabis VC firms or to live on ~$1200/month to pursue my own idea(s). Leaning towards the latter

>> No.11309645

How'd you get offers from VC firms, and what are your independent plans?

>> No.11309716

The answers to either of those questions would dox me. Just outwork fucking everyone. Legal drugs is the biggest boom of our generation. Trust fund babies, execs from other industries, PhD's in a sort of related field, will get high level jobs and capital with zero knowledge of said drugs, and even keep them if they run the businesses into the ground. You need to outwork them. The essay I would need to write on what specific skills to learn would be a waste of my time.

>> No.11309766

>Trust fund babies
Why would this be the case?

>> No.11309793

I mean what, a 25 year old with $2m in the bank, from an affluent family that will definitely support him if he fails, ISN'T going to think about starting a cannabis business??

Not to mention the social consolidation of wealthy people, the connections they have to other investors and people who are in the position to start companies, etc..

>> No.11309805

So you're not currently involved in a legal cannabis business?

>> No.11309897

I am involved and hold equity in several. I just chose to go the long route instead of the cash up front route.

>> No.11309905

What's the long route?

>> No.11311547

an eigth is a normal dose so buying a whole ounce makes sense if you know you're going to want more in the near future.

>> No.11311706

still, that's a few doses

>> No.11311724

>Don't sell to anyone you don't trust or "market" them
Still doesn't work. Somebody is gonna snitch at some point.

>> No.11311725

Not to mention an ounce of wet shrooms isn't the same as an ounce of dry. And even the most dumbass frat boy you find isn't gonna be buying wet shrooms

>> No.11311740

I got busted with a kg of weed at home after they intercepted 100g of amphetamine in the mail. Happened while I was 19 and will have to live the rest of my life with a criminal record. Be smart if you're gonna sell drugs and never let your guard down

>> No.11311750


Yikes! Were you the recipient or the seller?

>> No.11311756

This guy gets it.

>> No.11311791

Grower, recipient, dealer and a trafficker at times hahahah go big or go home

>> No.11311796

how did you get busted? give me more details brofam

>> No.11311873

By being a fucking idiot. When I started dealing I payed some gypsy few bucks to go get my packages from the post but after seeing it done ten times I thought why not just cut him out and go get it myself, police don't know shit anyways. And then one day in october as I was trimming the buds I just harvested I got a notice in the mail about a package. Went to the post all happy since it was friday and party time, singed the package and upon exiting I was stopped by two drug inspectors and taken to the police station. Afterwards six police drove to my house as my parents watched in horror the place getting raided. The found the weed obviously and charged me with drug production and distribution. Never let greed cloud your common sense

>> No.11311894

oh, so you were receiving... weird
so they must have x-rayed and opened it, right?
> When I started dealing I payed some gypsy

>> No.11311928

Never order big ammounts from germany unless you're using a drop site, every package goes thru frankfurt and they are professionals at sniffing out drugs in them. They showed me the pictures of my package which the german police sent to my local police.

Yeah told the guy don't worry about noting you're safe, gave em 10€ for picking up a package with 100g of mdma hahah fuckin irony there

>> No.11311947

oh so you ordered from DE to another EU country
I'm in the US so it's far different state to state I think

>> No.11311970

Good luck bro. If we had DEA and SWAT teams over here I wouldn't even get into the game

>> No.11311986

but how did they know

>> No.11312054

Probably x-rayed it or something, they 100's of packages in frankfurt


Look at all the people dropping

>> No.11312139
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retarded. the amount of money we spend on policing this shit. over a MILLION motherfucking police hours per year in the uk on weed. (http://www.londonlovesbusiness.com/business-news/business/uk-taxpayers-could-save-nearly-900m-a-year-in-costs-by-legalising-cannabis/21373.article))
all the while the motherfucking DRUG MINISTER grows 45 acres to be sold abroad where it's not "lethal" like she says it is here where she grows it for personal profit. i'd get 14 years for taking 1 clipping from 1 of her plants. she gets millions of pounds.
pic is her army. a cannabis bust in london last month. retarded beyond description. the prime minister is at it too.
this is why it's really illegal. we need a god damn revolution.

>> No.11312154
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Kek good luck with buying knives for your revolution.

>> No.11312175
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i think initially it should take the form of endless people smoking weed in parliament. they can't arrest everyone.
i'm not the only one. here's a senior politician standing up in parliament and declaring that the law is so incomprehensibly retarded that we should simply break the fucking law. to challenge the police to arrest us. it has come to this.