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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11302254 No.11302254 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>28 yo
>working retail in a grocery store
>blew all my money on ETH, ICX and Fun in December
>only have 800 in savings
>no car ride bus like pic related
>No college education
>live at home with parents
>Quit lifting 2 years ago
Yesterday a classmate from high school came in while I had on my stupid uniform while I was baking stuff in the bakery department, I tried to hide away but he saw me and just gave me a look of amusement mixed with pity. Crypto was supposed to be how I afford college should I just figure out a way to get NEETbux instead /Biz/? I can’t keep being a minimum Wagner for another year. I’m not the only one on here am I? Everyone making 6 figures and being crypto millionaires are mostly LARPs right?

>> No.11302269


Invest as much money as you possibly can afford into Chainlink immediately and hodl.

>> No.11302279

i need a job, but this is my worst fear, seeing people you know in your shitty retail uniform

>> No.11302287
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just find what makes you happy fren. ur gonna make it

>> No.11302299

I bought 25 link when they were 1.10 each fucking kill me, I can’t dump anymore into crypto

>> No.11302305
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I earn 1450€ per month
the job isnt humiliating but fuck I'm poor
I took a massive loan in august and I'm waiting to make it, if I fail I will do bad things you know.

>> No.11302314

Start lifting again
Take it easy to begin with and establish the habit
Easy step you can take to improve your life
Dont give up

>> No.11302327

I'm in the same boat. I make $18 an hr, I come in really late and only work 2 days a week so I am only making about $200 per week. Maybe if I get on a good sleep schedule I could will myself to work a bit more, show up on time, getting a raise to $20 an hr. Working 20 hours a week would give $400. All of which would go into various shit coins.

Crypto is literally our only chance to make it. I am trying to get as much as I can before the next run up.

>> No.11302362

I’d kill to make 18 an hour. I make 11 and have to wear a stupid fucking uniform. Maybe the anon was right I should start lifting again but what’s the point when you’re a broke loser who lives at home and works a dead end job?

>> No.11302364


>> No.11302401

ditto, but add a car, takeaway 2 yrs+20$ hr job, and add about 3.6k savings, . I got my neetbux denied which makes me feel even shitier. Gonna have to try to appeal.. problem is I put I have severe social anxiety.

>> No.11302473

making 20$/h is too much to say you are really wageucking
get the fuck out of here seriously

>> No.11302482

How are people like you so lucky to make that much and not take advantage? I make 12.25 I fucking wish I could make 18. If save up all my extra cash and not work after I filled up savings. Get it together. People who get these opportunities never fucking deserve it.

>> No.11302500

For anxiety you have to keep appealing multiple times, fail any psych test they give you, act incredibly scared or break down. I tried this fuckin 8 years ago without doing those things and kept getting denied. Now im a wagie. Also fuck you 20 bucks an hour. You faggots complain about making a seriously decent living and I will find and kill you both. I make 12.25 and still managed to save at least 5k last year being frugal. Come on fuck off with that shit.

>> No.11302516
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>managed to get a full time job last year
>20k saved up
>25k in shitcoins
>about 5k in 401k equivalent
>~5k in (((stock)))
>make $32/hr
>do shift work so that changes from 32 to ~43/hr for nights
>64/hr for weekends
>meanwhile most of my friends are married, have their own house, ect

i guess being JUSTed is relative

>> No.11302521



>> No.11302524

b-but ive already got 17k link anon

>> No.11302540


In Jordan Peterson's book he says that you need to "forgive your past self". Would recommend

>> No.11302563

I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.

Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.

'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.

The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit. Happy gambling though anons.

>> No.11302584

I dont think you understand. It has always been my parents getting my jobs for me. My other one which was for 4 yrs, seasonal @ 10.00 an hour..in the heat everyday. I only got the other one through sheer luck, a miracle, even. I lost more than half my crypto to malware somehow, and the other half crashed close to zero. So if anything, you should be getting mad a people like >>11302516

>> No.11302614

LINK is shit

>> No.11302626


You are forgetting swift is involved. Swift will use link if they make what they intent to. Useage by swift will eventually trigger adoption.

>> No.11302657

>crypto is literally our only chance to make it
Why don’t you get a proper job and stop being poor you filthy bum

>> No.11302694

There is no proper job where you can make it in 2018. None.

>> No.11302737


Why are you so sad anon? You make decent money and have some nice savings.
The fact that you are permatired is no good though. Maybe take one day off in the week and transfer one of your week days to the weekend. You wont lose any money and you will be able to rejuvenate.

>> No.11303034

Tfw I work in data analytics (first job out of uni) live at home so literally no expenses.

Tfw I have more than enough money to do whatever I want, and enough left over to build a portfolio

>> No.11303110

1. get a higher paying job.
2. go to a state school and take sone loans while working part time

>> No.11303125


Buy more

>> No.11303126

find a warehouse/industrial job. better pay, more room for advqncement, et

>> No.11303139

>took a massive loan in august
> taking a loan to gamble shitcoins online
return your loans asap before you lose it all

>> No.11303197

I lost my job working in retail. Thank god. The problem really is that the social status of a retail wagecuck is literally as low as somebody who is unemployed and collects gobbermint welfare. I hustle right now doing illicit work for people and not paying taxes. I have more responsibility for myself but it feels better than being a retail worker. Literally the social status of a homeless crackhead.

>> No.11303434

How much do you get paid? What was your major?

>> No.11303529


depends how you frame it.
You can spin it as "i wanted something low key and that doesn't make too invested so i dont get bored". especially if you made it already with crypto or are on the way

>> No.11303572

Ok so if you want to be optimistic about even these jobs you can of cause. I had to run like a pretty huge section of the market myself. It def teaches you how to deal with hundreds of people irl and on the phone for hours on end without losing your cool and be able to multitask everything.

>> No.11303665


i work a retail job too. as far as they go it's okay. private business and i have so much autonomy i can literally sit on the toilet all day. Also have a specialized knowledge, its just a shame it isn't worth much financially.

Anyway, point is, retail is a low social proof job, but sometimes it has its benefits. If i make it with crypto, i intent to continue working here if i make it from crypto still lol

>> No.11303681

£26k a year, studied philosophy as an undergraduate, masters in economics, one of the top 10 unis in the country.

Got a decently performing portfolio in stocks and a few bonds.

>> No.11303825


Another UK brah.
Uni in UK is weird. It's pretty much getting you jobs that make average wage at best. wtf. Degree is almost like finishing secondary school now.

>> No.11303900

I work a full-time job at a Best buy making $10/hr.
Fuck this stupid nightmare world, and fuck the people who fight tooth and claw to defend this dystopian system of work, buy, consume, die.
>But anon you live in America, you should be thankful! There are starving kids in Afri-

>> No.11303920

I work in retail currently and have also sold medical equipment to Medicare recipients over the phone, technical support sales, and other skilled labor jobs. I’d much rather ding people up all day and shoot the shit with hundreds of random strangers than worry about making quotas or multi tasking between seven different applications. It gives me time to think about the characters in my book, where I’m going with it, and how I’ll end it. And I do need to end it soon, the logical closure point is well on its way.

>> No.11304000

>Self employed in 2011
>Doing well, saving 15k
>Getting stupid, travel around world, end up having to eat ramen most of the time
>Slowly making money again
>Can't resist, and go traveling again
>Come back, again with no money
>Barely getting back on my feet
>Can't find work from clients anymore
>Unable to afford 750 EUR/pcm rent for tiny 40sqm apartment anymore
>Have to borrow money from mother to not end up on street
>Finally agree to go wagecucking for 45k a year starting in January

32 years old, single, no savings
Friends are getting married, having kids, building houses

Don't make the same mistakes, young Anons.

>> No.11304004

Keep grinding. Fuck what others think or say. There’s no shame in any type of work. Stay positive and keep motivated and you’ll get there. Guaranteed

>> No.11304097

you forget automating contracts through blockchain will always be cheaper than actually using paper contracts which involve a whole big hassle of people just to make sure everything is signed OK - chainlink will enable smartcontracts to finally remove middlemen in contractualisation and thus save a whole lot of money - that my friend is what companies want

>> No.11304132

I am mad at the dumbposter for making so much an hour and only saving 25k. Fuck. But listen I also feel for you because I had severe social anxiety and still have it mildly. I've had on and off wagecuck jobs for 8 years since I graduated hs because of it. Dropped all my friends, stopped going to places. But listen to me right now, you have to go out into the world and expose yourself to social situations and your fears. It's literally the only and BEST way to slowly get better. Get therapy and I wouldn't really recommend the pill jew. Seriously I was a nervous wreck when I started a new job again last year. It took time but I can look people in the eye, have conversations, ride the bus, etc. I now rent my own room, support myself, and save money. I used to be so paranoid that I though people driving by on the street in cars were judging me. Expose yourself to situations you can handle. With time and practice your anxiety will begin to diminish. But it takes effort and patience. Be your own person now anon, find a shit job and practice with that. You'll make it but you have to try harder everyday.

>> No.11304281
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>Highschool dropout
>Never had a Job

>> No.11304507

I feel your pain brah
How much are you able to put away? What are your expenses like? I'm on min wage in CA and I'm scraping by but have a chunk of change saved up. Living frugally can suck but it puts you ahead of other normalfags.

>> No.11304620
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>used to make $250k a year
>now I make $47/hr
>It's enough to stay out of debt but fuck I'm old and tired now
>bounce from 2 month contract to the next
>I'm good at Excel but so is everyone else now. Damn millenials are smart.
>not even 40 yet I want to stop working but can't there's a mortgage
>so tired

>> No.11304627

Im kind of in the same spot but in a 3rd world shithole. I figured out beside my faith in Christ and reading the bible daily that on the biz side of things the most important thing first and foremost is to get the people that bring you down out of your life and start surrounding yourself with the people that you can create a symbiosis with - meaning they can benefit from you and you from them.
Always appreciate things because its better to be thankful than to complain, you're doing something good instead of something bad/hurtful/pointless and remember don't do drugs but if you have to cocaine>weed others are not worth doing.

>> No.11304656

You could be all that and have college debt and lost revenue from the opportunity cost of college

>> No.11304688
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I know this feel, Anon. I'm 26 and I've been working at the same shitty restaurant job for 10 years now. I started off as a dishwasher, but now I'm a bartender, so I guess I've moved up the ranks, but I'm still in a shit position. I hate seeing people I went to HS with. A lot of them are done with their degrees, getting married, having kids, and buying homes, and all I'm doing is working a soul crushing job, taking classes at community college and just wondering what I want to do in life. I've switched majors like 2 times now and I'm still unhappy and lost. I'm hating my finance major right now. I thought I would love to work in an office space, but now that I think about it, I'm not even sure if that job is right for me. I've tried doing other shit too. I've tried to teach myself code and basic IT shit, and I couldn't even do that.
I'm hoping this pain will go away and I will find my calling in life.

>> No.11304800

I wish i dropped out of high school and just got a ged. Woukd have saved me a few years of torment

>> No.11304811

What did you do for the past decade

>> No.11304859

Procrastinated suicide and learned some languages by shitposting on exotic 4chan spinoffs.
>Also procrastinated mining bitcoin

>> No.11305081

>45 an hour
REEEE get out!
Unless you're making fucking peanuts you don't get any sympathy. Any absolute brianlet with a calculator and willpower can save over half their paycheck and budget. I'd be set for life with a 45 an hour job. Kys

>> No.11305085
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>Can't resist, and go traveling again
> 32 years old, single, no savings

Made the same mistake, ended up like you at 30yo without money.
I'm 38 now and I make 7 times the minimum wage, big raise due next April.
Don't lose your hope frens

>> No.11305128

45k in europoor is quite okay anon

>> No.11305143
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You know, neet stuff
Mastering lasagna culinary arts
Learning 10 languages

>> No.11305153


Link will never go above $1.40 each.

>> No.11305161
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>college degree but working minimum wage
>$1700 in the bank
>down 50% on cryptos
>no friends
>no hope of moving out due to living in expensive city

>> No.11305214

Sorry to hear that I'm sure it's like 100% more difficult in a 3rd world country to make a decent living. If you budget right you can make it. Definitely agree that people should be thankful for what they have. I'm happy for the most part just want to make more money so I can save and retire earlier and see my family more. You is definitely mah nigga we believe in the same things. I also am not a drug user and keep my bad habits to diet coke. I truly hope you make it anon just hang in there.

>> No.11305217

fuck you

>> No.11305302

>minimum wage two shift machine operator
>700 in savings
>9k link
>immigrant in north east uk
>no friends
>speak two foreign languages but too mentally fucked up to utilise it in any sensible way
>want to work at mcdonalds unironically so I cure my autism a bit
>parents threw me out and I broke into a park and slept there for a week, was the king hedgehog and communicated telepathically with ducks and swans

>> No.11305318

forgot to add

>history of neglect, violence, substance abuse, drugs, image boards, fucked up relationships, all that rainbow shit

>> No.11305365

Find a room with utilities included
Look at your expenses seriously and see how much you can save

>> No.11305375

>be me
>29 yo
>2 college degrees
>moved out of parents' place years ago
>make $140k+ a year
>tons of money in savings and investments
I still feel like a loser. I could've "made it" with crypto last year but I fucked up. Only saving grace is I made enough to pay off my school loans.

>> No.11305391

Look into translating it pays well. Even translating doujins could help make you money. You have a very good skill. Sorry to hear about your past, build yourself up. You can do it anon

>> No.11305471

all of the fralance translating Ive looked into pays like shit and not enought o live by, I've looked into it

Ive also done research into face to face freelance translating and it turned out that they dont even get paid most of the time and get treated like dogs. I mean if I grinded on it for years then probably would get me somewhere

>> No.11305490

Third-world anon here. Finishing last year of university to make 250$/month fml.

>> No.11305540

Really? I've seen so many ads for decent pay for a translator especially someone who is fluent or native tier. What about working for the govt? Hmm I wish I could help. If you are bilingual most jobs would jump on you. What about looking into a business with owners that speak your specific languages?

>> No.11305545

Does your country have ladyboys?

>> No.11305555
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>> No.11305556

no, slavic ppl dont like ladyboys

>> No.11305591
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I guess my point is don't feel regret.
I worked hard in college. Worked hard in grad school. Worked hard in several jobs I was The Man. You can still get cut down and told, "k. now do more." Nothing in the past matter if you cant retire you're just another slave.

>> No.11305600

im only up 2k from my initial 14k investment. But I have been buying the dips

>> No.11305615

The lot of you

>> No.11305628

why don’t you poorfags just go to cc and get a cert in it or something

Or learn a trade cc is practically free with tax write offs

Besides u guys know most companies offer tuition benefits, ups is good, Walmart, McDonald’s I think I don’t know google that shit and use it

Or be perpetually on the bottom

>> No.11305657

I would gladly live in pindostan. Making 250$ per month as doctor triggering me.

>> No.11305727

What country is this? Moldova?

>> No.11305762


>> No.11305774

People will never be satisfied with your work. You're not supposed to derive that, "I did a good job and worked hard" for others. You're supposed to work hard for yourself, your integrity, your own character that you had to build. If you know you were "the man" and did good that's all that should matter to you personally. Rarely is there a manager or perosn in charge that can see good work and a great worker for what they are. But you also have to take care of yourself and set your future self up. You made good money, if you saved it for later in life for a family or whatever makes you happy that's what is important. I don't regret failing at other jobs and losing money because noe i know what's important. Sorry anon it's not you I'm just personally pissed that people who get real good money squander it when others can put it to better use.

>> No.11305833

Sell your house, live in a car, shower at the gym

For fucks sake, I'd KILL to get paid to type spreadsheets even at $20/hr

>> No.11305859

The only reason I still smoke weed is my shitty menial minimum wagecucking. Honestly, I love going to university, and I'm completely sober there. I have to go to work tomorrow and I already need some weed

>> No.11305870

Wagecuckery is wagecuckery
The only difference is I can go a little bit longer without being homeless if I lost my job.

>> No.11305891

my room mate is a minimum wagecuck like me and he smokes weed every day and eats premade shit, while I do rice, beans n greens and dont smoke eed

he reminds me of myself 2 years ago

>> No.11305908

Why did you stop?

>> No.11305925

because I smoked every day and became literally retarded. Also jacked it every day and did other stupid shit like being a retarded faggot in general

mostly tired of being broke, stupid loser. Now I have 700 saved up but thats the most I ever had in my entire life

Im not saying I will never smoke again, I just dont have time for that now. I will smoke one when I will be writing a chapter about my weed smoking, (Im wrtiing a shitty book)

>> No.11305946

Even though you did not say that much, it definitely resonates with me. I'm so tired of smoking weed...I think I won't get anything from my dealer and instead I'll buy some BTC. Thanks fren

>> No.11305974

It's your fault, boomer. Should have learned more than fucking excel while your brain was still plastic. BTFO

>> No.11305982

weed is just another jew shit that destroys you

smoking like twice a year and having great sex is fine, but smoking as a hobby and often is stupid. it really does make you stupid, one day youll realise it

unless you're some famous and rich artist like snoop dogg

otherwise everyone makes fun of idiot weedfags

>> No.11305999
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>22 years old
>live in a thirld world country: Brazil
>live in the biggest state and brazilian city : São Paulo
>poor, no family, no inheritance, born on favela
>cousin with prostate cancer and I have to pay the chemo treatment
>study on a paid rich university (won scholarship)
>study in a state university
>have to hustle to pay rent, transport, food and to afford healthcare of my younger brother and older mother
>as my income isnt enough I started to "hustle"
>if until day 15 of October I dont make some shady guys atleast 5x initial investment profit real shit can happen to me
>today on my way to home started to rain and the water got into my cellphone, screen fucked
>cant sleep because of stress and because I imagine being kicked because no money for rent

I dont know even how to start.

>> No.11306010

Theres a difference between wagecucking for a few years making 140k and wagecucking for 50 making less than 15 an hour. You have savings and investments right? You make 140k? How much do you need to live on? You should be retired already.

>> No.11306034


>> No.11306076

ever thought about growing weed?

>> No.11306128

Embrace the pain/contrast. The only reason you feel shitty is because your arent keeping up with the real you thats already over your struggles.

>> No.11306146

>140k a year
>save like 100k a year
>have 1 million dollars after 10 years of working
You can make it, anon.

>> No.11306172

It can get better

>> No.11306184

I'm average, even if I did it I would end up with STD/AIDS faster than I would make some real cash.

Charges for drug dealing goes from 5 years to 15 years.
Changes for "producing" goes from 5 to 10 years.

So I can easily 5 to 25 years jail.

I dont think its worth if you consider I have people that depend on me and they cant do nothing if I get busted.

>> No.11306198

i'm a month sober, i just called for some weed and this post made me cancel my order.

Thanks i guess

>> No.11306204

Savings and investments right now are because I don't have a wife, kids, or house yet. Things I might like to have in the next decade or so. So I'll be stuck working a job I don't really like for decades just like everybody else.
It doesn't work that way. Like $55k is taken off the top for my 401k and taxes. And then I have my living expenses.

>> No.11306213

kekked, lots of truth here
$18 isn't shit but it's a lot to some people, I know all of these feels simultaneously

maybe I will offer some advice in this thread when I'm free later

>> No.11306220

The dude is 29
He's gonna get married within those 10 years, and his wife is going to spend every penny he makes from that point onwards

>> No.11306223

Does your country have a complex taxation system? If yes, go into tax consultation.

People hate dealing with taxes and are willing to pay a lot to get rid of the problem.

>> No.11306311

Or he might be dead tomorrow. Such is life.

>> No.11306375
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OP why the fuck aren't you just working at Amazon? They raised the wage to 15 and all you have to do is deal with the wagey cage and pissing in bottles. At least no one will know you do the job so you can keep some dignity.

>> No.11306547
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That's what you deserve for chimping out and doing the Jew's bidding in 2014, desu, senpai.

>> No.11306729

Did you find that the women were the same everywhere?

>> No.11306775

>hourly employee
>"I come in really late"
>i'm broke

You only work two days a week and you still can't get to work on time? Come on man. You have 5 days to do whatever the hell you want.

>> No.11306796

Good stuff anon. Just take a week off and rest. Are you in IT? I'm looking to get my A+ next year. Ideally i'd like to do a night job at a help desk for a year while getting more certs, I would have a solid resume to move somewhere cheaper like Texas by that point

>> No.11306817

I spent three months traveling a few years back. I came back to nothing. It really fucked with my head. Haven't traveled since. Trying to find a community and develop skills before I leave again.

Traveling is fun, coming back and being a nobody is fucking brutal.

>> No.11306871

Kinda the same thing happened to me with drinking. I was never an alcoholic, but i'd still catch a buzz 4 times a week after work because I was bored and had no hobbies.

At some point I realized I wasn't doing shit with my life. Not sure if i'm depressed or not, but alcohol made everything permanently numb. I couldn't enjoy anything, and I didn't give a shit about my future.

Might as well answer op at this point
>only restaurant work
>useless associated degree
>decent chunk in savings for my age
>school is still too expensive to finish
>gonna get my A+ cert and work a help desk job to get out of the rut i'm in
>thankfully have a car
>car is my therapist, i love my car to death
>stopped drinking/going out
>life is looking up

>> No.11306884
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I wish you luck my man, go work on a fishing boat for a year or two and grind some real money. Screw your current lifestyle.

>> No.11306908
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>minimum Wagner

>> No.11306909

>this dystopian system of work, buy, consume, die.
what's a better "system"? free gibs? if you want shit you have to work for it. how else would you get it? nobody is forcing you to buy/consume

fucking commie zoomers

>> No.11306921
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1517552333979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 LINK

>> No.11306938


>> No.11306963

>What did you do for the past decade
esoteric video game strategies

>> No.11307029

quit using mental illness as an excuse

>> No.11307065

Nothing wrong with working at a bakery dude. Dont be a dumb fag.

>> No.11307082

All these people freaking out over 18$/hour
>make 30$/hour
>still poor :|

>> No.11307325
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mfw attempted CFA lvl 2 four times before giving up broken then lost job to reorg

>> No.11307377
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1135€/month here
>still live at parents
>30 years old tincan car
>no gf
>15k link

>> No.11307403

>masters in econ and £26k a year
>probably closer to £5k after taxes
I guess that's why they're called Europoors

>> No.11307524

Thanks. I'll try to fight my appeal, at least a few times, if nothing, I'll take your advice to heart. I secretly miss waging it up anyway.

>> No.11307561

kek nice

>> No.11307678
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>> No.11307858

Yes, no doubt about it. But most unpleasant women I met in Canada.
And if you think western women in their home countries are degenerate, I wouldn't recommend going backpacking. They're even more mental when let loose abroad.

I spent three years traveling. It was my whole identity back home. It was a running joke asking me when I was leaving again. I completely lost track of my life.

>> No.11307906

get gov money you fucking brainlet, they will pay you to go to school.

>> No.11308038

well what the fuck is cc?

>> No.11308051

Best place you visited?

>> No.11308082
File: 41 KB, 367x384, 1376772870159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 28 Y/O
> no non-mortgage debt
> make ~55k/yr bartending 4 days a week
> 2500 sqft 6bd 3 bath home in washington with detatched 2 car garage, owe 130k
> GF of 3 years lives with me, she pays me 300 a month
> rent out 3 spare bedrooms for storage to family business for 350/month
> rent out master suite to friend for 450/mo + 1/3 of utilities
> mortgage payment 980/mo, income from hose 1200/mo
> 11k in crypto
> 4k in bank
> 5k in precious metals
> 5.7k in vanguard roth ira
> ~3k in rare gemstones
> ~5k in firearms

i suppose im doing ok. until age 25 i was a WoW addicted virgin neet, so pretty much all that was accomplished in the past 3 yrs

>> No.11308225

New Zealand. In fact, I spent an entire year there.
Few people (5 million), no one is in a hurry, friendly folks, amazing nature.

Being from Germany (82 million), where everyone seems stressed and grim most of the time, this was an eye opener.

>> No.11308239

Yeah, Belgium here, so i can relate to Germany. Thanks

>> No.11308252

>until age 25 i was a WoW addicted virgin neet

Same here and I'm starting to turn it around but with classic wow on the horizon I'm seriously considering throwing my life away again to play it.

>> No.11308256

>make ~55k/yr bartending 4 days a week
wtf? how? did you go to bartending school?

>> No.11308270

Also, how did you make money? Or did you just save up? (how much?)

>> No.11308470

I freelanced as a web developer. Mostly for German clients. At one point I slept in a tent for six weeks during winter, while working from a coworking space during the day.

>> No.11308554

jezus, well atleast you had some nice experiences

>> No.11308597

Idiots, I worked for literally three fiddy merkelbux per hour waking up at 5 in the morning and dressing up like a clown, stop complaining for making over than 10 eur/usd an hour.

Put everything in LINK, REQ, RDN and whatever else advances the ETH ecosystem, and pray. But stop whinning

>> No.11308616

McDonalds, Rotterdam?

>> No.11308661

I'm pretty sure they have wages better than "literally three fiddy" in Holland. "Literally three fiddy" is, quite literally, three point five euros per hour

>> No.11308679

yeah, i tought they had, but only for 18yo's or something special

>> No.11308698

>But most unpleasant women I met in Canada
what about most pleasant?

>> No.11308739

I'm really glad I'm not American....

Thank God I was born in an actual first world country

>> No.11309017


Man I fucking hate myself more than anyone, for the failures, the lack of foresight, being too lazy to study math and do well when the brain was like a sponge.

>> No.11309040
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>25 LINK
that is like 27 dollars

>> No.11309224


Deserve it for taking the side of the Zionist West.

>> No.11309353

kek u weren't an early adopter, you were a normie

>> No.11309403

> I spent three years traveling
Same here, dude, backpacked East Asia, Middle East, Australia and Latin America.

> I completely lost track of my life.
I didn't even come back to Europoor...
I finally bought a suit 6 years ago, found a job abroad, changed country a couple of times, recently got a better job, bought an apartment.
It was very difficult to catch up with people who's been working non-stop since they were 23yo, it took me 6 years.
Glad you succeeded too.
Other long-term backpackers I met are still kind of lost (e.g. become drug addicts, primary school teachers or pizza makers).

>> No.11309408

>It was very difficult to catch up with people who's been working non-stop since they were 23yo, it took me 6 years.
can you elaborate on this more?

>> No.11309529

I travelled the world between 25 and 30yo.
When I started looking for a job again I was around 30yo, with very little work experience. Most of my competitors had at least 6-7 years of work experience so they were obviously favoured when applying for a good job.
So I had to start from the bottom: I could find a job because I learnt several languages in my travelling but they were low pay jobs (around 1000 USD a month).
Now that I'm 38 I got a better paying job (2500 USD a month, living in a developing country it is a lot of money), but I have to compete with people with 15 years of work experience in the field having only 6 years of work experience myself.

>> No.11309535

Couldn't you simply lie?

>> No.11309641

Of swift uses link it’ll go to $100 overnight

>> No.11309688

> Couldn't you simply lie?
I lied for entry level jobs, but as you go up the ladder the selection process is much more arduous:
- they consider only experience for which you can provide evidence and certificates
- they ask you for references in the field and they actually call them up (also, the upper you go, the more all the bosses know each other)
- they actually ask you to provide some of your previous work to evaluate
- in my field (R&D) you also need to present a minimum number of publications, etc.

>> No.11309700

Welp, I'm fucked

>> No.11309742
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>> No.11309809

i was there when this pasta was created. good to see it's still going strong several months later

>> No.11309818

I have a nice job, living rent free with my widowed mommy, and a fat stack of LINK from ICO. I'm doing great!

>> No.11309981

> Welp, I'm fucked
Try to get some work experience of any kind in your preferred sector, e.g. work for a charity, get an internship, and start from there. It is not easy but it is never too late (how old are you? any degree?)
First tip I can give you: showing up every day is enough for most entry level jobs (most people cannot even do that).

>> No.11310002

29, no real work experience, just a huge gap in my resume from 21 until today. I spent most of my time playing video games but I started working on myself a few years ago and have one successful business under my belt, but it's a bit scummy ("Internet Marketing" type stuff). Most of my income was from finding a profitable ad with a landing page, then scaling that up until I made like $50k in on week, with only pennies for the rest of the year... that kind of thing. So when it comes to real work experience, I have a lot of experience with various things--servers, linux, programming, etc--but I have no real shirt-and-tie, suck the boss off for overtime job experience

>> No.11310058

I should note that I had to learn a lot for this "job". For example, I took a programming class and a statistics class at a local community college just to better enable myself to run the numbers on my various advertising campaigns and flesh out exactly how to optimize them. That was great for my income and I do value the experience and the knowledge, but it's not really resume-quality stuff.

>> No.11310160

I think that putting in your resume that you generated 50k with a single project would look very good in your resume, make sure to include that and brag about it in interviews.
Plus you have some skills (statistics and some programming languages) and a few certificates to prove it.
So your CV is not empty at all, plus you can put that you have been the director of your own internet company for 8 years.
I believe that's enough to get you at least an interview for an entry level job in your sector.

>> No.11310171

>I think that putting in your resume that you generated 50k with a single project would look very good in your resume, make sure to include that and brag about it in interviews.
Suppose it was questionably legal, definitely in violation of the TOS of the advertiser, porn-related, and so on...

>I believe that's enough to get you at least an interview for an entry level job in your sector.
Hope so anon!

>> No.11310225

Listen to this guy OP. link is a meme and a bad meme at that.

>> No.11310967

>2 bachelors and a masters, graduated during GFC so might as well wipe my ass with them
>fry cook a couple days a week
>shitbox apartment, rent's good though
>70k in savings and investments
>years since I've even considered being with a woman
>couple of hobbies that I'm really good at
I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life ten years ago, it was like the inside of my head was on fire. If you asked me now I couldn't tell you.

>> No.11311041

Get a real cert like CISSP and you will be set for life, do it bitch.

>> No.11311063

Unless you have a disability making you ineligible, do a three year contract with the Navy/Airforce/Army. Do a technical job like BMET (biomedical equipment technician). You'll get life experience in the eyes of normalfags, money to live off, not much but you won't breaking bank. Finally after three years you leave and qualify for 36months of tuition + monthly housing stipend dependent on area.

Now I only recommend this under these two circumstances.

1. Technical job.
2. 3 yr contract(some technical jobs require 4yrs)

Option 3. Join the reserves/ng and use their tuition assistance, but you'll need a weekly job to pay for living expenses.

>> No.11311089
File: 86 KB, 1501x814, failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loser too,

Even worse I got scammed 1k.

I'm following the meme, cause fuck it.

Pic related.

>> No.11311112

Yeah it’s pretty much all LARPs. Most people here on down on initial investment so don’t let it get to ya OP. Hang in there for another year and then we can finally commence the golden bull. Think of it as an opportunity to earn more money to put into crypto before it returns to the likes of which humans have never witnessed before.

>> No.11311117

Keep at it minimum Wagner
at least you have some job, that puts you ahead of a lot of us on here.

>> No.11311506

Similar experience here, tried to be a librarian and thought it was all I could want, being a book lover. Found it impossible to enjoy because I got found out for getting a little TOO into /pol/ and libraries being the most liberal places on Earth (its literally nonstop feminine energy mixed with #metoo stories galore) I was evil eyed into needing to gracefully quit my job.

I saved 29K in cash and decided to try swing trading as a career. I eventually lucked into the weed thing buying the middle of the Tilray and IGC crazes and now up to 52K.

Otherwise I am really dead inside and can't provide a masculine image right now because of being poor and no cool job, so no ladies love me. Not really sure if this is what I want to do with my life but sticking in there.

>> No.11311610

This is why I holed myself up in a warehouse rather than trying the retail or restaurant game. There is 0 chance of me ever seeing anybody I knew from school unless they become an employee or a truck driver. Plus the work is fairly solitary, bare minimum of interaction needed for me to do my job.

>show up to work
>have practically an entire building to myself because i run the department and there isn't much to do
>schedule my tasks for the day
>pop in my headphones and get to work moving shit around and shipping stuff
>can look at my phone and make trades whenever because i only see 2 or 3 other employees a day

Shit pay but at least I'm oddly comfy

>> No.11311622


Anon, that's stupid. Don't stoop that low. At least fake your resume so you can get some half decent jobs.

>> No.11311674

Could I go to a coworking space, browse 4chan all day while subtly begging Chads to get me a job at their place of employment?

>> No.11311778

>falling for the traveling meme

>> No.11311828

>25 Link
LMAO, unironically not going to make it anon. You need to do whatever the fuck you can to start buying chainlink right now. Go steal expensive small items like certain art supplies or scissors and shit from your local Walmart or that kind of store. Literally do whatever the fuck it takes to scrounge together a few thousand dollars to escape your hellhole of an existence.

>> No.11312298

>used to make 250k a year
>is still in debt


>> No.11312577

I know, literal NPC right?

>> No.11312635

i cant believe im saying this, but just move to europe and free load. every other shitskin is, atleast you speak english.

>> No.11312637

>Dropped out of college fucking twice, pretty sure smoking weed from 16-23 fucked my brain up
>In trade school now, but just waiting for my crypto to moon so I can drop out
How to reroll my life senpai.

>> No.11312695

Im not saying NIMIQ is a sure thing. But its easy to mine on your PC. Easy free NIM, even if you just trade it for BTC etc. Lifes a hussle.

>> No.11312765

gun to mouth

>> No.11312779

"If your competent and quiet you'll be ignored."
-J. Peterson

>> No.11312787

Well, yeah, it's a MCD corporate job.

Not a retail resto/franchisee job.

Should'nt have declined that $50/hr job offer I got. Fucking depression, man.

December 2017.

I was making $$$ on BTC, tradying, arbitrage with koreans over LTC.

"Fuck work, I'm free"

>> No.11312791

interesting thread to be honest guys

>> No.11312811
File: 106 KB, 1920x1080, me365631-tired-businessman-using-laptop-office-hd-a0159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely pass and get a degree at a uni
>gpa is fucked so 0 chance of grad school, not that I'd ever want to go back
>industry I work in is used to paying people like me low as shit
>shitty lab job where I can't stand the management and some of my lab mates
>shit ton of company drama and politics
>drive for 2 hours a day for commute

It's all just so tiring. Only reason I'm not money fucked is cause I live at home with my parents.

>> No.11312815

As long as your in a trade school for a decent trade like hvac or plumbing you can still make it anon.

>> No.11312830

what degree

>> No.11312886

A stupid under paying degree that is a mix of biology, chemistry, and microbiology. The degree is too spread out so I lose to people who majored in one subject. Thus I can't go into anything lucrative like pharma. I was a stupid highschool kid who couldn't be decisive enough to choose one thing and I just kind of went with the flow. Also made the mistake of getting addicted to csgo during college. I overall enjoyed the lectures and labs though

>> No.11312902

Coworking spaces cost money. You can't just be there for free. I paid about $400 a month a few years ago. But sure, if you fork out the money, have great social skills, you might find work there.

>> No.11312915

2700€ a month here, still feel shit. I'm always going to be the middle class wage slave. never rich. probably never poor.

>> No.11312938

I’m in my 30s in IT helpdesk work. Going to be laid off in a few months. Too ashamed to share what I do for a living at family gatherings. Started crypto in Aug 2017 and down more than 20k of initial investment.

>> No.11312971

Put your fucking pay check into chainlink you stupid fuck, stop buying shit. Their is so reason why you couldn't haven't been throwing $100 a week or every second week. You have no responsibility, you have no children to feed, no mortgage to pay, nothing like this. You should be putting everything you can and staying at home doing nothing but shit posting on biz and buying more crypto. Fucking do it now

>> No.11312985

Do you keep adding more money to your crypto portfolio in hopes that it will rebound or have you given up on it? Resulting in you just leaving as is and accepted whatever result happens? I played around with stocks and robinhood and lost a bit more than I would have liked, but now I have accepted the loss and won;'t put more in.

>> No.11312987

It would be helpful to state your country. The cost of living can be very different even within Europe.

>> No.11313167

Germany. The 2700€ are net, my gross income is 4000€.

As I said not bad, not great either. In the end I am going to be stuck in a wage slave life forever. Until I end it.

>> No.11313187

>24 years old
>no friends
>no gf ever, KHV
At least my family loves me

>> No.11313220

This is actually really good money. Well above average in NET terms.

I'm in Germany as well and soon be working for 3800 EUR (2300 EUR net).

Are you married?

>> No.11313238

I started doing it because having something to stick my extra money in gave me an incentive to go to work more often since I don't have a whole lot of expenses. Putting in the work and then missing the boat on jumping to real employment makes it seem like it's not worth bothering to do much else.

>> No.11313252

what job do you do?

>> No.11313259

>This is actually really good money.
yeah it's not bad. but we're not on /biz/ for good wages are we. I want to get rich but crypto ain't gonna do it. fucking making me depressed.

the banking jew is shilling ETFs like crazy but I am pretty sure we're close to a crash.

>Are you married?
yeah steuerklasse 3 ftw.

>> No.11313264

whats your job also

>> No.11313357

I stopped putting more money after Canadian banks started to prevent us from depositing into Quadrigacx exchange around Feb. in hindsight the banks saved me.

>> No.11313364
File: 22 KB, 188x360, 1537748869334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he probably meant 25k, jesus give someone a break every once in a while. You're so perfect right, that's why you're posting on 4chan.

>> No.11313418

Why don't you get a better job, op? Lots you can do for more than min wage with no education. I work 6 months a year and make 50-60k depending on the year. No education required.

>> No.11313429

would you mind telling me what you do for work?

>> No.11313432

lol actually I am in a very similar situation bro... Could you share your spam e-mail? I don't really have anyone to talk to who does what I do... would be really cool to exchange ideas. Thanks.

>> No.11313447

No I literally only have 25 link I bought like 3 ETH at a buy in of 750 and have like 233 ICX at an avg price of 2.50 I think it’s over for me lads. Link seems like a giant meme anyways

>> No.11313473

just got fired idgaf. Have enough to buy out my lease and then move in with parents. I've got 30K locked up in CDs and retirement investments. Can someone here teach me the way of NEETing? I no longer remember after reaching 30yoboomer status.

>> No.11313511

I work as a forest firefighter April - October but it ranges depending on the fire season. The rest I go on unemployment. Make 23 bucks an hour and can get a shit tonne of over time in the summer at 1.5x and 2x with a lot of my living paid for while I work.

All you need to do is pass a fitness test pretty much, at least in Canada.

>> No.11313519

I'm a web developer. It's not great money but also not too bad. I should be able to save 1100 EUR each month.

>> No.11313529


Dude, this whole board was taken over the LARPers a few years ago. /biz/ has never been good, but it wasn't always dominated by LARPing shitcoiners either. Just KEK along with the best of them.

>> No.11313536

>this work ethic
>this mindset
never ever going to make it. admit yourself to the state and become a welfare parasite already.

>> No.11313541


>> No.11313542

That's pretty much gambling.


Also invest in ETF's like VOO, and QQQQ.

>> No.11313553

why would you buy 27 dollars worth of a coin? Especially a coin like CHAINLINK which will never be worth more than 7 dollars max, in it's entire history?

>> No.11313572
File: 47 KB, 394x600, Melankomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that's a pretty sweet deal, guarantee I can't find a similar type of employment here, but I'm going to look into it anyway. Thanks man.

>> No.11313582

this is true. don't let others define you define yourself. people are always looking and judging and whatever but you gotta think of that gif with shades and deal with it. it never gets any easier but over time you just naturally get better.

>> No.11313625

I've read this exact post several times on here I swear

>> No.11313693

Are you in the US? Because in Canada if you legit wanted to it's pretty easy. They have staff housing and provisions for everyone. People travel from all over the country to do it as a summer job while in college or whatever. It's pretty fun if you like going /out/ and it keeps you in shape. Something to think about anyway, anon.

>> No.11314084

>Activate technological unemployment.

>> No.11314537

yeah i'm in the US, I wish I could fucking leave, this is no place for a young white man. I wanna go to Africa with capital in tact via crypto, and take raw minerals (by force if need be). They don't want me here, and I don't want to be here, besides the browns colonize our benefits system, why can't I civilize their hellhole societies?
I want the dumb bitches, and faggots, and greedy old fucks who insist immigration to have to live with it while I go start from scratch.

>> No.11314563

Also the Catholics have completely taken over, and they like to horse trade in large urban centers, while I have the temperament to spread out, and create decentralized wealth, like the north western, European, Protestants of old did. I need to get away from this soon to be shit hole.

>> No.11314592
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1536596228708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw oilfield labourer
>tfw I get a 14 day weekend every 14 days of work
>tfw the work is ez pz
see you later virgins!

>> No.11315102


Mental illness is the essence of being a woman.

>> No.11315157

>juden peterstein

>> No.11315778

Ive seen videos of rigging and it looks fuckin scary

>> No.11315834

LINK is your last hope

>> No.11316342

DAG will 50x

>> No.11316526

Lots of failed normalfags crying about imaginary bullshit in this thread. Fuck most of you—you deserve it.

>> No.11316542

I didn't realise that crypto was filling the same role as lotteries - a poor tax for idiots who think it's their ticket out of destitution.

>> No.11316594

Should have studied harder in school, retard. Literally the easiest system to make it in if you put in the effort.

>> No.11316610
File: 243 KB, 1200x1200, damnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 21 right now and I got kicked out of uni last year. Nothing that I did, it was my parents fault. Turns out they had been filing taxes as single instead of married and the uni picked me for verification (send in a bunch of documents). Then my parents made me do the 1040x amended returns but the IRS never got back me despite me contacting them throughout the year. Then I had to mark that I wasn't going to attend and I talked to my academic advisor why and she said she would help me get a year off to help me, but that never did anything. Instead I lost all my scholarships for not attending and the uni made me pay them back (30K, I'm on a payment plan). If that wasn't bad enough I would have to re-apply when the tax stuff gets fixed and now I also have to pay my student loans (around 20k) and I don't have anything to show for my time at uni. Parents felt bad for a bit but now they don't talk me because I don't really do anything but work and stay in my room. I honestly don't think they care anymore and it pisses me off because they make comments like "Why don't you just go back to school already?" or "You won't be shit without a degree." To make it worse all my savings at the time went to REQ at .70 and ICX at $9.

>> No.11316634

This man gets it. So much whiney bullshit in this thread. It only takes half a brain to get your shit together in the US.